The present investigation was carried out to evaluate
33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment o... more The present investigation was carried out to evaluate 33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment of their salt tolerance at seedling stage. Growth parameters like root length, shoot length and plant biomass were measured after 12 days of exposure to six different levels of saline solution (with electrical conductivity of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 dS m −1). Genotypes showing significant interaction and differential response towards salinity were assessed at molecular level using 11 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, linked with salt tolerance quantitative trait loci. Shoot length, root length and plant biomass at seedling stage decreased with increasing salinity. However, relative salt tolerance in terms of these three parameters varied among genotypes. Out of the 11 SSR markers RM8094, RM336 and RM8046, the most competent descriptors to screen the salt tolerant genotypes with higher polymorphic information content coupled with higher marker index value, significantly distinguished the salt tolerant genotypes. Combining morphological and molecular assessment, four lanraces viz. Gheus, Ghunsi, Kuthiahara and Sholerpona were considered as true salt tolerant genotypes which may contribute in greater way in the development of salt tolerant genotypes in rice.
Capsule formation and asymbiotic seed germination in some hybrids of Phalaenopsis, influenced by pollination season and capsule maturity
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2015
We explored the influence of pollination season and maturity of capsule on post-pollination capsu... more We explored the influence of pollination season and maturity of capsule on post-pollination capsule formation and in vitro asymbiotic seed germination, respectively. Three Phalaenopsis orchid hybrids, namely, 'Athens', 'Moscow' and 'Lusaka' flowers were artificially self-pollinated during winter, spring, summer and fall seasons and the impact of the pollination seasons was evident during capsule formation. It was observed that winter was the most suitable season for pollination of all the three Phalanaeopsis hybrids resulting in 80-88 % capsule formation. During summer, the pollination success rate was 24-28 %, but resulted in successful capsule formation. Season of pollination further delimited the germination efficiency of seeds harvested from capsules of variable maturity levels. Invariably, seeds collected from winter-pollinated capsules performed best in germination compared to other seasons, for instance, 'Moscow' seeds took less than 14 days to germinate from capsules developed following winter-pollination. Regarding the influence of capsule maturity on seed germination, we observed that seeds derived from 5-month mature capsules, invariably took least time to germinate than that of the 3-month or 7-month in all three hybrids, e.g., for 'Moscow' it was 13.9 days with a maximum of 90.3 % germination.
An efficient protocol was developed for sustainable mass multiplication of strawberry (Fragaria ×... more An efficient protocol was developed for sustainable mass multiplication of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch cv. ‘Chandler’) through multiple shoot induction. Shoot buds were most successfully induced from runner tips, when these were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.1 mg l-1 α-naphthalene acetic acid and 1 mg l-1 6-benzylaminopurine. Maximum shoot multiplication and proliferation occurred on MS medium with 2 mg l-1 kinetin. MS basal medium with 0.5 mg l-1 indole-3-acetic acid and 2 g l-1 activated charcoal proved to be the best for root induction and elongation from separated shoots. Autoclaved sand and soil with intermittent water spraying could optimize the primary acclimatization of in vitro generated plantlets. A pot mixture combined with sand, soil and farm yard manure (1: 1: 1 v/v) resulted in the acclimatization of 92% of plantlets. To prove the genetic uniformity of propagules, in vitro generated clones were DNA fingerprinted using selected ISSR primers.
In vitro mass multiplication with genetic clonality in elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.)
A novel protocol was developed for Allium ampeloprasum L. to enhance in vitro cloning through mul... more A novel protocol was developed for Allium ampeloprasum L. to enhance in vitro cloning through multiple shoot induction. First bud induction was recorded from shoot tip within 6 days in MS with 0.25 mgl-1 NAA and 2 mgl-1 Kn. A maximum of 3 buds from a single explant appeared within the 15 days after the first bud induction. MS with 2.5 mgl-1 Kn plus 60 mgl-1 of adenine sulphate proved best for multiple shoot proliferation resulting in 6 shoots per inoculated shoot bud within next 30 days. Maximum 5 roots per shoot were recorded when cultured on MS with 0.5 mgl-1 IAA for 20 days. The combination of soil, sand and vermicompost with intermittent water spraying proved to be the best for hardening of micropropagated plantlets ensuring 90% success in next 25 days. Selected ISSR primers were used to ensure genetic clonality for the in vitro generated propagules.
Gibberellins - a multifaceted hormone in plant growth regulatory network
Current protein & peptide science, Jan 30, 2015
Plants tend to acclimatize to unfavourable environs by integrating growth and development to envi... more Plants tend to acclimatize to unfavourable environs by integrating growth and development to environmentally activated signals. Phytohormones strongly regulate convergent developmental and stress adaptive procedures and synchronize cellular reaction to the exogenous and endogenous conditions within the adaptive signaling networks. Gibberellins (GA), a group of tetracyclic diterpenoids, being vital regulators of plant growth, are accountable for regulating several aspects of growth and development of higher plants. If the element of reproduction is considered as an absolute requisite then for a majority of the higher plants GA signaling is simply indispensable. Latest reports have revealed unique conflicting roles of GA and other phytohormones in amalgamating growth and development in plants through environmental signaling. Numerous physiological researches have detailed substantial crosstalk between GA and other hormones like abscisic acid, auxin, cytokinin, and jasmonic acid. In th...
Storability, post-storage conversion and genetic stability assessment of alginate-encapsulated shoot tips of monopodial orchid hybrid Aranda Wan Chark Kuan 'Blue' × Vanda coerulea Grifft. ex. Lindl
Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2012
ABSTRACT An efficient short-term storage system of synthetic seeds, produced using in vitro shoot... more ABSTRACT An efficient short-term storage system of synthetic seeds, produced using in vitro shoot tips of the monopodial orchid hybrid Aranda Wan Chark Kuan ‘Blue’ × Vanda coerulea Grifft. ex. Lindl. (AV), was developed. In vitro shoot tips (3–4 mm) were successfully encapsulated, resulting in uniform spherical beads (capsules), using 3 % sodium alginate with 75 mM CaCl2·2H2O. Maximum (~100 %) conversion (into plantlets with shoot and root) of capsules (or synthetic seeds) was achieved on quarter-strength Murashige and Skoog regrowth medium, while full-strength MS medium was required for effective conversion of non-encapsulated shoot tips. The capsules showed distinct difference in their response to temperature during storage. The conversion efficiency declined upon storage duration at both 4 and 25 °C, with those stored at 25 °C being more tolerant to storage. Capsules stored at 4 °C had rapid deterioration and faced complete death within 160 days while those stored for 200 days at 25 °C showed relatively high conversion (71.6 %). An inter-simple sequence repeats fingerprinting approach, employed on indiscriminately chosen plantlets from converted capsules (following 4 and 25 °C of storage), ensured the post-storage genetic stability.
An accelerated protocol for large-scale propagation of Dendrocalamus asper, an edible bamboo, has... more An accelerated protocol for large-scale propagation of Dendrocalamus asper, an edible bamboo, has been described. Seven axillary shoots were induced in vitro from each excised tender node (15-20 mm in length) containing single axillary bud when nodal segments were inoculated in semisolid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium fortified with 5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Maximum multiple shoot formation was observed when in vitro generated axillary shoots were transferred to liquid MS medium containing 5 mg/l BAP and 40 mg/l adenine sulphate. A maximum of 93.33 % shoots were effectively rooted when transferred to liquid MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l indole-3-biutyric acid (IBA). A simple acclimatization procedure of 55 days, primarily in cocopeat for 20 days and finally in a blend of sand, soil and farm yard manure (1:1:1 v/v), ensured a very high survival rate within next 35 days. After acclimatization, rooted plantlets were further multiplied by splitting of rhizomes, formed in vivo within 90 days of growth. After 90 and 180 days of acclimatization, plants were successfully transferred to the field and maintained in an unirrigated condition with the initial supplementation of farm yard manure @ 10 kg/pit; where around 85 % survivability with 25 culms per bush attaining an average height of 4.5 m was recorded up to four years.
Storage of encapsulated oil palm polyembryoids: influence of temperature and duration
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2014
ABSTRACT IntroductionEncapsulation technology is an excellent substitute for traditional seed and... more ABSTRACT IntroductionEncapsulation technology is an excellent substitute for traditional seed and micropropagation systems of clonally propagated plants because of the space requirements and high maintenance costs of germplasm repositories. The use of synthetic seeds appears to offer a channel for new plant lines, produced through biotechnological advances, to be delivered directly to the greenhouse or field. The high volume propagation potential of somatic embryos and the low delivery cost of synthetic seeds have opened new opportunities for clonal propagation in several commercially important plant species (Gray et al.1995; Onay et al.1996; Ara et al.1999; Antonietta et al.2007). Moreover, encapsulation technology using alginate coating is considered to be an efficient choice for both propagation and short- to mid-term storage. Interestingly, alginate coating on encapsulated explants acts as a shield for plant tissues, providing protection from physical and environmental injury during storage ...
Micropropagation of an Elite Medicinal Plant: Stevia rebaudiana Bert
International Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011
Int. J. Agrie. Res., 6 (1): 40-48, 2011 pharmacology and pharmacognosy (Anbajhagan et al., 2010).... more Int. J. Agrie. Res., 6 (1): 40-48, 2011 pharmacology and pharmacognosy (Anbajhagan et al., 2010). In Asia, Japan was the first to commercialize the stevioside as a sweetener in medicine industries. Later, the cultivation of stevia has been extended to quite a lot of countries in ...
In vitro direct rhizogenesis from Gerbera jamesonii Bolus leaf
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014
ABSTRACT The present report describes an original protocol for in vitro direct induction of roots... more ABSTRACT The present report describes an original protocol for in vitro direct induction of roots from leaf explants of gerbera for the first time. Since gerbera has immense potential as a premium cut-flower, the major attempts were made on in vitro mass propagation chiefly through in vitro multiple shoot proliferation or callus regeneration. Nevertheless, rhizogenesis could be impending an unattempted method with its yet-to-be known advantages. In our study, the optimum conditions for direct root induction from leaf explants were assessed employing tissue culture technique. Leaves were inoculated to MS medium containing no or variable auxin sources and concentrations namely, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid or α-naphthaleneacetic acid for root induction. It was evident that the maximum root induction (with a frequency of 92.6 %) occurred on MS media fortified with 1.5 mg l−1 IAA, wherein root induction was observed as early as 11 days of culture and an average of ~19 roots with ~13 mm length was obtained from 4 cm2 leaf segment after 45 days of culture. Stereo microscopic observation revealed the induction of roots and gradual developmental stages of rhizogenesis. The efficiency of direct root induction without any interim growth stages (such as, callus or shoots) in our study offers a reproducible system that could provide a model protocol for more comprehensive developmental studies on root growth.
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate
33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment o... more The present investigation was carried out to evaluate 33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment of their salt tolerance at seedling stage. Growth parameters like root length, shoot length and plant biomass were measured after 12 days of exposure to six different levels of saline solution (with electrical conductivity of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 dS m −1). Genotypes showing significant interaction and differential response towards salinity were assessed at molecular level using 11 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, linked with salt tolerance quantitative trait loci. Shoot length, root length and plant biomass at seedling stage decreased with increasing salinity. However, relative salt tolerance in terms of these three parameters varied among genotypes. Out of the 11 SSR markers RM8094, RM336 and RM8046, the most competent descriptors to screen the salt tolerant genotypes with higher polymorphic information content coupled with higher marker index value, significantly distinguished the salt tolerant genotypes. Combining morphological and molecular assessment, four lanraces viz. Gheus, Ghunsi, Kuthiahara and Sholerpona were considered as true salt tolerant genotypes which may contribute in greater way in the development of salt tolerant genotypes in rice.
Capsule formation and asymbiotic seed germination in some hybrids of Phalaenopsis, influenced by pollination season and capsule maturity
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2015
We explored the influence of pollination season and maturity of capsule on post-pollination capsu... more We explored the influence of pollination season and maturity of capsule on post-pollination capsule formation and in vitro asymbiotic seed germination, respectively. Three Phalaenopsis orchid hybrids, namely, 'Athens', 'Moscow' and 'Lusaka' flowers were artificially self-pollinated during winter, spring, summer and fall seasons and the impact of the pollination seasons was evident during capsule formation. It was observed that winter was the most suitable season for pollination of all the three Phalanaeopsis hybrids resulting in 80-88 % capsule formation. During summer, the pollination success rate was 24-28 %, but resulted in successful capsule formation. Season of pollination further delimited the germination efficiency of seeds harvested from capsules of variable maturity levels. Invariably, seeds collected from winter-pollinated capsules performed best in germination compared to other seasons, for instance, 'Moscow' seeds took less than 14 days to germinate from capsules developed following winter-pollination. Regarding the influence of capsule maturity on seed germination, we observed that seeds derived from 5-month mature capsules, invariably took least time to germinate than that of the 3-month or 7-month in all three hybrids, e.g., for 'Moscow' it was 13.9 days with a maximum of 90.3 % germination.
An efficient protocol was developed for sustainable mass multiplication of strawberry (Fragaria ×... more An efficient protocol was developed for sustainable mass multiplication of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch cv. ‘Chandler’) through multiple shoot induction. Shoot buds were most successfully induced from runner tips, when these were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.1 mg l-1 α-naphthalene acetic acid and 1 mg l-1 6-benzylaminopurine. Maximum shoot multiplication and proliferation occurred on MS medium with 2 mg l-1 kinetin. MS basal medium with 0.5 mg l-1 indole-3-acetic acid and 2 g l-1 activated charcoal proved to be the best for root induction and elongation from separated shoots. Autoclaved sand and soil with intermittent water spraying could optimize the primary acclimatization of in vitro generated plantlets. A pot mixture combined with sand, soil and farm yard manure (1: 1: 1 v/v) resulted in the acclimatization of 92% of plantlets. To prove the genetic uniformity of propagules, in vitro generated clones were DNA fingerprinted using selected ISSR primers.
In vitro mass multiplication with genetic clonality in elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.)
A novel protocol was developed for Allium ampeloprasum L. to enhance in vitro cloning through mul... more A novel protocol was developed for Allium ampeloprasum L. to enhance in vitro cloning through multiple shoot induction. First bud induction was recorded from shoot tip within 6 days in MS with 0.25 mgl-1 NAA and 2 mgl-1 Kn. A maximum of 3 buds from a single explant appeared within the 15 days after the first bud induction. MS with 2.5 mgl-1 Kn plus 60 mgl-1 of adenine sulphate proved best for multiple shoot proliferation resulting in 6 shoots per inoculated shoot bud within next 30 days. Maximum 5 roots per shoot were recorded when cultured on MS with 0.5 mgl-1 IAA for 20 days. The combination of soil, sand and vermicompost with intermittent water spraying proved to be the best for hardening of micropropagated plantlets ensuring 90% success in next 25 days. Selected ISSR primers were used to ensure genetic clonality for the in vitro generated propagules.
Gibberellins - a multifaceted hormone in plant growth regulatory network
Current protein & peptide science, Jan 30, 2015
Plants tend to acclimatize to unfavourable environs by integrating growth and development to envi... more Plants tend to acclimatize to unfavourable environs by integrating growth and development to environmentally activated signals. Phytohormones strongly regulate convergent developmental and stress adaptive procedures and synchronize cellular reaction to the exogenous and endogenous conditions within the adaptive signaling networks. Gibberellins (GA), a group of tetracyclic diterpenoids, being vital regulators of plant growth, are accountable for regulating several aspects of growth and development of higher plants. If the element of reproduction is considered as an absolute requisite then for a majority of the higher plants GA signaling is simply indispensable. Latest reports have revealed unique conflicting roles of GA and other phytohormones in amalgamating growth and development in plants through environmental signaling. Numerous physiological researches have detailed substantial crosstalk between GA and other hormones like abscisic acid, auxin, cytokinin, and jasmonic acid. In th...
Storability, post-storage conversion and genetic stability assessment of alginate-encapsulated shoot tips of monopodial orchid hybrid Aranda Wan Chark Kuan 'Blue' × Vanda coerulea Grifft. ex. Lindl
Plant Biotechnology Reports, 2012
ABSTRACT An efficient short-term storage system of synthetic seeds, produced using in vitro shoot... more ABSTRACT An efficient short-term storage system of synthetic seeds, produced using in vitro shoot tips of the monopodial orchid hybrid Aranda Wan Chark Kuan ‘Blue’ × Vanda coerulea Grifft. ex. Lindl. (AV), was developed. In vitro shoot tips (3–4 mm) were successfully encapsulated, resulting in uniform spherical beads (capsules), using 3 % sodium alginate with 75 mM CaCl2·2H2O. Maximum (~100 %) conversion (into plantlets with shoot and root) of capsules (or synthetic seeds) was achieved on quarter-strength Murashige and Skoog regrowth medium, while full-strength MS medium was required for effective conversion of non-encapsulated shoot tips. The capsules showed distinct difference in their response to temperature during storage. The conversion efficiency declined upon storage duration at both 4 and 25 °C, with those stored at 25 °C being more tolerant to storage. Capsules stored at 4 °C had rapid deterioration and faced complete death within 160 days while those stored for 200 days at 25 °C showed relatively high conversion (71.6 %). An inter-simple sequence repeats fingerprinting approach, employed on indiscriminately chosen plantlets from converted capsules (following 4 and 25 °C of storage), ensured the post-storage genetic stability.
An accelerated protocol for large-scale propagation of Dendrocalamus asper, an edible bamboo, has... more An accelerated protocol for large-scale propagation of Dendrocalamus asper, an edible bamboo, has been described. Seven axillary shoots were induced in vitro from each excised tender node (15-20 mm in length) containing single axillary bud when nodal segments were inoculated in semisolid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium fortified with 5 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Maximum multiple shoot formation was observed when in vitro generated axillary shoots were transferred to liquid MS medium containing 5 mg/l BAP and 40 mg/l adenine sulphate. A maximum of 93.33 % shoots were effectively rooted when transferred to liquid MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l indole-3-biutyric acid (IBA). A simple acclimatization procedure of 55 days, primarily in cocopeat for 20 days and finally in a blend of sand, soil and farm yard manure (1:1:1 v/v), ensured a very high survival rate within next 35 days. After acclimatization, rooted plantlets were further multiplied by splitting of rhizomes, formed in vivo within 90 days of growth. After 90 and 180 days of acclimatization, plants were successfully transferred to the field and maintained in an unirrigated condition with the initial supplementation of farm yard manure @ 10 kg/pit; where around 85 % survivability with 25 culms per bush attaining an average height of 4.5 m was recorded up to four years.
Storage of encapsulated oil palm polyembryoids: influence of temperature and duration
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2014
ABSTRACT IntroductionEncapsulation technology is an excellent substitute for traditional seed and... more ABSTRACT IntroductionEncapsulation technology is an excellent substitute for traditional seed and micropropagation systems of clonally propagated plants because of the space requirements and high maintenance costs of germplasm repositories. The use of synthetic seeds appears to offer a channel for new plant lines, produced through biotechnological advances, to be delivered directly to the greenhouse or field. The high volume propagation potential of somatic embryos and the low delivery cost of synthetic seeds have opened new opportunities for clonal propagation in several commercially important plant species (Gray et al.1995; Onay et al.1996; Ara et al.1999; Antonietta et al.2007). Moreover, encapsulation technology using alginate coating is considered to be an efficient choice for both propagation and short- to mid-term storage. Interestingly, alginate coating on encapsulated explants acts as a shield for plant tissues, providing protection from physical and environmental injury during storage ...
Micropropagation of an Elite Medicinal Plant: Stevia rebaudiana Bert
International Journal of Agricultural Research, 2011
Int. J. Agrie. Res., 6 (1): 40-48, 2011 pharmacology and pharmacognosy (Anbajhagan et al., 2010).... more Int. J. Agrie. Res., 6 (1): 40-48, 2011 pharmacology and pharmacognosy (Anbajhagan et al., 2010). In Asia, Japan was the first to commercialize the stevioside as a sweetener in medicine industries. Later, the cultivation of stevia has been extended to quite a lot of countries in ...
In vitro direct rhizogenesis from Gerbera jamesonii Bolus leaf
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014
ABSTRACT The present report describes an original protocol for in vitro direct induction of roots... more ABSTRACT The present report describes an original protocol for in vitro direct induction of roots from leaf explants of gerbera for the first time. Since gerbera has immense potential as a premium cut-flower, the major attempts were made on in vitro mass propagation chiefly through in vitro multiple shoot proliferation or callus regeneration. Nevertheless, rhizogenesis could be impending an unattempted method with its yet-to-be known advantages. In our study, the optimum conditions for direct root induction from leaf explants were assessed employing tissue culture technique. Leaves were inoculated to MS medium containing no or variable auxin sources and concentrations namely, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid or α-naphthaleneacetic acid for root induction. It was evident that the maximum root induction (with a frequency of 92.6 %) occurred on MS media fortified with 1.5 mg l−1 IAA, wherein root induction was observed as early as 11 days of culture and an average of ~19 roots with ~13 mm length was obtained from 4 cm2 leaf segment after 45 days of culture. Stereo microscopic observation revealed the induction of roots and gradual developmental stages of rhizogenesis. The efficiency of direct root induction without any interim growth stages (such as, callus or shoots) in our study offers a reproducible system that could provide a model protocol for more comprehensive developmental studies on root growth.
Papers by Saikat Gantait
33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment of their salt
tolerance at seedling stage. Growth parameters like root
length, shoot length and plant biomass were measured after
12 days of exposure to six different levels of saline solution
(with electrical conductivity of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 dS m −1).
Genotypes showing significant interaction and differential
response towards salinity were assessed at molecular level
using 11 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, linked with
salt tolerance quantitative trait loci. Shoot length, root length
and plant biomass at seedling stage decreased with increasing
salinity. However, relative salt tolerance in terms of these three
parameters varied among genotypes. Out of the 11 SSR
markers RM8094, RM336 and RM8046, the most competent
descriptors to screen the salt tolerant genotypes with higher
polymorphic information content coupled with higher marker
index value, significantly distinguished the salt tolerant genotypes.
Combining morphological and molecular assessment,
four lanraces viz. Gheus, Ghunsi, Kuthiahara and Sholerpona
were considered as true salt tolerant genotypes which may
contribute in greater way in the development of salt tolerant
genotypes in rice.
33 rice landrace genotypes for assessment of their salt
tolerance at seedling stage. Growth parameters like root
length, shoot length and plant biomass were measured after
12 days of exposure to six different levels of saline solution
(with electrical conductivity of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 dS m −1).
Genotypes showing significant interaction and differential
response towards salinity were assessed at molecular level
using 11 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers, linked with
salt tolerance quantitative trait loci. Shoot length, root length
and plant biomass at seedling stage decreased with increasing
salinity. However, relative salt tolerance in terms of these three
parameters varied among genotypes. Out of the 11 SSR
markers RM8094, RM336 and RM8046, the most competent
descriptors to screen the salt tolerant genotypes with higher
polymorphic information content coupled with higher marker
index value, significantly distinguished the salt tolerant genotypes.
Combining morphological and molecular assessment,
four lanraces viz. Gheus, Ghunsi, Kuthiahara and Sholerpona
were considered as true salt tolerant genotypes which may
contribute in greater way in the development of salt tolerant
genotypes in rice.