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Microclimate of green houses is important for better plant growth and greater yield. The dynamic behavior of the greenhouse microclimate is a combination of physical processes involving energy transfer and mass balance. The greenhouse... more
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    • Environmental Science
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      Environmental ScienceHorticultureDrip Irrigation
Drip irrigation is most suitable for row crops (vegetables, soft fruit), tree and vine crops where one or more emitters can be provided for each plant. Generally only high value crops are considered because of the high capital costs of... more
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      Environmental ScienceDrip Irrigation
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    • Business
Fifteen spray Chrysanthemum cultivars were grown under polyhouse and open field condition during winter seasons of 2004-2005 to estimate anthocyanin in flower tepals of the cultivars. The anthocyanin was estimated (mg/100g of tepals) from... more
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    • Horticulture
Key message Variability in traits of 15, diverse 6-yearold candidate plus trees of Jatropha curcas was determined to identify the best gain heritable traits correlating with oil yield for Jatropha improvement. Abstract Study was carried... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyForestry Sciences
The short vase life of Acacia holosericea cut stems needs to be improved before they are marketable as cut foliage for floral arrangement. The effects of citric acid, Cu 2+ and sucrose were investigated for their efficacy in postharvest... more
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      BiologyPostharvest Handling of Cut FlowersHorticultural production
At present dry flower business is fastest growing industry in India. Diverse and exotic blooms were available in nature, which can be converted in handsome value added products using simple drying techniques. Press drying is a method used... more
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Among the various agrotechniques, optimum nutrient management is one of the most important factors, which affect the growth and overall accumulation of active ingredients in the different organs of the plants as the capacity to produce... more
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    • Calendula officinalis
Fifteen cultivars of spray chrysanthemum were evaluated in polyhouse and open-field, with three planting dates from mid-July to mid-August during 2003-05. Overall plant growth, flower stem length, number of flowers per plant, shelf life... more
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      HorticultureHorticultural Sciences
An investigation on in vitro plant regeneration of endangered medicinal plant Rauvolfia serpentina L. was carried out. The newly emerging leaves were used as explants, which were transferred to half strength MS medium along with various... more
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      BiologyRegeneration (Biology)Horticultural SciencesHorticultural Science
The use of green house grown gerbera explants for the production of contamination free in vitro plantlets is a major challenge due to presence of surface hairy growth at the emerging stage of flower bud and leaf. In the present experiment... more
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      HorticultureBiologyExplant Culture
An efficient and improved protocol for in vitro seed germination and seedling development technique of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal have been developed. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 3.0 mg l-1 gibberellic acid (GA3) and 3.0... more
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    • Biology
An investigation was undertaken to study the yield and yield components of spray-type chrysanthemum cv. Amal under variaous sources of nitrogen. The treatments considered different levels (100%, 75%, 50% or 25%) of four sources of... more
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      ChemistryHorticultureHorticultural Sciences
Degradation tests were carried out to determine the luminous intensity influence on textile industry effluent photodegradation. TiO 2 , Nb 2 O 5 , Nb 2 O 5-TiO 2 and Nb 2 O 5 /TiO 2 were used as photocatalysts. FTIR (Fourrier Transform... more
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An experiment was undertaken to develop an improved in vitro regeneration protocol in gerbera. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was supplemented with various growth regulators at different concentrations for callus induction and... more
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      BiologyExplant CultureHorticultural Sciences
Dry flowers beauty and value can be reserved and enjoyed for years. A study was undertaken with an objective to standardize microwave oven drying technology for dehydration of ornamental foliages. It can be concluded that embedding in... more
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    • Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
The seed setting, combining ability and heterobeltiosis analysis was carried out in gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) based on 5 × 5 full diallel mating for different traits utilizing five genotypes, viz. ACC-15, ACC-13, ACC-11,... more
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The regeneration of plants through formation of protocorm and protocorm-like bodies was achieved by in vitro asymbiotic immature seed culture of Calanthe odora. This is the first report on in vitro regeneration of plantlets of Calanthe... more
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    • Plant Tissue Culture