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Using a 40 years old long-term fertility experiment, we studied the fate of different sources of applied P into its nutrition to wheat in calcareous soils in a pearl millet-wheat cropping system during rabi 2009 and 2010. Results showed... more
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Soil Organic carbon (SOC), the food web of micro organisms, influences soil structure and stability by binding soil mineral particles. The SOC stock is comprised of labile or actively cycling pool and stable, resistant/recalcitrant pools... more
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In West Bengal (India), 75 blocks in 9 districts across 38 865 km 2 are reported to be severely affected by groundwater arsenic (As) contamination (Chowdhury et al. 2000), of which 17 administrative blocks of the Nadia district are... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciences
Present investigation has been conducted to assess the efficiency of few selected and simulated options of integrated nutrient management and plant growth regulator in improving okra growth and increasing okra yield (Abelmoschus... more
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    • Horticultural production
The integrated use of chemical and organic fertilizers can help in sustainable and environmentally sound nutrient management of soils. A study was conducted in the farmer’s field of Godaghari, Rajshahi from February to May 2012 to... more
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    • Nutrient Management
Biweekly block level Agromet bulletins were disseminated based on medium range weather forecast with an objective to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of Block level Agro Advisory Services (AAS) and quantify the economic benefits... more
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Biweekly block level Agromet bulletins were disseminated based on medium range weather forecast with an objective to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of Block level Agro Advisory Services (AAS) and quantify the economic benefits... more
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Climate is one of the single most important factors affecting ecosystems and water resources (Mazumder and Molders, 2009). Both climate change and climate variability can lead to severe impacts on rainfed farming system through reducing... more
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Mesh covered pan evaporation at Bhagalpur was correlated with potential evapotranspiration (PET) computed by using empirical methods of FAO-Penmann Monteith (1998), Thornthwaite (1948), Papadakis (1965), Jensen and Haise (1963) and... more
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      MathematicsPharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPan evaporation
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      GeographyFlood Myth
Climate is one of the single most important factors affecting ecosystems and water resources (Mazumder and Molders, 2009). Both climate change and climate variability can lead to severe impacts on rainfed farming system through reducing... more
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    • Environmental Science
Simulating the yield attributes of Boro rice under nitrogen and irrigation management March 2018
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomy
Enhancing crop water productivity by genetic improvements or agronomic manipulations and reducing evapotranspiration losses from soil and plant surface is the need of the hour. Selection and breeding of traits which lead to increase in... more
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      Environmental ScienceAgronomy
Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.), the source of golden fibre is one of the major crops grown in eastern India, especially in the state of West Bengal. A field experiment was conducted at the University farm, Coochbehar (26 o 19´N, 89 o 23´E... more
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    • Agriculture and Food Studies
Labile fractions of soil organic C (SOC) can respond rapidly to changes in C supply and are considered to be important indicators of soil quality. An attempt is made in this paper to investigate into the dynamics of total organic C (C tot... more
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      Nutrient ManagementOrganic CFarmyard Manure
Understanding the processes of soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation or depletion under different management strategies is vital for maintaining soil health and curbing global warming. Using a 36-year-old fertility experiment under... more
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A field study (1999-2000 to 2001-2002) was carried out to optimize the irrigation frequency and suitable water application methods for cauliflower with a view to increase curd yield (CY) and water use efficiency (WUE). Check Basin (CB),... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater EngineeringAgricultural Water Management
A comparison was made between a long-term rice–wheat cultivation with fertilizer nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) or added organics [farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), green manure (GM)] and a permanent fallow on bulk density... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciencesSoil retention waterSoil Physical Properties