5. March 2025
As part of the project, we follow four young people who travel to Athens together with Bjørn Nilsen.
And what does Athens have to do with it? Paul came to Athens around the year 50. He encountered a city full of idols. He also met philosophers who tried to cultivate the good in people. Paul not only wanted them to get to know the true God, but also to turn to Him, as he himself had experienced.
Paul gave a speech to these people and it is, among other things, this speech from Acts 17 that the young people will examine more closely in the project. Here you can see some clips from the kickoff during the youth meeting in the local church Drammen Sande, where enthusiastic young people embarked on the Bible study to get to know Jesus better.
Facts about the project
- Consists of educational packages for local youth groups
- Film, message excerpts, extra material, and quizzes
- Daily podcast episodes
- Includes a global competition between boys and girls for the most engagement
- Produced by BCC Media