Peer-Reviewed Articles by Francesca Minonne
This article analyses Italian author Laura Pariani’s novel Dio non ama i bambini (2007), which dr... more This article analyses Italian author Laura Pariani’s novel Dio non ama i bambini (2007), which draws attention to the ethnic diversity present in Argentina at the turn of the twentieth century. By re- ethnicizing Italians and other immigrants, Pariani complicates the dominant narrative of easy and rapid Italian assimilation into Argentine culture, while also highlighting the instability of national identity and the influence of Italians in defining the borders of Argentine identity. This book is one example of a growing interest (in both countries) in examining past migrations from perspectives that emphasize heterogeneity and difference. Article available online at:

In this article I analyze author Syria Poletti’s novel, Gente conmigo, as an early example of the... more In this article I analyze author Syria Poletti’s novel, Gente conmigo, as an early example of the role of translation, and more broadly language, in migration. Drawing from philosopher of language John L. Austin’s lectures, I focus on the performative translations the protagonist, Nora, completes in order to help her clients assimilate into Argentine society. I maintain that Nora consistently prioritizes cultural over linguistic translation, breaking the conventions of the latter in order to facilitate the former. I engage with the field of ethics in translation and sociologist Erving Goffman’s work on social interactions as performance as I examine Nora’s interactions with four clients who request translations from her, as well as her own experiences as an immigrant. These interactions highlight identity as performative, and her translations are likewise performative, helping her clients immigrate to Argentina and adopt an Argentine identity. Poletti’s interrogations into the relationship between language and sense of belonging for immigrants would only be taken up again in Argentina and Italy decades later. Article available online at:
Book Reviews by Francesca Minonne
Quaderni d'italianistica, 2016
so-called exile in his writings illustrates clearly the otherness in and of displacement.
Conference Presentations by Francesca Minonne
Educational Development Experience by Francesca Minonne
This workshop offered an overview of tools and strategies that support digital media pedagogies. ... more This workshop offered an overview of tools and strategies that support digital media pedagogies. We discussed a range of accessible digital media materials and the advantages of using digital media in the classroom. We also reviewed some basic methods of integrating digital media into teaching, and some important issues to be aware of when doing so. The goals for the workshop was helping participants achieve a solid grasp of what teaching with technology is, and a better understanding of available university resources, including the GTC+ program.
Papers by Francesca Minonne
Peer-Reviewed Articles by Francesca Minonne
Book Reviews by Francesca Minonne
Conference Presentations by Francesca Minonne
Educational Development Experience by Francesca Minonne
Papers by Francesca Minonne