... when trying to lose weight and/or fat.
Water! Drink a lot of water. "The amount of water you drink plays a key role in healthy weight loss as well as water retention in the body. All living things require a lot of water to maintain normal life processes, and also must maintain its water supply near normal, or death will occur. If the body loses more than 20% of its normal water content, a painful death will occur.
Water is the basis of all the bodily fluids including digestive juices, blood, urine, lymph and perspiration, digestion, circulation and lubrication. Water is also an essential transport mechanism for several nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and even carbohydrates. It serves an important role in all cellular activity. A diet deficient in water results in thirst, and dehydration."
~Women FitnessCalories Count"Losing weight will always require a calorie restriction but how much do we restrict calories in the diet?
When trying to lose weight many dieters tend to restrict calorie consumption too much too soon, sometimes with a belief that a sudden calorie restriction will shock the body into burning fat quicker. The body does adapt to any calorie restriction quickly however, it does not force increased fat burning, greater fat burning is the result of higher fitness levels or an increased metabolism. Restricting calories too much will only result in a lowered metabolism as the body burns protein from lean muscle.
When dieters restrict calories too much it also develops a stronger appetite. Many believe this is because they are eating less however, it may be caused by a slight deficiency in essential nutrients. The appetite may be driving the individual to seek more food in order to gain the required nutrition.
With these possible factors in mind it is essential that calorie restriction is a gradual process developed over many months and not something done within a week or two. A true calorie restriction is also more effective when nutritionally dense foods are eaten in small, frequent meals. A diet void of nutrient dense foods may only cause further cravings and a greater appetite!
Restricting calories by eating healthy, low energy meals regularly is the best way to lose weight permanently. Introducing healthier varieties into the diet gradually ensures lower calorie consumption with the benefit of providing the body with enough essential nutrition to maintain an effective fat-burning energy system.
Studies show that many dieters restrict calories as low as 1000 per day. This is way too low and often reached by cutting out complete meals rather than developing a healthy eating calorie restriction. Calories should always be restricted slowly and never go below an average of 1200 per day for women and 1500 for men. A calorie restriction of less than 1000 increases the chance of nutrient deficiency causing further potential health problems, it also may cause a lack of vitality which is an essential requirement if exercise is part of the weight loss program."
~ WeightLossForAll.comWeight training is a must for long term fat loss"One of the stupidest pieces of advice I've heard is that overweight people shouldn't weight train because it will build muscle that will push the fat out more. It's very hard to build that kind of muscle mass in a short time, or ever. In fact overweight folks are perfect candidates for weight training.
Any loss of bodyweight involves a loss of both fat and muscle. The key is to maximize the fat loss and minimize the muscle loss. You do this through both your diet and your training. In terms of training, cardio alone doesn't cut it. Extended bouts of cardio are catabolic to muscle, which means they contribute to muscle mass loss. So you might lose some fat, but in the long term, your metabolism is compromised because you've lost muscle too. For long term body recomposition, nothing seems to get results that measure up to weight training combined with other activity (if desired) and sensible nutrition.
Weight training has other benefits besides retention of muscle. It helps keep you motivated as you see strength gains quickly, as most newbies do. Many folks report that strengthening the muscles results in less joint pain and less difficulty in moving around.
This doesn't mean you should run into the gym and start killing yourself. The beauty of weight training is that it can be easily modified to every trainee's needs, and adjusted as the trainee becomes stronger and more familiar with technique. Many overweight beginners are surprised to discover how strong they actually are."
~ Stumptuous.comSpot Reducing is a total MYTH!"That bulge always shows up where we don't want it. On men, usually around the waist. On women, the hips, thighs and buttocks. These areas are the first place we see fat accumulate and the last place we see it disappear. This one you can blame on genetics.
The first place we usually lose fat is on our face (so our mothers can tell us we look too thin). Unfortunately, it is not possible to direct our bodies to burn fat from a particular area.
Take sit-ups for example. It is important to keep your stomach (and back) muscles in shape, and firm abs can even help to hold in your stomach. But to reduce the size of your mid-section, you would do just as well to perform any exercise that you enjoy.
Burn the calories and the fat will come off right where you want it to. It just may come off there last."
~ CaloriesPerHour.comx-posted to my journal