Article by Angga Bagus Bismoko

ABSTRAK Tulisan ini membahas interseksi budaya, termasuk peradaban bangsa-bangsa yang terhubung d... more ABSTRAK Tulisan ini membahas interseksi budaya, termasuk peradaban bangsa-bangsa yang terhubung dengan Samudra Hindia dari perspektif Indonesia. Paparan berfokus pada tiga isu, yakni (1) sejarah pelayaran yang dilihat sebagai proses interaksi yang melibatkan socio-cultural exchange di antara pihak yang terlibat; (2) produk dari interaksi yang difasilitasi oleh aktivitas pelayaran; dan 3) diaspora berbagai bangsa di negara-negara dalam lingkup Samudra Hindia. Makalah ini menunjukkan bahwa berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia sudah ribuan tahun terlibat aktif sebagai host, yakni pihak yang dikunjungi. Juga sebagai tamu (visitor) dari dan ke berbagai negara di tepi Samudra Hindia, baik ke arah timur (India, Afrika, dan Arab) maupun utara (negara-negara ASEAN) dan selatan (Benua Australia). Sebagai hasil dari proses interaksi yang lama dan intensif itu, terjadilah saling adopsi—dengan kontekstualisasi— elemen-elemen kebudayaan, termasuk peradaban di antara bangsa-bangsa itu. Bahasa, agama, struktur sosial, monumen-monumen kuno, seperti candi dan masjid adalah produk dari pertukaran dan adopsi itu. Diaspora berbagai suku bangsa Indonesia di negara-negara tepian Samudra Hindia, juga sebaliknya, diaspora bangsa-bangsa lain di Indonesia, adalah wujud lain dari silang budaya ini. Berbeda dengan saling adopsi elemen-elemen budaya yang terjadi pada masa lalu, diaspora berlangsung sampai sekarang. Hal itu ditunjukkan oleh interaksi antara kelompok-kelompok diaspora itu, baik dengan bangsa-bangsa yang menjadi host-nya, maupun dengan bangsa-bangsa mereka sendiri di tanah asalnya.
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the socio-cultural and civilization intersections among nations connected by the Indian Ocean, from Indonesian perspective. It focuses on three different but connected issues, these are 1) the sailing history which is seen as the process of interaction involving socio-cultural exchange of involved nations; 2) the products of the interactions, and; 3) the diaspora of Indian ocean connected nations. In regard to the first, this paper argues that various ethnic groups in Indonesian had long been involved in the history of Indian Ocean sailing tradition. Indonesians acted both as hosts of the coming of various nations as well as the visitors to various countries as far as Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asian countries to the east and north and Australia to the south. The products of these long lasting and intensive interactions are mutual adoptions of social-cultural elements and even civilization among involved nations. Language, religions, social structure, ancient monuments such as temples, mosques are some examples of the products of the processes. Diaspora of Indonesian ethnic groups in various Indian ocean countries and the diaspora of various nations in Indonesia are other form of these cultural intersections. Unlike the adoptions of socio-cultural elements mentioned earlier that have taken place in the past, the diasporas demonstrate that these interactions and exchanges are not only a history but continues processes until the present time. These are expressed by the interactions of diaspora communities with their host nations as well as their interactions with their countries of origin.
Papers by Angga Bagus Bismoko

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dose-response function dalam mengestimasi besarnya kasus keseha... more Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dose-response function dalam mengestimasi besarnya kasus kesehatan yang terjadi karena adanya polutan PM10, SO2 dan NO2 dari gas buang kendaraan bermotor. Berdasarkan pengukuran yang dilakukan pada kualitas udara ambien oleh BLH Kota Surabaya diperoleh hasil bahwa hanya polutan PM10 yang memiliki rata-rata tingkat konsentrasi melebihi baku mutu udara ambien. Analisis ekonomi dikembangkan dengan mengestimasi besarnya nilai ekonomi berupa biaya eksternalitas dari dampak kesehatan akibat pencemaran udara terkait polutan PM10 di Kota Surabaya tahun 2010 melalui metode valuasi ekonomi. Jumlah kasus kesehatan yang terjadi mencapai 26.183.370 kasus, dengan rincian nilai biaya kesehatan sebesar Rp 155.029.518.951 dan biaya oportunitasnya sebesar Rp 452.936.940.827. Adanya biaya ekternalitas dari dampak kesehatan yang terjadi mengakibatkan adanya biaya sosial yang lebih besar dibandingkan biaya pribadi di masyarakat, sehingga hal tersebut dapat menurunkan ke...

In the last ten years, Vietnam has become an agricultural country to be reckoned with in the inte... more In the last ten years, Vietnam has become an agricultural country to be reckoned with in the international market. However, the competitiveness of Vietnamese agricultural sector is still unstable, especially when compare to the Thailand in the long-run. Moreover, Vietnam has to fight with the implementation of AEC in full at the end of 2015 which implies the increasing levels of competition in Southeast Asia. Understanding the developments of Vietnam’s agriculture in the face of various challenges and opportunities through the implementation of AEC become the major purpose of this research. Qualitative methods used to analyze primary data were collected through indepth interview and several secondary data that has been collected. The results of this research shows that Vietnam face two major obstacles in producing agricultural commodities that safe and have high quality plus the low labor productivity. Nevertheless, the Government of Vietnam conducting several policies in improving ...
Article by Angga Bagus Bismoko
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the socio-cultural and civilization intersections among nations connected by the Indian Ocean, from Indonesian perspective. It focuses on three different but connected issues, these are 1) the sailing history which is seen as the process of interaction involving socio-cultural exchange of involved nations; 2) the products of the interactions, and; 3) the diaspora of Indian ocean connected nations. In regard to the first, this paper argues that various ethnic groups in Indonesian had long been involved in the history of Indian Ocean sailing tradition. Indonesians acted both as hosts of the coming of various nations as well as the visitors to various countries as far as Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asian countries to the east and north and Australia to the south. The products of these long lasting and intensive interactions are mutual adoptions of social-cultural elements and even civilization among involved nations. Language, religions, social structure, ancient monuments such as temples, mosques are some examples of the products of the processes. Diaspora of Indonesian ethnic groups in various Indian ocean countries and the diaspora of various nations in Indonesia are other form of these cultural intersections. Unlike the adoptions of socio-cultural elements mentioned earlier that have taken place in the past, the diasporas demonstrate that these interactions and exchanges are not only a history but continues processes until the present time. These are expressed by the interactions of diaspora communities with their host nations as well as their interactions with their countries of origin.
Papers by Angga Bagus Bismoko
ABSTRACT This paper discusses the socio-cultural and civilization intersections among nations connected by the Indian Ocean, from Indonesian perspective. It focuses on three different but connected issues, these are 1) the sailing history which is seen as the process of interaction involving socio-cultural exchange of involved nations; 2) the products of the interactions, and; 3) the diaspora of Indian ocean connected nations. In regard to the first, this paper argues that various ethnic groups in Indonesian had long been involved in the history of Indian Ocean sailing tradition. Indonesians acted both as hosts of the coming of various nations as well as the visitors to various countries as far as Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asian countries to the east and north and Australia to the south. The products of these long lasting and intensive interactions are mutual adoptions of social-cultural elements and even civilization among involved nations. Language, religions, social structure, ancient monuments such as temples, mosques are some examples of the products of the processes. Diaspora of Indonesian ethnic groups in various Indian ocean countries and the diaspora of various nations in Indonesia are other form of these cultural intersections. Unlike the adoptions of socio-cultural elements mentioned earlier that have taken place in the past, the diasporas demonstrate that these interactions and exchanges are not only a history but continues processes until the present time. These are expressed by the interactions of diaspora communities with their host nations as well as their interactions with their countries of origin.