JELLT (Journal of English Language and Language Teaching), 2019
The research focused on teaching speaking using audio visual media. The objectives of the study a... more The research focused on teaching speaking using audio visual media. The objectives of the study are how to implement audio visual media to improve students' speaking skill and to describe the effectiveness of using audio visual media in the teaching of speaking. This study used a classroom action research design. The researcher and the collaborator worked together in designing the lesson plan, setting the criteria of success, implementing the action, observing the action, and having reflection. The subjects of this study were twenty eight students of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Ngaglik, Sleman in academic year 2017/2018. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedures of the action research i.e. planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The activities of each cycle were Pre-speaking activities, Whilespeaking Activities, and Post-speaking activities. The result of the study showed that the use of audio visual media were able to improve the students' speaking skills. The percentage of the students achieving the score above predetermined minimum passing grade (KKM) had improved from 7.15% (2 of 28 students) in the preliminary study to 64.2% (18 of 28 students) in Cycle 1, and to 96.4% (27 28 students) in Cycle 2. Besides, the mean scores of each aspect of fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, confidence were also increased.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities, 2019
Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. No... more Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. Nowadays, modern transportations and the advancement of information technology ease people to interact. Their interaction through different languages will automatically make a 'dialog' among cultures possible. Besides, translation also plays an important role in the spread of global cultures. As language is a part of human culture, inevitably, there is an exchange of cultures between the languages involved. This paper discusses the enrichment of Indonesian culture though translation from English into Indonesian. In the translation process, cultural words in English as the source language (SL) are transferred into Indonesian as the second language (TL). To illustrate how English words have entered Indonesian vocabulary, some works of translation including letters, novel, and textbook from English into Indonesian were investigated. As a result, it was revealed that English words are incorporated into Indonesian vocabulary through different ways which are classified into four types, namely (1) Pure borrowing (loanword), (2) Naturalized Borrowing, (3) Natural Equivalent, and (5) Created Equivalent. The latter, then, results in similar type called Newly Localized Equivalent. Besides, it is inferred that the influencing factors are the Indonesian goverment's policy and the widening scope if cultural words.
Therefore, the objectives of the article are:(1) to describe the kinds of errors made by the thir... more Therefore, the objectives of the article are:(1) to describe the kinds of errors made by the third semester students of the English Language Education Study Program in writing narrative text and (2) to find out the sources of the errors made by the third semester students of The English Language Education Study Program in writing narrative text. This article is classified into discourse analysis. To analyze the data, the researchers used Dulay et al’s theory namely surface strategy taxonomy, communicative effect taxonomy and Brown’ theory namely interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer. The data were sentences on narrative texs containing errors taken from weekly journal of the third semester students of the English Language Education Study Program of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University in academic year 2015/2016. There were 152 data containing omission, 98 data containing addition, 432 data containing misformation, and 17 data containing misordering. Meanwhile, the sources ...
WACANA AKADEMIKA: Majalah Ilmiah Kependidikan, 2017
Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari p... more Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari para siswa. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai jika guru dapat menciptakan atmosfir di mana siswa sangat termotivasi untuk belajar. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa adalah dengan memberi mereka umpan balik yang berarti mengenai kinerja mereka dalam belajar. Umpan balik bisa berupa umpan balik guru, umpan balik siswa, dan umpan balik dari rekan sejawat. Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas bagaimana menggabungkan umpan balik yang berarti di kelas bahasa. Pada prinsipnya, umpan balik dapat diimplementasikan di kelas manapun, namun dalam tulisan ini penulis mencoba untuk berbagi bagaimana penerapannya di tiga kelas yang biasanya dia tangani. Kelasnya adalah Peer Teaching, sebagai bagian integral dari Magang 2, tata bahasa Inggris, dan Terjemahan. Umpan balik dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai teknik dan kategori sesuai dengan tujuan umpan balik. Dalam praktik ini, diberikan da...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities (ICONARTIES 2019), 2020
Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. No... more Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. Nowadays, modern transportations and the advancement of information technology ease people to interact. Their interaction through different languages will automatically make a 'dialog' among cultures possible. Besides, translation also plays an important role in the spread of global cultures. As language is a part of human culture, inevitably, there is an exchange of cultures between the languages involved. This paper discusses the enrichment of Indonesian culture though translation from English into Indonesian. In the translation process, cultural words in English as the source language (SL) are transferred into Indonesian as the second language (TL). To illustrate how English words have entered Indonesian vocabulary, some works of translation including letters, novel, and textbook from English into Indonesian were investigated. As a result, it was revealed that English words are incorporated into Indonesian vocabulary through different ways which are classified into four types, namely (1) Pure borrowing (loanword), (2) Naturalized Borrowing, (3) Natural Equivalent, and (5) Created Equivalent. The latter, then, results in similar type called Newly Localized Equivalent. Besides, it is inferred that the influencing factors are the Indonesian goverment's policy and the widening scope if cultural words.
The languages used allover theworld have their own grammars consisting ofcertain components, like... more The languages used allover theworld have their own grammars consisting ofcertain components, like items, word order, and prosodic patterns. Based onthe findings ofthetypological research conducted bysome linguists, like Chomsky (1965), Greenberg (1966), andHawkins (1983), it is known that the human languages have certain tendencies. After comparing a number of 30languages, Greenberg made three classifications of language in terms of universal word order, they are; (1) the languages ofVSO type, (2) languages ofSVO type, and (3) languages ofSOVtype. Hefound that thethree types of classification correlate with the languages in other places in the grammar consistently. In addition, he also made 15 formulations of universal word orders,in which threeof themare; (1) Languages with dominantSVO order always have prepositions; (2) on the contrary, the ones with SOY type usually have postpositions; and (3) in the languages with dominant SVO order, the genitive and adjectives follow the noun. This formulation is supported by Hawkins after comparing 336 languages from different families. Based on the above formulation; it is found.that English hasuniqueness in terms of the phrase order. In this language, the order of NP is AN and GN despite having a relatively fixed order, SVO. This studyaimsto discuss the forms ofEnglish NP and to find outthe reason why English has uniqueness in its phrase order based on the formulation made by Greenberg and Hawkins.
Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari p... more Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari para siswa. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai jika guru dapat menciptakan atmosfir di mana siswa sangat termotivasi untuk belajar. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa adalah dengan memberi mereka umpan balik yang berarti mengenai kinerja mereka dalam belajar. Umpan balik bisa berupa umpan balik guru, umpan balik siswa, dan umpan balik dari rekan sejawat. Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas bagaimana menggabungkan umpan balik yang berarti di kelas bahasa. Pada prinsipnya, umpan balik dapat diimplementasikan di kelas manapun, namun dalam tulisan ini penulis mencoba untuk berbagi bagaimana penerapannya di tiga kelas yang biasanya dia tangani. Kelasnya adalah Peer Teaching, sebagai bagian integral dari Magang 2, tata bahasa Inggris, dan Terjemahan. Umpan balik dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai teknik dan kategori sesuai dengan tujuan umpan balik. Dalam praktik ini, diberikan da...
JELLT (Journal of English Language and Language Teaching), 2019
The research focused on teaching speaking using audio visual media. The objectives of the study a... more The research focused on teaching speaking using audio visual media. The objectives of the study are how to implement audio visual media to improve students' speaking skill and to describe the effectiveness of using audio visual media in the teaching of speaking. This study used a classroom action research design. The researcher and the collaborator worked together in designing the lesson plan, setting the criteria of success, implementing the action, observing the action, and having reflection. The subjects of this study were twenty eight students of the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Ngaglik, Sleman in academic year 2017/2018. This study was conducted in two cycles by following the procedures of the action research i.e. planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The activities of each cycle were Pre-speaking activities, Whilespeaking Activities, and Post-speaking activities. The result of the study showed that the use of audio visual media were able to improve the students' speaking skills. The percentage of the students achieving the score above predetermined minimum passing grade (KKM) had improved from 7.15% (2 of 28 students) in the preliminary study to 64.2% (18 of 28 students) in Cycle 1, and to 96.4% (27 28 students) in Cycle 2. Besides, the mean scores of each aspect of fluency, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, confidence were also increased.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities, 2019
Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. No... more Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. Nowadays, modern transportations and the advancement of information technology ease people to interact. Their interaction through different languages will automatically make a 'dialog' among cultures possible. Besides, translation also plays an important role in the spread of global cultures. As language is a part of human culture, inevitably, there is an exchange of cultures between the languages involved. This paper discusses the enrichment of Indonesian culture though translation from English into Indonesian. In the translation process, cultural words in English as the source language (SL) are transferred into Indonesian as the second language (TL). To illustrate how English words have entered Indonesian vocabulary, some works of translation including letters, novel, and textbook from English into Indonesian were investigated. As a result, it was revealed that English words are incorporated into Indonesian vocabulary through different ways which are classified into four types, namely (1) Pure borrowing (loanword), (2) Naturalized Borrowing, (3) Natural Equivalent, and (5) Created Equivalent. The latter, then, results in similar type called Newly Localized Equivalent. Besides, it is inferred that the influencing factors are the Indonesian goverment's policy and the widening scope if cultural words.
Therefore, the objectives of the article are:(1) to describe the kinds of errors made by the thir... more Therefore, the objectives of the article are:(1) to describe the kinds of errors made by the third semester students of the English Language Education Study Program in writing narrative text and (2) to find out the sources of the errors made by the third semester students of The English Language Education Study Program in writing narrative text. This article is classified into discourse analysis. To analyze the data, the researchers used Dulay et al’s theory namely surface strategy taxonomy, communicative effect taxonomy and Brown’ theory namely interlingual transfer and intralingual transfer. The data were sentences on narrative texs containing errors taken from weekly journal of the third semester students of the English Language Education Study Program of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University in academic year 2015/2016. There were 152 data containing omission, 98 data containing addition, 432 data containing misformation, and 17 data containing misordering. Meanwhile, the sources ...
WACANA AKADEMIKA: Majalah Ilmiah Kependidikan, 2017
Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari p... more Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari para siswa. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai jika guru dapat menciptakan atmosfir di mana siswa sangat termotivasi untuk belajar. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa adalah dengan memberi mereka umpan balik yang berarti mengenai kinerja mereka dalam belajar. Umpan balik bisa berupa umpan balik guru, umpan balik siswa, dan umpan balik dari rekan sejawat. Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas bagaimana menggabungkan umpan balik yang berarti di kelas bahasa. Pada prinsipnya, umpan balik dapat diimplementasikan di kelas manapun, namun dalam tulisan ini penulis mencoba untuk berbagi bagaimana penerapannya di tiga kelas yang biasanya dia tangani. Kelasnya adalah Peer Teaching, sebagai bagian integral dari Magang 2, tata bahasa Inggris, dan Terjemahan. Umpan balik dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai teknik dan kategori sesuai dengan tujuan umpan balik. Dalam praktik ini, diberikan da...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interdisciplinary Arts and Humanities (ICONARTIES 2019), 2020
Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. No... more Globalization enables people to be a part of a global community and live with global cultures. Nowadays, modern transportations and the advancement of information technology ease people to interact. Their interaction through different languages will automatically make a 'dialog' among cultures possible. Besides, translation also plays an important role in the spread of global cultures. As language is a part of human culture, inevitably, there is an exchange of cultures between the languages involved. This paper discusses the enrichment of Indonesian culture though translation from English into Indonesian. In the translation process, cultural words in English as the source language (SL) are transferred into Indonesian as the second language (TL). To illustrate how English words have entered Indonesian vocabulary, some works of translation including letters, novel, and textbook from English into Indonesian were investigated. As a result, it was revealed that English words are incorporated into Indonesian vocabulary through different ways which are classified into four types, namely (1) Pure borrowing (loanword), (2) Naturalized Borrowing, (3) Natural Equivalent, and (5) Created Equivalent. The latter, then, results in similar type called Newly Localized Equivalent. Besides, it is inferred that the influencing factors are the Indonesian goverment's policy and the widening scope if cultural words.
The languages used allover theworld have their own grammars consisting ofcertain components, like... more The languages used allover theworld have their own grammars consisting ofcertain components, like items, word order, and prosodic patterns. Based onthe findings ofthetypological research conducted bysome linguists, like Chomsky (1965), Greenberg (1966), andHawkins (1983), it is known that the human languages have certain tendencies. After comparing a number of 30languages, Greenberg made three classifications of language in terms of universal word order, they are; (1) the languages ofVSO type, (2) languages ofSVO type, and (3) languages ofSOVtype. Hefound that thethree types of classification correlate with the languages in other places in the grammar consistently. In addition, he also made 15 formulations of universal word orders,in which threeof themare; (1) Languages with dominantSVO order always have prepositions; (2) on the contrary, the ones with SOY type usually have postpositions; and (3) in the languages with dominant SVO order, the genitive and adjectives follow the noun. This formulation is supported by Hawkins after comparing 336 languages from different families. Based on the above formulation; it is found.that English hasuniqueness in terms of the phrase order. In this language, the order of NP is AN and GN despite having a relatively fixed order, SVO. This studyaimsto discuss the forms ofEnglish NP and to find outthe reason why English has uniqueness in its phrase order based on the formulation made by Greenberg and Hawkins.
Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari p... more Keberhasilan dalam pembelajaran biasanya ditunjukkan dengan prestasi akademik yang optimal dari para siswa. Tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai jika guru dapat menciptakan atmosfir di mana siswa sangat termotivasi untuk belajar. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa adalah dengan memberi mereka umpan balik yang berarti mengenai kinerja mereka dalam belajar. Umpan balik bisa berupa umpan balik guru, umpan balik siswa, dan umpan balik dari rekan sejawat. Makalah ini dimaksudkan untuk membahas bagaimana menggabungkan umpan balik yang berarti di kelas bahasa. Pada prinsipnya, umpan balik dapat diimplementasikan di kelas manapun, namun dalam tulisan ini penulis mencoba untuk berbagi bagaimana penerapannya di tiga kelas yang biasanya dia tangani. Kelasnya adalah Peer Teaching, sebagai bagian integral dari Magang 2, tata bahasa Inggris, dan Terjemahan. Umpan balik dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai teknik dan kategori sesuai dengan tujuan umpan balik. Dalam praktik ini, diberikan da...
Papers by TMA. Kristanto