Books by James Nogalski
Edited Volumes by James Nogalski
Table of contents for a collection of essays on the Book of the Twelve, coedited with Rainer Albe... more Table of contents for a collection of essays on the Book of the Twelve, coedited with Rainer Albertz, and Jakob Wöhrle.
The table of contents for a collection of essays on the Book of the Twelve coedited with Marvin S... more The table of contents for a collection of essays on the Book of the Twelve coedited with Marvin Sweeney.
Articles by James Nogalski
The book of Amos contains four major sections: the oracles against the nations (chapters 1-2); th... more The book of Amos contains four major sections: the oracles against the nations (chapters 1-2); the sayings of Amos (chapters 3-6); the visions of Amos (7:1-9:6); and the hopeful conclusion (9:7-15). Each section exhibits distinguishing characteristics which should be noted when teaching the book.

The MT of Amos 9:11 in its present form contains three incongruous suffixes which seemingly defy ... more The MT of Amos 9:11 in its present form contains three incongruous suffixes which seemingly defy explanation. These three distinct suffixes used in the second half of the verse refer back to the unique phrase " booth of David. " The MT may be literally translated: On that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David; And I will wall up their (feminine plural) breaches (pirṣêhen), And I will raise his (masculine singular) ruins (wahărīsōtāyw), And I will build it (ûb e nîtîhā: feminine singular) as in the days of old. The problem is clear enough. The use of the feminine plural, masculine singular, and feminine singular suffixes cannot be readily explained grammatically as references to the feminine singular construct " booth of David. " The normal solution follows the LXX and reads all three suffixes in the third feminine singular (τὰ πεπτωκότα αὐτῆς; τὰ κατεσκαμμένα αὐτῆς; ἀνοικοδομήσω αὐτὴν). The vast majority of commentators have welcomed the LXX as the means of avoiding the problem, either through their unqualified acceptance or with the hesitant admission that no better suggestion has adequately explained the incongruity. 1 In the light of such unanimity it would appear superfluous to suggest an alternative reading were it not for the fact that scholars have generally proceeded from two incorrect assumptions when treating this text. First, most authors implicitly or explicitly presume that the LXX represents the " more original " reading; 2 and second, they presume that the solution must explain away one or more of the problematic suffixes. There are good reasons for rejecting both these presuppositions.
Published as:
Nogalski, James D. “The Redactional Shaping of Nahum 1 for the Book of the Twelve.... more Published as:
Nogalski, James D. “The Redactional Shaping of Nahum 1 for the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 193–202 in Among the Prophets: Language, Image and Structure in the Prophetic Writings. Edited by Philip R. Davies and David J. A. Clines. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993.
Book Reviews by James Nogalski
Review of: Peter Riede, Ich mache dich zur festen Stadt: Zum Prophetenbild von Jeremia 1,18f und ... more Review of: Peter Riede, Ich mache dich zur festen Stadt: Zum Prophetenbild von Jeremia 1,18f und 15,20 (FB 121; Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2009).
Review Published in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010).
Review of: Person, Raymond F. In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis, Literary Critici... more Review of: Person, Raymond F. In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis, Literary Criticism, and the Book of Jonah. JSOTSup 220. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1996.
Review published in: Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999): 355-357.
Integrated review of:
Harvey, John E. Retelling the Torah: The Deuteronomistic Historian’s Use of... more Integrated review of:
Harvey, John E. Retelling the Torah: The Deuteronomistic Historian’s Use of Tetrateuchal Narratives. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 403. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Grabbe, Lester and Alice Bellis, eds., The Priests in the Prophets: The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets, and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 408. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Roncace, Mark. Jeremiah, Zedekiah, and the Fall of Jerusalem. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 423. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Grabbe, Lester, ed., Good Kings and Bad Kings. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 393. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Published in Perspectives in Religious Studies, 34 (2007), 429-436.
Review of: Hallaschka, Martin. Haggai und Sacharja 1-8: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchun... more Review of: Hallaschka, Martin. Haggai und Sacharja 1-8: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. BZAW 411. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011.
Published in: Biblica 93 (2012): 284-287.
Integrated book review of two books: Mark Boda and Michael Floyd, eds. Tradition in Transition: H... more Integrated book review of two books: Mark Boda and Michael Floyd, eds. Tradition in Transition: Haggai and Zechariah 1–8 in the Trajectory of Hebrew Theology. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 475 (T&T Clark, 2008); and Philip Peter Jenson, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah: A Theological Commentary. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 496 (T&T Clark, 2008).
Published in:
Perspectives in Religious Studies 38 (2011): 109-113.
Review of: Lee, Kyong-Jin. The Authority and Authorization of Torah in the Persian Period. CBET 6... more Review of: Lee, Kyong-Jin. The Authority and Authorization of Torah in the Persian Period. CBET 64. Leuven: Peeters, 2011.
Printed in:
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 134 (2014), 343-345.
Review of: 1. Jason T LeCureux, The Thematic Unity of the Book of the Twelve, HBM 41 (Sheffield: ... more Review of: 1. Jason T LeCureux, The Thematic Unity of the Book of the Twelve, HBM 41 (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2012).
Published in:
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 13 (2013).
Review of: Jeremias, Jörg. Hosea und Amos: Studien zu den Anfängen des Dodekapropheton. FAT 13. T... more Review of: Jeremias, Jörg. Hosea und Amos: Studien zu den Anfängen des Dodekapropheton. FAT 13. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1996.
Published in:
Review & Expositor 94 (1997): 137.
Books by James Nogalski
Edited Volumes by James Nogalski
Articles by James Nogalski
Nogalski, James D. “The Redactional Shaping of Nahum 1 for the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 193–202 in Among the Prophets: Language, Image and Structure in the Prophetic Writings. Edited by Philip R. Davies and David J. A. Clines. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993.
Book Reviews by James Nogalski
Review Published in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010).
Review published in: Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999): 355-357.
Harvey, John E. Retelling the Torah: The Deuteronomistic Historian’s Use of Tetrateuchal Narratives. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 403. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Grabbe, Lester and Alice Bellis, eds., The Priests in the Prophets: The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets, and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 408. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Roncace, Mark. Jeremiah, Zedekiah, and the Fall of Jerusalem. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 423. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Grabbe, Lester, ed., Good Kings and Bad Kings. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 393. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Published in Perspectives in Religious Studies, 34 (2007), 429-436.
Published in: Biblica 93 (2012): 284-287.
Published in:
Perspectives in Religious Studies 38 (2011): 109-113.
Printed in:
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 134 (2014), 343-345.
Published in:
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 13 (2013).
Published in:
Review & Expositor 94 (1997): 137.
Nogalski, James D. “The Redactional Shaping of Nahum 1 for the Book of the Twelve.” Pages 193–202 in Among the Prophets: Language, Image and Structure in the Prophetic Writings. Edited by Philip R. Davies and David J. A. Clines. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993.
Review Published in: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010).
Review published in: Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (1999): 355-357.
Harvey, John E. Retelling the Torah: The Deuteronomistic Historian’s Use of Tetrateuchal Narratives. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 403. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Grabbe, Lester and Alice Bellis, eds., The Priests in the Prophets: The Portrayal of Priests, Prophets, and Other Religious Specialists in the Latter Prophets. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 408. New York: T & T Clark, 2004.
Roncace, Mark. Jeremiah, Zedekiah, and the Fall of Jerusalem. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 423. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Grabbe, Lester, ed., Good Kings and Bad Kings. Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies 393. New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
Published in Perspectives in Religious Studies, 34 (2007), 429-436.
Published in: Biblica 93 (2012): 284-287.
Published in:
Perspectives in Religious Studies 38 (2011): 109-113.
Printed in:
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 134 (2014), 343-345.
Published in:
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 13 (2013).
Published in:
Review & Expositor 94 (1997): 137.
Published in:
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 66 (2004): 125-126.
Published in:
Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005):
Published in:
Review of Biblical Literature October, 2004.
Published in:
Review & Expositor 100 (2003): 715-718.
Published in:
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 59 (1997): 409-410.
Published in:
Review & Expositor 99 (2002): 628-629