Papers by Zeynep Aksoylu Özbek

Crimson Publishers, 2020
The aim of this study is to identify the predictors of edible oil and fat consumption. A question... more The aim of this study is to identify the predictors of edible oil and fat consumption. A questionnaire to evaluate the attitude of consumers toward various edible oils and fats was administered to 300 individuals in Manisa. Twenty six percent of participants reported olive oil is the healthiest edible oil. Most of the participants believed that consumption of oils does not lead to health risk if it is not consumed too much. Margarine was reported as the most cholesterol containing item. Fats were associated with health concerns by majority of participants. Seventy six percent of participants believed that there was a relationship between oil and fat consumption and cardiovascular diseases. The findings of this study suggest that Turkish consumers hold positive attitudes towards edible oils such as olive oil and other vegetable oils. On the other hand, they are aware of the health risks linked to fat consumption.
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 2020

Novel Techniques in Nutrition and Food Science, 2020
The aim of this study is to identify the predictors of edible oil and fat consumption. A question... more The aim of this study is to identify the predictors of edible oil and fat consumption. A questionnaire to evaluate the attitude of consumers toward various edible oils and fats was administered to 300 individuals in Manisa. Twenty six percent of participants reported olive oil is the healthiest edible oil. Most of the participants believed that consumption of oils does not lead to health risk if it is not consumed too much. Margarine was reported as the most cholesterol containing item. Fats were associated with health concerns by majority of participants. Seventy six percent of participants believed that there was a relationship between oil and fat consumption and cardiovascular diseases. The findings of this study suggest that Turkish consumers hold positive attitudes towards edible oils such as olive oil and other vegetable oils. On the other hand, they are aware of the health risks linked to fat consumption.
Novel Techniques in Nutrition and Food Science, 2018
The main goal of this research was to investigate the effects of wall materials on microencapsula... more The main goal of this research was to investigate the effects of wall materials on microencapsulation efficiency of pumpkin seed oil by freeze-drying. Different ratios of maltodextrin (MD), xanthan gum (XG), gum arabic (GA), whey protein concentrate (WPC 80), casein and, lecithin combinations were used as wall materials to encapsulate cold pressed pumpkin seed oil. Microencapsulation efficiency values of microcapsules ranged between 12.36-34.51%. The maximum microencapsulation efficiency was achieved using maltodextrin, gum arabic, whey protein concentrate, and lecithin combination.
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2018

Blueberry, defatted grape seed powder and defatted poppy seeds were incorporated
into biscuits a... more Blueberry, defatted grape seed powder and defatted poppy seeds were incorporated
into biscuits at a level of 5%. Some physicochemical and sensory characteristics
were evaluated during 5 months storage period. Diameter, a* (−a = greenness,
+a = redness) values, ash, fat, crude fiber, Mg and Ca contents increased, while L*
(lightness), b* (−b = blueness, +b = yellowness) values decreased significantly
(P < 0.05). A significant type of fortification agent × storage time interaction
(P < 0.05) existed for all physicochemical parameters analyzed. Defatted poppy
seed was the most effective agent for preventing increased peroxide values,
whereas defatted grape seed powder addition decreased free fatty acid formation
better than blueberry and defatted poppy seeds. All fortification agents increased
the total phenolic content of biscuits. Biscuits having 5% blueberry exhibited a
high percentage of antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation results revealed that
fortificated biscuits cannot be consumed after 5 months.

Effect of Food Processing on Flavanols, Jul 5, 2013
The strong correlation between dietary habits and some chronic diseases have been reported in num... more The strong correlation between dietary habits and some chronic diseases have been reported in numerous studies. In recent years, compounds with functional properties that provide specific health benefits to human have become
popular. Flavanols, a subgroup of phenolic compounds, are generally found in green tea, cocoa, coffee, red grapes
and apples. These monomeric bioactives are known as potent antioxidants. During various food processes these
compounds expose to certain thermal or mechanical treatments and biochemical reactions. All of these applications lead to reversible/irreversible alterations in the structure of flavanols. Mainly the conversions affect appearance and sensorial characteristics of foods. On the other hand, bioavailability of flavanols is also influenced depending on structural changes of monomeric units. In this review, the effect of prominent processing techniques on flavanol contents of several foods is discussed.

Manisa İl Merkezinde Bireylerin Ekmek Çeşitlerini Tüketim Alışkanlıklarının Belirlenmesi, Jan 31, 2014
In the present study, a questionnaire, which consists of 29 questions related to consumer awarene... more In the present study, a questionnaire, which consists of 29 questions related to consumer awareness, consumption, purchasing and preservation habits of bread was conducted on randomly selected 500 individuals living in the city center of Manisa. Relationships between regular bread consumption, education level and income level of individuals were significant (P=0.031, P=0.038). Relationships
between gender, income level and the reason of bread consumption were also significant (P<0.001). Bread consumption in the evening decreased depending on increase of age. Age (P<0.001) and income level (P=0.021) were also effective on bread consumption meals. Women consumed bread types except white bread more than men. Besides, relationship between gender and bread types except white bread consumption amount was also significant (P=0.001). 75% of participants stated that they did not waste bread. In contrast to predictions, education level had no influence on packaged bread consumption (P>0.05). Similarly, age, education level and income level were not significant on branded bread consumption (P>0.05). Additionally, awareness-rising of consumers and consumption of bread types having superior properties in terms of nutrition were considered necessary.

Bisküvinin Fonksiyonel Özellik Taşıyan Ürünlerce Zenginleştirilmesi - Fortification of Biscuit with Ingredients Having Functional Properties, 2012
Biscuit is a cereal product of which consumption and production increase rapidly in last years. O... more Biscuit is a cereal product of which consumption and production increase rapidly in last years. On the purpose of meeting of various taste demands in different geographies, several local products are added to biscuit formulation. On the other hand it is strained away to obtain functional biscuits with scientific researches intended to prevention of today’s common diseases. Due to grow in awareness of healthy nutrition, demand for functional foods and number of researches, which are carried out to meet these demands, are increasing day by day. The biscuits having functional properties and enhanced with dietary fiber, protein and antioxidants take place in the center of these efforts. In this article the results obtained at the end of scientific researches, which are carried out with the aim of improvement of biscuits’ nutritional quality and functional properties by use of various natural and synthetic compounds, was reviewed.
In this research some chemical and functional properties of traditional home-made and commercial ... more In this research some chemical and functional properties of traditional home-made and commercial tarhana samples, which were collected from cities located in Aegean and Marmara regions, were analyzed. Moisture, ash, salt, protein, crude fat, acidity, pH and aw contents of 16 different tarhana samples ranged between 8.16-16.48%, 1.03-8.65% (dm), 0.95-8.46% (dm), 2.26-7.29% (dm), 1.16-5.81% (dm), 5.0-36.1, 3.76-4.57 and 28.4-62.3 respectively. L*, a* and b* values changed between 53.69-88.40, -0.14-23.10 ve 21.74-52.88, total antioxidant capacity 7.63-95.76 % and fenolic matter 0.55 – 4.66 mg GAE/g dry matter.
In this study, the quality characteristics of erişte made from whole wheat flour (100%), rye flou... more In this study, the quality characteristics of erişte made from whole wheat flour (100%), rye flour (50%), corn flour (25%), durum clear flour (50%) and chickpea flour (25%) and the alternative potential use of these flours in combination with wheat flour was examined. It was observed that addition of these flours increased ash and protein content of erişte. In consequence of texture profile analysis, it was observed that the addition of durum clear flour, chickpea flour, whole wheat flour and rye flour provided a decrease in eriste stickiness. As a resulf of sensorial evaluations, it was concluded that durum clear flour, rye flour and corn flour may be used in combination with wheat flour in eriste production.
Bu proje ile toplumun büyük bir kısmı tarafından genellikle ilaç tedavisi ile giderilmeye çalışıl... more Bu proje ile toplumun büyük bir kısmı tarafından genellikle ilaç tedavisi ile giderilmeye çalışılan kansızlık probleminin çözümüne yardımcı olabilecek yeni atıştırmalık gıdaların geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla demir içeriği yüksek olan kırmızı pancarın tatlı çubuk bisküviye ilave edilmesi düşünülmektedir. Buğday ununda bulunan fitik asidin, kırmızı pancardaki demiri bağlayarak vücutta emilimini engellemesini önlemek için fitaz enzim aktivitesi yüksek olan çavdar unu, buğday unu ile (1:1 oranında) karıştırılacaktır. Kırmızı pancarın çekici rengi sayesinde bisküvilerin sahip olacağı pembe rengin de tüketicileri cezbedeceği düşünülmektedir.
Papers by Zeynep Aksoylu Özbek
into biscuits at a level of 5%. Some physicochemical and sensory characteristics
were evaluated during 5 months storage period. Diameter, a* (−a = greenness,
+a = redness) values, ash, fat, crude fiber, Mg and Ca contents increased, while L*
(lightness), b* (−b = blueness, +b = yellowness) values decreased significantly
(P < 0.05). A significant type of fortification agent × storage time interaction
(P < 0.05) existed for all physicochemical parameters analyzed. Defatted poppy
seed was the most effective agent for preventing increased peroxide values,
whereas defatted grape seed powder addition decreased free fatty acid formation
better than blueberry and defatted poppy seeds. All fortification agents increased
the total phenolic content of biscuits. Biscuits having 5% blueberry exhibited a
high percentage of antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation results revealed that
fortificated biscuits cannot be consumed after 5 months.
popular. Flavanols, a subgroup of phenolic compounds, are generally found in green tea, cocoa, coffee, red grapes
and apples. These monomeric bioactives are known as potent antioxidants. During various food processes these
compounds expose to certain thermal or mechanical treatments and biochemical reactions. All of these applications lead to reversible/irreversible alterations in the structure of flavanols. Mainly the conversions affect appearance and sensorial characteristics of foods. On the other hand, bioavailability of flavanols is also influenced depending on structural changes of monomeric units. In this review, the effect of prominent processing techniques on flavanol contents of several foods is discussed.
between gender, income level and the reason of bread consumption were also significant (P<0.001). Bread consumption in the evening decreased depending on increase of age. Age (P<0.001) and income level (P=0.021) were also effective on bread consumption meals. Women consumed bread types except white bread more than men. Besides, relationship between gender and bread types except white bread consumption amount was also significant (P=0.001). 75% of participants stated that they did not waste bread. In contrast to predictions, education level had no influence on packaged bread consumption (P>0.05). Similarly, age, education level and income level were not significant on branded bread consumption (P>0.05). Additionally, awareness-rising of consumers and consumption of bread types having superior properties in terms of nutrition were considered necessary.
into biscuits at a level of 5%. Some physicochemical and sensory characteristics
were evaluated during 5 months storage period. Diameter, a* (−a = greenness,
+a = redness) values, ash, fat, crude fiber, Mg and Ca contents increased, while L*
(lightness), b* (−b = blueness, +b = yellowness) values decreased significantly
(P < 0.05). A significant type of fortification agent × storage time interaction
(P < 0.05) existed for all physicochemical parameters analyzed. Defatted poppy
seed was the most effective agent for preventing increased peroxide values,
whereas defatted grape seed powder addition decreased free fatty acid formation
better than blueberry and defatted poppy seeds. All fortification agents increased
the total phenolic content of biscuits. Biscuits having 5% blueberry exhibited a
high percentage of antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation results revealed that
fortificated biscuits cannot be consumed after 5 months.
popular. Flavanols, a subgroup of phenolic compounds, are generally found in green tea, cocoa, coffee, red grapes
and apples. These monomeric bioactives are known as potent antioxidants. During various food processes these
compounds expose to certain thermal or mechanical treatments and biochemical reactions. All of these applications lead to reversible/irreversible alterations in the structure of flavanols. Mainly the conversions affect appearance and sensorial characteristics of foods. On the other hand, bioavailability of flavanols is also influenced depending on structural changes of monomeric units. In this review, the effect of prominent processing techniques on flavanol contents of several foods is discussed.
between gender, income level and the reason of bread consumption were also significant (P<0.001). Bread consumption in the evening decreased depending on increase of age. Age (P<0.001) and income level (P=0.021) were also effective on bread consumption meals. Women consumed bread types except white bread more than men. Besides, relationship between gender and bread types except white bread consumption amount was also significant (P=0.001). 75% of participants stated that they did not waste bread. In contrast to predictions, education level had no influence on packaged bread consumption (P>0.05). Similarly, age, education level and income level were not significant on branded bread consumption (P>0.05). Additionally, awareness-rising of consumers and consumption of bread types having superior properties in terms of nutrition were considered necessary.