There are 16 posts previously published on March 29th
- 2023
- bavacade work log 3-28-2023 I’ve been pretty busy knocking out my to-do list for the bavacade. I created a long one after returning from the US, and I’ve gotten through most of it, so might be a good time to create a log with … Continue reading
- 2022
- C.H.U.D. Sundays at Reclaim Video Highlight of trip was witnessing C.H.U.D. Sunday tradition @reclaimvideo: all C.H.U.D. all day on the VCR every Sunday. Shane and Connor are the architects whose obsession with C.H.U.D. underscores the magic of crossing intentional spaces like @ReclaimArcade with amazing people. … Continue reading
- 2019
- Reclaim the Robot Well, if nothing else it should be clear by this point that Tim Owens and I do not play around—we are all business! Case in point, two years ago in this article in the Free Lance-Star we noted that at … Continue reading
- 2018
- Migrating WPMS blogs into cPanel Accounts Early this week we had a pretty big migration for a school we work with to move both old school faculty web spaces as well as breaking out individual sites from a WordPress Multsite (WPMS) blog into their own cPanel … Continue reading
- 2016
- The View from Here I’m pretty happy today. It doesn’t hurt that it is a glorious day here in Trento, Italy, and the Spring is slowly creeping back into this mountain detachment. But that’s not the only reason I am feeling good these days, I … Continue reading
- 2014
- Teaching & Technology in the Afterglow at Baruch College I want to share my impressions of Baruch’s 17th Annual Teaching and Technology Conference before the sun sets on my memory and the experience dissipates in the afterglow of what was. I had a total blast doing it. I have deep personal ties and … Continue reading
- 2013
- The Great Wall of bava I’ve got about 10 posts to write on uwmdomains faculty initiative, ds106zone, the bava film festival starting this Tuesday, and much, much more. But the family from Long Island has descended on Fredericksburg, and I am losing ground every moment … Continue reading
- 2012
- You know what, DTLT is pretty sick right now The semester has been flying by, here we are in week 10, two-thirds through and I have to say we here at UMW’s Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies are moving at a pretty amazing clip. It’s as if everything … Continue reading
- 2011
- Tom Woodward on Video in #ds106 Tonight the face-to-face ds106 class, as well as anyone on ds106radio, had the pleasure of hearing Tom Woodward take us on a tour of some fascinating videos that really set the stage for what’s emergent right now in this most … Continue reading
- 2009
- Something to Tide You Over A great zombie short from my favorite episode of George Romero’s brilliant Creepshow (1982), a grossly underrated film. Leslie Nielsen is genius in this one, and his whole AV fascination and the high-tech, camera controlled house was always one of … Continue reading
- An Integrated Domain I have been thinking pretty consistently, but rather quietly about the idea of a domain of one’s own. In fact, I’m starting to read Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own for several reasons, but one of them is for … Continue reading
- One blog…or many? A Closer Look at “American Technology and Culture” Jeff McClurken and I have been working on a project for his History of American Technology and Culture course that I am pretty excited about. I’m digging this one in particular because it highlights some of the unique possibilities of … Continue reading
- Lafayette College Piloting WPMu This tweet from Bryan Alexander,who has been generously tracking the discussions and presentations at the NITLE Instructional Technology Leaders conference, alerted me to an impressive pilot of WordPress Multi-User at Lafayetter College. It’s a fine looking educational publishing paltform, and … Continue reading
- 2008
- Don’t Call it A Blog! Over the last month I was a proud member of two different presentations with the same title, “Don’t call it a Blog, Call it an Educational Publishing Platform.” The whole idea behind these presentations was to highlight the immense possibilities … Continue reading
- 2007
- Grandma-ster Flash Grandma Mashup -you won’t regret it! Via WFMU’s Beware the Blog which, in turn, found it via Monkeys for Helping.
- Unpublished Sylvia Plath poem brought to you by an undergraduate blog at UMW?! Ok, I’m gonna take a different tact from the RIAA’s methods of dealing with college students, rather then threatening suit and certain incrimination -I will celebrate the unbelievably cool work that has been going on here at UMW. Amanda Rutstein … Continue reading
This page uses Alan’s wp-posted-today: WordPress plugin provides shortcode for displaying posts published on current day. Like John Johnston before me, I find it fascinating to see what I posted when over the long tenure of this blog. And again, like John, “it also allows me to do some digital gardening, mending broken images and links as I wander through my past.”