Papers by Asist. Prof. Dr. Erden Miray Yazgan Yalkın

Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi, Jan 20, 2017
Farkli kulturlerin ve bu kulturlere ait dusunce yapilarinin ele alinmasi, birbirleri arasinda ben... more Farkli kulturlerin ve bu kulturlere ait dusunce yapilarinin ele alinmasi, birbirleri arasinda benzerliklerin ve ayrimlarin ortaya konulmasi bakimindan buyuk onem tasimaktadir. Bu bizim “Dunya Dusunce Tarihi”ni bir butun olarak kavrayabilmemize olanak taniyabilir. Elbette bir kimsenin “Dunya Dusunce Tarihi”nin her konusuna ve oznesine, zengin gecmisi ve surekliligi sebebiyle, cok cabalasa bile, butun detaylari ile deginmesi neredeyse olanaksizdir. Ancak sunu hatirda tutmamiz gerekir ki farkli kulturlerin bu turlu ele alinisi yasamlarimiza isik tutucu ve gelecek calismalarimiz icin tesvik edici olabilir. Bu baglamda soz konusu calismanin amaci, kulturel ve siyasi baglamda birbirinden tamamen farkli olan iki medeniyetin dusunce tarihinde onemli rol oynayan iki dusunurunun, Konfucyus ve Platon‟un, egitim anlayislari cercevesinde ele almis olduklari ideal yonetici kavrayislarini ve bu kavrayislarinin altinda yatan sebepleri ana hatlariyla ayrintiya girmeksizin ele almak, aralarindaki benzerlik ve farkliliklara dikkat cekmektir.

Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi, Jun 14, 2022
Ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinde müzik eğitimine atfedilmesi gereken önem hakkında kültürlerarası b... more Ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinde müzik eğitimine atfedilmesi gereken önem hakkında kültürlerarası bir teori inşa etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, ideal toplumun inşasında eğitimin yeri incelenmekte ve bu kapsamda Konfüçyüs'ün müzik eğitimine vermiş olduğu öneme dayalı olarak, Çin gibi büyük bir medeniyetin düşünce yapısının temel taşlarından birisi olan Konfüçyüs öğretisi çerçevesindeki hipotez ve epistemolojiler ele alınmaktadır. Farklı bir dil ve kültüre sahip olan Çin'deki düşünce dünyası her ne kadar bizim kültürümüzle doğrudan ilişkili olmasa da farklı kültürlere ve o kültürlerin düşünce dünyalarına ilişkin yapılacak her çalışma, farklı kültürler arasındaki paralellikler, benzerlikler ve farklılıkları inceleyerek verimli sonuçlar elde edebilmek açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak, Konfüçyüs Okulu, Konfüçyüs'ün öğretisi ve amacı hakkında genel bir bilgi verilmekte; sonra, Konfüçyüs'ün eğitime verdiği önem ile kendi kavrayışı çerçevesinde müzik eğitimi hakkındaki hipotezlerine değinilmekte ve müzik eğitimi Shi-Jing (Şarkılar Kitabı) kapsamında incelenerek Konfüçyüs'ün müziğin ve ritüellerin neden önemli olduğuna dair düşünceleri ele alınmaktadır. Ardından, disiplinlerarası etkileşimler çerçevesinde müziğin bilişsel yeteneklerin gelişmesindeki katalizör rolünü konu edinen örneklemler üzerinden, müzik ile akıl yürütme arasında var olan dolayımlı ilişkiden hareketle müziğin eğitim sistemindeki yeri ile bu bağlamda günümüz eğitim ve öğretim modellerinde müzik eğitimine özellikle önem verilmesinin gerekliliği üzerinde durulmaktadır.
Untested Ideas Research Center, 2015

The Human Sciences and Moral Judgment
Jure Zovko (Zagreb/Zadar)
Abstract:The specific character ... more The Human Sciences and Moral Judgment
Jure Zovko (Zagreb/Zadar)
Abstract:The specific character of the humanities is made manifest in the fact that their object of investigation is not anything abstract or metaphysical, but primarily a manifestation and articulation of the particular social, cultural and historical circumstances in which humanity finds itself at any given moment. The object of study in the humanities is thus that to which we belong: the humanist tradition, which is made evident in a variety of differences and in a pluralism of life forms
and world views. The primarily task of the humaniora in the age of globalisation is promote a pluralism of differences with regard to appartenance to various cultures and forms of life, with the added aim of helping to preserve and develop those cultures and life forms. The intention of this paper is emphasize the relevance of experience of a hermeneutic and phenomenolgical reflection in the examination of the world we live in (Lebenswelt). The concept of world as it is elaborated in hermeneutic philosophy, i.e. as a result of the reduction of the categorial view of the world to the "living world" and the resulting explication of
the historical and cultural context of living beings, gains thereby a strong
culturological aspect. The greatest danger to interpretation in contemporary human and social sciences is hermeneutical and epistemic relativism, for without normative standards of interpretation no interpretation has any advantage over any other and no explanation is possible at all, a condition which is ultimately insupportable to us human beings because of our natural desire and need to know and understand.
The primary intention of the paper is to show that, in order that the "cultural turn";, i.e. the departure from the idea of dominance of a single univeral, Western or European culture, and discovery within the culture and tradition of Europe of original contributions from an ever-wider spectrum of sources, might not be reduced to an apology for abstract and unisono cultural globalism, the living presence of specific cultural heritages needs to be continually renewed through a shared process of interpretation, comparative analysis, critical evaluation – all tasks of the humanities and constituent aspects of the horizon-broadening process of mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity which contribute to the philosophical cultivation of judgment.
The humaniora should not discuss the modern human being as an uprooted individual conceptualizing him as an abstract, isolated, and socially deprived subject in a society without history but they should rather aspire towards improving, within the existing states and social institutions, the level of civility for all who consider themselves heirs to the Enlightenment. The more basic question how to press the moral wine of the welfare state from the immoral grapes of pleonexia is and remains one of the most essential questions of the humaniora.

New Researches New Ideas on Social Sciences , 2017
Practical Philosophy is a new practice area which roots in Ancient Era and still keeps on growing... more Practical Philosophy is a new practice area which roots in Ancient Era and still keeps on growing and improving, which is used to solve theoretical and practical problems about understanding of life. This field was developed in order to bring the activeness of the philosophy back in the leadership of Gerd B. Achenbach in Germany, in 1980s with the reflection that philosophy was overshadowed by academic philosophy losing its practical side and becoming only a theoretical occasion and so it got stuck in a vicious circle. ...
Professional Ethics is one of the important areas of our century in the content of Applied Philosophy. Today, unfortunately, there is one important profession field that is facing with the crisis both in our country and in the world which we shall name as “Tourism”. Since centuries tourism has great importance between countries by considering its efficiency all in cultural, economical, educational, artistical (aesthetical) ways. Our deeply researches show us that these crisis Tourism has, similarly result of some ethical problems which other professional ethics faces with. “Declaration of Global Ethical Principles in Tourism”, within the scope of “Professional Ethics”, as being “Tourism Ethic” makes itself as a subject matter of “Applied Ethic” and so on emergence as one of the main fields of “Applied Philosophy”. Thus Tourism, by the efforts of Tourism Ethic’s on finding theoretical solutions for its practical problems, turns in to application areas of Philosophy.

Arts and Humanities Research: Cultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2015
The basic view in the history of philosophy is that philosophy first emerged and developed in wes... more The basic view in the history of philosophy is that philosophy first emerged and developed in western cultures. The orient, which was not isolated from religious elements, owes its philosophy-related activities to western-oriented efforts. This opinion, although it is generally accepted in the western history of philosophy, it has been criticized by some philosophers from both west and the east throughout history. As such, some of these philosophers claimed that philosophy emerged and developed in the east independent from but simultaneously with the west. Some other philosophers, on the contrary, argued that the origins of the theoretical science introduced by western philosophers lays in the eastern civilizations. Thus, debates occurred on whether western philosophy influenced the west in history of philosophy or the other way round, whether the east engaged in philosophy-related activities independent from and concurrently with the west or not, which are fundamental problems which do not still have an exact answer. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize, as regards the debates displayed on the grounds of the existence of philosophy-related activities, and taking into
consideration the nature and purpose of philosophy, that the east should not only be examined within the framework of the criteria introduced by western philosophy, but also within the scope of its own cultural environment.
Key Words: Philosophy, Philosophical Thought, Ancient Greek, Eastern
Thought, China, India, Culture.

The Second Symmetric Book, 2019
This article will explore Revani/Ravani, an Aegean dessert that embodies a symmetrical harmony in... more This article will explore Revani/Ravani, an Aegean dessert that embodies a symmetrical harmony in its cultural value, preparation, and presentation. Revani/Ravani is an Ottoman Turkish word meaning valuable, desirous, and demanded. It is dessert that is served with great pride to loved ones on any call for celebration such religious holidays and weddings in two
neighboring countries that symmetrically lay across from one another. What makes it unique is that not only is it common to two cultures at the micro level, more importantly, it is also a bridge between the syrup-soaked sweets of the East and the cake and patisserie culture of the West at the macro level. As has already been mentioned, ravani is a symmetrical dessert, in that both the ingredients that go into as well as every slice served are always of equal proportion. In fact, the length, width, and depth of pan that it is baked in, alongside the perfect balance of measurements of its components allow it to rise to just the right height and size, and allow it to be sliced in even squares, and served in even cubes. This scrumptious dessert, when is baked with love and dusted with coconut shavings, is a wondrous gift to the world that represents the unity between the cultures of two nations.

Exploring New Concepts and Issues in Social Sciences Research / Untested Ideas Research Center Pub., 2015
In this work we are aiming to provide an easy and simple introduction to Indian Syllogism in the ... more In this work we are aiming to provide an easy and simple introduction to Indian Syllogism in the light of Jonardon Ganeri. Avayava which was asserted as Indian Syllogism by Henry Colebrook and brought into western logical studies has a very important place in the History of Logic in India. It is also true to see that study named Nyaya-sastra which includes Avayava in itself as a whole demonstration method for true reasoning is a turning point of logical studies in India. In India between the systems of thoughts neither philosophical nor logical studies can be distinguished between each other precisely. Because all of the systems in India maintained their thought effects correspondingly and continued their existence. By considering also this information it seems more important for us to comprehend the main systematical study on logic which also received remarkable concern in west.
Key Words: Indian logic, Indian syllogism, avayava, pratjina, hetu, daharana, upayana, nigamana

Exploring New Concepts and Issues in Social Sciences Research / Untested ideas research center pub., 2015
The studies on Indian Logic since its very old times spreaded into nearly 2000 years including 65... more The studies on Indian Logic since its very old times spreaded into nearly 2000 years including 650 B.C.- 1700 A.D. In this paper we are aiming to present the general structure of the first sytematical study on logic in India named as Nyaya-Sastra by Aksapada Gautama who lived around A.D. 2.cent. Nyaya-Sastra is one of the valuable work that consists two important features which gives it an important place in the History of Indian Logic. In this study instead of entering Nyaya-Sastra and talking about these features directly, we firstly will talk about some aspects that provide logical thinking to emerge and improve in India which are: Emergence And Development Of Philosophical Thinking In India and
Emergence And Development Of Logical Studyings In India. Thus we can have easy enter to Nyaya-Sastra and our future works on Indian Syllogism.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Systematical study, Nyaya-Sastra, Nyaya-Sutra,
avayava, pramena, pramaya, vada, Veda, Philsophical Thinking, Periods,
Aksapada Gautama, Astika, Nastika.

Contemporary ecotheology, climate justice and environmental stewardship in world religions byEcothee volume 6th- Orthodox Academy of Crete Publication, 2021
Mankind, who has always desired to realize and sustain his natural and social existence from past... more Mankind, who has always desired to realize and sustain his natural and social existence from past to present, has a pathetically superior attitude towards the nature of which he is a part. Scientists are constantly giving warnings about the global climate change, which are extremely important in terms of the future of the world and the sustainability of the human existence. These warnings are actually an indicator of the fresh and fruitful sprouts of the seeds of wrath, a genius of productiveness that has already been planted by human beings. Today, specific actions should be taken immediately by mankind as a whole, and by every single human being, as the respect towards the nature is absolutely necessary, before it’s too late. However, neither the 12-year period projected by the United Nations to restrict disasters, nor the decisions made within the frame of the Paris Climate Agreement, nor the European Union’s reports on climate change have been able to prepare the human race, which “is supposed to know that what they plant now they will harvest later”. This condition clearly reveals the difference between theory and practice, which can be characterized as a great dishonor. As a result, the Rising Generation is reacting actively in order to bring the emergency of the situation to the world agenda and face the issue of the protection of the environment, as a major priority for the survival of the humanity.
Keywords: Climate Change, Protection of the Environment, Survival of Humanity

China-US Education, 2015
How we can know? And what we can know? It is possible to make
some descriptions of some concepts.... more How we can know? And what we can know? It is possible to make
some descriptions of some concepts. But anything which is said on and about it can not define it completely. Because every definition can only made by particular subjects from specific point of views. Any definition that are given at the same time in different spaces or at the same time and in the same spaces can not be the one and the same. There are some
conceptions that are possible for us to know and think about. We assert our knowledge about these things by names. But is it possible to obtain the knowledge of "conception" which implies something or anything out of time and space? Any name that implies a conception or definition can only determinate what we are talking which also can help us to imagine. But there are some concepts which are completely undetermined. Which are possible but not imaginable. In this talk we will discuss if it is possible for one to comprehend and imagine "nothingness" which is undetermined as also can be called as Avaktavyam. If so, where would this question bring us?
In this paper, by focusing on this subject, we will follow Jain thinkers who
are the very important figure of the History of Indian Philosophy and Logic. In the first part we will talk about their epistemological sights which have an important role in their logic called Sabtabhanginaya & Syadvada. In the second part we are going to present it’s main figure called Avakyavyam. In the third part we will see two kinds of negation which will help us to comprehend Nothingness as Avaktavyam. In the last part we will mention our unanswered concern of imagination by bringing these two deep concepts together.
Key Words: Nothingness, Avaktavyam, Positive determination, Negative
Determination, Syadvada, Saptabhanginaya, Jain, Logic.

China-US Education, 2015
India, which has a different culture and language, is one of the oldest
civilizations of the worl... more India, which has a different culture and language, is one of the oldest
civilizations of the world history today. And predominant way of thinking in India is closely related with occurring philosophical thinking and logic in India. Today, when we say Indian Philosophy and Indian Logic the first question we think about is, if there is a Western way of philosophical thinking in India and study of logic connected to it. Some say there is not. And some say there is, in some ways. Eventually, this question obviously shows us that the study of different cultures and their ideologies is very important for understanding the interaction between civilizations and to have chance to find the differences, similarities and parallelism between their ways of thinking.
In this study, we will present Indian Logic in a general way by following
Indian systems of thought that are related with logical studyings within relations
between eachother by also considering main aspects of emergence Indian
philosophical thinking. One should keep it on mind that both Indian thought and
Indian logic are very comprehensive subjects. And it is impossible one to give evey
informations and details on that course. The importance of this study for us is the
belief that this study on Indian Logic in general will be an important source for us in
the future in the field of the studies on comparing philosophical thoughts and logic.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Indian Philosophical thinking, Vedas 3 , Pracina Nyaya, Buddhist Logic, Jain Logic, Navya Nyaya.

Humanity, who has always desired to realize and sustain its natural and social existence from
pas... more Humanity, who has always desired to realize and sustain its natural and social existence from
past to present, has a pathetically superior attitude towards the nature of which he is a part.
Scientists are constantly giving warnings about the global climate change, which are
extremely important in terms of the future of the world and the sustainability of the human
existence. These warnings are actually an indicator of the fresh and fruitful sprouts of the
seeds of wrath, a genius of productiveness that has already been planted by human beings.
Today, specific actions should be taken immediately by humankind as a whole, and by every
single human being, as the respect towards the nature is absolutely necessary, before it’s too
late. The role of women on this debate is crucial, as they can change the way of thinking of
everyone, by their reasoning, everyday acts and behavior. The examples of Greta Thunberg,
Dr. Vandana Shiva and many women organizations that are willing to take activist action in
order to point out the emergency of the situation and prepare the human race, which
“supposed to know that what they plant now, they will harvest later”, is extremely important.
Following that example it is clear that the power of women can affect significantly the public
opinion and make people rethink about eco-justice and to reconsider the value of
environmental ethics. Also by considering social consciousness, through the common
awareness, the role of religion, through eco-theology, can be a bridge to connect the people
with the nature, as a major priority for the survival of the humanity. Furthermore, beside the
role of woman and religion, education is a protagonist factor, especially if it is considered
together with motherhood, in terms of bringing to life the next generation, who has every right
to live in a decent and clean environment. As it is stated above, this paper analyzes the climate
change situation, by considering the role of women, the religion and the education, as specific
practical and realistic ways have to be implemented, based on scientific data, because time is
absolutely limited.
Climate Change, Woman Acts, Eco-justice, Eco-theology, Environmental Ethics,vActivism, Public Opinion.

Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi / SAYI:6 / (TR-Dizin: ULAKBİLİM), 2017
Farklı kültürlerin ve bu kültürlere ait düşünce yapılarının ele alınması, birbirleri arasında ben... more Farklı kültürlerin ve bu kültürlere ait düşünce yapılarının ele alınması, birbirleri arasında benzerliklerin ve ayrımların ortaya konulması bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu bizim “Dünya Düşünce Tarihi”ni bir bütün olarak kavrayabilmemize olanak tanıyabilir. Elbette bir kimsenin “Dünya Düşünce Tarihi”nin her konusuna ve öznesine, zengin geçmişi ve sürekliliği sebebiyle, çok çabalasa bile, bütün detayları ile değinmesi neredeyse olanaksızdır. Ancak şunu hatırda tutmamız gerekir ki farklı kültürlerin bu türlü ele alınışı yaşamlarımıza ışık tutucu ve gelecek çalışmalarımız için teşvik edici olabilir. Bu bağlamda söz konusu çalışmanın amacı, kültürel ve siyasi bağlamda birbirinden tamamen farklı olan iki medeniyetin düşünce tarihinde önemli rol oynayan iki düşünürünün, Konfüçyus vePlaton‟un, eğitim anlayışları çerçevesinde ele almış oldukları ideal yöneticikavrayışlarını ve bu kavrayışlarının altında yatan sebepleri ana hatlarıyla ayrıntıyagirmeksizin ele almak, aralarındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklara dikkat çekmektir.
It is always very important to handle different cultures and their ways
of thought for to expose some similarities and differences between eachother. By
exposing this we may have chance to comprehend the “The World History of
Thought” as whole. Ofcourse one may not be able to touch every units and subjects
“The World History of Thought” in Great detail, even if he/she does try, because of
its rich past and continuity. But we should keep this on mind that any studies on
different cultures might bring light to our lives and can be stimulative for our future
studies. In this content, the aim of this study is to handle two important figures of
history of thought who differs from eachother in both cultural and political context
comparatively, namely Confucius and Plato, by implying their understandings of
ideal ruler which they both handle in the frame of their understandings of education through thier doctrins and the very reasons of these understandings of theirs in
general and as whole.

Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi (TR-Dİzin: ULAKBİLİM), 2022
Ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinde müzik eğitimine atfedilmesi gereken önem hakkında kültürlerarası b... more Ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinde müzik eğitimine atfedilmesi gereken önem hakkında kültürlerarası bir teori inşa etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, ideal toplumun inşasında eğitimin yeri incelenmekte ve bu kapsamda Konfüçyüs'ün müzik eğitimine vermiş olduğu öneme dayalı olarak, Çin gibi büyük bir medeniyetin düşünce yapısının temel taşlarından birisi olan Konfüçyüs öğretisi çerçevesindeki hipotez ve epistemolojiler ele alınmaktadır. Farklı bir dil ve kültüre sahip olan Çin'deki düşünce dünyası her ne kadar bizim kültürümüzle doğrudan ilişkili olmasa da farklı kültürlere ve o kültürlerin düşünce dünyalarına ilişkin yapılacak her çalışma, farklı kültürler arasındaki paralellikler, benzerlikler ve farklılıkları inceleyerek verimli sonuçlar elde edebilmek açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak, Konfüçyüs Okulu, Konfüçyüs'ün öğretisi ve amacı hakkında genel bir bilgi verilmekte; sonra, Konfüçyüs'ün eğitime verdiği önem ile kendi kavrayışı çerçevesinde müzik eğitimi hakkındaki hipotezlerine değinilmekte ve müzik eğitimi Shi-Jing (Şarkılar Kitabı) kapsamında incelenerek Konfüçyüs'ün müziğin ve ritüellerin neden önemli olduğuna dair düşünceleri ele alınmaktadır. Ardından, disiplinlerarası etkileşimler çerçevesinde müziğin bilişsel yeteneklerin gelişmesindeki katalizör rolünü konu edinen örneklemler üzerinden, müzik ile akıl yürütme arasında var olan dolayımlı ilişkiden hareketle müziğin eğitim sistemindeki yeri ile bu bağlamda günümüz eğitim ve öğretim modellerinde müzik eğitimine özellikle önem verilmesinin gerekliliği üzerinde durulmaktadır.

Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi
In the current study, which aims to construct an intercultural theory about the importance to be ... more In the current study, which aims to construct an intercultural theory about the importance to be attributed to music education in the system of education of countries, the place of education in the construction of the ideal society is investigated and within this scope, depending on the importance of Confucius given on the music education, hypotheses and epistemologies within the framework of Confucius teaching, which is one of the cornerstones of the thought structure of a great civilization such as China, are discussed. Despite the world of thought in China, having a different language and culture, is not directly related to our culture, every study to be done on different cultures and the world of thought of those cultures is important in terms of obtaining efficient results by examining the analogies, similarities, and differences between different cultures. In the present study, a general information about Confucius School, doctrine and purpose of Confucius is primarily provided; then, the importance given to education by Confucius and his hypotheses about music education within the framework of his own concept are mentioned, and the thoughts of Confucius on the importance of music and rituals are discussed by examining music education within the scope of Shi-Jing (Book of Songs). Subsequently, the place of music in the system of education and the necessity of giving particular importance to music education in today’s education and training models are emphasized by depending on the mediated relationship between music and reasoning, through the examples focusing on the catalyst role of music in the development of cognitive abilities within the framework of interdisciplinary interactions.
Keywords: Chinese Philosophy, Confucius’ Doctrine, Ideal Human, Music and Education, Music

CEUR-WS Proceedings, (SCOPUS), 2017
By considering his (in terms of) Logic-related works, we shall call Arya Nagarjuna as the most im... more By considering his (in terms of) Logic-related works, we shall call Arya Nagarjuna as the most important Buddhist thinker in the Indian Antiquity. The most important parts of his works are the criticisms of thoughts which were presented by Buddhist tradition. Nagarjuna, who develops his ideas from the critical point of view by considering both Buddhist and it’s opposite Nyaya system of thoughts, is accepted as the founder of Madhyamaka which is called either Buddhist and also unique system of thought as its own. This brilliant and famous dialectician in his own period, manifests the most important parts of the fundemental princibles of his doctrine by six of his works. Especially four of six, which are throughly related with his studies on logic, includes these fundemental principles. Theese four main logical works of his are known as Vigraha-vyavartani-karika, Pramana-vihetana/Pramana-vidhvamsana, Upaya-kausalyahrydra-sastra and Mulamadhyamaka-karika (MMK). First three of these wor...
Conference Presentations by Asist. Prof. Dr. Erden Miray Yazgan Yalkın
...As a matter of fact, what we want to do with this study is to fist introduce the Jain system o... more ...As a matter of fact, what we want to do with this study is to fist introduce the Jain system of thought in terms of its general structure in line with its metaphysical understandings that display an ontological, epistemological and logical integrity, and then to show which level of cognition corresponds to moksha, which is the cornerstone of Jain teaching.
Eurasian Conference on Language & Social Sciences Abstract Book_Bildiri Özetleri, 2022
Papers by Asist. Prof. Dr. Erden Miray Yazgan Yalkın
Jure Zovko (Zagreb/Zadar)
Abstract:The specific character of the humanities is made manifest in the fact that their object of investigation is not anything abstract or metaphysical, but primarily a manifestation and articulation of the particular social, cultural and historical circumstances in which humanity finds itself at any given moment. The object of study in the humanities is thus that to which we belong: the humanist tradition, which is made evident in a variety of differences and in a pluralism of life forms
and world views. The primarily task of the humaniora in the age of globalisation is promote a pluralism of differences with regard to appartenance to various cultures and forms of life, with the added aim of helping to preserve and develop those cultures and life forms. The intention of this paper is emphasize the relevance of experience of a hermeneutic and phenomenolgical reflection in the examination of the world we live in (Lebenswelt). The concept of world as it is elaborated in hermeneutic philosophy, i.e. as a result of the reduction of the categorial view of the world to the "living world" and the resulting explication of
the historical and cultural context of living beings, gains thereby a strong
culturological aspect. The greatest danger to interpretation in contemporary human and social sciences is hermeneutical and epistemic relativism, for without normative standards of interpretation no interpretation has any advantage over any other and no explanation is possible at all, a condition which is ultimately insupportable to us human beings because of our natural desire and need to know and understand.
The primary intention of the paper is to show that, in order that the "cultural turn";, i.e. the departure from the idea of dominance of a single univeral, Western or European culture, and discovery within the culture and tradition of Europe of original contributions from an ever-wider spectrum of sources, might not be reduced to an apology for abstract and unisono cultural globalism, the living presence of specific cultural heritages needs to be continually renewed through a shared process of interpretation, comparative analysis, critical evaluation – all tasks of the humanities and constituent aspects of the horizon-broadening process of mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity which contribute to the philosophical cultivation of judgment.
The humaniora should not discuss the modern human being as an uprooted individual conceptualizing him as an abstract, isolated, and socially deprived subject in a society without history but they should rather aspire towards improving, within the existing states and social institutions, the level of civility for all who consider themselves heirs to the Enlightenment. The more basic question how to press the moral wine of the welfare state from the immoral grapes of pleonexia is and remains one of the most essential questions of the humaniora.
Professional Ethics is one of the important areas of our century in the content of Applied Philosophy. Today, unfortunately, there is one important profession field that is facing with the crisis both in our country and in the world which we shall name as “Tourism”. Since centuries tourism has great importance between countries by considering its efficiency all in cultural, economical, educational, artistical (aesthetical) ways. Our deeply researches show us that these crisis Tourism has, similarly result of some ethical problems which other professional ethics faces with. “Declaration of Global Ethical Principles in Tourism”, within the scope of “Professional Ethics”, as being “Tourism Ethic” makes itself as a subject matter of “Applied Ethic” and so on emergence as one of the main fields of “Applied Philosophy”. Thus Tourism, by the efforts of Tourism Ethic’s on finding theoretical solutions for its practical problems, turns in to application areas of Philosophy.
consideration the nature and purpose of philosophy, that the east should not only be examined within the framework of the criteria introduced by western philosophy, but also within the scope of its own cultural environment.
Key Words: Philosophy, Philosophical Thought, Ancient Greek, Eastern
Thought, China, India, Culture.
neighboring countries that symmetrically lay across from one another. What makes it unique is that not only is it common to two cultures at the micro level, more importantly, it is also a bridge between the syrup-soaked sweets of the East and the cake and patisserie culture of the West at the macro level. As has already been mentioned, ravani is a symmetrical dessert, in that both the ingredients that go into as well as every slice served are always of equal proportion. In fact, the length, width, and depth of pan that it is baked in, alongside the perfect balance of measurements of its components allow it to rise to just the right height and size, and allow it to be sliced in even squares, and served in even cubes. This scrumptious dessert, when is baked with love and dusted with coconut shavings, is a wondrous gift to the world that represents the unity between the cultures of two nations.
Key Words: Indian logic, Indian syllogism, avayava, pratjina, hetu, daharana, upayana, nigamana
Emergence And Development Of Logical Studyings In India. Thus we can have easy enter to Nyaya-Sastra and our future works on Indian Syllogism.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Systematical study, Nyaya-Sastra, Nyaya-Sutra,
avayava, pramena, pramaya, vada, Veda, Philsophical Thinking, Periods,
Aksapada Gautama, Astika, Nastika.
Keywords: Climate Change, Protection of the Environment, Survival of Humanity
some descriptions of some concepts. But anything which is said on and about it can not define it completely. Because every definition can only made by particular subjects from specific point of views. Any definition that are given at the same time in different spaces or at the same time and in the same spaces can not be the one and the same. There are some
conceptions that are possible for us to know and think about. We assert our knowledge about these things by names. But is it possible to obtain the knowledge of "conception" which implies something or anything out of time and space? Any name that implies a conception or definition can only determinate what we are talking which also can help us to imagine. But there are some concepts which are completely undetermined. Which are possible but not imaginable. In this talk we will discuss if it is possible for one to comprehend and imagine "nothingness" which is undetermined as also can be called as Avaktavyam. If so, where would this question bring us?
In this paper, by focusing on this subject, we will follow Jain thinkers who
are the very important figure of the History of Indian Philosophy and Logic. In the first part we will talk about their epistemological sights which have an important role in their logic called Sabtabhanginaya & Syadvada. In the second part we are going to present it’s main figure called Avakyavyam. In the third part we will see two kinds of negation which will help us to comprehend Nothingness as Avaktavyam. In the last part we will mention our unanswered concern of imagination by bringing these two deep concepts together.
Key Words: Nothingness, Avaktavyam, Positive determination, Negative
Determination, Syadvada, Saptabhanginaya, Jain, Logic.
civilizations of the world history today. And predominant way of thinking in India is closely related with occurring philosophical thinking and logic in India. Today, when we say Indian Philosophy and Indian Logic the first question we think about is, if there is a Western way of philosophical thinking in India and study of logic connected to it. Some say there is not. And some say there is, in some ways. Eventually, this question obviously shows us that the study of different cultures and their ideologies is very important for understanding the interaction between civilizations and to have chance to find the differences, similarities and parallelism between their ways of thinking.
In this study, we will present Indian Logic in a general way by following
Indian systems of thought that are related with logical studyings within relations
between eachother by also considering main aspects of emergence Indian
philosophical thinking. One should keep it on mind that both Indian thought and
Indian logic are very comprehensive subjects. And it is impossible one to give evey
informations and details on that course. The importance of this study for us is the
belief that this study on Indian Logic in general will be an important source for us in
the future in the field of the studies on comparing philosophical thoughts and logic.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Indian Philosophical thinking, Vedas 3 , Pracina Nyaya, Buddhist Logic, Jain Logic, Navya Nyaya.
past to present, has a pathetically superior attitude towards the nature of which he is a part.
Scientists are constantly giving warnings about the global climate change, which are
extremely important in terms of the future of the world and the sustainability of the human
existence. These warnings are actually an indicator of the fresh and fruitful sprouts of the
seeds of wrath, a genius of productiveness that has already been planted by human beings.
Today, specific actions should be taken immediately by humankind as a whole, and by every
single human being, as the respect towards the nature is absolutely necessary, before it’s too
late. The role of women on this debate is crucial, as they can change the way of thinking of
everyone, by their reasoning, everyday acts and behavior. The examples of Greta Thunberg,
Dr. Vandana Shiva and many women organizations that are willing to take activist action in
order to point out the emergency of the situation and prepare the human race, which
“supposed to know that what they plant now, they will harvest later”, is extremely important.
Following that example it is clear that the power of women can affect significantly the public
opinion and make people rethink about eco-justice and to reconsider the value of
environmental ethics. Also by considering social consciousness, through the common
awareness, the role of religion, through eco-theology, can be a bridge to connect the people
with the nature, as a major priority for the survival of the humanity. Furthermore, beside the
role of woman and religion, education is a protagonist factor, especially if it is considered
together with motherhood, in terms of bringing to life the next generation, who has every right
to live in a decent and clean environment. As it is stated above, this paper analyzes the climate
change situation, by considering the role of women, the religion and the education, as specific
practical and realistic ways have to be implemented, based on scientific data, because time is
absolutely limited.
Climate Change, Woman Acts, Eco-justice, Eco-theology, Environmental Ethics,vActivism, Public Opinion.
It is always very important to handle different cultures and their ways
of thought for to expose some similarities and differences between eachother. By
exposing this we may have chance to comprehend the “The World History of
Thought” as whole. Ofcourse one may not be able to touch every units and subjects
“The World History of Thought” in Great detail, even if he/she does try, because of
its rich past and continuity. But we should keep this on mind that any studies on
different cultures might bring light to our lives and can be stimulative for our future
studies. In this content, the aim of this study is to handle two important figures of
history of thought who differs from eachother in both cultural and political context
comparatively, namely Confucius and Plato, by implying their understandings of
ideal ruler which they both handle in the frame of their understandings of education through thier doctrins and the very reasons of these understandings of theirs in
general and as whole.
Keywords: Chinese Philosophy, Confucius’ Doctrine, Ideal Human, Music and Education, Music
Conference Presentations by Asist. Prof. Dr. Erden Miray Yazgan Yalkın
Jure Zovko (Zagreb/Zadar)
Abstract:The specific character of the humanities is made manifest in the fact that their object of investigation is not anything abstract or metaphysical, but primarily a manifestation and articulation of the particular social, cultural and historical circumstances in which humanity finds itself at any given moment. The object of study in the humanities is thus that to which we belong: the humanist tradition, which is made evident in a variety of differences and in a pluralism of life forms
and world views. The primarily task of the humaniora in the age of globalisation is promote a pluralism of differences with regard to appartenance to various cultures and forms of life, with the added aim of helping to preserve and develop those cultures and life forms. The intention of this paper is emphasize the relevance of experience of a hermeneutic and phenomenolgical reflection in the examination of the world we live in (Lebenswelt). The concept of world as it is elaborated in hermeneutic philosophy, i.e. as a result of the reduction of the categorial view of the world to the "living world" and the resulting explication of
the historical and cultural context of living beings, gains thereby a strong
culturological aspect. The greatest danger to interpretation in contemporary human and social sciences is hermeneutical and epistemic relativism, for without normative standards of interpretation no interpretation has any advantage over any other and no explanation is possible at all, a condition which is ultimately insupportable to us human beings because of our natural desire and need to know and understand.
The primary intention of the paper is to show that, in order that the "cultural turn";, i.e. the departure from the idea of dominance of a single univeral, Western or European culture, and discovery within the culture and tradition of Europe of original contributions from an ever-wider spectrum of sources, might not be reduced to an apology for abstract and unisono cultural globalism, the living presence of specific cultural heritages needs to be continually renewed through a shared process of interpretation, comparative analysis, critical evaluation – all tasks of the humanities and constituent aspects of the horizon-broadening process of mutual understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity which contribute to the philosophical cultivation of judgment.
The humaniora should not discuss the modern human being as an uprooted individual conceptualizing him as an abstract, isolated, and socially deprived subject in a society without history but they should rather aspire towards improving, within the existing states and social institutions, the level of civility for all who consider themselves heirs to the Enlightenment. The more basic question how to press the moral wine of the welfare state from the immoral grapes of pleonexia is and remains one of the most essential questions of the humaniora.
Professional Ethics is one of the important areas of our century in the content of Applied Philosophy. Today, unfortunately, there is one important profession field that is facing with the crisis both in our country and in the world which we shall name as “Tourism”. Since centuries tourism has great importance between countries by considering its efficiency all in cultural, economical, educational, artistical (aesthetical) ways. Our deeply researches show us that these crisis Tourism has, similarly result of some ethical problems which other professional ethics faces with. “Declaration of Global Ethical Principles in Tourism”, within the scope of “Professional Ethics”, as being “Tourism Ethic” makes itself as a subject matter of “Applied Ethic” and so on emergence as one of the main fields of “Applied Philosophy”. Thus Tourism, by the efforts of Tourism Ethic’s on finding theoretical solutions for its practical problems, turns in to application areas of Philosophy.
consideration the nature and purpose of philosophy, that the east should not only be examined within the framework of the criteria introduced by western philosophy, but also within the scope of its own cultural environment.
Key Words: Philosophy, Philosophical Thought, Ancient Greek, Eastern
Thought, China, India, Culture.
neighboring countries that symmetrically lay across from one another. What makes it unique is that not only is it common to two cultures at the micro level, more importantly, it is also a bridge between the syrup-soaked sweets of the East and the cake and patisserie culture of the West at the macro level. As has already been mentioned, ravani is a symmetrical dessert, in that both the ingredients that go into as well as every slice served are always of equal proportion. In fact, the length, width, and depth of pan that it is baked in, alongside the perfect balance of measurements of its components allow it to rise to just the right height and size, and allow it to be sliced in even squares, and served in even cubes. This scrumptious dessert, when is baked with love and dusted with coconut shavings, is a wondrous gift to the world that represents the unity between the cultures of two nations.
Key Words: Indian logic, Indian syllogism, avayava, pratjina, hetu, daharana, upayana, nigamana
Emergence And Development Of Logical Studyings In India. Thus we can have easy enter to Nyaya-Sastra and our future works on Indian Syllogism.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Systematical study, Nyaya-Sastra, Nyaya-Sutra,
avayava, pramena, pramaya, vada, Veda, Philsophical Thinking, Periods,
Aksapada Gautama, Astika, Nastika.
Keywords: Climate Change, Protection of the Environment, Survival of Humanity
some descriptions of some concepts. But anything which is said on and about it can not define it completely. Because every definition can only made by particular subjects from specific point of views. Any definition that are given at the same time in different spaces or at the same time and in the same spaces can not be the one and the same. There are some
conceptions that are possible for us to know and think about. We assert our knowledge about these things by names. But is it possible to obtain the knowledge of "conception" which implies something or anything out of time and space? Any name that implies a conception or definition can only determinate what we are talking which also can help us to imagine. But there are some concepts which are completely undetermined. Which are possible but not imaginable. In this talk we will discuss if it is possible for one to comprehend and imagine "nothingness" which is undetermined as also can be called as Avaktavyam. If so, where would this question bring us?
In this paper, by focusing on this subject, we will follow Jain thinkers who
are the very important figure of the History of Indian Philosophy and Logic. In the first part we will talk about their epistemological sights which have an important role in their logic called Sabtabhanginaya & Syadvada. In the second part we are going to present it’s main figure called Avakyavyam. In the third part we will see two kinds of negation which will help us to comprehend Nothingness as Avaktavyam. In the last part we will mention our unanswered concern of imagination by bringing these two deep concepts together.
Key Words: Nothingness, Avaktavyam, Positive determination, Negative
Determination, Syadvada, Saptabhanginaya, Jain, Logic.
civilizations of the world history today. And predominant way of thinking in India is closely related with occurring philosophical thinking and logic in India. Today, when we say Indian Philosophy and Indian Logic the first question we think about is, if there is a Western way of philosophical thinking in India and study of logic connected to it. Some say there is not. And some say there is, in some ways. Eventually, this question obviously shows us that the study of different cultures and their ideologies is very important for understanding the interaction between civilizations and to have chance to find the differences, similarities and parallelism between their ways of thinking.
In this study, we will present Indian Logic in a general way by following
Indian systems of thought that are related with logical studyings within relations
between eachother by also considering main aspects of emergence Indian
philosophical thinking. One should keep it on mind that both Indian thought and
Indian logic are very comprehensive subjects. And it is impossible one to give evey
informations and details on that course. The importance of this study for us is the
belief that this study on Indian Logic in general will be an important source for us in
the future in the field of the studies on comparing philosophical thoughts and logic.
Key Words: Indian Logic, Indian Philosophical thinking, Vedas 3 , Pracina Nyaya, Buddhist Logic, Jain Logic, Navya Nyaya.
past to present, has a pathetically superior attitude towards the nature of which he is a part.
Scientists are constantly giving warnings about the global climate change, which are
extremely important in terms of the future of the world and the sustainability of the human
existence. These warnings are actually an indicator of the fresh and fruitful sprouts of the
seeds of wrath, a genius of productiveness that has already been planted by human beings.
Today, specific actions should be taken immediately by humankind as a whole, and by every
single human being, as the respect towards the nature is absolutely necessary, before it’s too
late. The role of women on this debate is crucial, as they can change the way of thinking of
everyone, by their reasoning, everyday acts and behavior. The examples of Greta Thunberg,
Dr. Vandana Shiva and many women organizations that are willing to take activist action in
order to point out the emergency of the situation and prepare the human race, which
“supposed to know that what they plant now, they will harvest later”, is extremely important.
Following that example it is clear that the power of women can affect significantly the public
opinion and make people rethink about eco-justice and to reconsider the value of
environmental ethics. Also by considering social consciousness, through the common
awareness, the role of religion, through eco-theology, can be a bridge to connect the people
with the nature, as a major priority for the survival of the humanity. Furthermore, beside the
role of woman and religion, education is a protagonist factor, especially if it is considered
together with motherhood, in terms of bringing to life the next generation, who has every right
to live in a decent and clean environment. As it is stated above, this paper analyzes the climate
change situation, by considering the role of women, the religion and the education, as specific
practical and realistic ways have to be implemented, based on scientific data, because time is
absolutely limited.
Climate Change, Woman Acts, Eco-justice, Eco-theology, Environmental Ethics,vActivism, Public Opinion.
It is always very important to handle different cultures and their ways
of thought for to expose some similarities and differences between eachother. By
exposing this we may have chance to comprehend the “The World History of
Thought” as whole. Ofcourse one may not be able to touch every units and subjects
“The World History of Thought” in Great detail, even if he/she does try, because of
its rich past and continuity. But we should keep this on mind that any studies on
different cultures might bring light to our lives and can be stimulative for our future
studies. In this content, the aim of this study is to handle two important figures of
history of thought who differs from eachother in both cultural and political context
comparatively, namely Confucius and Plato, by implying their understandings of
ideal ruler which they both handle in the frame of their understandings of education through thier doctrins and the very reasons of these understandings of theirs in
general and as whole.
Keywords: Chinese Philosophy, Confucius’ Doctrine, Ideal Human, Music and Education, Music
are actually an indicator of the fresh and fruitful sprouts of the seeds of wrath, a genius of productiveness that has already been planted by humans. The role of women on this debate is crucial, as they can change the way of thinking of everyone, by their reasoning, everyday acts and behavior. The examples of Greta Thunberg and Dr. Vandana Shiva who are taking activist action in order to point out the emergency of the situation are characteristic. The power of women can affect significantly the public opinion regarding the issues of eco-justice and environmental ethics. Also, by considering social consciousness, the role of religion, through eco-theology, can be a bridge to connect the people with the nature.
Furthermore, education is a protagonist factor, especially if it is considered together with motherhood, in terms of bringing to life the next generation, who has every right to live in a decent and clean environment.
The importance of this study is the belief that this study on Jain and its keystone
Avaktavyam will be an important source for us in the future in the field of the studies on comparing philosophical thoughts and logic.
We will present exemplary accounts from philosophy and psychology which address thinking of or imagining a triangle and discuss these with respect to our introspection protocols. The view that “mental images” are concrete images, and therefore do not transport any meaningful, general or abstract information, is being contradicted by our results. We want to argue that the process of imagery is neither a mere sequence of images, nor a “hopping” from one piece of knowledge to the other.
To put it in a very simplified manner: “A triangle is not an image, but what can be done with it”. Being able to imagine something does not necessarily mean that one can imagine it in all details. Thought always unfolds through time, with a limited synchronous dimension. Expertise in trigonometry does not involve being able to instantly visualize trigonometric objects, but to routinely operate in this domain.
In this study of ours, by following this neutralization and focusing on
Jainism, Buddhism and Sufiism as our fundamental sources, we are aiming
to handle fundamental elements that points out the reality of human
beings, in the framework of Beziau’s work titled “A Chromatic Hexagon of Psychic Dispositions”. Beside this, by also especially applying on Jain soul metaphysics, which also has color code called lesya, which is a unique concept in the phenomenology of karma, we so hope to have analogical unity between handled works. Hopefully this work also may help our future studies which are on developing logical analyses of humankind’s emotional collapses.
ontological, epistemological and logical viewpoints, they have put forward their vision of the universe. Their ontic views --supported by their epistemology and metaphysical views-- a product of their faith dwell on a logical base built accordingly. Jains have developed a very elegant argument and substantiation (proof) method to defend their unbending and secluded teaching from outside criticism. The most perfect example of this is Syadvada & Sabthabhanginaya, which is a kind of theory of relativity in logic.
başka bir yere seyahat etmesi olarak tanımlanır.
Her yönden verimli ve sürdürülebilir bir sağlık turizminin
gerçekleştirilebilmesinin temel unsurları, sağlık turizmine dair etik ilkelerin neler olduğunun en kapsamlı biçimiyle belirlenmesi ve ayrıca bu söz konusu etik ilkelerin ontolojik zemindeki gerçekliğinin tespit edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir. Bu gerçekliğin değerlendirilebilmesinin ön koşulu ise, öncelikle sağlık turizmi ile doğrudan ilişkili olan meslek etiklerinin dikkate alınması ve takiben, bu etik kavrayış kapsamında gerekli değerlendirmenin, söz konusu alan dâhilinde nitel ölçümlemelere başvurularak gerçekleştirilmesidir.
Eğer sorular doğru sorulduysa, o halde bir yerde bir çözüm elbet var demektir. Ancak bu çözüm bizim istediğimiz bir çözüm olmayabilir. Yaşantımızı sürdürebilmek için ihtiyacımız olan asıl şey söz konusu bu problemleri kontrol altına alabilmemizdir. Felsefe bize bunu sağlayacak yegâne aracımızdır. Çünkü felsefe, insanların onu anlayabileceği ve yaşantılarına uygulayabileceği noktalarda gün yüzüne çıkartır kendini. Yürüyüş biçimlerimiz, sapaklarımız, yürürken yanımızda taşıdıklarımız ve de taşıyamadıklarımız bakımından farklılıklar gösteriyor olsak da her birimiz aynı asli yolun farklı yolcularıyız. Burada asıl önemli olan, sırt çantamızda doğru malzemeleri taşımamızdır. Bu malzemeler, sağlam bir felsefi bakışa sahip olabilmemiz, kendimize ait dünya görüşümüzü oluşturabilmemiz adına olmazsa olmazlarımız olacak olan, felsefi düşüncenin temel unsurları olarak sıralayabileceğimiz felsefi bilgi, kavramsal analiz, mantık ilkelerine dayalı akıl yürütme, diyalektik kavrayış ve felsefi iç görüdür.
Nasıl ki felsefi düşünce geleneğinin olmadığı toplumlar bağımlı toplumlarsa, aynı şekilde felsefi düşünce geleneğine sahip olmak bakımından kendisini geliştirmeyen insanlar da bağımlıdırlar. Oysa felsefe yapılan her yerde, özgür insanlar vardır. Gelin izin verelim, felsefe bize özgürlüğümüzü versin. Ne diyor Roma İmparatoru ünlü Stoacı filozof Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (M.Ö.121-180):
Etrafındaki diğer insanların yönetici zihnine bakma, sadece doğrudan doğruya doğanın seni yönlendirdiği yere bak…“Kendine dön. Budur doğru davranarak kendine yeten ve huzuru bulmuş akli yönetici aklın doğasında olan!” … Dalgaların sürekli üzerinde parçalandığı kaya gibi ol, dur sarsılmadan, etrafında köpürürken sular. “Başıma gelen benim kötü talihim deme, aksine şunu de: “Başıma gelene rağmen, bu benim iyi talihim, hiç üzülmeden buna dayanabilirim, ne “şimdi”den etkileniyorum ne de gelecekten korkuyorum.”…Başıma gelen benim kötü talihim değil, buna karşın ona soyluca katlanmak iyi talihimdir…Felsefenin seni dönüştürmek istediği türde bir birey olarak kalmak için mücadele et! (Meditasyonlar/7.55; 7.28; 4.49; 6.30)
özebilmek adına doğru soruları soran ve doğru akıl yürüten, eleştirel düşünebilen, diyalektik kavrayışa hâkim, düşünce, söz ve eylemlerinde bütünlük ve yaşamla uyumluluk sergileyen bireyler olmak yolunda kendi dünya görüşlerini biçimlendirebilmelerinin olanaklarını onlara sunma imkanını tanımaktır.
Bu kitabımızın, her birimizin içerisinde yaşayan çocuklardan başlayarak, geleceği kendilerine teslim edeceğimiz kıymetli yavrularımızın genç dimağlarının felsefi bilgi kazanımı bakımından zenginleştirilmesi ve böylece onların felsefi bakış açısına sahip olan kıymetli ve bilinçli bireyler olarak varlık göstermeleri adına felsefe meşalesini ateşlemesini temenni ediyorum.
Karşılaştıkları olgu ve olaylar karşısında kendilerini sarıp sarmalayan hayret ve merak duygularının bir neticesi olarak soru soran kişiler olmak bakımından aslında çocukların bir nevi doğal filozoflar olduğunun altını çizmek gerekir. Mesele doğru yerde, doğru soruları, doğru motivasyon ve tekniklerle ortaya koymaktır. Evren bize, teolojinin ve bilimin çözebileceğinden daha büyük bir hızla gizlerini sunar. İşte bu noktada her ikisinin dogmalarını ya da zayıflıklarını benimsemek zorunda kalmadan, her iki taraftan da güç alan felsefe devreye girer. O halde, felsefenin kılavuzluğunda yola devam etmek en doğrusudur.
Unutmayalım ki, küçük düşünürler, BÜYÜK düşünürler!
arası gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar ile akademik yönden sürekli ilerleme kaydeden ve aynı zamanda danışmanlık uygulamaları kapsamında sektörel anlamda sürekli gelişen bir alan haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamdaki etkinlikleri çerçevesinde gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası alanda Uygulamalı Felsefe’nin kültürel, ekonomik, siyasi kalkınmalar bakımından da büyük önem sahibi olduğunu söylememiz mümkündür. Nitekim bu özellik felsefeye içkin bir unsurdur. Öyle ki Antik Çağ’dan günümüze,
felsefe sadece günümüz anlamındaki entelektüel bir uğraş olmaktan öte, içerisinde yaşanılan toplumun bir fiil pratik problemlerine dair alanlara yönelerek gerekli ve uygulanabilir çözümlerin üretilmesinde etkin rol üstlenmiştir. Bugün içerisinde yer alınan dünyada, bilim ile doğru orantılı olarak kültürel, ekonomik, siyasi yönden daha karmaşık yapıların ve daha önce karşılaşılmamış problem alanlarının ortaya çıkması, Uygulamalı Felsefe’nin sürekli gelişimi ve ilerlemesinde temel etken olmuştur. Zira, bireyin içerisinde yaşadığı toplumdan ayrı olarak, kendi kendine de yabancılaşması ile, aynı zamanda bir diğer yandan kendisine alternatif varlık modelleri üretiyor olmasının koşulu olarak; küresel anlamda, başta ontolojik olmak üzere epistemolojik ve etik çerçevede çözüm arayışları bir zorunluluk olarak insanın karşına çıkmaktadır. İşte Uygulamalı Felsefe
alanındaki bu çalışmamızda olabildiğince detaylı bir şekilde üzerinde duracağımız, Uygulamalı Felsefe’nin alt disiplinleri ve danışmanlık uygulamaları, bu söz konusu arayışın bir neticesi olarak günümüz felsefe çalışmaları içerisinde bugünkü yerini almaktadır.”
gelişimi içerisinde incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Hint Antikçağı ve
Ortaçağı’nda mantığın gelişmesine vesile olan önemli isimler, çalışmaları ile birlikte ele alınmıştır.