Mohammad Zaman
Almighty Allah has given me this worldly life for a short period. It is His Grace by which I entered a reputed university as a faculty member. I tried to teach my students what I learned through conventional academic courses and my researches within my intellectual capability. I have guided around twenty MS students and many more under-graduate students. I have examined several PhD dissertations and reviewed a number of journal papers. More than 60 papers of mine have been published in journals and proceedings of international conferences. I had the opportunities to visit many universities of India, UK, Italy, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and Japan. I met many university professors from all around the world during my visits and international conferences and exchanged ideas with them. Lastly I would say I am satisfied with my works during fortyone-years of my academic life.
Address: Bangladesh
Address: Bangladesh
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Papers by Mohammad Zaman
agricultural information in Bangladesh. Future development strategies are also
discussed. Agricultural information, are generated by the agricultural research
institutes and agricultural universities and supplemented by other R&D
organizations. Management and handling of information is very poor in all the
institutes due to lack of proper planning, funding and manpower. Printed
information in various forms are produced by the institutes and retained by the
institutional, public and private libraries. Three information documentation centers
collect information from different sources and create databases; only one center is
engaged for documentation of agricultural information. There is lack of cooperation
and coordination among the major libraries and information centers. Creating an
Integrated Library System, by efficient networking through electronic media and
promulgated by the Library Legislation may resolve the problems.
The Govt. has formulated IT policy and action plans for development of IT sector.
The IT sector is taking off in global arena following policy support of the
government and participation of private sector Digital telecommunication and
electricity supply systems are improving to augment growth of IT sector. Private
sector entrepreneurs are coming up to provide internet and networking services.
Most of the NARS institutes have internet facilities, but lacking websites. Leading
research institutes should have their own websites for access to the users.
Sustainable Development Networking Project (SDNP) is engaged in developing
internet connectivity among the institutions located in 6 divisions using VSAT,
radio modem and fiber optics. Telecommunication and IT facilities are now
confined in urban areas and the farmers living in villages can not reap the benefits of
these facilities. The government has a plan for quality IT education and the first IT
university is going to be established. Development partners or countries should be
approached to provide funds to set up necessary IT infrastructure and for
development of human resources.
For dissemination of information an integrated ICT centre, comprising a low-cost and simple internet connectivity (with edge modem connected to the USB port of the PC); community radio listening and television watching; multimedia display; a library of printed materials, audio cassettes and CDs and a digital photo studio, is suggested. The centre will be able to provide information service along with cell phone, internet, e-mail, e-learning, e-governance, e-marketing, photo printing, photocopy, library and training services. Adequate number of trained manpower will have to operate the centre. Initial funding by donors may be required to equip the centre with necessary materials and facilities and running the centre for a couple of years; after which the centre is expected to be self-sustained. The centre will collect information from different sources such as websites, radio and TV broadcasts, community radio programs, success stories, universities and research institutes, Govt. organizations, NGOs, experts in relevant areas, extension workers, community trainers, etc. The collected information is to be sorted and processed according to the demands/requirements of the communities. Information needs are to be determined through group discussions with various communities and information materials are to be prepared in local language. Participation of the target people/community has to be ascertained in the ICT development and implementation process. Linkage with the organizations and personnel working in the filed of ICT development has to be established so that the development plans-strategies-activities of the centre can be modified according to the lessons learned by them.
Average total energy used in the rice mills was estimated about 708.5 kWh/t. Of the total energy used, biomass energy comprised 91.74% (650.0 kWh/t), electrical 7.81% (55.3 kWh/t) and manual 0.45% (3.2 kWh/t). The average electrical energy used for a huller and a vibrating sieve was 36.7 kWh/t, whereas average energy used for lighting, fans and water pumps were 6.4, 0.8, 11.4 kWh/t, respectively. Locally made steel boilers and drum boilers were used with husk as fuel. Husk was required at the rate of 150-155 kg husk/t paddy for double steaming. Manual labour utilized in the rice mills averaged 42.77 man-hr/t (3.19 kWh/t). Maximum energy was required for carrying paddy, rice and other by-products in bags or baskets (14.48 man-hr/t), followed by manual separation of broken rice (12.11 man-hr/t), mechanical separation of head rice (5.35 man-hr/t), bagging and unbagging (4.04 man-hr/t), drying (4.04 man-hr/t), loading and unloading soaking tank (1.4 man-hr/t), feeding boiler furnace with husk (0.85 man-hr/t), and weighing (0.54 man-hr/t).
The amount of labour required depended mainly on the walking distance, frequency of movement and the load being carried at a time. Wide variations were observed in carrying distances in 20 rice mills. Minimizing the carrying distances, through proper planning of the rice mill layout, could reduce the labour requirement for carrying. Excessive loads were carried on the head resulting in health hazards of the workers. The use of bucket trolley for carrying steamed paddy and two-wheel trolley for bags of paddy and rice would improve the work efficiency of the labourers.
The number of labourers employed in a rice mill depended on the volume of paddy processed per day (mill capacity). Both male and female labourers were employed in the rice mills and gender-wise job preferences were observed.
agricultural information in Bangladesh. Future development strategies are also
discussed. Agricultural information, are generated by the agricultural research
institutes and agricultural universities and supplemented by other R&D
organizations. Management and handling of information is very poor in all the
institutes due to lack of proper planning, funding and manpower. Printed
information in various forms are produced by the institutes and retained by the
institutional, public and private libraries. Three information documentation centers
collect information from different sources and create databases; only one center is
engaged for documentation of agricultural information. There is lack of cooperation
and coordination among the major libraries and information centers. Creating an
Integrated Library System, by efficient networking through electronic media and
promulgated by the Library Legislation may resolve the problems.
The Govt. has formulated IT policy and action plans for development of IT sector.
The IT sector is taking off in global arena following policy support of the
government and participation of private sector Digital telecommunication and
electricity supply systems are improving to augment growth of IT sector. Private
sector entrepreneurs are coming up to provide internet and networking services.
Most of the NARS institutes have internet facilities, but lacking websites. Leading
research institutes should have their own websites for access to the users.
Sustainable Development Networking Project (SDNP) is engaged in developing
internet connectivity among the institutions located in 6 divisions using VSAT,
radio modem and fiber optics. Telecommunication and IT facilities are now
confined in urban areas and the farmers living in villages can not reap the benefits of
these facilities. The government has a plan for quality IT education and the first IT
university is going to be established. Development partners or countries should be
approached to provide funds to set up necessary IT infrastructure and for
development of human resources.
For dissemination of information an integrated ICT centre, comprising a low-cost and simple internet connectivity (with edge modem connected to the USB port of the PC); community radio listening and television watching; multimedia display; a library of printed materials, audio cassettes and CDs and a digital photo studio, is suggested. The centre will be able to provide information service along with cell phone, internet, e-mail, e-learning, e-governance, e-marketing, photo printing, photocopy, library and training services. Adequate number of trained manpower will have to operate the centre. Initial funding by donors may be required to equip the centre with necessary materials and facilities and running the centre for a couple of years; after which the centre is expected to be self-sustained. The centre will collect information from different sources such as websites, radio and TV broadcasts, community radio programs, success stories, universities and research institutes, Govt. organizations, NGOs, experts in relevant areas, extension workers, community trainers, etc. The collected information is to be sorted and processed according to the demands/requirements of the communities. Information needs are to be determined through group discussions with various communities and information materials are to be prepared in local language. Participation of the target people/community has to be ascertained in the ICT development and implementation process. Linkage with the organizations and personnel working in the filed of ICT development has to be established so that the development plans-strategies-activities of the centre can be modified according to the lessons learned by them.
Average total energy used in the rice mills was estimated about 708.5 kWh/t. Of the total energy used, biomass energy comprised 91.74% (650.0 kWh/t), electrical 7.81% (55.3 kWh/t) and manual 0.45% (3.2 kWh/t). The average electrical energy used for a huller and a vibrating sieve was 36.7 kWh/t, whereas average energy used for lighting, fans and water pumps were 6.4, 0.8, 11.4 kWh/t, respectively. Locally made steel boilers and drum boilers were used with husk as fuel. Husk was required at the rate of 150-155 kg husk/t paddy for double steaming. Manual labour utilized in the rice mills averaged 42.77 man-hr/t (3.19 kWh/t). Maximum energy was required for carrying paddy, rice and other by-products in bags or baskets (14.48 man-hr/t), followed by manual separation of broken rice (12.11 man-hr/t), mechanical separation of head rice (5.35 man-hr/t), bagging and unbagging (4.04 man-hr/t), drying (4.04 man-hr/t), loading and unloading soaking tank (1.4 man-hr/t), feeding boiler furnace with husk (0.85 man-hr/t), and weighing (0.54 man-hr/t).
The amount of labour required depended mainly on the walking distance, frequency of movement and the load being carried at a time. Wide variations were observed in carrying distances in 20 rice mills. Minimizing the carrying distances, through proper planning of the rice mill layout, could reduce the labour requirement for carrying. Excessive loads were carried on the head resulting in health hazards of the workers. The use of bucket trolley for carrying steamed paddy and two-wheel trolley for bags of paddy and rice would improve the work efficiency of the labourers.
The number of labourers employed in a rice mill depended on the volume of paddy processed per day (mill capacity). Both male and female labourers were employed in the rice mills and gender-wise job preferences were observed.