Writing about tools

I wish Iā€™d stop writing about the tools I use to write about the tools I use.

February 11, 2025 Ā· 17 words
It's not as if I haven't been reminded of this every time I look up.

I have neither reduced, nor simplified

At the beginning of 2024, I had grand plans toĀ Reduce & Simplify. I was also determined toĀ use what I have. Iā€™ve done neither of those things. Itā€™s November. I tried for a while. Or rather, I tried a bunch of different times, which had the effect of making everythingĀ lessĀ simple. Instead of limiting the number of tools I use, I switched from one to another (in an honest but misguided effort to make things simpler). The result has not been the nice, clean, simple set of tools I had hoped for. Instead of having few dependencies and requiring little maintenance, my stuff is spread everywhere and littered with neediness. ...

November 13, 2024 Ā· 232 words

My notes as text in one folder

I may have solved at least some of my problems caused by taking notes too many different apps. I moved all of them into ~/Documents/Notes, with subfolders per app. Soā€¦ ā”œā”€ā”€ Denote ā”œā”€ā”€ Howm ā”œā”€ā”€ Obsidian ā””ā”€ā”€ SilverBullet Youā€™ll notice SilverBullet in there, my newest infatuation. But hereā€™s the trick, I just point the default target for HoudahSpot searches at the enclosing Notes/ folder, and I can find most anything right away. Youā€™ll note that this means I am restricted to apps that allow me to configure where notes are kept and that theyā€™re kept in some form of plain text. That covers most of my tools. I had been using DEVONthink for this, but itā€™s been giving me trouble lately so Iā€™m looking at simpler options. Iā€™m digging it. ...

August 1, 2024 Ā· 130 words

Losing interest in organizing things

Iā€™m tired of moving things around on my computers

June 10, 2024 Ā· 329 words

QR codes and index cards?

How about I stick QR codes on index cards as a way to quickly find the original reference?

May 11, 2024 Ā· 236 words

Adding when I should be removing

Reducing complexity is never accomplished by adding complexity.

May 2, 2024 Ā· 143 words

Nuke & Pave - the half-hearted edition

A tactical, localized reset of my system(s)

March 3, 2024 Ā· 476 words

Whatever happened to my junk drawer?

I used to use Evernote as a junk drawer. Now what should I use?

March 3, 2024 Ā· 307 words

Additional backups

Derek Sivers posted about how he handles backups and it got me thinking about how I handle backups. I feel like Iā€™m mostly covered. I use Backblaze on my MacBook Pro for continuous, off-site backups of both the internal SSD and the attached ā€œMediaā€ drive containing my photos, videos, etc. I clone ā€œMediaā€ to a separate external drive once a week. iCloud syncs my ~/Documents and ~/Desktop folders, so that should be covered. The headless Mac Mini is also using Backblaze. The Synology is synced nightly to Backblaze B2 storage. ...

February 28, 2024 Ā· 324 words

Software that sparks joy

Iā€™m just coming off a week using Obsidian. Obsidian is really good and powerful and easy to use and extensible and probably the correct answer to the question,Ā ā€œWhere should I keep my notes?ā€. I love Obsidian for a minute because of what it does and the fact that itā€™s not whatever Iā€™d been using previously. Itā€™s refreshing and finding new plugins to play with is good fun. But itā€™s janky. Why donā€™t more people complain about it being janky? Itā€™s just blech to actually live in. It feels weird and loose and sloppy to me. ...

February 26, 2024 Ā· 441 words

Fending off the Futz Monkey

When is trying to avoid futzing actually just more futzing?

February 20, 2024 Ā· 575 words
It's taped right there on the wall, Jack.

The care and feeding of my system

It shouldnā€™t take so much time to keep my stuff running smoothly.

January 3, 2024 Ā· 309 words

Reduce and Simplify

If forced to come up with a theme for 2024, Iā€™m going with ā€œReduce & Simplifyā€. I havenā€™t formally defined it yet, but the gist of it is to use what I already have, remove things I rarely use, and rely on fewer, simpler things. Having many choices is great, until itā€™s not. I crossed that threshold a while ago and itā€™s not good for my brain. So, one app per task. One notebook. One bag. Less software. Consolidate and remove. Those sorts of things. ...

December 31, 2023 Ā· 123 words

Printing my 2024 calendars using pcal

Generating yearly and monthly calendars using Pcal on the command line

December 28, 2023 Ā· 126 words

Why I still use TheBrain

I always come back to using TheBrain.

November 22, 2023 Ā· 642 words

The Emergent Task Planner

Letā€™s try the paper-based Emergent Task Planner again

August 21, 2023 Ā· 181 words

Renaming an item in DEVONthink to match the name of its parent group

When creating a new project folder (group) in DEVONthink, I often make use of Templates. Templates are just files in a folder somewhere that get copied into the DEVONthink database. For example, I have a project ā€œstarterā€ Tinderbox document named ā€œBasic Project Template.tbxā€. When inserting the template file into my DEVONthink project, it uses the same name as the original, which isnā€™t helpful. DEVONthink is very scriptable, so I wrote an AppleScript to rename the selected document the same as the enclosing group/folder. ...

June 12, 2023 Ā· 304 words

Coming to my senses about Mimestream

I woke up from my trance and bailed on my disjointed bricolage of Fastmail->Gmail->Mimestream. Cobbling various pieces together just so I can use a single mail client on my Mac seemedā€¦shortsighted. Mimestream is nice, but not that nice, you know? So Iā€™m back in MailMate and/or Mu4e. Oh, and sometimes Apple Mail. But Iā€™m thinking about switching back to notmuch from Mu4e. Now that I say it, Iā€™m not sure this is any better :). At least Iā€™m not relying on Gmail now, I guess. ...

June 11, 2023 Ā· 85 words

Overthinking Email

I donā€™t get many emails these days. Nor do I send many. And yet, I spend an inordinate amount of time futzing with how I get and sent emails. Iā€™m doing that thing again where I overthink my email process. The only hard requirement I have with email is that it uses my own domain name. Hence, [email protected]. Email is still the key to many things, so allowing someone like Google to control that key is a no-go for me. My wife still uses a Comcast address, can you imagine? I get hives just thinking about it. She gets a lot more email than I do, and never gives any of this a second thought. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ. ...

June 8, 2023 Ā· 427 words

Blogging options

For the few of you whoā€™ve been following along, youā€™ll have noticed that Iā€™ve changed blogging engines several times recently, even more frequently than my usual pace. The most recent moves happened over just a few weeks. I went from WordPress to Blot to Hugo and back to WordPress. I wrote this about moving away from WordPress only two months ago: Mostly, I switched because I donā€™t enjoy using WordPress. WordPress is powerful and easy and everywhere, but the editor is unpleasant and everything just feels heavy and overwrought. I also tire of plugins nagging me to ā€œUpgrade to Premium!ā€ all the time. I tell myself I can live with it, but in the end I never can. ...

June 7, 2023 Ā· 407 words