I’ve removed these journal posts from the RSS feed for now. I like the feeling of writing without worrying about dumping all this crap into a bunch of unsuspecting RSS readers. Who knows, I may end up staying with the wiki for this. What will likely end up happening is that I’ll keep doing both, depending on my mood that day. Details

Consistency is boring.

I don’t feel like exercising or weighing myself today. I guess I’m not in the mood for expending any effort or being exposed to any more bad news right now.

Speaking of unnecessary federal budget items, how much are we spending to remove words like “Diversity” from thousands of documents? Trump is an idiot and a fucking menace.

I’m sorry, but what terrible things do conservatives(?) think that a trans person going into the “wrong” bathroom is going to accomplish? This irrational fear says more about the sickness of the GOP than it does trans people.

I have a love/hate relationship with everything.