Someone already took the Batman_Daily community username... so we're stuck with this one. Yes, I'm rather ripping off the infotext for scans_daily. This group is an offshoot. If you're coming here from scans_daily, welcome, and read the rules anyway because they're just a tad different.
The history here is a little odd. It's actually a blend of two communities: dailybatscans and b_wayne_daily. The two communities were serendipitously created around the same time and had similar purposes. So the owners decided to blend them together into one big mushy ball of Bat love.
This is a community for posting scans of pages from comic books related to Batman only, Bruce Wayne love in particular, in the vein of groups like scans_daily. Anyone wanting to post comic scans of their own is totally encouraged to do so.
This community is slash-tolerant. I'm not a slasher. Don't care for it. But it's a BIG part of the Batman fan community. So I'm not going to ban it. If you can't handle reading slash positive posts without ignigting a flame war this is not a community for you. That said: I'd prefer that the majority of the content in this comm stay work safe.
Now, the format - this is just a guideline, and not a rule. But please do include the issue number if you know it, because it'll make it easier to find panels that've already been posted, and for people who enjoyed your scan to find and buy the issue.
Title - Include comic title and issue number, if you know them. Body of message - Please use a cut tag if you're directly linking to an image; some people are still on dial-up. If you'd like to include page numbers, that'd be cool too.
Community rules:
Each post must have at least one image scanned from a comic, or a link to one (webcomics are fine). Pimping other communities, sites, or challenges is perfectly fine as long as you follow this rule. These images MUST relate in some way to Batman. The following are acceptable:
Any scan containing Batman.
Any scan containing one of the Robins/Former Robins as Batman.
Any scan of someone in a comic book or manga dressed as Batman or pretending to be Batman.
Any scan of Bruce Wayne or any of his alter egos.
Any scan of Terry McGinnis.
Any scan where characters are discussing Batman, or his influence is clearly evident even if he is not seen.(Yes this means you can get away with posting a scan of just about anyone in the DC comicsverse as long as there is definite Batman influence to the post. If it's a non-bat related character making a snarky comment about the bat family then that's probably ok. If it's a bat related character then there should be definite BATMAN influence in their situation... This rule's in the testing stage. we'll see how it goes.)
Webcomics of Batman.
Fan art is tolerated in small doses. Make it good.
Scans of pretenders to the title of Batman (Jean Paul, Talia's son in an alternate future who's name I can't even be bothered to remember, etc) will be tolerated...barely.
The following are also appreciated because the moderator happens to squee when she finds them:
Any scan of the Batsymbol or a bat-family reference in a title that does not normally have those characters. This could be manga, or a marvel title, or any DC title that is not intimately associated with the Bat-family. i.e.: The 90's Supergirl title issue #1 cover. There's a Batlogo on her Skateboard.
The following should never be seen here UNLESS there is also a scan in the post:
Screencaps of any animated Batman. Please keep such posts to an absolute minimum. This is a SCANS community at heart. Better yet, include a scan in the post with screencaps so that the mods don't smack you. We utterly adore the Timmverse but this is a scans community. Please make the effort to keep your posts legal.
Screencaps from Live Action Batman. As much as we adore Batman Begins, no not even the hot Christian Bale should appear here without some sort of scan. And if we wake up some day to find George Clooney staring back at us from inside a post on this community... well unless that post has both a scan and some of the most hillarious color commentary ever written it's not going to be a post for long.
Only direct link to images on your own web space. If you'd like to point out scans on someone else's webspace to the group, please use a text link. Bandwidth theft never goes well.
If a post is not PG-13 it MUST be CLEARLY labeled NSFW. If your user icon is NSFW I don't want to see it unless it's in a NSFW thread.
No bashing other 'ships or fandoms; anything Batman-related is welcome. While bashing is not permitted, intelligent discourse over pros and cons is. The Moderator has final say over when something has degenerated into flames. (Leeway is granted here. There will be many people who have OTPs between Bruce and SOMEONE. If you can tolerate the fact that the moderator tends not to shut up about BatmanxCatwoman she can tolerate pretty much anything. Treat other members with the same respect.)
When posting images from comics released in the last six month, the issue number is required before the cut-tag. Refrain from discussing major plot details before the cut-tag.
Cut-tags are required on posts with large images (over 320x480 px) or multiple images, and encouraged for every post.
No more than half of the pages of a comic are allowed to be shared in a single post. If you'd like to post or find a full issue, check out [info]fullscans_daily. (The Moderator does not enforce this rule rigorously. She will not be anal and count pages and panels. But please exersise RESTRAINT.)
Before posting, please make a reasonable effort to see if the image in question has been posted before.
All posts and comments are to maintain a respectful tone towards fellow members. Posts or comments insulting other members' expressions of fannish enthusiasm will not be tolerated, and will result in the poster being banned from the community. Note: if you see someone making insulting comments, *do not* respond in kind. E-mail me to let me know about it.
Posts in violation of these rules may be deleted without warning.
Community Mottoes: It's all about the Batman.
If you'd like to request a scan of a particular issue or scene, post a thread with a scan in it and make your request there. People are pretty good about that stuff. If several weeks go by and no one has fulfilled your request send me a comment in my private journal and I'll see what I can do.