? ?
With this, round 3 is officially over. I still have pinch hits to post though, so . . . :P Once those are up, I'll round up all the posted fics in a handy round-up post.

TITLE: never too late for teenage dreams
AUTHOR: littlestclouds
RECIPIENT: drummergroupie
DISCLAIMER: The author of this piece intends no insult, slander, or copyright infringement, and is not making any profit or financial gain. This story is a complete work of fiction and does not necessarily reflect on the nature of the individuals featured. This story is for entertainment purposes only. If you found this while Googling your name or the names of your teammates, hit the back button now. And find a different hobby.
PAIRING/CHARACTERS: an amalgam of Dan Haren, Barry Zito, Justin Verlander, Chris Carpenter, and Jessica Haren (mostly minor unrequited Dan Haren/Jessica Haren and Dan Haren/Barry Zito bromance), with appearances by/mentions of other familiar names
WARNING: (skip) Very minor drug use.
NOTES: Written for drummergroupie for the third round of bats_and_balls. I’m sorry I suck so bad and that this is so late and crappy. Nothing was resolved. lol. The ages are kind of messed up too (most of them are seniors; Justin is a junior). guitargirl39 wrote high school AU too, and hers is almost certainly loads better than this, so read that one first. Title from “Teenage Dreams,” by Nada Surf.
SUMMARY: “I know you think you’re so noble, pining away for someone you’ll never have, but you’re really not. It’s pathetic.”

never too late for teenage dreamsCollapse )
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed
25 December 2011 @ 09:55 am
Just a reminder, sign-ups for this round of bats_and_balls ends on December 31st! If you haven't done so but plan on signing up, don't forget!

I've also mirrored bats_and_balls at Dreamwidth just in case: [community profile] bats_and_balls
Current Mood: goodgood
Current Music: Diana Krall - I've Got You Under My Skin | Powered by
11 December 2011 @ 10:56 am
Sorry for the convenience!
Current Mood: sleepysleepy
bats_and_balls is now members only/moderated membership.

Things will still go on as planned.
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed
Current Music: Tegan & Sara - Falling Asleep | Powered by
27 November 2010 @ 11:56 pm
I'm going to have to pass the baton on, I'm afraid. I just can't come up with anything for the prompt given. Sorry.
23 November 2010 @ 12:25 pm
I really thought I could get something written, but I'm not quite done with it and I'll be in class until after my time is up ;_____; I was tagged with "Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch of a hand on a hand, or a mouth on a mouth." — Tennessee Williams, and the tag now goes to maryling .
Current Location: hurrying out the door
Current Music: "Planetary (GO!)" - My Chemical Romance
21 November 2010 @ 08:31 pm
I'm clearly a failure who lacks any inspiration, so I must pass on the tag and drop out. :\

"Devils can be driven out of the heart by the touch of a hand on a hand, or a mouth on a mouth." — Tennessee Williams

Goes to . . .

17 November 2010 @ 08:13 pm
Title: Infatuations and Fantasies
Rating: R, for language and infidelity
Pairing/Characters: Alex Rodriguez/Derek Jeter (NYY)
Summary: Set around '01-'02, Alex is in New York for a series against the Yankees. He and Derek are good friends, but Derek has a different idea.
Word Count: ~1,500
Disclaimer: Nothing here is true because it's all in my head.
Notes: This is written for bats_and_balls with unreckless's prompt - five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told.

Before Cynthia, there had been Jess, Samantha, Carrie-Ann...

I tag allgamesonradio with the prompt - live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, and breathe the wild air.
15 November 2010 @ 10:00 pm
It's now five hours past 48 for our last tag, so moving on...

solookup, you've been tagged with:

five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told
13 November 2010 @ 03:33 pm

Title: California Knows How to Party
Rating: G (which is so unlike me)
Pairing: Andy Pettitte/Joe Girardi
Disclaimer: The following story is completely false. It does not reflect the lives of anybody involved.
Note: I hate how this came out. D:
Prompt: from
[info]ravensgurl211 I saw tail lights last night in a dream about my first wife. / Everybody leaves and I'd expect as much from you. -- The Gaslight Anthem - Great Expectations

i officially tag
[info]lady_lilith with You're a hot mess I'm loving it hell yes - Hot Mess by Cobra Starship


i love you AndyCollapse )
Current Location: somewhere in the desert, california
Current Mood: embarrassedembarrassed
Current Music: cobra starship - hot mess