University of Bath
Architecture + Civil Engineering
The results of an experimental investigation into the use of a buffered impact damper for controlling the dynamic response of an MDOF (multi-degree-of-freedom) structure are presented in this paper. Free and forced vibration tests of a... more
The introduction of the Eurocodes for concrete design will alter the way that shear is approached for concrete structures. BS EN 1992-1-1 has adopted the variable angle truss model for shear, a more theoretically consistent approach than... more
Using fabric formwork, it is possible to cast architecturally interesting, optimised structures that use up to 40% less concrete than an equivalent strength prismatic section, thereby offering significant embodied energy savings. This... more
- by Antony Darby
This paper describes recently-completed research at the University of Bath within the BRE Centre of Innovative Construction Materials in the field of fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials for use in concrete structures. The research... more
Concrete, our most widely used construction material, is a fluid that offers the opportunity to economically create structures of almost any geometry. Yet this unique fluidity is seldom capitalised on, with concrete instead being cast... more
Shape and vibration control of a linear exible structure by means of a new type of inertial slip-stick actuator are investigated. A nonlinear model representing the interaction between the structure and a six-degree-of-freedom Stewart... more
An impact damper is a freely moving mass, constrained by stops, located on a dynamic structural system to be controlled. As the system is excited, the impact mass moves relative to the structure resulting in impacts between the mass and... more
Timber gridshells have become a very popular, efficient, sustainable and beautiful structural application of timber. However, given the slender laths involved in this form of construction, there is concern over the durability of timber... more
Abstract: This paper presents the influence of various flexural strengthening design criteria specified by three important design guidelines (ACI440, TR55, FIB14) on the resulting strength, ductility and conservativeness of FRP... more
Large reductions in embodied carbon can be achieved through the optimisation of concrete 7 structures. Such structures tend to vary in depth along their length, creating new challenges for 8 shear design. To address this challenge,... more
9 It can be seen that when subject to a uniformly distributed load, a prismatic, steel 10 reinforced concrete beam with constant longitudinal and transverse reinforcement 11 percentages is inefficient. Following simple optimisation... more
- by Antony Darby
By replacing conventional concrete moulds with flexible sheets of permeable fabric, the construction of optimised concrete elements that provide material savings of up to 40% when compared with an equivalent strength prismatic member is... more
Using fabric formwork, it is possible to cast architecturally interesting, optimised structures that use up to 40% less concrete than an equivalent strength prismatic section, offering potentially significant embodied energy savings in... more
This paper provides the background and guidance relating to the design methods proposed in The Concrete Society's Technical Report 55 (TR55) third edition for the shear strengthening of rectangular and circular reinforced concrete members... more
- by Antony Darby
This paper looks at the influence of various parameters in flexural strengthening design specifications, as prescribed by three major international design guidelines namely, ACI440, TR55 and FIB14. A four-level conservativeness frame-work... more
- by Antony Darby
Synopsis: Many concrete bridges related to railways in the U.K. consist of prestressed rectangular concrete beams, post-tensioned together transversely to aid lateral distribution of load; this bridge type has been repeatedly flagged as... more
Based on the high precision direct (HPD) integration scheme for linear systems, a high precision direct integration scheme for non-linear (HPD-NL) dynamic systems is developed. The method retains all the advantages of the standard HPD... more
- by Antony Darby
Timber gridshells have become a very popular, efficient, sustainable and beautiful structural application of timber. However, given the slender laths involved in this form of construction, there is concern over the durability of timber... more