? ?
Journal created:
on 1 November 2006 (#11513611)
on 16 November 2010
Marquette, Michigan, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

M A I N T A I N E R : iamletired

R U L E S : (please read them, it makes life easier on everyone)

+ respect other members' wishes regarding graphics. for example, if they say icons are not to be used as bases, respect that and don't use them as bases.

+ give credit where credit is due. people spend a lot of time on graphics, and to have them stolen or misused or uncredited doesn't help anyone.

+ give comments if you like something! you don't have to, but everyone likes to know when their work is appreciated, right?

+ stay on topic. there are communities for tigers news, rumors, and chat. this is for graphics (backgrounds, icons, banners, etc.) and graphics alone.

A F F I L I A T E S :

+ if you want to affiliate, great! let me know the name of your community and i'll put a link in the info page.

C R E D I T :

+ some graphics used on the header and friends-only banner are from:

+ + hybrid genesis
