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Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at May 8th, 2009 (12:29 am)

Not sure how much attention y'all have been paying to the gNationals, but they are pretty terrible. Like, so terrible that they are awesome. For example -- Julian Tavarez is a part of their closer tandem.

Julian Tavarez!

They sent Adam Dunn onto the field wearing a jersey that said "NATINALS."

They posted a notice about a rain delay that ended, "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENTS."


SoSH, a Red Sox message board, has a thread following NATSTOWN pretty carefully, and has come up with a longshot plan -- now picked up by several other blogs/papers and Facebook -- to recognize both NATSTOWN's incompetence, and the stupidity of having the All Star ballot available in MID-APRIL.

So. When you're filling out your ALL STAR ballot, please consider voting LASTINGS MILLEDGE for the NL Outfield. Lastings Milledge, who is currently in the minors, but is on the ballot.

Stuffed With Fluff [userpic]
In the bad news/good news department...
by Stuffed With Fluff (angstville)
at April 7th, 2009 (09:40 pm)

The Giants win their home opener....1 down...161 to go!

Bad News - the 2008 Cy Young winner gets shelled. ::donotworrydonotworry::

Good News - the usually anemic offense proves otherwise...homers, triples...10 runs!!!

I love this time of year when every team has a chance...

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)

Okay, 1? Please, MLB Network, don't ever say "Jeter got fisted" again. EVER>

2. Team USA played the MFY today in Tampa, and apparently Jeter made a crappy throw to Youk (!!!brain-explodey!!!) and the crowd booed Youk. NICE.

3. Anyone up for fangirl fantasy baseball this season? I am afraid that, as I will be out of the country the next two weeks, I will probably need someone else to run the draft and/or take over as commish for the year. Any takers?

ETA: 4. (Are you happy, em_meredith?? Heh.) Youk looks WEIRD wearing #21. Dirty Roger Clemens cooties.

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at February 24th, 2009 (10:27 pm)

Ken Burns' Baseball has been on MLB Network off and on since it started. I have never actually watched this epic documentary/miniseries, so I had it on the other channel during Obama's speech.

Just flipped back to a title card: "THE CURSE."

And they're talking Red Sox-fans-as-psychotic, and Babe Ruth, and always-to-the-7th-game-then-losing, and this operatic farce (or tragedy?) that is being a Sox fan.

And it's really, really stunning to me looking back at this. It's only been a little over four years since the Red Sox won their first modern World Series. That's not really that long ago, and I really was one of those fans that expected to lose... and I cannot even believe how foreign and old and bizarre this seems.

"The Curse of the Bambino"??? How f'ing stupid is that, anyway? It was always a combination of bad breaks (Lou Piniella catching that ball), bad management (hello, Grady Fucking Little!), and bad execution (Calvin Schiraldi).

And now, watching Bucker? I just feel bad for him.

Talk about a paradigm shift.

all sass, no class [userpic]
Because my team actually did something semi-interesting for once...
by all sass, no class (brynnmck)
at February 19th, 2009 (07:43 pm)

... even if it is a transparent publicity stunt based on their ongoing strategy of attempting to distract us by celebrating anniversaries/retirements of teams and players that DID NOT SUCK. At least it's a transparent publicity stunt based on their ongoing strategy of attempting to distract us by celebrating anniversaries/retirements of teams and players that DID NOT SUCK that's only costing us $2 million (plus incentives).

ANYWAY. My point is, The Dugout did one of their biannual columns on the Mariners, and it is hilarious. Excerpt:

WillAmaze: Ken, the decision is up to you. The Braves are a great organization, and you'd probably be a great fit there.

But you've got to think about your legacy.

Elijah_Price: But every time I think about my legacy it snaps and I spend half the season on the DL.

*dying* Also contains the immortal phrase, "Keep your nut money." It's awesome.

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at February 18th, 2009 (10:51 pm)

Okay, y'all -- it's SPRING TRAINING! How've y'all been? What are your thoughts on your team's chances this season? How amusing is the A*Rod steroids brouhaha?


ETA: Cannot believe I didn't ask about MLB Network -- do y'all have it? MLB Network is MADE OF WIN.

Macha [userpic]
special MVP edition!
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at November 18th, 2008 (08:55 pm)

How you guys are resisting the fun, I do not know. :)

I do, however, blame the special MVP edition of the hot stove icontest on Yahoo's photo gallery.

PEDROIA!Collapse )

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at November 17th, 2008 (09:02 pm)

Okay, I'll play. :)

Hot Stove IcontestCollapse )

Macha [userpic]
fangirl fantasy baseball
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at April 14th, 2008 (12:05 am)

Finally, I have managed to set up our league for the season. Fellow fangirls, please note the stuff under the cutCollapse )

And, yes, that is a gratuitous 2004-ALCS icon just to celebrate the fun of watching Manny Delcarmen, of all people, get A-Rod for the second out in the ninth. The Sox managed to beat the Yankees behind a craptastic performance from Daisuke (5 innings, 116 pitches or some bullshit), and with both Okajima and Papelbon unavailable. Four innings from Aardsma, Timlin, Lopez, and Delcarmen, and only one run allowed. ::faints:: Baseball is crazy.

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at April 12th, 2008 (08:21 pm)

Posting this for the record before this game resumes.

Sox up 4-3, top 8th. Okajima pitching to the MFY gets two scorched balls fielded (Lugo and Drew, respectively), then walks someone on four pitches, then gives up a hit. So. MFYs at first and second, two outs in the 8th, Tito calls for Papelbon.

Papelbon is probably not sufficiently warmed yet, since Okajima can usually pitch a clean inning. Umps finally notice it's raining and, yeah, there's some lightning, so they pull out the tarp. At 6:22 (this will be important later).

Then they see a break in the rain and pull the tarp, guys -- including Papelbon -- start warming. Oopsie, more rain, pull the tarp again.

Now it's 8:25 (See? Important). Papelbon has warmed twice already, and he's going to come pitch to A-Rod with two on, two out, in a one-run game.

I PREDICT BADNESS. And assuming A-Rod pops weakly to Dustin, I can't imagine Papelbon will sit another half inning and then pitch the ninth. FANTASTIC. GOOD JOB, UMPS. :(

ETA: Papelbon gets the K on three pitches -- fastball, splitter, fastball. Timlin in the 9th? Someone hold me.

EATA: Sox go down in like fifteen seconds bottom eight, Papelbon comes back out to face Giambi, Posada, Cano -- K, K, 4-3. Wow. His splitter was ridiculous. And I'm still pissed at the umps. Also Fox for cutting to freakin' NASCAR when Cano was at 2-2 and flipping the Sox-MFY game to FX. Like I know where FX is on my freakin' cable!

Doug Davis update
by Snake Charmer (elvenjen4)
at April 11th, 2008 (09:35 pm)

Hi all!

As most of you probably know, Arizona SP Doug Davis was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a few weeks ago. This cancer is very treatable, and both his mother and sister are survivors of it. Doug displayed tremendous courage in his first two starts this season, particularly the second one. Yesterday he had surgery to remove his thyroid and I'm happy to report that the surgery was a success and Doug Davis was released from the hospital this morning. He's hoping to be back in 4-6 weeks.

Baseball transcends all boundaries, and there has been so much support for Doug during this time. I'd like to invite all of you to visit the AZ SnakePit blog and, if you'd like, post a message to Doug. Jim is going to print this out and mail it to him. I personally have been touched by fans from so many other teams' blogs joining just to post a brief message to him.

To quote Jed Bartlet (best I can remember): "People have phenomenal capacity."

In more squee-ful news... 7 wins in a row, whaddup!! :)

Macha [userpic]
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at April 5th, 2008 (02:49 pm)

Any last fangirl fantasy baseball players, please post at least one player so I can get the league up tomorrow. Whee!


(Yes, I am ignoring Teh Suck of the Sox defense and relief pitching today -- lalalala!)

Macha [userpic]
fangirl fantasy baseball 2008
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at March 30th, 2008 (09:24 pm)

Okay, so, yes, I am running late getting us started, which means I suck. Sorry about that.

Anyway. For those of y'all who are planning to play fantasy baseball again this season, please post your rosters (partial rosters are fine, just so we can get the ball rolling) in the comments, which are screened.

Remember, you need to have a theme, and then you need to rank your pitchers and rank your hitters from one to (six/ten) as appropriate. If you've got the same guy as someone else, but you ranked him higher, he's yours. In case of a tie, whoever posted their roster first wins the tiebreaker.

Make sense? Feel free to post questions, too.

Please try to post your (partial) rosters by Wednesday so we can get the yahoo group up and then rerun the season from opening day so we get all the stats.

Let's play ball!

Macha [userpic]
"I am so super proud of this team"
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at March 19th, 2008 (11:07 am)

Me, too, Mike Lowell. Me, too. :)

So about an hour ago, I saw this: According to multiple clubhouse sources, the Red Sox will be holding a players-only meeting later this morning concerning the issue regarding the coaches potentially not being paid the $40,000 allocated the players.

The sources indicated that the players will be issuing a mandate to Major League Baseball that if the coaches aren’t paid, then the team will not be getting on the plane later today for Japan.

According to one player, the agreement originally approved by the players included paying the $40,000 to the coaches.
-Rob Bradford

So a bunch of gazillionaire players are considering boycotting a long-planned trip to Japan that will make MLB money because their coaches won't be paid $40,000 each like the players will be. (Example: the bullpen catcher makes $30,000 per year, which means this $40,000 would more than double his salary.)

And then maybe a half-hour ago, several players confirmed to the press that the players voted unanimously to boycott. They will not take the field today for their exhibition game unless this is resolved, and they will not get on the plane for Japan:

"When we voted to go to Japan, that was not a unanimous vote," said Lowell, "but we did what our team wanted us to do for Major League Baseball. They promised us the moon and the stars and then when we committed, they started pulling back. It's not just the coaches, it's the staff, the trainers, a lot of people are affected by this.

"I'm so super proud of this team, when we put it to a vote it was unanimous, we're all in agreement that we're not going to put up with this." -Mike Lowell

"It's really [expletive] up." -David Ortiz

“It’s wrong, it’s wrong,” said Curt Schilling. “It was part of the basic agreement when we talked about it last year. The coaching staff was part of the conversation, we all heard it.

“It’s not really surprising because the coaches and staff are people generally who have always been overlooked and undervalued.”
-Curt Schilling

AWESOME. ::hugs Sox::

ETA: well, i love that dirty water... Heh.

Sox win -- after refusing to take the field for the 12:05 start of their exhibition against the Blue Jays (who, per Vernon Wells, were in support of the Sox' boycott), and after the Oakland As apparently voted on their own boycott of the trip, the Sox have started their final US spring training game. MLB has agreed to pay coaches and staff.

Take that, anti-union jerkfaces! ;)

Macha [userpic]
happy st patrick's day!
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at March 17th, 2008 (07:10 pm)

So em_meredith and I just spent a ridiculous amount of time failing at writing celeebratory limericks about baseball (e.g., there once was a pitcher named daisuke, who threw all his pitches real nice-kay... Uh...).

This, sadly, is our best effort:

There once was a pitcher named Beckett
whose face was round as a bucket
he'd execute pitches
make hitters his bitches
and tell all reporters to suck it

So... Anyone else got a baseball limerick?

There once was a manager francona
who did not manage in a coma
he bested joe torre
left the Yankees sorry

Macha [userpic]
2008 fangirl fantasy baseball
by Macha (thestickywicket)
at March 16th, 2008 (09:15 pm)

okay so I suck, but would y'all like to do this again this season? Please post if you are interested - if you have already decided on a theme, feel free to claim it in your post. We'll get to posting rosters in a week or so.

Yay fantasy baseball!

Junebug [userpic]
One step closer to the nuthouse
by Junebug (airin61)
at March 3rd, 2008 (10:51 am)

This entry got me thinking.

Do YOU have anything in common with Jonathan Papelbon?  Personally I know I'll be spending quite a bit of the day pondering this question.

ladysarahii [userpic]
by ladysarahii (ladysarahii)
at February 28th, 2008 (01:30 pm)

current mood: tired
current song: Dear Diary- Travis

Hey, do these guys remind you of anyone?

Yes, they are the Japanese baseball team called the Hiroshima Carps.

And much like my team, they were quite the powerhouse in the 70's but haven't been in contention lately. My team is doing much better, though. They've actually been in contention, you know, since 1991. ;)

Fantasy League?
by Snake Charmer (elvenjen4)
at February 25th, 2008 (11:58 am)

Hi all!

Spring training games are about to start!! How exciting! But I was wondering, who is up for doing a fantasy league again this year? Em, didn't you run the draft for us last year? I'd be interested in joining, but I can't run it as nicely as you did. :)


ladysarahii [userpic]
by ladysarahii (ladysarahii)
at February 19th, 2008 (12:34 am)
current song: Hide And Seek- Imogen Heap

This is possibly the meanest thing I've ever heard, but it's kind of funny at the same time.

It's also squeeworthy because if MLB is coming up in the yahoo news feed, it means baseball season is very soon!

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #78 to love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 20th, 2007 (10:01 am)

current mood: bouncy

 Although I really think this is more of a reason to love Red Sox Nation.

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #84 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 14th, 2007 (07:57 am)

current mood: bouncy


Junebug [userpic]
Reason #85 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 13th, 2007 (12:48 pm)

current mood: bouncy

In support of our friend Jason Varitek and the ugly (and we can only hope unfounded) rumors we've heard floating around this afternoon I have changed the order of the list slightly to bring you reason #85.

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #86 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 12th, 2007 (02:19 pm)

current mood: bouncy

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #87 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 11th, 2007 (09:00 am)

current mood: bouncy

NESN putting out its own version of the World Series movie because
they are just that crazy.

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #88 to love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 10th, 2007 (09:39 am)

current mood: bouncy

Junebug [userpic]
Reasons #90 & 91
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 10th, 2007 (09:23 am)

current mood: bouncy

Sometimes the weekend happens and Simon the Evil Laptop and I have arguments regarding whether or not he wants to work. Guess who won this time?

Junebug [userpic]
Reason #91 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 7th, 2007 (09:44 am)

current mood: bouncy


Junebug [userpic]
Reason #92 to Love the Red Sox
by Junebug (airin61)
at December 6th, 2007 (09:50 am)

current mood: bouncy

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