DISCLAIMER: The names of real people, institutions and organizations are meant to give the fiction a sense of reality and are in no way indicative of anything even resembling real life. If you found this by googling yourself, hit the back button now.
PAIRING/CHARACTER(S): basically gen; past Justin Verlander/Emily Yuen and implied Joel Zumaya/Rachel Zumaya, with appearances by José Valverde, Brandon Inge, Richard Zumaya, and others
SUMMARY: Joel doesn’t show up for batting practice one afternoon before an important game against the Twins.
WARNING: (skip) This fic contains implied character death, survivor’s guilt, and unending manpain.
NOTES: Weird and non-linear vaguely-set-in-the-future!fic. Title from “Westfall,” by Okkervil River. Past-tense is present and present-tense is past. Um, yeah. I blame this on
When I was younger, handsomer and stronger,
I felt like I could do anything.
- “Westfall,” Okkervil River
When I was younger, handsomer and stronger
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:Tigers/Mets
Author name:
Artist name:
Fandom: Baseball RPS
Genre: Slash and het
Pairing: Please see masterpost
Rating: R
Word count: 30,488
Warning: This fic contains mentions of, umm, past canon character death, abuse of alcohol and pain medication, recreational drug use, infidelity, douchiness, fade-to-black sex scenes, crappily written filler material, and an unreliable “narrator”.
Summary: “I have to warn you, though,” Haren says, leaning in so that no one else can overhear. “I’m an addictive substance. So you might be better off scoring ‘x’ from that shady looking fucker over there.”
Link to fic: Here!
Link to art: Here!
- Current Mood:accomplished
RATING: PG for swears
DISCLAIMER: The names of real people, institutions and organizations are meant to give the fiction a sense of reality and is in no way indicative of anything even resembling real life. If you found this by googling yourself, hit the back button now.
SUMMARY: When Joel finds out that he’s probably going to start the season on the disabled list, he wants to scream. He wants to tear apart the clubhouse like Hurricane Zumaya, leaving nothing but destruction in his wake. Written for .035 at

PAIRING/CHARACTERS: Joel Zumaya, Justin Verlander
NOTES: Umm, kind of lame. But I felt the need to finish something in order to force my way through this extended writer’s block. This is the necklace Justin gives Joel. Probably riddled with errors because it’s 4am and unbeta’d.
( TalismanCollapse )
lol irony.
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:"Tom Sawyer," Rush
Title: The Day Clay Gets Whacked in the Head
Team: Boston Red Sox
Characters: Clay Buchholz/ Jon Lester
Prompt: 005. Batting Practice
Word Count (not including title-disclaimer): 391
Rating: PG-13 (for one little, teeny-tiny curse word)
Summary: Welcome to Batting Practice, where injuries happen.
Disclaimer: This is complete and total FICTION. That means it never happened (although it should have!) and is completely untrue. I don’t own anybody, and I make no money off of this. I am also not implying said characters’ sexual identities.
- Current Location:my house
- Current Mood:creative
I'm officially going to write this into the community rules:
If your deleting your entire LJ account, you must notify me whether or not you wish to keep your claim and/or move it to another account. If you do not notify me, your claim will be dropped either when I notice your account is gone, or if someone else wants your claim. Your entries will not be deleted, but once someone else begins writing under the claim, your claim table will not really count for anything. If a different account comes to me claiming that they were the original claimer, I'm going to delete the message and not even respond.
So, I'm going to take care of ANY AND ALL claims, messages, etc, that I may have been sent in the past... months. Oops.
Happy writing all, and again I apologize for my absence.
Team: Boston Red Sox
Characters: J.D. Drew, Rocco Baldelli
Prompt: How?
Rating: PG
Summary: Rocco understands needing a hand every once in a while. And he's more than happy to help J.D. out.
Author's Notes: J.D. was hit by the pitch on his right (bottom) hand. He throws right, bats left.
DISCLAIMER: The events I write about are entirely fictional. They have never occurred, and are complete fabrications and imaginings. Nothing I write is intended to be taken as truth or fact. Nothing I write is written with malicious intent, and no profit is made whatsoever. Slander and libel are not intended, nor is offense.
my table is here
( 081. How?Collapse )
Title: Full Disclosure
Pairing: Robinson Cano, Jose Lopez
Teams: New York Yankees,
Characters: Robinson Cano, Tony Pena
Prompt: .062/Spring Training
Word Count: I don’t know
Rating: PG
Summary : “Next time I’ll tell him the truth.”
Author’s Notes: Tony Pena is the Yankees bench coach. This takes place the morning after Robbie returns from playing on Team Dominicana in The World Baseball Classic.
Disclaimer: Complete fiction. None of it’s true, yadda, yadda, yadda…
Full Disclosure
Title: A Fire Burning Bright
Teams: Seattle Mariners,
Characters: Jose Lopez, Robinson Cano with mentions of BJ Upton and Melky Cabrera
Prompt: .017/Infield
Word Count: More than 100
Rating: PG
Summary : He knew Robbie liked him.
Author's Notes: The team bus for the Venezuelan WBC team caught fire on 3/13/09, after the team was dropped off for a practice at Dolphin Stadium in
Disclaimer: Complete fiction. None of it's true, yadda, yadda, yadda...
A Fire Burning Bright
Team: Boston Red Sox
Characters: J.D. Drew, Josh Beckett
Prompt: Fielder's Choice
Rating: G
Summary: A handful of moments. Nothing like friendship, but at least something unlike enemies.
Author's Notes: These came out of no where, and are somewhat random.
DISCLAIMER: The events I write about are entirely fictional. They have never occurred, and are complete fabrications and imaginings. Nothing I write is intended to be taken as truth or fact. Nothing I write is written with malicious intent, and no profit is made whatsoever. Slander and libel are not intended, nor is offense.
my table is here
( 097. Fielder's ChoiceCollapse )
Team: New York Yankees
Pairing: Alex Rodriguez/Andy Pettitte
Type of claim:…
Characters/Pairing: Adrian Gonzalez
Type Of Claim: Person
Character/Pairing: Roy Halladay
Type of Claim: Person
Baseball100 Claim
Team: Boston Red Sox/San Francisco Giants…