Books by Stilyana A Batalova
Мотиви за българите в латинската историографска традиция XIV-XV в., 2018
Религиозен разцвет : България XIII–XV в. : Доклади от Международната научна конференция. София, 12 – 13 юли 2019 г. = Floraison Religieuse Bulgarie XIIIe – XVe s. = Religious Bloom Bulgaria 13th – 15th c, 2021
Религиозен разцвет : България XIII–XV в. : Доклади от
Международната научна конференция. София, 1... more Религиозен разцвет : България XIII–XV в. : Доклади от
Международната научна конференция. София, 12 – 13 юли 2019 г. =
Floraison Religieuse Bulgarie XIIIe – XVe s. = Religious Bloom Bulgaria
13th – 15th c. : Proceedings of the International Scholars Conference. Marco Scarpa, Stilyana Batalova. Marie-Helene Blanchet (eds.) .
Sofia, 12 – 13 July 2019. . Sofia 2021. – 352.
Мотивът за покръстването на българите by Stilyana A Batalova

Late medieval Latin Chronicles and the Motif on Conversion to Christiaity of The Builgarians, MA Th, Def. 3.06.2000, Jun 3, 2000
Тъй като в Магистърската си теза открих значителен брой неточности и грешки, поправките на много ... more Тъй като в Магистърската си теза открих значителен брой неточности и грешки, поправките на много голяма част от тях могат да бъдат прочетени в статията ми за Покръстването на българите в Сборника в чест на проф. дин П. Ангелов от 2013 г. В статията там е представен в печатна форма докладът ми Покръстването на българите в няколко латиноезични хроники: маркер за европейска идентичност, четен през 2009 г. в Братислава на Международната научна конференция "Кирило-Методиевото културно наследство и националната идентичност". Докладът ми не беше публикуван в тома от конференцията поради натиск от страна на главния редактор да напиша в бележка под линия, че текстовете в дипломната ми работа са били издирени, предоставени и обработени от други лица. Поради този факт и други опити да бъда обвинявана в плагиатство публикувам тези текстове тук. В чужди публикации се откриват и изречения от дипломната ми работа без позоваване на документа, публикуван тук.
Papers by Stilyana A Batalova

Кирило-методиевски места на паметта в българската култура, редактори: Евгени Зашев, Веселка Желязкова, Славия Бърлиева, Бойка Мирчева, 2023
The study is devoted to the issue of Bulgarian conversion in some Byzantine and Latin sources as places of memory. The author traces the use of medieval sources alongside their use of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition as a means of historical reconstruction of the universal Christian European narrative in the writings of Matthias Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius and the Bollandists. In discussing their work, the paper accents the first attempts at a critical reading of the motives for the conversion of the Bulgarians in connection with the activity of the holy brothers in the Baroque scholarly works of the Bollandists.
Keywords: Conversion of the Bulgarians, Sts Cyril and Methodius, M. Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius, Jean Bolland, Godefrid Henschen, Daniel Papеbroch.

S. Batalova, 2023
Stilyana Batalova
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
https:... more Stilyana Batalova
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The paper outlines in historiographical perspective Paul Meyvaert (1921–2015) and Paul Devos’ (1913–1995) contributions to the classification of the Latin hagiographical legends about Sts Cyril and Methodius. The author analyzes their three joint studies from 1955–1956. These studies first introduced into academic use the most comprehensive medieval copy of the so-called Italian legend discovered to date. They also explored its links to the literary activity of Leo of Ostia (1046–1115). Through P.Meyvaert’s fortuitous discovery, the two scholars proved that only the second redaction of the Italian Legend has survived. As a result of their research, they narrowed down the chronological limits of the appearance of its first redaction, compiled by Johannes Hymmonides and Gauderic of Velletri. They studied the manuscript tradition (of the Italian Legend) and proved that the reference to the episcopal rank of St Cyril and St Methodius is a late interpolation in the text. They established what influence Leo of Ostia ‘s redaction of the Italian Legend exerted on the literary production in the Benedictine monastery of San Clemente a Casauria in the last quarter of the 12th century and on some legendaries containing abridged legendae novae of the 13th and 14th centuries. P. Meyvaert and P. Devos also attempted to clarify the place of the so-called Moravian legend in the nexus of Latin Cyrillo-Methodian legends of the Bohemian lands.
The paper discusses the contributions of Meyvaert and Devos from the perspective of the development of Cyrillo-Methodian studies. It analyses the main approaches used for the successful solutions to age-old issues and the hypotheses that provoked debate with Jaroslav Ludvikovský.

"In the Footsteps of the Bollandists or on the First Contributions to the Academic Study of the S... more "In the Footsteps of the Bollandists or on the First Contributions to the Academic Study of the Sources for the Life and Activity of Sts Cyril and Methodius"
This publication traces the shaping of the Latin hagiographic dossier on St Cyril and St Methodius under the impact of the trends of the Counter-Reformation. At the time, under the influence of political and ecclesiastical events, a significant change occurred in attitudes towards the writing of history and the use of sources. The first Baroque hagiographical series appeared as a result of the rivalry between Protestantism and the Catholic Church. Scholars of hagiographies developed a methodology for studying, commenting on, and publishing hagiographical texts. Based on some ideas inspired by the Commentaries on the Roman Martyrology and the Ecclesiastical Annals by Caesar Baronius, the most celebrated hagiographical series, the Acta Sanctorum, arose in Jesuit circles. In keeping with the paradigm set by Pope Gregory XIII’s Roman Martyrology, in its March volume, the Bollandists included St Cyril and St Methodius as bishops of Moravia with the See of Olomouc among the memorials for 9 March. Led by the general conception of the series announced in the treatise-praise of the Founder of the Society, Jean Bolland, Henschen and Papebroch subjected all the testimonies about the holy brothers written in Latin and accessible to the first researchers to as complete an analysis and historical, liturgical, and textual commentary as possible. To achieve this they used, on the one hand, the richest collection of manuscripts and transcripts of hagiographies at the time, begun by Rosweide, and, on the other, a network of correspondent scholars. The names of eminent ecclesiastical writers and scholars of the era: Abbot Ughelli, as well as Jesuits – Jean Gamans, Ludovicus Crasius, Theodorus Moretus – stand out among the collaborators on the hagiographic dossier of Sts Cyril and Methodius. Some of the Bollandists’ correspondents were also distinguished professors at Jesuit colleges in Bohemia and Poland. Thus, they greatly facilitated the Bollandists’ access to primary text sources and sent some autopsy reports. As a result, Henschen and Papebroch presented St Cyril and St Methodius in the Acta Sanctorum as the Apostles of the Slavic peoples. Relying on the analysis of historical evidence in papal letters, the letters of Anastasius the Librarian, Anastasius’ preface to the Protocols of the Eighth Ecumenical Council, and hagiographical texts, they offer the first-ever chronology of the apostolic activity of Sts Cyril and Methodius. They publish and comment on four texts – the so-called Italian Legend (BHL 2073), the Moravian Legend (BHL 2073z, BHL 2074), the Breviary readings Blessed Cyril (BHL 2075= excerpts ex BHL 8825) and a fragment of the Life of St Ludmila, recounting their work in Moravia (BHL 5031). They accepted that the Italian legend is the oldest text and attributed its authorship to Gauderich of Velletri. Until the discovery of the Slavonic lives of the Saints, the Italian legend was considered the most important testimony to the life and work of the Holy brothers. Declaring it foundational and generative of some later texts, the Bollandists created the core, to which later scholars added Cyrillo-Methodian Latin sources up to the twentieth century. This review and commentary paper highlights the conclusions of the early researchers that have remained a constant in scholarship. The paper also offers answers to some of the Bollandists’ questions and revisions made by subsequent scholars. We stressed the fact that to appreciate the magnitude of the work of the pioneers in Cyrillo-Methodian studies it is necessary to go beyond the narrow confines of the text of the first commentary. That is why we give supplementary accounts from other volumes in the series. The Bollandists themselves made some of the references to readings in Acta Sanctorum. A review of the supporting literature they used to produce the scholarly study is also relevant in assessing the academic method of work. We make new clarifications concerning the deformation of some evidence from liturgical readings about the saints in Polish and Czech Office books from the 15th and 16th centuries.

RELIGIOUS BLOOM BULGARIA 13th – 15th c. PROCEEDINGS of the International Scholars Conference Sofia, 12 – 13 July 2019. M. Scarpa, S.B., M-H Blanchet (eds.), (=Kirilo-Metodievski studii 30), 2021
The paper proposes guidelines for a future edition and study of an excerpt from the third part of... more The paper proposes guidelines for a future edition and study of an excerpt from the third part of the Chronicle by St. Antoninus which was written shortly after the fall of Constantinople under Ottoman rule. I survey the historical and historiographical context of the appearance of the account of the Twelve Greek divisions (tit. XXII, chapter 13) and then provide an archeographical analysis of the extant manuscript copies and some of the early printed editions. I then compare the excerpts about patriarch Photius with earlier parallels from the works by other authors and make some conclusions on the essence of the Twelve Greek Divisions. The present study clarifies that achieving satisfactory results necessitates examining not only sources containing exact textual parallels but also the likely sources of information that Antoninus used and interpreted. Thus, by studying the methodology of composing and compiling, the ideological similarities and the language in the parts already identified as original it is possible to make reliable and accurate conclusions. So far it seems that the Twelve Greek Divisions is original in the form of compiling, interpreting and representing known facts in a new way. However, at places, it appears that some passages have been directly borrowed and patched into the narrative.
Keywords: Antoninus of Florence, Philip of Pera, Fantino Vallaresso, Florentine Council, Twelve Greek Divisions, heresy, Ecumenical councils, Schisms, Photius, Beclas.

"Катенните коменатри на Св. Кирил Александрийски върху Книга на пророк Исайя: Преславското наследство в среднобългарска и руска редакция.", Търновска книжовна школа. Т. 11. пространства на паметта,. Велико Търново, 2019, 119 - 139, 2019
The Catena Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Isaiah by St. Cyril of Alexandria: the Preslavian ... more The Catena Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Isaiah by St. Cyril of Alexandria: the Preslavian heritage in Middle Bulgarian and Russian manuscript tradition .
Cyrillo-Methodian research centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The article discusses some scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria from the Greek Catena on the Book of Prophet Isaiah in comparison with the Preslav translation according to several representatives of the two Slavonic manuscript traditions – the Middle Bulgarian (F.I. 461 from the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg) and the Russian ones (Mss. Chudovski 182, 183 and 184 from the State Historical Museum in Moskow and Ms. 89 and Ms. 90 from the Collection of the Troitse-Sergieva Laura). The parallels between the Greek and Slavonic manuscript traditions make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The complex Slavonic tradition should be explored because the Middle Bulgarian manuscript tradition is incomplete and represents only a part of the Preslav translation, and the conclusions made on its basis are incomplete. The parallel study of the Slavonic translation with samples from the Greek Catеnae shows that it is insufficient to work only with the full text of the commentary in Patrologia Graeca, as some translation decisions in Slavonic can be explained only by the Greek source used. The study of the scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria in Slavonic translation, as well as the study of the scholia by Theodulus and John Chrysostom, point to the possibility that the Slavonic translation represents unknown or today unpreserved abbreviated version of the Greek catena.
На крилете на традицията: Николас Клопер Млади (1432–1478) за българите (On the wings of tradition: Nicolaus Clopper Jr on the Bulgarians) , 2017
Keywords: Nicolaus Clopper Jr; Florarium temporum; Late medieval historical compendia; medieval b... more Keywords: Nicolaus Clopper Jr; Florarium temporum; Late medieval historical compendia; medieval bulgarian history; Latin historiography;
Summary/Abstract: The study explores how Nicolaus Clopper Jr exploits traditional motifs on Bulgarian history derived from well-known Latin chronicles. The motifs on Bulgarian history are interpreted in comparative perspective with regard to their content as laid out by Nicolaus Clopper Jr and in earlier medieval Latin chronicles, and reveals uses, similarities and variations.
22 G, fol. 237v, Mare Historiarum (=MH) VII, 97 = P, fol. 305rb, MH VI, 98. 23 ] aliis add. P. 24... more 22 G, fol. 237v, Mare Historiarum (=MH) VII, 97 = P, fol. 305rb, MH VI, 98. 23 ] aliis add. P. 24 consensit| ecclesie transp. P.
In the paper the author discusses thirteen accounts about Bu... more STILYANA BATALOVA / SOFIA
In the paper the author discusses thirteen accounts about Bulgarians and Bulgarian history in Summa historialis by St. Antoninus of Florence. The events included in Antoninus’s narrative took place between the 5th and the 14th century AD. The Sources of Summa historialis have been studied repeatedly; however, there are details that deserve further analysis. The author of the research uses comparative approach to determine the level of innovation in representing traditional accounts and narrative motifs on Bulgarian history reconstructing thus the role and the significance of Bulgarians in medieval Christian Europe in the notion of St. Antoninus of Florence and his contemporaries.
Antoninus of Florence, Summa historialis, Bulgarians, Bulgarian Medieval history, historical sources

Мотиви за българската история в Chrоnologia magna и Satyrica historia на
Паулин... more Мотиви за българската история в Chrоnologia magna и Satyrica historia на
Паулинус от Венеция (резюме)
Стиляна Баталова
В настоящата публикация се издават за пръв път откъсите, касаещи българската история в две от историческите компилации на францисканския писател Паулинус от Венеция. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium е представена по lat. 4939 от Националната библиотека в Париж (14 в.), а Satyrica historia по рък. 445 от Ягиелонската библиотека в Краков (15 в.). От направения преглед става ясно, че в тези две съчинения се съдържат немалко сведения за българите от основаването на Първата българска държава през 681 г. до сключването на династичен брак между българска принцеса и латинския император Анри в 1212 г. Всички мотиви от българската история, които Паулинус е подбрал и включил, са значими и напълно отговарят на целта, обявена в предговора към Satyrica historia, който сам по себе си представя историческото кредо на писателя. Те не са просто свод от случили се върхове и падения, а са част от такава добре проучена информация, която ще послужи за поучение и ще предпази бъдещите поколения въз основа на добития опит от изминалата история на Римските войни и на другите царства. Ако интерпретираме сведенията в тази светлина, бихме могли да кажем, че след появата им на европейска сцена (681 г.), българите имат ролята на защитници на християнска Европа (717 г.) и на оръжие Божие (811 г., 1205 г.). Представено е влизането им в християнското семейство на европейските народи (865 г.) и твърдостта и светостта на българския княз-покръстител, който отстоява новоприетата вяра. Наред с това българите са участници в събития пряко касаещи Византия (705 г.), но попадат и в други роли – на потърпевши от експанзията на още непокръстените унгарци (907 г., 970 г., 1003 г.). Българските земи се споменават също във връзка с преминаването на Валтер Голтака (1096). Сведенията, които Паулинус дава са преработки от по-ранни източници, които той добре е познавал. В настоящата публикация те бяха идентифицирани с голяма точност. Грешките в датировките, които епископът на Поцуоли допуска, нерядко се дължат на съотнасянето с по-значими събитията или личности, около които се изгражда цяла глава от разказа или рубрика в компилациите му. Друг път анахронизмите се дължи нa собствените му извори. Проследяването на контекста, в който е представен един или
друг мотив за българската история, позволи да се идентифицират източниците на материала и да се проследи методът на съставителство на Паулинус. Не на последно място анализът на съдържанието на мотивите помогна да се установи, че в Chronica per extensum descripta от венецианския дож Андреа Дандоло са използвани по Satyrica historia, но може би и с консултация по Chronologia magna, всички мотиви за българската история и земи без хронологическата бележка за смъртта на Никифор I
Геник и преминаването на Валтер Голтака през България в 1096 г. С изданието на фрагментите, взети от компилациите на Паулинус се внесе яснота за онези пасажи от хрониката на Андреа Дандоло, за които Д. Ангелов е отбелязал, че имат връзка с по-ранната хронография, но източниците им трябва още да се търсят.
Note: Pae 2010, left column, line 12 - Tercio must be read Decimo!
Motifs of Bulgarian history in Chronologia Magna and Satirica Historia by Paulinus of Venice
Stilyana Batalova
This paper contains the first publication of printed excerpts related to Bulgarian history from two historical compilations by Paulinus of Venice. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium is presented according to lat. 4939, National library, Paris (14th c.) and Satyrica historia – according to Ms 445, Jagiellonian library, Cracow (15th c.). As the study and analysis of these manuscripts demonstrate, the compendia contain many accounts related to Bulgarian history – from the formation of the Bulgarian state in 681 up to the dynastic marriage of the Latin emperor of Constantinople Henry in 1213. All of the motifs from Bulgarian history, which Paulinus selected and included, are significant and fully aligned with the aims, which he had set himself in the prologue to Satyrica historia. These motifs are not merely a compilation of successes and failures, but are to form a body of well researched information, which will serve to edify posterity, based on the historical experience of the Roman and other kingdoms. Interpreting the evidence in Paulinus’ accounts in light of his stated approach, it appears that after their appearance on the European stage (681) the Bulgarians played the role of the defenders of Christian Europe (717) and the armament of God (811 г., 1205 г.). Their joining the Christian family of the European people is also recounted (865) through the example of the determination and beatitude of the Bulgarian ruler who defended the new faith even against his own son. Additionally, the Bulgarians are described as participants in events related to Byzantine history (705), as well as being adversely affected by the expansion of the unconverted Hungarians (907, 970, 1003). The accounts related by Paulinus are re-workings of earlier sources he was apparently well acquainted with. It can be argued that the present publication identified those sources with significant accuracy. The mistakes in the dating that occur in Paulinus’ compilations are often attributable to him connecting events to to significant historical episodes or historical personalities, around which he builds a whole chapter or rubric of the narration. Sometimes the anachronisms are due to the sources he used. The study of the context, in which motifs related to Bulgarian history are placed allowed me to identify the sources of the material and the method of compilation employed by Paulinus of Venice. Last but not least, the analysis of the content of the motifs allowed me to establish that Dandolo mainly used information from the Historia satyrica, but perhaps also consulted with the Chronologia magna. He included in his chronicle almost all the motifs from the works of Paulinus, with the exception of the chronological note on the death of Nicephorus I Genik and the episode on Walter Senzavohir. Thus, the publication of the fragments from the Historia satyrica and Chronologia magna clarified the origin of those passages in the chronicle of Andrea Dandolo about which D. Angelov wrote that they are connected to earlier historiographical sources but their origins are in need of further investigation.
Кирило-Методиевски студии. Т. 25. Идентифициране на еврейски и християнски модели в литературата.... more Кирило-Методиевски студии. Т. 25. Идентифициране на еврейски и християнски модели в литературата. София, 2016, 405-423

This study seeks to trace out the structure of the Book of Prophet Isaiah with commentaries and t... more This study seeks to trace out the structure of the Book of Prophet Isaiah with commentaries and to explore what that structure reveals about the text in some manuscripts of the East Slavonic and South Slavonic traditions. There are three conclusions made as a result of the present study. Firstly, the analysis of the structure and the identification of the readings in Catena Slavonica in Isaiam shows a translation of a catena which occupies an intermediate position between the Catena in Isaiam by John Drungarios and the one by Andrew the Presbyter whichever is the earliest. The CSI resembles both. Secondly, the value of the CSI should not be underestimated, because it includes a translation of scholia by Theodulus whose work is now almost entirely lost. Therefore the CSI could provide new evidence for the content of the lost Byzantine original of Theodulus’ Commentary on Isaiah. Thirdly, the comparison of the numerals in the margin of РНБ F.I.461 with the sequence and number of the biblical pericopes and relevant scholia in the Russian manuscripts clearly and unequivocally demonstrates that although F.I. 461 is the earliest evidence of Preslav translation in a Tărnovo redaction, it is still a single link in the chain of the Slavonic tradition and has a many shortcomings compared to the CSI in the Russian tradition.

Стиляна Баталова РОЛЯТА НА ДОМИНИКАНСКИТЕ АВТОРИ ЗА РЕЦЕПЦИЯТА И РАЗПРОСТРАНЕНИЕТО НА МОТИВА ЗА R... more Стиляна Баталова РОЛЯТА НА ДОМИНИКАНСКИТЕ АВТОРИ ЗА РЕЦЕПЦИЯТА И РАЗПРОСТРАНЕНИЕТО НА МОТИВА ЗА REX BULGARORUM В ЗАПАДНОЕВРОПЕЙСКАТА ИСТОРИОГРАФИЯ С. 151 // Настоящият доклад представя група сведения за покръстването на българския владетел Борис-Михаил и ослепяването на неговия син Владимир-Расате в доминиканската латиноезична историография през периода ХІІІ-ХV в. като част от културния диалог между Изтока и Запада 1 . Разказът за тези събития от Хрониката на прюмския абат Регинон (840-915) 2 става много популярен историографски мотив посредством съкратената му форма от Хронографията на Зигеберт от Жамблу (ок. 1030-5.10.1112) 3 . От ХІІІ век нататък го откриваме в редица световни и папски хроники, писани от църковни деятели и светски лица. В много от тях изложението на историческите събития е по образец, зададен от известни представители на Доминиканския орден. Ето защо представям откъси от историографски съчинения с оглед осветляването на въпроса за ролята на доминиканските отци за рецепцията и разпространението на този разказ. Тъй като приликите в подредбата на мотивите, изграждащи историческия разказ, издават родствените връзки между отделните

Покръстването на българите в няколко латиноезични съчинения от ХІІІ-ХVІ в. // Средновековният българин и "Другите". сборник в чест на проф. дин Петър Ангелов. С., 2013, УИ "Св. Климент Охридски", 109-125 по доклад четен в Братислава 11-13 ноември 2009 г. , 2013
Темата за покръстването на българите в латинските хроники, най-ранните от които се явяват първост... more Темата за покръстването на българите в латинските хроники, най-ранните от които се явяват първостепенен извор за събитията от българската история от и около средата на IX в., е многократно интерпретирана в българската историческа и историографска наука още от началото на XX в., а в последните две десетилетия се радва, бих казала, на засилен интерес. Освен двете изследвания на В. Гюзелев 1извороведческо и монографично, пряко по темата и около нея бяха публикувани и някои разработки на историци от по-младата генерация 2 . В това число през 2002 г. излезе и съвместната ни статия със Сл. Бърлиева за мотива за покръстването на българите в хронографията на Западното средновековие 3 . Работата целеше да представи латинските извори за покръстването от периода IX-XV в. в тяхната пълнота.

- In: Byzantinoslavica 2013/ 1-2, 211-232, Sep 2013
This paper explores the thematic content and structure of „W прорчъства Iса•´на” in Ms. F. I. 461... more This paper explores the thematic content and structure of „W прорчъства Iса•´на” in Ms. F. I. 461 (RNL, Saint-Petersburg) dating from the last quarter of 14th century. Based on observations on the commentated biblical pericopes in Old Church Slavonic translation and their comparison with preserved Byzantine Church fathers’ commentaries, the author expounds the thesis that this is a selected Christological commentary of the catena type to selected verses of the Book of Isaiah. The major part of the biblical verses commentated on in F. I. 461 could also be found in the Parimejnik and Prophetologian as a set of lections for the matins and vespers of the Great Lent and Pentecost cycle.Thus these readings are connected to the cycle of Lord’s feasts. The comparison of the segmentation of the texts and translation of citations from other biblical books taken from Byzantine commentaries confirm Evseev’s conclusion that the biblical text and the commentaries had been translated simultaneously. Therefore the biblical text and the commentaries in F. I. 461 must be studied as a unit and primarily as an exegetical piece, which can provide additional data for the diffusion and understanding of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah in Mediaeval Bulgaria.
Books by Stilyana A Batalova
Международната научна конференция. София, 12 – 13 юли 2019 г. =
Floraison Religieuse Bulgarie XIIIe – XVe s. = Religious Bloom Bulgaria
13th – 15th c. : Proceedings of the International Scholars Conference. Marco Scarpa, Stilyana Batalova. Marie-Helene Blanchet (eds.) .
Sofia, 12 – 13 July 2019. . Sofia 2021. – 352.
Мотивът за покръстването на българите by Stilyana A Batalova
Papers by Stilyana A Batalova
The study is devoted to the issue of Bulgarian conversion in some Byzantine and Latin sources as places of memory. The author traces the use of medieval sources alongside their use of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition as a means of historical reconstruction of the universal Christian European narrative in the writings of Matthias Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius and the Bollandists. In discussing their work, the paper accents the first attempts at a critical reading of the motives for the conversion of the Bulgarians in connection with the activity of the holy brothers in the Baroque scholarly works of the Bollandists.
Keywords: Conversion of the Bulgarians, Sts Cyril and Methodius, M. Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius, Jean Bolland, Godefrid Henschen, Daniel Papеbroch.
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The paper outlines in historiographical perspective Paul Meyvaert (1921–2015) and Paul Devos’ (1913–1995) contributions to the classification of the Latin hagiographical legends about Sts Cyril and Methodius. The author analyzes their three joint studies from 1955–1956. These studies first introduced into academic use the most comprehensive medieval copy of the so-called Italian legend discovered to date. They also explored its links to the literary activity of Leo of Ostia (1046–1115). Through P.Meyvaert’s fortuitous discovery, the two scholars proved that only the second redaction of the Italian Legend has survived. As a result of their research, they narrowed down the chronological limits of the appearance of its first redaction, compiled by Johannes Hymmonides and Gauderic of Velletri. They studied the manuscript tradition (of the Italian Legend) and proved that the reference to the episcopal rank of St Cyril and St Methodius is a late interpolation in the text. They established what influence Leo of Ostia ‘s redaction of the Italian Legend exerted on the literary production in the Benedictine monastery of San Clemente a Casauria in the last quarter of the 12th century and on some legendaries containing abridged legendae novae of the 13th and 14th centuries. P. Meyvaert and P. Devos also attempted to clarify the place of the so-called Moravian legend in the nexus of Latin Cyrillo-Methodian legends of the Bohemian lands.
The paper discusses the contributions of Meyvaert and Devos from the perspective of the development of Cyrillo-Methodian studies. It analyses the main approaches used for the successful solutions to age-old issues and the hypotheses that provoked debate with Jaroslav Ludvikovský.
This publication traces the shaping of the Latin hagiographic dossier on St Cyril and St Methodius under the impact of the trends of the Counter-Reformation. At the time, under the influence of political and ecclesiastical events, a significant change occurred in attitudes towards the writing of history and the use of sources. The first Baroque hagiographical series appeared as a result of the rivalry between Protestantism and the Catholic Church. Scholars of hagiographies developed a methodology for studying, commenting on, and publishing hagiographical texts. Based on some ideas inspired by the Commentaries on the Roman Martyrology and the Ecclesiastical Annals by Caesar Baronius, the most celebrated hagiographical series, the Acta Sanctorum, arose in Jesuit circles. In keeping with the paradigm set by Pope Gregory XIII’s Roman Martyrology, in its March volume, the Bollandists included St Cyril and St Methodius as bishops of Moravia with the See of Olomouc among the memorials for 9 March. Led by the general conception of the series announced in the treatise-praise of the Founder of the Society, Jean Bolland, Henschen and Papebroch subjected all the testimonies about the holy brothers written in Latin and accessible to the first researchers to as complete an analysis and historical, liturgical, and textual commentary as possible. To achieve this they used, on the one hand, the richest collection of manuscripts and transcripts of hagiographies at the time, begun by Rosweide, and, on the other, a network of correspondent scholars. The names of eminent ecclesiastical writers and scholars of the era: Abbot Ughelli, as well as Jesuits – Jean Gamans, Ludovicus Crasius, Theodorus Moretus – stand out among the collaborators on the hagiographic dossier of Sts Cyril and Methodius. Some of the Bollandists’ correspondents were also distinguished professors at Jesuit colleges in Bohemia and Poland. Thus, they greatly facilitated the Bollandists’ access to primary text sources and sent some autopsy reports. As a result, Henschen and Papebroch presented St Cyril and St Methodius in the Acta Sanctorum as the Apostles of the Slavic peoples. Relying on the analysis of historical evidence in papal letters, the letters of Anastasius the Librarian, Anastasius’ preface to the Protocols of the Eighth Ecumenical Council, and hagiographical texts, they offer the first-ever chronology of the apostolic activity of Sts Cyril and Methodius. They publish and comment on four texts – the so-called Italian Legend (BHL 2073), the Moravian Legend (BHL 2073z, BHL 2074), the Breviary readings Blessed Cyril (BHL 2075= excerpts ex BHL 8825) and a fragment of the Life of St Ludmila, recounting their work in Moravia (BHL 5031). They accepted that the Italian legend is the oldest text and attributed its authorship to Gauderich of Velletri. Until the discovery of the Slavonic lives of the Saints, the Italian legend was considered the most important testimony to the life and work of the Holy brothers. Declaring it foundational and generative of some later texts, the Bollandists created the core, to which later scholars added Cyrillo-Methodian Latin sources up to the twentieth century. This review and commentary paper highlights the conclusions of the early researchers that have remained a constant in scholarship. The paper also offers answers to some of the Bollandists’ questions and revisions made by subsequent scholars. We stressed the fact that to appreciate the magnitude of the work of the pioneers in Cyrillo-Methodian studies it is necessary to go beyond the narrow confines of the text of the first commentary. That is why we give supplementary accounts from other volumes in the series. The Bollandists themselves made some of the references to readings in Acta Sanctorum. A review of the supporting literature they used to produce the scholarly study is also relevant in assessing the academic method of work. We make new clarifications concerning the deformation of some evidence from liturgical readings about the saints in Polish and Czech Office books from the 15th and 16th centuries.
Keywords: Antoninus of Florence, Philip of Pera, Fantino Vallaresso, Florentine Council, Twelve Greek Divisions, heresy, Ecumenical councils, Schisms, Photius, Beclas.
Cyrillo-Methodian research centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The article discusses some scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria from the Greek Catena on the Book of Prophet Isaiah in comparison with the Preslav translation according to several representatives of the two Slavonic manuscript traditions – the Middle Bulgarian (F.I. 461 from the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg) and the Russian ones (Mss. Chudovski 182, 183 and 184 from the State Historical Museum in Moskow and Ms. 89 and Ms. 90 from the Collection of the Troitse-Sergieva Laura). The parallels between the Greek and Slavonic manuscript traditions make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The complex Slavonic tradition should be explored because the Middle Bulgarian manuscript tradition is incomplete and represents only a part of the Preslav translation, and the conclusions made on its basis are incomplete. The parallel study of the Slavonic translation with samples from the Greek Catеnae shows that it is insufficient to work only with the full text of the commentary in Patrologia Graeca, as some translation decisions in Slavonic can be explained only by the Greek source used. The study of the scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria in Slavonic translation, as well as the study of the scholia by Theodulus and John Chrysostom, point to the possibility that the Slavonic translation represents unknown or today unpreserved abbreviated version of the Greek catena.
Summary/Abstract: The study explores how Nicolaus Clopper Jr exploits traditional motifs on Bulgarian history derived from well-known Latin chronicles. The motifs on Bulgarian history are interpreted in comparative perspective with regard to their content as laid out by Nicolaus Clopper Jr and in earlier medieval Latin chronicles, and reveals uses, similarities and variations.
In the paper the author discusses thirteen accounts about Bulgarians and Bulgarian history in Summa historialis by St. Antoninus of Florence. The events included in Antoninus’s narrative took place between the 5th and the 14th century AD. The Sources of Summa historialis have been studied repeatedly; however, there are details that deserve further analysis. The author of the research uses comparative approach to determine the level of innovation in representing traditional accounts and narrative motifs on Bulgarian history reconstructing thus the role and the significance of Bulgarians in medieval Christian Europe in the notion of St. Antoninus of Florence and his contemporaries.
Antoninus of Florence, Summa historialis, Bulgarians, Bulgarian Medieval history, historical sources
Паулинус от Венеция (резюме)
Стиляна Баталова
В настоящата публикация се издават за пръв път откъсите, касаещи българската история в две от историческите компилации на францисканския писател Паулинус от Венеция. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium е представена по lat. 4939 от Националната библиотека в Париж (14 в.), а Satyrica historia по рък. 445 от Ягиелонската библиотека в Краков (15 в.). От направения преглед става ясно, че в тези две съчинения се съдържат немалко сведения за българите от основаването на Първата българска държава през 681 г. до сключването на династичен брак между българска принцеса и латинския император Анри в 1212 г. Всички мотиви от българската история, които Паулинус е подбрал и включил, са значими и напълно отговарят на целта, обявена в предговора към Satyrica historia, който сам по себе си представя историческото кредо на писателя. Те не са просто свод от случили се върхове и падения, а са част от такава добре проучена информация, която ще послужи за поучение и ще предпази бъдещите поколения въз основа на добития опит от изминалата история на Римските войни и на другите царства. Ако интерпретираме сведенията в тази светлина, бихме могли да кажем, че след появата им на европейска сцена (681 г.), българите имат ролята на защитници на християнска Европа (717 г.) и на оръжие Божие (811 г., 1205 г.). Представено е влизането им в християнското семейство на европейските народи (865 г.) и твърдостта и светостта на българския княз-покръстител, който отстоява новоприетата вяра. Наред с това българите са участници в събития пряко касаещи Византия (705 г.), но попадат и в други роли – на потърпевши от експанзията на още непокръстените унгарци (907 г., 970 г., 1003 г.). Българските земи се споменават също във връзка с преминаването на Валтер Голтака (1096). Сведенията, които Паулинус дава са преработки от по-ранни източници, които той добре е познавал. В настоящата публикация те бяха идентифицирани с голяма точност. Грешките в датировките, които епископът на Поцуоли допуска, нерядко се дължат на съотнасянето с по-значими събитията или личности, около които се изгражда цяла глава от разказа или рубрика в компилациите му. Друг път анахронизмите се дължи нa собствените му извори. Проследяването на контекста, в който е представен един или
друг мотив за българската история, позволи да се идентифицират източниците на материала и да се проследи методът на съставителство на Паулинус. Не на последно място анализът на съдържанието на мотивите помогна да се установи, че в Chronica per extensum descripta от венецианския дож Андреа Дандоло са използвани по Satyrica historia, но може би и с консултация по Chronologia magna, всички мотиви за българската история и земи без хронологическата бележка за смъртта на Никифор I
Геник и преминаването на Валтер Голтака през България в 1096 г. С изданието на фрагментите, взети от компилациите на Паулинус се внесе яснота за онези пасажи от хрониката на Андреа Дандоло, за които Д. Ангелов е отбелязал, че имат връзка с по-ранната хронография, но източниците им трябва още да се търсят.
Note: Pae 2010, left column, line 12 - Tercio must be read Decimo!
Motifs of Bulgarian history in Chronologia Magna and Satirica Historia by Paulinus of Venice
Stilyana Batalova
This paper contains the first publication of printed excerpts related to Bulgarian history from two historical compilations by Paulinus of Venice. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium is presented according to lat. 4939, National library, Paris (14th c.) and Satyrica historia – according to Ms 445, Jagiellonian library, Cracow (15th c.). As the study and analysis of these manuscripts demonstrate, the compendia contain many accounts related to Bulgarian history – from the formation of the Bulgarian state in 681 up to the dynastic marriage of the Latin emperor of Constantinople Henry in 1213. All of the motifs from Bulgarian history, which Paulinus selected and included, are significant and fully aligned with the aims, which he had set himself in the prologue to Satyrica historia. These motifs are not merely a compilation of successes and failures, but are to form a body of well researched information, which will serve to edify posterity, based on the historical experience of the Roman and other kingdoms. Interpreting the evidence in Paulinus’ accounts in light of his stated approach, it appears that after their appearance on the European stage (681) the Bulgarians played the role of the defenders of Christian Europe (717) and the armament of God (811 г., 1205 г.). Their joining the Christian family of the European people is also recounted (865) through the example of the determination and beatitude of the Bulgarian ruler who defended the new faith even against his own son. Additionally, the Bulgarians are described as participants in events related to Byzantine history (705), as well as being adversely affected by the expansion of the unconverted Hungarians (907, 970, 1003). The accounts related by Paulinus are re-workings of earlier sources he was apparently well acquainted with. It can be argued that the present publication identified those sources with significant accuracy. The mistakes in the dating that occur in Paulinus’ compilations are often attributable to him connecting events to to significant historical episodes or historical personalities, around which he builds a whole chapter or rubric of the narration. Sometimes the anachronisms are due to the sources he used. The study of the context, in which motifs related to Bulgarian history are placed allowed me to identify the sources of the material and the method of compilation employed by Paulinus of Venice. Last but not least, the analysis of the content of the motifs allowed me to establish that Dandolo mainly used information from the Historia satyrica, but perhaps also consulted with the Chronologia magna. He included in his chronicle almost all the motifs from the works of Paulinus, with the exception of the chronological note on the death of Nicephorus I Genik and the episode on Walter Senzavohir. Thus, the publication of the fragments from the Historia satyrica and Chronologia magna clarified the origin of those passages in the chronicle of Andrea Dandolo about which D. Angelov wrote that they are connected to earlier historiographical sources but their origins are in need of further investigation.
Международната научна конференция. София, 12 – 13 юли 2019 г. =
Floraison Religieuse Bulgarie XIIIe – XVe s. = Religious Bloom Bulgaria
13th – 15th c. : Proceedings of the International Scholars Conference. Marco Scarpa, Stilyana Batalova. Marie-Helene Blanchet (eds.) .
Sofia, 12 – 13 July 2019. . Sofia 2021. – 352.
The study is devoted to the issue of Bulgarian conversion in some Byzantine and Latin sources as places of memory. The author traces the use of medieval sources alongside their use of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition as a means of historical reconstruction of the universal Christian European narrative in the writings of Matthias Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius and the Bollandists. In discussing their work, the paper accents the first attempts at a critical reading of the motives for the conversion of the Bulgarians in connection with the activity of the holy brothers in the Baroque scholarly works of the Bollandists.
Keywords: Conversion of the Bulgarians, Sts Cyril and Methodius, M. Flacius Illyricus, Caesar Baronius, Jean Bolland, Godefrid Henschen, Daniel Papеbroch.
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The paper outlines in historiographical perspective Paul Meyvaert (1921–2015) and Paul Devos’ (1913–1995) contributions to the classification of the Latin hagiographical legends about Sts Cyril and Methodius. The author analyzes their three joint studies from 1955–1956. These studies first introduced into academic use the most comprehensive medieval copy of the so-called Italian legend discovered to date. They also explored its links to the literary activity of Leo of Ostia (1046–1115). Through P.Meyvaert’s fortuitous discovery, the two scholars proved that only the second redaction of the Italian Legend has survived. As a result of their research, they narrowed down the chronological limits of the appearance of its first redaction, compiled by Johannes Hymmonides and Gauderic of Velletri. They studied the manuscript tradition (of the Italian Legend) and proved that the reference to the episcopal rank of St Cyril and St Methodius is a late interpolation in the text. They established what influence Leo of Ostia ‘s redaction of the Italian Legend exerted on the literary production in the Benedictine monastery of San Clemente a Casauria in the last quarter of the 12th century and on some legendaries containing abridged legendae novae of the 13th and 14th centuries. P. Meyvaert and P. Devos also attempted to clarify the place of the so-called Moravian legend in the nexus of Latin Cyrillo-Methodian legends of the Bohemian lands.
The paper discusses the contributions of Meyvaert and Devos from the perspective of the development of Cyrillo-Methodian studies. It analyses the main approaches used for the successful solutions to age-old issues and the hypotheses that provoked debate with Jaroslav Ludvikovský.
This publication traces the shaping of the Latin hagiographic dossier on St Cyril and St Methodius under the impact of the trends of the Counter-Reformation. At the time, under the influence of political and ecclesiastical events, a significant change occurred in attitudes towards the writing of history and the use of sources. The first Baroque hagiographical series appeared as a result of the rivalry between Protestantism and the Catholic Church. Scholars of hagiographies developed a methodology for studying, commenting on, and publishing hagiographical texts. Based on some ideas inspired by the Commentaries on the Roman Martyrology and the Ecclesiastical Annals by Caesar Baronius, the most celebrated hagiographical series, the Acta Sanctorum, arose in Jesuit circles. In keeping with the paradigm set by Pope Gregory XIII’s Roman Martyrology, in its March volume, the Bollandists included St Cyril and St Methodius as bishops of Moravia with the See of Olomouc among the memorials for 9 March. Led by the general conception of the series announced in the treatise-praise of the Founder of the Society, Jean Bolland, Henschen and Papebroch subjected all the testimonies about the holy brothers written in Latin and accessible to the first researchers to as complete an analysis and historical, liturgical, and textual commentary as possible. To achieve this they used, on the one hand, the richest collection of manuscripts and transcripts of hagiographies at the time, begun by Rosweide, and, on the other, a network of correspondent scholars. The names of eminent ecclesiastical writers and scholars of the era: Abbot Ughelli, as well as Jesuits – Jean Gamans, Ludovicus Crasius, Theodorus Moretus – stand out among the collaborators on the hagiographic dossier of Sts Cyril and Methodius. Some of the Bollandists’ correspondents were also distinguished professors at Jesuit colleges in Bohemia and Poland. Thus, they greatly facilitated the Bollandists’ access to primary text sources and sent some autopsy reports. As a result, Henschen and Papebroch presented St Cyril and St Methodius in the Acta Sanctorum as the Apostles of the Slavic peoples. Relying on the analysis of historical evidence in papal letters, the letters of Anastasius the Librarian, Anastasius’ preface to the Protocols of the Eighth Ecumenical Council, and hagiographical texts, they offer the first-ever chronology of the apostolic activity of Sts Cyril and Methodius. They publish and comment on four texts – the so-called Italian Legend (BHL 2073), the Moravian Legend (BHL 2073z, BHL 2074), the Breviary readings Blessed Cyril (BHL 2075= excerpts ex BHL 8825) and a fragment of the Life of St Ludmila, recounting their work in Moravia (BHL 5031). They accepted that the Italian legend is the oldest text and attributed its authorship to Gauderich of Velletri. Until the discovery of the Slavonic lives of the Saints, the Italian legend was considered the most important testimony to the life and work of the Holy brothers. Declaring it foundational and generative of some later texts, the Bollandists created the core, to which later scholars added Cyrillo-Methodian Latin sources up to the twentieth century. This review and commentary paper highlights the conclusions of the early researchers that have remained a constant in scholarship. The paper also offers answers to some of the Bollandists’ questions and revisions made by subsequent scholars. We stressed the fact that to appreciate the magnitude of the work of the pioneers in Cyrillo-Methodian studies it is necessary to go beyond the narrow confines of the text of the first commentary. That is why we give supplementary accounts from other volumes in the series. The Bollandists themselves made some of the references to readings in Acta Sanctorum. A review of the supporting literature they used to produce the scholarly study is also relevant in assessing the academic method of work. We make new clarifications concerning the deformation of some evidence from liturgical readings about the saints in Polish and Czech Office books from the 15th and 16th centuries.
Keywords: Antoninus of Florence, Philip of Pera, Fantino Vallaresso, Florentine Council, Twelve Greek Divisions, heresy, Ecumenical councils, Schisms, Photius, Beclas.
Cyrillo-Methodian research centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The article discusses some scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria from the Greek Catena on the Book of Prophet Isaiah in comparison with the Preslav translation according to several representatives of the two Slavonic manuscript traditions – the Middle Bulgarian (F.I. 461 from the Russian National Library in Saint Petersburg) and the Russian ones (Mss. Chudovski 182, 183 and 184 from the State Historical Museum in Moskow and Ms. 89 and Ms. 90 from the Collection of the Troitse-Sergieva Laura). The parallels between the Greek and Slavonic manuscript traditions make it possible to draw the following conclusions. The complex Slavonic tradition should be explored because the Middle Bulgarian manuscript tradition is incomplete and represents only a part of the Preslav translation, and the conclusions made on its basis are incomplete. The parallel study of the Slavonic translation with samples from the Greek Catеnae shows that it is insufficient to work only with the full text of the commentary in Patrologia Graeca, as some translation decisions in Slavonic can be explained only by the Greek source used. The study of the scholia by St. Cyril of Alexandria in Slavonic translation, as well as the study of the scholia by Theodulus and John Chrysostom, point to the possibility that the Slavonic translation represents unknown or today unpreserved abbreviated version of the Greek catena.
Summary/Abstract: The study explores how Nicolaus Clopper Jr exploits traditional motifs on Bulgarian history derived from well-known Latin chronicles. The motifs on Bulgarian history are interpreted in comparative perspective with regard to their content as laid out by Nicolaus Clopper Jr and in earlier medieval Latin chronicles, and reveals uses, similarities and variations.
In the paper the author discusses thirteen accounts about Bulgarians and Bulgarian history in Summa historialis by St. Antoninus of Florence. The events included in Antoninus’s narrative took place between the 5th and the 14th century AD. The Sources of Summa historialis have been studied repeatedly; however, there are details that deserve further analysis. The author of the research uses comparative approach to determine the level of innovation in representing traditional accounts and narrative motifs on Bulgarian history reconstructing thus the role and the significance of Bulgarians in medieval Christian Europe in the notion of St. Antoninus of Florence and his contemporaries.
Antoninus of Florence, Summa historialis, Bulgarians, Bulgarian Medieval history, historical sources
Паулинус от Венеция (резюме)
Стиляна Баталова
В настоящата публикация се издават за пръв път откъсите, касаещи българската история в две от историческите компилации на францисканския писател Паулинус от Венеция. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium е представена по lat. 4939 от Националната библиотека в Париж (14 в.), а Satyrica historia по рък. 445 от Ягиелонската библиотека в Краков (15 в.). От направения преглед става ясно, че в тези две съчинения се съдържат немалко сведения за българите от основаването на Първата българска държава през 681 г. до сключването на династичен брак между българска принцеса и латинския император Анри в 1212 г. Всички мотиви от българската история, които Паулинус е подбрал и включил, са значими и напълно отговарят на целта, обявена в предговора към Satyrica historia, който сам по себе си представя историческото кредо на писателя. Те не са просто свод от случили се върхове и падения, а са част от такава добре проучена информация, която ще послужи за поучение и ще предпази бъдещите поколения въз основа на добития опит от изминалата история на Римските войни и на другите царства. Ако интерпретираме сведенията в тази светлина, бихме могли да кажем, че след появата им на европейска сцена (681 г.), българите имат ролята на защитници на християнска Европа (717 г.) и на оръжие Божие (811 г., 1205 г.). Представено е влизането им в християнското семейство на европейските народи (865 г.) и твърдостта и светостта на българския княз-покръстител, който отстоява новоприетата вяра. Наред с това българите са участници в събития пряко касаещи Византия (705 г.), но попадат и в други роли – на потърпевши от експанзията на още непокръстените унгарци (907 г., 970 г., 1003 г.). Българските земи се споменават също във връзка с преминаването на Валтер Голтака (1096). Сведенията, които Паулинус дава са преработки от по-ранни източници, които той добре е познавал. В настоящата публикация те бяха идентифицирани с голяма точност. Грешките в датировките, които епископът на Поцуоли допуска, нерядко се дължат на съотнасянето с по-значими събитията или личности, около които се изгражда цяла глава от разказа или рубрика в компилациите му. Друг път анахронизмите се дължи нa собствените му извори. Проследяването на контекста, в който е представен един или
друг мотив за българската история, позволи да се идентифицират източниците на материала и да се проследи методът на съставителство на Паулинус. Не на последно място анализът на съдържанието на мотивите помогна да се установи, че в Chronica per extensum descripta от венецианския дож Андреа Дандоло са използвани по Satyrica historia, но може би и с консултация по Chronologia magna, всички мотиви за българската история и земи без хронологическата бележка за смъртта на Никифор I
Геник и преминаването на Валтер Голтака през България в 1096 г. С изданието на фрагментите, взети от компилациите на Паулинус се внесе яснота за онези пасажи от хрониката на Андреа Дандоло, за които Д. Ангелов е отбелязал, че имат връзка с по-ранната хронография, но източниците им трябва още да се търсят.
Note: Pae 2010, left column, line 12 - Tercio must be read Decimo!
Motifs of Bulgarian history in Chronologia Magna and Satirica Historia by Paulinus of Venice
Stilyana Batalova
This paper contains the first publication of printed excerpts related to Bulgarian history from two historical compilations by Paulinus of Venice. Chronologia Magna sive Compendium is presented according to lat. 4939, National library, Paris (14th c.) and Satyrica historia – according to Ms 445, Jagiellonian library, Cracow (15th c.). As the study and analysis of these manuscripts demonstrate, the compendia contain many accounts related to Bulgarian history – from the formation of the Bulgarian state in 681 up to the dynastic marriage of the Latin emperor of Constantinople Henry in 1213. All of the motifs from Bulgarian history, which Paulinus selected and included, are significant and fully aligned with the aims, which he had set himself in the prologue to Satyrica historia. These motifs are not merely a compilation of successes and failures, but are to form a body of well researched information, which will serve to edify posterity, based on the historical experience of the Roman and other kingdoms. Interpreting the evidence in Paulinus’ accounts in light of his stated approach, it appears that after their appearance on the European stage (681) the Bulgarians played the role of the defenders of Christian Europe (717) and the armament of God (811 г., 1205 г.). Their joining the Christian family of the European people is also recounted (865) through the example of the determination and beatitude of the Bulgarian ruler who defended the new faith even against his own son. Additionally, the Bulgarians are described as participants in events related to Byzantine history (705), as well as being adversely affected by the expansion of the unconverted Hungarians (907, 970, 1003). The accounts related by Paulinus are re-workings of earlier sources he was apparently well acquainted with. It can be argued that the present publication identified those sources with significant accuracy. The mistakes in the dating that occur in Paulinus’ compilations are often attributable to him connecting events to to significant historical episodes or historical personalities, around which he builds a whole chapter or rubric of the narration. Sometimes the anachronisms are due to the sources he used. The study of the context, in which motifs related to Bulgarian history are placed allowed me to identify the sources of the material and the method of compilation employed by Paulinus of Venice. Last but not least, the analysis of the content of the motifs allowed me to establish that Dandolo mainly used information from the Historia satyrica, but perhaps also consulted with the Chronologia magna. He included in his chronicle almost all the motifs from the works of Paulinus, with the exception of the chronological note on the death of Nicephorus I Genik and the episode on Walter Senzavohir. Thus, the publication of the fragments from the Historia satyrica and Chronologia magna clarified the origin of those passages in the chronicle of Andrea Dandolo about which D. Angelov wrote that they are connected to earlier historiographical sources but their origins are in need of further investigation.
Rigo, Antonio, Мarco Scarpa. La Vita di Romylos da Vidin asceta nei Balcani (1310 ca. – 1376/1380) (Subsidia Hagiographica 99). Bruxelles: Société des Bollandistes, 2022. XI+233 pp., 1 map, ill. ISBN: 9782873650384
scritturali paleoslavi (ss. IX–XI). (= Scrinia, 8. Collana del Centro Cammarata di San Cataldo)
с превод на италиански език