site review by Kozma Popovski
Papers by Kozma Popovski
Кирило-методиевски студии, 2022
This article tries to define the term “Euthymius’ euchologia”. It examines the criteria by which ... more This article tries to define the term “Euthymius’ euchologia”. It examines the criteria by which a manuscript euchologion could be described by this established, but yet not precisely defined concept. Accepted as Еuthymius’ euchologia so far are the two Zographou manuscripts Zogr.46 (Euchologion (of Euthymius)), Zogr.103 (Zographou roll) and NBKM 231 (Sofia Euchologion). On the basis of certain criteria we suggest that we should add two more Zographou manuscripts – Zogr.174 and Zogr.128 – and one from the Great Lavra – GLZ-13 – to the circle of manuscipt euchologia which contain edited texts of Euthymius of Tarnovo. The manuscript from the Great Lavra, despite being known for a long time, is yet to be thoroughly examined from liturgical point of view and its grouping with the other Euthymius’ euchologia puts it in new light for further examination.

Зографски съборник/Zographou Sympraktika, 2019
The article studies a marginal note which has been quite popular
among the scholarly milieu. ... more The article studies a marginal note which has been quite popular
among the scholarly milieu. It is found in MS 54 at the Monastery
of Zograf, a manuscript known also as Draganov Menaion or Zograf
Trephologion and found for the scholarship in the midnineteenth century
by the Russian scholar Viktor Grigorovič. Nowadays parts of it are kept
in several library repositories on Athos and in Russia. Archimandrite
Leonid noticed a marginal note with the name of the “sinful Dragan” in
the manuscript and edited it. Other scholars after him also published the
marginal note and thus it occurred in a number of reference books. Some
of the folia of the codex had been removed and six of those reemerged
in the Monastery of St Panteleiomon on Athos. One of those six folia
contains the note in consideration. While working with the manuscript at
Zograf, we found another marginal note with a similar content on f. 172r,
but its handwriting and orthography speak about a much later time. The
comparisons that we made lead to the conclusion that in all likelihood it
was copied by monk Panaret Zografski, most probably while he was the
librarian at Zograf.

Зографски съборник, 2019
The authors share their experience of cataloguing more than 100 late
Cyrillic manuscripts housed ... more The authors share their experience of cataloguing more than 100 late
Cyrillic manuscripts housed in the library at the Monastery of Zograf. They discuss problems and peculiarities of these late manuscripts’ physical, language, and content descriptions, of colophons and marginalia. Many of these manuscripts were copied in monastic milieux, and indicate the love for reading and learning of the monks and their spiritual searches. Various texts (most frequently chants, prayers, and rites) were copied from printed Church Slavonic books. Some manuscripts contain hymns (in Church Slavonic) and vitae (both in Church Slavonic and in the Bulgarian vernacular) dedicated to saints venerated particularly at Zograf, such as: St Kozma Zografski, St Pimen Zografski, the twenty-six Zograf martyrs as well as hymnic texts dedicated to St George, the patron of the monastery, and to the Theotokos, the patron of Mount Athos.

Presented in the text are the hymnographic works in Greek and Slavonic for St. Clement of Ohrid, ... more Presented in the text are the hymnographic works in Greek and Slavonic for St. Clement of Ohrid, which are part of the manuscript collection of the Zographou monastery in Mount Athos. The earliest mentioning of St. Clement are found in the so-called Compiled Zographou charter(Svodna
Zografska gramota) and in the Verse Prolog (Stishen Prolog) from the 16th century (Zogr. 47). The liturgical texts in the Greek manuscripts date from the middle of the 19th century and they are transcripts of the printed editions of the services for St. Clement from Moschopolis and Venice. The Slavonic liturgical texts are translations by hieromonk Kalistrat done at the end of the 19th century, copies of which have been made until the 1930s. One of the manuscripts (Zogr. 418) is the clean copy of the translation, presented to Exarch Iosif in Constantinople. In the same manuscript, the translator (hieromonk Kalistrat) shares his incentives for translating the text and the difficulties he went through.
ГСУ "Св. Климент Охридски", ЦСВП "Иван Дуйчев", т.98(17)
годишник на софийския университет "св. климент охридски" център за славяно-византийски проучвания... more годишник на софийския университет "св. климент охридски" център за славяно-византийски проучвания "иван дуйчев" том 98 (17) annuaire de l'universite de sofia "st. kliment ohridski" centre de recherches slavo-byzantines "ivan dujČev" tome 98 църковно сказание -съвременен прочит на един класически текст о. козма (красимир) поповски, димитър пеев църковно сказание е най-старият известен славянски превод на тълкувание на литургията. в основата му стои ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΜΥΣΤΙΚΗ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ на константинополския патриарх герман i (715-730). текстът от една страна е свързан с най-ранните преводачески традиции и кръга около константин преславски, а от друга представлява тълкувание на най-важното богослужение за християните -литургията.

Конференция „Афон и славянский мир” 16 - 18 май 2013 г. Белград, Сърбия
The present text introduces several unknown and lesser-known manuscripts and fragments from the Z... more The present text introduces several unknown and lesser-known manuscripts and fragments from the Zograf Monastery in Mount Athos. Thus far the monastery manuscripts included in catalogues and descriptions are 286 and only 10 of them are before the XIV century. Now the number of the manuscript fragments from the XIII century raises by 3 (Zogr. 288, Zogr. 289, Zogr. 295), those from the XIV century by 2 (Zogr 287 and Zogr 290) and one fragment dating at the border of the XIV-XV centuries (Zogr 291). There are also two manuscripts from the XVII century (Zogr 293 and Zogr 297). Five of the newly described manuscripts are written on parchment. All manuscripts are liturgical – two Psalters, two Triodions, a Typicon, a Gospel (for liturgical use) and an Euchologion. A connection was determined between the fragment from the Pentecostarion (Zogr 287) with its other pieces from the Russian athonite monastery St. Panteleimon, from the collection of A. A. Dmitrievski in St. Petersburg and from the collection of Tirich in Serbia (Jagodina)
Красимир Поповски © свещ. Козма(Красимир) Поповски СЛУЖБАТА ЗА СВ. ЙОАН НОВИ ТЪРНОВСКИ В РЪКОПИС ... more Красимир Поповски © свещ. Козма(Красимир) Поповски СЛУЖБАТА ЗА СВ. ЙОАН НОВИ ТЪРНОВСКИ В РЪКОПИС № 350 от НБКМ-БИА "Помнете вашите наставници, които са ви проповядвали словото Божие, и, като имате пред очи свършека на техния живот, подражавайте на вярата им." (Евр. 13:7).
Conference Presentations by Kozma Popovski
An agreement was signed on June 30 th 2014 in the library of the "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" Univers... more An agreement was signed on June 30 th 2014 in the library of the "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" University, Sofia (Bulgaria) between the Athonite Zografou monastery and the University for the foundation of affiliate of the monastery's digital archive. Its official name is Zografou electronic research library (Зографска електронна научно-изследователска библиотека). The agreement was signed by the rector of the University prof. phD. Ivan Ilchev and the hegoumenos of Zografou archimandrite Amvrosiy in front of representatives of the Holy Sinod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and academics from the University and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Workshops and Conferences by Kozma Popovski
site review by Kozma Popovski
Papers by Kozma Popovski
among the scholarly milieu. It is found in MS 54 at the Monastery
of Zograf, a manuscript known also as Draganov Menaion or Zograf
Trephologion and found for the scholarship in the midnineteenth century
by the Russian scholar Viktor Grigorovič. Nowadays parts of it are kept
in several library repositories on Athos and in Russia. Archimandrite
Leonid noticed a marginal note with the name of the “sinful Dragan” in
the manuscript and edited it. Other scholars after him also published the
marginal note and thus it occurred in a number of reference books. Some
of the folia of the codex had been removed and six of those reemerged
in the Monastery of St Panteleiomon on Athos. One of those six folia
contains the note in consideration. While working with the manuscript at
Zograf, we found another marginal note with a similar content on f. 172r,
but its handwriting and orthography speak about a much later time. The
comparisons that we made lead to the conclusion that in all likelihood it
was copied by monk Panaret Zografski, most probably while he was the
librarian at Zograf.
Cyrillic manuscripts housed in the library at the Monastery of Zograf. They discuss problems and peculiarities of these late manuscripts’ physical, language, and content descriptions, of colophons and marginalia. Many of these manuscripts were copied in monastic milieux, and indicate the love for reading and learning of the monks and their spiritual searches. Various texts (most frequently chants, prayers, and rites) were copied from printed Church Slavonic books. Some manuscripts contain hymns (in Church Slavonic) and vitae (both in Church Slavonic and in the Bulgarian vernacular) dedicated to saints venerated particularly at Zograf, such as: St Kozma Zografski, St Pimen Zografski, the twenty-six Zograf martyrs as well as hymnic texts dedicated to St George, the patron of the monastery, and to the Theotokos, the patron of Mount Athos.
Zografska gramota) and in the Verse Prolog (Stishen Prolog) from the 16th century (Zogr. 47). The liturgical texts in the Greek manuscripts date from the middle of the 19th century and they are transcripts of the printed editions of the services for St. Clement from Moschopolis and Venice. The Slavonic liturgical texts are translations by hieromonk Kalistrat done at the end of the 19th century, copies of which have been made until the 1930s. One of the manuscripts (Zogr. 418) is the clean copy of the translation, presented to Exarch Iosif in Constantinople. In the same manuscript, the translator (hieromonk Kalistrat) shares his incentives for translating the text and the difficulties he went through.
Conference Presentations by Kozma Popovski
Workshops and Conferences by Kozma Popovski
among the scholarly milieu. It is found in MS 54 at the Monastery
of Zograf, a manuscript known also as Draganov Menaion or Zograf
Trephologion and found for the scholarship in the midnineteenth century
by the Russian scholar Viktor Grigorovič. Nowadays parts of it are kept
in several library repositories on Athos and in Russia. Archimandrite
Leonid noticed a marginal note with the name of the “sinful Dragan” in
the manuscript and edited it. Other scholars after him also published the
marginal note and thus it occurred in a number of reference books. Some
of the folia of the codex had been removed and six of those reemerged
in the Monastery of St Panteleiomon on Athos. One of those six folia
contains the note in consideration. While working with the manuscript at
Zograf, we found another marginal note with a similar content on f. 172r,
but its handwriting and orthography speak about a much later time. The
comparisons that we made lead to the conclusion that in all likelihood it
was copied by monk Panaret Zografski, most probably while he was the
librarian at Zograf.
Cyrillic manuscripts housed in the library at the Monastery of Zograf. They discuss problems and peculiarities of these late manuscripts’ physical, language, and content descriptions, of colophons and marginalia. Many of these manuscripts were copied in monastic milieux, and indicate the love for reading and learning of the monks and their spiritual searches. Various texts (most frequently chants, prayers, and rites) were copied from printed Church Slavonic books. Some manuscripts contain hymns (in Church Slavonic) and vitae (both in Church Slavonic and in the Bulgarian vernacular) dedicated to saints venerated particularly at Zograf, such as: St Kozma Zografski, St Pimen Zografski, the twenty-six Zograf martyrs as well as hymnic texts dedicated to St George, the patron of the monastery, and to the Theotokos, the patron of Mount Athos.
Zografska gramota) and in the Verse Prolog (Stishen Prolog) from the 16th century (Zogr. 47). The liturgical texts in the Greek manuscripts date from the middle of the 19th century and they are transcripts of the printed editions of the services for St. Clement from Moschopolis and Venice. The Slavonic liturgical texts are translations by hieromonk Kalistrat done at the end of the 19th century, copies of which have been made until the 1930s. One of the manuscripts (Zogr. 418) is the clean copy of the translation, presented to Exarch Iosif in Constantinople. In the same manuscript, the translator (hieromonk Kalistrat) shares his incentives for translating the text and the difficulties he went through.