Керамика, рисувана с червена ангоба от Филипопол средата на XII - началото на XIII в. Matt Painted Pottery from Philippopolis mid 12th - the begining of the 13th c., 2023
Сборникът е рефериран и индексиран в CEEOL. Борис Борисов. Предговор Boris Borisov. Preface Генчо... more Сборникът е рефериран и индексиран в CEEOL. Борис Борисов. Предговор Boris Borisov. Preface Генчо Димитров. Професор д-р Борис Д. Борисов на 70 години Gencho Dimitrov. Professor Dr. Boris D. Borisov, 70 ty years old Андрей Андреев. Професор д-р Борис Борисов-археолог, преподавател и приятел Andrey Andreev. Professor Dr. Boris Borisov-archaeologist, teacher and friend Николай Борисов. Обръщение Nikolay Borisov. Address Библиография на проф. д-р Б. Борисов Prof. Dr. B. Borisov's Bibliography Археология Веселина Вандова. Култови масички от неолитното селище в Берсин, Кюстендилско (Югозападна България) Vesselina Vandova. Cult Tables from the Neolithic Settlement in the Village of Bersin, Kyustendil District (Southwest Bulgaria) Сергей М. Крыкин. Фракийские сокровища как признак "престижной" экономики Sergey M. Krikin. Thracian buried treasures as a sign of "Prestigious" Economics Петър Бънов. Градището над с. Малко Чочовени, Сливенско. Oсновни резултати-40 години по-късно Petar Banov. The Hill-Top Fortress above the Village of Malko Chochoveni, Sliven District. Main Results-40 ty Years Later Kalin Chakarov. Recently Identified Quadriburgium on the Road Nicopolis ad Istrum-Augusta Traiana (in the Context of the Fortress Construction in the Basins of the Rositsa and Yantra Rivers) Калин Чакъров. Наскоро идентифициран квадрибургиум на пътя Никополис ад Иструм-Августа Траяна (в контекста на крепостното строителство по басейните на реките Янтра и Росица) Михаил Любичев, Елена Гелла. Ваза с контестуальным орнаментом из могльника позднеримского времени Войтенки Восточная Украина Mikhail Lyubichev, Olena Gella. Jug with Contextual Ornament from the Late Roman Necropolis of Viytenki (Eastern Ukraine) Съдържание 8 Михаил Казанский. «Центральные» памятники славян Восточной Европы VIII-первой половины X веков Mikhail Kazanskiy. "Central" Slavic Monuments in Eastern Europe 8 th-the first half of the 10 th cc. Валерий Скирда. Исследования грунтовых погребений Сальтовской кльтуры Valeriy Skirda. Study of the Saltov Culture Ground Burials by Kharkov Archaeologists Иван Т. Иванов, Мариана Минкова. Фонологичен анализ на запазените думи от езика на прабългарите Ivan T. Ivanov, Mariana P. Minkova. Phonological Analysis of the Preserved Words from Proto-Bulgaians Language (Languages) Игор Бондарь. Первое болгарское царство как возможный фактор культурного и религиозного влияния на появления раннесредновековного християнского святилища Твиверцев на Среднем Днестре Igor Bondar. The First Bulgarian Empire As a Possible Factor of Cultural and Religious Influence on the Appearance of the Еarly Medieval Christian Sanctuary of Tivertsi On the Middle Dniester River Георги Атанасов, Валери Йотов. Средновековата крепост до с. Окорш, област Силистра (началото на IX-началото на XI в.) Предварително съобщение George Atanasov, Valery Yotov. The Medieval Fortress Nearby the Village of Okorsh, Silistra (The Beginning of 9 th-the Beginning of 11 th cc.). Preliminary Report District Николай Кънев. Сфрагистични находки от средновековната крепост край с. Воден Ямболска област Nikolay Kanev. Sphragistic Findings from the Medieval Fortress Near Voden Village, District of Yambol Камен Станев. Керамика, рисувана с червена ангоба от Филипопол средата на XII-началото на XIII в. Kamen Stanev. Matt Painted Pottery from Philippopolis mid-12 ththe beginning of the 13 th c. Владимир Коваль. Bulgarian Clepsydras (Pseudo-Distilators) Владимир Ковал. Клепсидри от България (псевдодестилатори) Георги Владимиров. "Прабългари", "славяни" и "траки" във Второто българско царство: Бележки върху (свръх) интерпретацията на антропологични данни от средновековни български некпрополи Georgi Vladimirov. "Porto-Bulgarians", "Slavs" and "Thracians" in the Second Bulgarian Kingdom: Notes on the (over) Interpretation of Anthropological Data from Medieval Bulgarian Necropolises Пламен Дойчев. "Историята на една находка-кръстът на севаст Берислав" Plamen Doychev. (The story of a finding-the cross of Sebastos Berislav) Вадим Горбунов, Алексей Тишкин. Меч из раннесредневекового памятника Сростки-I на Алтае Vadim V. Gorbunov, Alexey A. Tishkin. Sword from the Еarly Medieval Site of Srostki-I in Altai Драгомир Марков, Генчо Димитров. години археология в Нова Загора. Състояние на проучванията през новия век Dragomir Markov, Gencho Dimitrov. 100 Years of Archaeology, Nova Zagora. State of Research During the New century Величка Мартинова. История и проблеми на проучванията на средновековния период в Стара Загора Velichka Martinova. Archaeological Research of the Mediaeval Period in Stara Zagora-an overview and problems Атанас Атанасов. Каменен жертвеник от археологическия резерват Августа Траяна-Верея-Стара Загора Atanas Atanasov. Stone Altar from the Archaeological Reserve Augusta Traiana-Vereya-Stara Zagora. Николай Хрисимов. За една неиндетифицирана досега в България група метални предмети Nikolay Hrissimov. Late Middle Age Group of Metal Garment Elements, Still Unidentified in Bulgaria Венко Иванов. Уличната мрежа в жилищната среда на средновековния град Трапезица през XIII-XIV век Venko Ivanov. The Street Network in the Residential Enviroment of the Medieval Town of Trapezitsa in 13 th-14 th cc Жулиета Гюлева. Хамамът в Калофер-въпроси и предизвикателства Zhulieta Gyuleva. The Hamam in Kalofer-Issues and Challenges История Владимир Попов. Основни форми на собственост в хетската държава по данни от хетските закони Vladimir Popov. General Forms of Property in the Hittite State according to Hittite Laws Живко Жеков. Антигон III Досон хегемонът на Елада Zhivko Zhekov. Antifonus III Doson. The Hegemon of Hellas Тошо Спиридонов. Пътят на Александър Македонски в Тракия Tosho Spiridonov. Alexander the Great's Route in Thrace Данаил Петров. Походът на Александър Македонски в Тракия през г. пр. Хр. Danail Petrov. Alexander the Great's campaign in Thrace in 335 BC Владимир Никишин. Когда и как Спартак стал рабом и гладиатором Vladimir Nikishin. How and When Spartacus Became a Slave and a Gladiator Георги Ковачев. Някои наблюдения върху сведенията от сметководната книга на Антонио Барбери за заболявания сред участниците в експедицията на Амедей Савойски през 1366-1367 г. George Kovachev. Some Observations on Antonio Barberi's Accounting Book Information about Deseases Among the Participants in the Crusade of Amadeus VI in 1366-1367 Кирил Маринов. Българската столица Търново в историческия труд на Никифор Григора Kiril Marinov. The Bulgarian Capital of Tarnovo in the Historical Work of Nikephoros Gregoras Иван Русев. Историята на храмовете на гр. Бяла (Варненска област) в контекста на православнo-християнските традиции на района Ivan Rusev. History of the Churches of Byala, Varna District, in the Context of the Ortthodox Christian Traditions of the Region
Papers by Kamen Stanev
13th century, Philippopolis, today Plovdiv, is described as a very large and rich city. However, they do not contain data to give an idea o f its territory and population. This gap can
be filled by archaeological studies. So far, 75 archaeological sites in Plovdiv with layers and structures o f the period have been published, with two churches mentioned in the sources to be added. When mapping these sites, the inhabited territory is delineated. Its borders are not very clear as there are parts of the present-day city where archeological studies are not carried out. The data available so far indicate that during the period the territory of Philippopolis measured approximately 1.2 km east-west and 1.2 km north-south, with a habitable area of about 900 decares. Based on the population density coefficientfor the medieval Bulgarian cities of13-15 inhabitants per one decare o f urban area, as suggested in the scientific publications, as well as the fact that the inhabited area was certainly a bit larger than we know it, it can be estimated that the city had about 15,000 inhabitants at the time.
excavated, with a second smaller one in it as well as wood remains. The structure is distinguished from
the numerous medieval pits and can be interpreted as a basement. The numerous disturbances made in
later periods do not allow to define whether it was related to other structures of the period or was free
standing. It is dated back between the late 12th and the early 13th century, and the date is confirmed by
the stratigraphic position, the unearthed pottery and the bronze coin of Emperor Manuel I Komnenos
(1143 - 1180). The pottery found here is typical of this period in Philippopolis, including mica-dusted
ware, red slipped ware, mica-dusted painted with red, green and yellow glaze, marble glaze, various
types of sgraffito and plain vessels with inline and polished decoration. Undoubtedly, a bowl made of
pink clay and decorated with lustrous technology is especially interesting. It was imported from the Middle East. In addition to the small finds and the household pottery, bone artefacts yielded by the structure
are also published here
13th century, Philippopolis, today Plovdiv, is described as a very large and rich city. However, they do not contain data to give an idea o f its territory and population. This gap can
be filled by archaeological studies. So far, 75 archaeological sites in Plovdiv with layers and structures o f the period have been published, with two churches mentioned in the sources to be added. When mapping these sites, the inhabited territory is delineated. Its borders are not very clear as there are parts of the present-day city where archeological studies are not carried out. The data available so far indicate that during the period the territory of Philippopolis measured approximately 1.2 km east-west and 1.2 km north-south, with a habitable area of about 900 decares. Based on the population density coefficientfor the medieval Bulgarian cities of13-15 inhabitants per one decare o f urban area, as suggested in the scientific publications, as well as the fact that the inhabited area was certainly a bit larger than we know it, it can be estimated that the city had about 15,000 inhabitants at the time.
excavated, with a second smaller one in it as well as wood remains. The structure is distinguished from
the numerous medieval pits and can be interpreted as a basement. The numerous disturbances made in
later periods do not allow to define whether it was related to other structures of the period or was free
standing. It is dated back between the late 12th and the early 13th century, and the date is confirmed by
the stratigraphic position, the unearthed pottery and the bronze coin of Emperor Manuel I Komnenos
(1143 - 1180). The pottery found here is typical of this period in Philippopolis, including mica-dusted
ware, red slipped ware, mica-dusted painted with red, green and yellow glaze, marble glaze, various
types of sgraffito and plain vessels with inline and polished decoration. Undoubtedly, a bowl made of
pink clay and decorated with lustrous technology is especially interesting. It was imported from the Middle East. In addition to the small finds and the household pottery, bone artefacts yielded by the structure
are also published here