Papers by Mustafa Kocaarslan

Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2016
Prosody is evaluated as an important factor in fluent reading and in literature it is expressed a... more Prosody is evaluated as an important factor in fluent reading and in literature it is expressed as a significant reading skill that affects comprehension. Prosody -described as a fluent reading ability of a reader with suitable sentences and expressions- includes stress, intonation, duration (time passed on voicing a word) and pausing properties that contribute to effective reading of a text. First grade students are supposed to have fluent reading abilities at the end of the year and they are expected to develop effective prosodic reading. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine first grade students’ oral reading performances in terms of prosodic competences. Study sample in this study which has been conducted using descriptive survey model consists of 49 first grade students who participated in the study voluntarily in four different classes in a primary school in the city centre of Bartin in Turkey. For the evaluation of the reading prosodies of the students, their oral re...
Acta Psychologica, 2019
This study investigates the effects of reading rate, accuracy and prosody on second grade student... more This study investigates the effects of reading rate, accuracy and prosody on second grade students' reading
comprehension measured by oral retelling. The results of the research indicate that reading prosody has a significant positive correlation with oral retelling scores only, among other components of reading fluency.
Additionally, second graders with low and high oral retelling scores differed significantly only in the prosodic
measurement. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to prosody in order
to improve students' reading comprehension skills in the classroom environment and reading programmes must
take into account the suitable use of prosody (e.g. intonation, stress placement, perception of word boundaries,
pausing and rhythm) for achieving efficient reading skills.

Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education, 2019
Reading skills have a unique place in terms of academic and life success of individuals. A theory... more Reading skills have a unique place in terms of academic and life success of individuals. A theory called "Matthew
Effect" shows how good and poor readers differ from each other over a long period, and how good readers gain
distinct advantages over many other areas, especially in academic achievement versus poor readers. The essence
of reading skills is the ability to understand what is read, which is the process of reaching a meaning beyond
analyzing and pronouncing graphical symbols. Reading comprehension is a complex, multidimensional and
dynamic process in which the focal point is structuring and interpreting the meaning of what is being read. In this
research, which is a review study based on current literature, the reading comprehension process for good and poor
readers has been examined from a multi-dimensional and holistic perspective both in theoretical and in the light
of current researches. Important information and explanations are given by taking into consideration the effects of
the Simple View of Reading, the lower and higher-level language skills, and the executive functions known as
domain-general processes on reading comprehension

Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı endüstri devrimi sonrası gittikçe yaygınlık kazanan kitlesel örgün eğit... more Özet: Bu çalışmanın amacı endüstri devrimi sonrası gittikçe yaygınlık kazanan kitlesel örgün eğitimin ve ilk kademesinde öğretilen okuma-yazma becerilerinin sosyo-politik yanına yönelik bazı tespitler yapmaktır. Siyasal rejimlerin kendi idaresini sürdürme kaygısı ve beklentisi olduğu hatırdan çıkarılmadığında her devletin kendi idaresine ve iradesine hizmet edecek zihin örüntüsüne sahip bireyler yetiştirme çabası olduğu dikkatlerden kaçmayacaktır. Bireylerin devletle olan resmi bağının güçlendirildiği kurumlar ilk etapta okullar olmaktadır. Okulların okuma-yazma eylemini devletin öngördüğü içerik ile birlikte örtük bir yolla bireylere sunmasının aynı zamanda resmi ideolojinin eğitim aracılığıyla bireylere aktarılması-dayatılması manasına gelip gelmediği konusunun güncel entelektüel tartışmalara kapı araladığı bilinen bir gerçektir. Bu durum aslında büyük iktidarın yani devlet aygıtının yurttaşlar üzerindeki tahakkümünün de resmidir. Devlet, resmi ideolojisini yurttaşlarına okullar aracılığı ile sunar. Okullar bu yönüyle eğitimin ideolojik işlevine de ev sahipliği yapar. Okulların ilk kademesindeki öğrenciler yaş grubu itibari ile zihinsel şekillenme açısından hassas bir evrededir. Kişilik ve karakterin en hızlı ve yoğun şekillendiği dönem erken çocukluk evresidir. Bu dönem okuma yazma öğrenilen evreye de tekabül etmektedir. Erken çocukluk döneminde çocukların okuma-yazma öğrenirken bir yandan da kullanılan metinler ve öğretim içeriği ile doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak sosyo-politik zihin haritaları oluşturduğu ileri sürülebilir. Bu bağlamda düşünüldüğünde okuma-yazma öğretiminin akademik ve entelektüel yönü olduğu kadar ideolojik yönü de vardır. Abstract: The goal of this study is to make some determinations regarding the use and function of reading and writing skills (literacy), which are taught as the first level of mass formal education and gained widespread currency after the industrial revolution; the socio-political angle will also be explored. When we bear in mind the notion that political regimes are both expected to maintain and concerned about maintaining power, the fact that every state attempts to produce individuals with the same mindset who will serve the interests of those in power should not escape our notice. The institutions where official bonds between individuals and the state are first strengthened are schools. School activities promoting literacy implicitly introduce and propound state-sponsored content to individuals while at the same time spreading the idea that the continuation of the official ideology is

Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı sınıf öğretmenlerinin Türkçe dersi sınavlarında sormuş oldukları metne ... more Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı sınıf öğretmenlerinin Türkçe dersi sınavlarında sormuş oldukları metne dayalı anlama sorularını çeşitli yönlerden incelemektir. Betimsel bir yöntemle yürütülen bu çalışmada, veriler doküman incelemesi yoluyla toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu ve materyallerini, 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılının bahar döneminde Bartın ili ve ilçelerindeki 16 ilkokulda yer alan 35 dördüncü sınıf öğretmeninin hazırladığı Türkçe dersi sınav kâğıtları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında 169 adet metne dayalı okuduğunu anlama sorusu analiz edilmiştir. Veri analizi süreci altı aşamadan oluşan (basit anlama, yeniden organize etme, çıkarımsal anlama, tahmin yürütme, değerlendirme ve kişisel tepki) Day ve Park (2005) Taksonomisi ile incelenmiştir. Ayrıca sorular anlam kurma sürecinde başvurulan cevap kaynağı (metin içi, metin dışı veya metinler arası), soru türü (yazılı yoklama veya çoktan seçmeli) ve kullanılan metin türü (öyküleyici, bilgilendirici ve şiir) açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, Sınıf öğretmenlerinin hazırladıkları metne dayalı anlama sorularının Day ve Park (2005) tarafından geliştirilen anlama düzeyleri taksonomisine göre ağırlıklı olarak basit anlamayı içerdiği gözlenmiştir. Yeniden organize etme, tahmin yürütme ve kişisel tepki düzeylerinde çok az sorunun yer aldığı ve değerlendirme ile çıkarım yapma düzeylerinde ise hiçbir sorunun sorulmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen diğer bir sonuç soruların cevap kaynakları açısından Akyol'un (1997) sınıflamasına göre önemli bir bölümünün cevabı metin içerisinde olan sorulardan oluştuğu diğer bir ifadeyle yalnızca hatırlama yoluyla çok az zihinsel çaba harcayarak cevaplanabilecek türde sorular olduğudur. Bununla birlikte hazırlanan metni anlamaya dayalı sorularda büyük oranda öyküleyici metinlerin kullanıldığı ve kısa cevaplı soruların tercih edildiği görülmüştür. Anahtar sözcükler: Metne dayalı anlama soruları, okuduğunu anlama, anlama taksonomileri ve cevap kaynakları. Abstract: The aim of current study is to investigate text-based comprehension questions that primary school teachers ask in exams of

Oral reading fluency has an undeniably significant role on reading achievement. Especially, a num... more Oral reading fluency has an undeniably significant role on reading achievement. Especially, a number of studies confirm that there exists a strong correlation between general reading achievement and oral reading fluency which is obtained especially at 1st grade. Also, a regular assessment of oral reading fluency (ORF) is regarded as a crucial parameter in preventing future academic obstacles and possible school failures. In this study, oral reading fluency (WCPM, WCR) of first graders at the end of Spring term have been analyzed in terms of text type, gender and reading errors. Participants of study include sixty 1 st graders who are randomly chosen from three schools with financially middle socioeconomic status in Bartın city center in western part of Black Sea. In the study, WCPM and WCR values of both expository and narrative text have been calculated with CBM (Curriculum-Based Measurement) procedure and reading errors have been analyzed with reading miscues method. As a result of study, WCPM value of first grade readers is approximately 37 in narrative text and 34 in expository text. On the other hand, when it is considered in terms of Hasbrouck & Tindal's (2006) oral reading fluency norms, it appears that first grade students have significantly lower reading fluency in both text types when compared to lower bound norm value (WCPM=43) in Spring term. However, participants have 76.34% word recognition accuracy (WRC) in narrative text and 75.67% in expository text. According to WRC value, it draws attention that a large proportion of students (>70%) are at frustration level in both text types. In terms of reading errors and types, the number is very similar in both text types. Eventually, while there is found no significant difference in WCR scores in narrative text between female and male students, a statistically significant difference is observed in expository text in favor of males. Findings and results of study have been discussed within context of current studies and there has been made some suggestions for future
Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2013

ÖZET Yazma becerisi okul başarısı ve mesleki başarının önemli dayanaklarından birisidir. Öğrencil... more ÖZET Yazma becerisi okul başarısı ve mesleki başarının önemli dayanaklarından birisidir. Öğrenciler ve öğretmenler düşünsel dünyalarını geliştirmek ve sahip oldukları duygu, düşünce ve fikirlerini ifade etmek için etkili yazma becerilerine sahip olmalıdırlar. Öğrencilerin etkili yazma becerilerini kazanmalarında öğretmenlere büyük bir sorumluluk düşmektedir. Diğer taraftan öğretmenlerin yazma ile ilgili sahip oldukları deneyim ve inançları onların uygulamalarına rehberlik etmektedir. Bu anlamda öğretmen adaylarının yazmaya ilişkin deneyim ve inançlarını ortaya çıkarmak onların uygulamalarını tahmin etmede önemli bir yere sahip olabilir. Bu araştırmanın amacı sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının eğitim yaşamları boyunca geçirdikleri yazma deneyimlerini ve yazmaya ilişkin inançlarını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yaklaşımı benimsenmiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının deneyim ve inançları ortaya koymak amacıyla 20 sınıf öğretmeni adayı ile odak grup görüşmeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının yazma deneyimleri yazma becerilerini etkilemektedir. Zorlayıcı, sınırlayıcı ve baskıcı yazma uygulamaları ile yazmanın mekanik yönüne ilişkin uygulamalar öğretmen adaylarının yazma becerilerini olumsuz etkilemiştir. Diğer taraftan yazmaya ilişkin teşvik edici uygulamalar yazma becerilerinin gelişiminde önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Ayrıca öğretmen adaylarının yarısından fazlasının yazma becerisi açısından kendini yeterli görmemektedir. Son olarak öğretmen adaylarına göre okul dışı aile, çevre ve kitap okuma gibi sosyal ve kültürel faktörler yazma becerilerinin gelişiminde önemli bir rol almıştır. Elde edilen bulgular yazma öğretimi alanyazını ışığında tartışılmış ve yazma öğretimine ilişkin çeşitli uygulama ve araştırma önerileri verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Öğretmen eğitimi, yazma, yazma öğretimi, yazma inançları. * Bu makale 12. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildirinin genişletilmiş halidir.

This study aimed to establish the possible relationships between reading comprehension competence... more This study aimed to establish the possible relationships between reading comprehension competence, reading attitude and the vividness of mental imagery among Turkish fourth-grade students. Participants were fourth grade students, selected using convenience sampling from two different public schools (n=103) in Bartin, Turkey. The research was designed as a correlational study to describe the degree to which two or more quantitative variables are related; this was achieved by using a correlation coefficient. The data gathering tools used in this study were (1): the Reading Comprehension Test (RCT), which was developed by the researcher and which includes both factual and inferential questions; (2) the Vividness of Imagery Questionnaire (VIQ), developed by Sheveland (1992); (3) the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS), developed by McKenna and Kear (1990). Multiple linear regressions were used for data analysis. The analysis revealed that reading attitude and vividness of mental imagery were significant predictors for students' reading comprehension competencies. In addition, the results indicated that approximately 14% of the variance in reading comprehension competence could be explained by reading attitude and vividness of mental imagery [R=.369, R 2 =.136, F(2-96)=7.578, p<.01].

Prosody is evaluated as an important factor in fluent reading and in literature it is expressed a... more Prosody is evaluated as an important factor in fluent reading and in literature it is expressed as a significant reading skill that affects comprehension. Prosody-described as a fluent reading ability of a reader with suitable sentences and expressions-includes stress, intonation, duration (time passed on voicing a word) and pausing properties that contribute to effective reading of a text. First grade students are supposed to have fluent reading abilities at the end of the year and they are expected to develop effective prosodic reading. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine first grade students " oral reading performances in terms of prosodic competences. Study sample in this study which has been conducted using descriptive survey model consists of 49 first grade students who participated in the study voluntarily in four different classes in a primary school in the city centre of Bartin in Turkey. For the evaluation of the reading prosodies of the students, their oral reading performances of a narrative and an expository text are recorded for one minute with a video camera and these records are evaluated with reading prosody rubric. As a result of the analysis, it is observed that students " reading prosody score means are low in both narrative and expository texts. According to reading prosody scale, it appears that 59% of the students are at low level in narrative text and 41% of the students are at low level in expository text. Additionally, as a result of Mann-Whitney U test it appears that gender of the students does not make a significant difference in oral reading prosodies of the students in both narrative and expository texts.

ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı McKenna ve Kear (1990) tarafından 1-6.sınıflar için geliştirilen Okumay... more ÖZ. Bu araştırmanın amacı McKenna ve Kear (1990) tarafından 1-6.sınıflar için geliştirilen Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği'ni Türkçeye uyarlanmasıdır. Orijinal formu İngilizce olan ölçek 20 madde ve iki faktörden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada öncelikle ölçeğin dil ve alan uzmanları tarafından çevirileri yapılmış ve elde edilen Türkçe forma uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda son hali verilmiştir. Ölçek geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları için Bartın'da devam eden 289 1-5. sınıf öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliğini test etmek amacıyla doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Yapı geçerliğine ilişkin bulgular özgün çalışmadaki iki faktörlü yapıyı destekler niteliktedir. Ölçeğin Türkçe formu için Cronbach alfa iç tutarlık katsayısı .88 olarak bulunmuştur. Yapılan analizler sonucunda ölçeğin Türkçe formunun bu araştırma grubu için geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler. Okumaya Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği, Geçerlik, Güvenirlik, 1-6.sınıf Öğrencileri ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to adapt Reading Attitude Survey for 1-6 th Grade Students developed by McKenna and Kear(1990) into Turkish. The original of the scale is in English and consists of two factors and 20 items. In order to adapt the scale, initially the original scale was translated into Turkish by experts in the field of language arts and translation. Turkish final version of the scale was completed by considering expert opinions. To examine the reliability and validity of the scale, it was administered to 289 1-5 th Grade Students attending in Bartın. Confirmatory factor analysis was made for the construct validity. Findings related to construct validity of the scale supports original scale's two factors structure. In Turkish version of the scale Cronbach alpha internal consistency was calculated as .88. Therefore, it can be concluded that Turkish version of the scale was reliable and valid. Consequently, it can be expressed that Turkish version of the scale was reliable and valid for this study group. Keywords. Reading Attitude Survey, Validity, Reliability, 1-6 th Grade Students SUMMARY Purpose and Significance: Student's positive attitudes towards reading are the significant factor which directly influences their reading achievement. In this regard, it is necessary to measure attitude towards reading with an appropriate scale. In Turkey, there is a need for reliable and valid instruments to evaluate attitudes towards reading especially for younger students. For this reason, this study aims to adapt Reading Attitude Survey with " Garfield " picture for 1-6th grade students developed by McKenna and Kear (1990) to Turkish. The original form of the scale consists of 20 items and two factors. The scale contain a four-choice picture rating scale is based on the cartoon character of Garfield. There are two subscales in this survey consisting of recreational and academic reading attitude. It is believed that adaptation of the scale will contribute to literature.
Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 2016
Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının baskın öğrenme stillerini ortaya çıkarmak ve öğrenme ... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının baskın öğrenme stillerini ortaya çıkarmak ve öğrenme stillerinin cinsiyet, kayıtlı bulundukları öğretmen yetiştirme programı ve bilgiye ulaşma tercihleri gibi çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesidir.
"Interactive Word Walls", animated with the words classroom walls, is one of the com... more "Interactive Word Walls", animated with the words classroom walls, is one of the commonly used
applications at primary schools. It has been used to enrich vocabulary, increase the level of reading fluency
and word recognition, and to improve writing skills as a teaching tool in language arts. In addition, there are
studies about how word walls may be used in content area teaching such as mathematıcs, science education,
and social studies. Although studies conducted in foreign literature increase interest about interactive word
walls, it can be seen that there is a need for word walls and its teaching in Turkish literature. The aim of
current study is to inform about how interactive word walls may be used in different dimensions of teaching,
to present some activities at primary school level and to shed light on researchers and teachers with studies
about word walls.

The aim of this study is to reveal the classroom teacher's views and practices in relation to rea... more The aim of this study is to reveal the classroom teacher's views and practices in relation to reading comprehension difficulties experienced by students in Turkish lessons. The research was conducted as a descriptive study and designed as a qualitative research. The subjects of this study consisted of twenty-one classroom teachers who were selected by using purposive sampling and participated in this study voluntarily. Semi-structured interview method which is suitable for qualitative research was used for data collection. The data obtained after interviews were analyzed by using descriptive analysis and supported by direct quotations. Reading comprehension difficulties experienced by the students in Turkish lessons and the causes were revealed according to the classroom teacher's views. Furthermore it was included methods and 1 Çalışmanın bir bölümü 12. Sınıf Öğretmenliği Sempozyumunda bildiri olarak sunulmuştur. * Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Papers by Mustafa Kocaarslan
comprehension measured by oral retelling. The results of the research indicate that reading prosody has a significant positive correlation with oral retelling scores only, among other components of reading fluency.
Additionally, second graders with low and high oral retelling scores differed significantly only in the prosodic
measurement. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to prosody in order
to improve students' reading comprehension skills in the classroom environment and reading programmes must
take into account the suitable use of prosody (e.g. intonation, stress placement, perception of word boundaries,
pausing and rhythm) for achieving efficient reading skills.
Effect" shows how good and poor readers differ from each other over a long period, and how good readers gain
distinct advantages over many other areas, especially in academic achievement versus poor readers. The essence
of reading skills is the ability to understand what is read, which is the process of reaching a meaning beyond
analyzing and pronouncing graphical symbols. Reading comprehension is a complex, multidimensional and
dynamic process in which the focal point is structuring and interpreting the meaning of what is being read. In this
research, which is a review study based on current literature, the reading comprehension process for good and poor
readers has been examined from a multi-dimensional and holistic perspective both in theoretical and in the light
of current researches. Important information and explanations are given by taking into consideration the effects of
the Simple View of Reading, the lower and higher-level language skills, and the executive functions known as
domain-general processes on reading comprehension
applications at primary schools. It has been used to enrich vocabulary, increase the level of reading fluency
and word recognition, and to improve writing skills as a teaching tool in language arts. In addition, there are
studies about how word walls may be used in content area teaching such as mathematıcs, science education,
and social studies. Although studies conducted in foreign literature increase interest about interactive word
walls, it can be seen that there is a need for word walls and its teaching in Turkish literature. The aim of
current study is to inform about how interactive word walls may be used in different dimensions of teaching,
to present some activities at primary school level and to shed light on researchers and teachers with studies
about word walls.
comprehension measured by oral retelling. The results of the research indicate that reading prosody has a significant positive correlation with oral retelling scores only, among other components of reading fluency.
Additionally, second graders with low and high oral retelling scores differed significantly only in the prosodic
measurement. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that more attention should be paid to prosody in order
to improve students' reading comprehension skills in the classroom environment and reading programmes must
take into account the suitable use of prosody (e.g. intonation, stress placement, perception of word boundaries,
pausing and rhythm) for achieving efficient reading skills.
Effect" shows how good and poor readers differ from each other over a long period, and how good readers gain
distinct advantages over many other areas, especially in academic achievement versus poor readers. The essence
of reading skills is the ability to understand what is read, which is the process of reaching a meaning beyond
analyzing and pronouncing graphical symbols. Reading comprehension is a complex, multidimensional and
dynamic process in which the focal point is structuring and interpreting the meaning of what is being read. In this
research, which is a review study based on current literature, the reading comprehension process for good and poor
readers has been examined from a multi-dimensional and holistic perspective both in theoretical and in the light
of current researches. Important information and explanations are given by taking into consideration the effects of
the Simple View of Reading, the lower and higher-level language skills, and the executive functions known as
domain-general processes on reading comprehension
applications at primary schools. It has been used to enrich vocabulary, increase the level of reading fluency
and word recognition, and to improve writing skills as a teaching tool in language arts. In addition, there are
studies about how word walls may be used in content area teaching such as mathematıcs, science education,
and social studies. Although studies conducted in foreign literature increase interest about interactive word
walls, it can be seen that there is a need for word walls and its teaching in Turkish literature. The aim of
current study is to inform about how interactive word walls may be used in different dimensions of teaching,
to present some activities at primary school level and to shed light on researchers and teachers with studies
about word walls.