Papers by George Vera, PhD
This article reports findings from surveys collected from practicing school-based counselors in V... more This article reports findings from surveys collected from practicing school-based counselors in Venezuela (N = 30) and Costa Rica (N = 107) using the International Survey of School-Based Counseling Activities (ISSCA). Analyses identified striking similarities between these two countries and major differences when compared to the other 10 countries within this special issue. The discussion is focused on explaining how school-based counseling policies and educational policies in Venezuela and Costa Rica influenced the development of counseling practices over time.

This chapter describes the relationships between policy, policy research, and school-based counse... more This chapter describes the relationships between policy, policy research, and school-based counseling practice in selected Central and South American countries where the guidance and counseling profession is particularly well organized. In these countries, there is evidence of clear policies supported by legislation, public funding for services, and employment, and the profession’s historical roots are also well documented. The chapter focuses on the policy context and related professional issues in Costa Rica and Venezuela. Brief overviews of other Central American countries (i.e., Panama, Guatemala, and Honduras) and South American countries (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, and Chile) where school-based guidance and counseling is relatively well developed are also provided. Even in Latin American countries where guidance and counseling is well developed, there is little attention being paid to policy research—despite the expressed desire of the guidance and counseling profession to influence public policy and despite the recognition be scholars that policy research is an important vehicle to influence policy formation. The authors offer recommendations for the development and focus of policy research in order to strengthen and support the practice of school-based counseling across Latin America.

Espacio abierto: cuaderno venezolano de sociología, Jun 1, 2010
The main purpose of this research was to identify socio-cultural characteristics of a person from... more The main purpose of this research was to identify socio-cultural characteristics of a person from the Wayúu ethnic group based on his daily cultural and academic experiences. An interpretative epistemology was assumed and constructed using a biographical approach under a life history mode (Creswell, 1998). To collect data, various qualitative strategies were used: an open, in-depth interview, stories and field observation notes. The research data was obtained from a Wayúu participant from the Uraliyu clan who was a linguistic master's student in the College of Humanities and Education at LUZ when this research took place. Some conclusions revealed: a) Cultural transmission is made through the clan blessing executed by the grandfather while wayúu education and cultural maintenance is transmitted orally by the maternal grandmother; b) In his first years, the subject did not have a significant understanding of Spanish as a second language; in high school he mastered it in order to cover his academic needs; and c) he experienced culture shock while learning English. This research was associated with the line of Theory and Praxis of Qualitative Research for a Doctorate in Human Sciences.

Springer eBooks, 2017
This chapter provides a historical review of school-based guidance and counseling in Latin Americ... more This chapter provides a historical review of school-based guidance and counseling in Latin America (LA). It identifies foundational ideas and early models of school-based guidance and counseling in pre-Columbian cultures, colonial educational reforms, and post-revolution societal and educational reforms. The chapter describes how both European immigrants and LA educators introduced vocationally focused models of guidance and counseling in LA schools in the early twentieth century and how post-World War II development initiatives led by international agencies resulted in widespread diffusion of a vocationally focused approach to school-based guidance and counseling across LA. As a result, school-based guidance and counseling in LA came to emphasize vocational development and employment and deemphasize factors such as personal fulfillment, social responsibility, and moral development that were traditionally considered important in LA society and education. The chapter describes how present-day LA professional associations have been successful in elaborating approaches to guidance and counseling that encompass a broad range of human behavior (not simply vocational behavior) and have, in some sense, reintroduced a focus on optimal human functioning consistent with aboriginal and revolutionary values. It identifies needed areas for policy research to support the development and transformation of guidance and counseling in LA.

The Professional Counselor, Mar 1, 2011
In the worldwide community it is not well known that counseling and guidance professional practic... more In the worldwide community it is not well known that counseling and guidance professional practices have a long tradition in Venezuela. Therefore, this contribution's main purpose is to inform the international audience about past and contemporary counseling in Venezuela. Geographic, demographic, and cultural facts about Venezuela are provided. How counseling began, its early development, and pioneer counselors are discussed. The evolution of counseling from an education-based activity to counseling as a technique-driven intervention is given in an historical account. How a vision of counselors as technicians moved to the notion of counseling as a profession is explained by describing turning points, events, and governmental decisions. Current trends on Venezuelan state policy regarding counselor training, services, and professional status are specified by briefly describing the National Counseling System Project and the National Flag Counseling Training Project. Finally, acknowledgement of Venezuela's counseling pioneers and one of the oldest counseling training programs in Venezuela is described.
The Professional Counselor, Mar 1, 2011
A personal description of the international counselor education program at the University of Zuli... more A personal description of the international counselor education program at the University of Zulia in Venezuela is presented including educational objectives of the counseling degree, various services counselors are trained to provide, and a sample curriculum. This description serves as an example of one international counselor education program that can be used as a model for burgeoning programs in other countries.
Revista de Pedagogía, 2003

International journal for educational and vocational guidance, Aug 5, 2015
Specialized literature shows that counseling and guidance represents an interdisciplinary profess... more Specialized literature shows that counseling and guidance represents an interdisciplinary profession, practiced differently in various Latin American countries. Likewise, counseling and guidance is understood as being a multicontextual and politically worthy profession that is connected to the personal, socioeconomic, cultural, and collective development of people and their countries. In this context, one of the most critical current issues that the profession is facing is related to the pedagogical issues of training counseling and guidance practitioners in undergraduate programs. This article describes the pedagogical dimensions of training programs at the University of Zulia, Venezuela. Résumé. Une perspective pédagogique de la formation des professionnels du conseil et de l'orientation : Expériences d'un programme universitaire d'Amérique Latine. La littérature spécialisée démontre que le conseil en orientation représente une profession interdisciplinaire, pratiquée différemment dans de nombreux pays latino-américains. Par ailleurs, le conseil en orientation est compris comme une profession multicontextuelle et d'intérêt public, connectée au développement personnel, socioéconomique, culturel et collectif des individus et de leurs pays. Dans ce cadre, l'un des aspects les plus problématiques et les plus actuels de la profession est lié aux enjeux de la formation des praticiens du conseil en orientation. Cet article décrit les dimensions pédagogiques des programmes
This article discusses several contemporary views of counseling as a profession that is concerned... more This article discusses several contemporary views of counseling as a profession that is concerned with the personal and social development of individuals and groups. It presents a set of beliefs about the individual that characterize the nature of counseling as a profession that offers human services. Some counseling intervention levels are defined, which allow us to understand the professional work with individuals within the framework of counseling. Then a vision of counseling as an inter-personal process and its uses in the preparation of student counseling is discussed, emphasizing the types of attitudinal preparation and their application in educational planning and counseling. Finally, a position as to the meaning and role of the theoretical construct of “helping relationships” in counseling is described, and the purposes and scope of counseling as a profession are presented.
En este articulo se discuten los componentes que integraron el estudio piloto sobre la Practica E... more En este articulo se discuten los componentes que integraron el estudio piloto sobre la Practica Educativa en Orientacion. Se presentan las razones que motivaron el estudio y se describen los propositos de la metodologia cualitativa y su aplicabilidad en el mismo. Luego se define la Teoria Fundamentada y se justifica su uso en este estudio. El mapa teorico, incluye la teoria de la Practica Educativa Efectiva de Brookfield (1996) y su compatibilidad con los valores promovidos por la profesion de Orientacion. Despues, se procede a explicar el diseno de investigacion, describiendose el concepto de validez empleado, las tecnicas que la garantizan, y se detallan las fases de recoleccion, analisis e interpretacion de la data, incluyendose extractos de tales procesos a manera de ejemplo. Finalmente, se exponen algunos de los hallazgos y las implicaciones para el proyecto de la disertacion.

This chapter describes the relationships between policy, policy research, and school-based counse... more This chapter describes the relationships between policy, policy research, and school-based counseling practice in selected Central and South American countries where the guidance and counseling profession is particularly well organized. In these countries, there is evidence of clear policies supported by legislation, public funding for services, and employment, and the profession’s historical roots are also well documented. The chapter focuses on the policy context and related professional issues in Costa Rica and Venezuela. Brief overviews of other Central American countries (i.e., Panama, Guatemala, and Honduras) and South American countries (i.e., Argentina, Brazil, and Chile) where school-based guidance and counseling is relatively well developed are also provided. Even in Latin American countries where guidance and counseling is well developed, there is little attention being paid to policy research—despite the expressed desire of the guidance and counseling profession to influ...
... El otro material identificado es Orientación y Postmodernidad: Una Mirada Psicosocial (Calong... more ... El otro material identificado es Orientación y Postmodernidad: Una Mirada Psicosocial (Calonge ... La autora discute los aportes que el pensamiento postmoderno pudiera ofrecer ... sobre las posibilidades, potencialidades, y conveniencia de utilizar paradigmas postmodernos en la ...

A pesar que los conflictos relacionados con los limites en las relaciones profesionales que se es... more A pesar que los conflictos relacionados con los limites en las relaciones profesionales que se establecen en el ejercicio de la Orientacion han sido topicos de considerable debate por muchos anos, los relacionados con los conflictos de limites en la relacion profesor/alumno han recibido poca atencion. La mayoria de la literatura sobre esta tematica enfoca dos areas: la supervision de los orientadores y la ensenanza de la orientacion grupal. Este articulo discute sobre los limites eticos en la relacion profesor / alumno en los programas que forman orientadores. Se describe la normativa etica que aporta la Sociedad Americana de Orientadores (ACA, siglas en ingles) y la aportada por la literatura especializada reciente. La discusion se desarrolla en el contexto de las caracteristicas de personalidad de los estudiantes de Orientacion, problemas relacionados con la personalidad de los orientadores, la efectividad profesional y la adquisicion de la identidad profesional.

This chapter provides a historical review of school-based guidance and counseling in Latin Americ... more This chapter provides a historical review of school-based guidance and counseling in Latin America (LA). It identifies foundational ideas and early models of school-based guidance and counseling in pre-Columbian cultures, colonial educational reforms, and post-revolution societal and educational reforms. The chapter describes how both European immigrants and LA educators introduced vocationally focused models of guidance and counseling in LA schools in the early twentieth century and how post-World War II development initiatives led by international agencies resulted in widespread diffusion of a vocationally focused approach to school-based guidance and counseling across LA. As a result, school-based guidance and counseling in LA came to emphasize vocational development and employment and deemphasize factors such as personal fulfillment, social responsibility, and moral development that were traditionally considered important in LA society and education. The chapter describes how pr...
This article reports findings from surveys collected from practicing school-based counselors in V... more This article reports findings from surveys collected from practicing school-based counselors in Venezuela (N = 30) and Costa Rica (N = 107) using the International Survey of School-Based Counseling Activities (ISSCA). Analyses identified striking similarities between these two countries and major differences when compared to the other 10 countries within this special issue. The discussion is focused on explaining how school-based counseling policies and educational policies in Venezuela and Costa Rica influenced the development of counseling practices over time.
En virtud que diferentes formas de la tradicion etnografica de investigacion cualitativa son util... more En virtud que diferentes formas de la tradicion etnografica de investigacion cualitativa son utilizadas con frecuencia en Venezuela, se considero conveniente realizar una revision teorica de las caracteristicas epistemologicas de la etnografia y su respectiva valoracion en el contexto educativo. En el articulo, primero se discute una definicion de investigacion cualitativa y se presenta un cuadro descriptivo de sus diferentes tradiciones. Luego se discurre sobre las teorias relacionadas con la epistemologia de la etnografia; precisando sus caracteristicas, tipos, la valoracion de la etnografia en el contexto educativo y las cuatro escuelas del pensamiento etnografico: a) funcionalista-estructuralista original, hoy conocida como etnografia clasica, b) la nueva etnografia o etnografica sistematica, c) la etnografia hermeneutica o interpretativa, y d) la etnografia critica.
En este articulo se discute la Supervision en Orientacion como especialidad de nuevo desarrollo e... more En este articulo se discute la Supervision en Orientacion como especialidad de nuevo desarrollo en el campo de Orientacion y afines. Se introduce un grupo de nociones que la describe como funcion unica y diferenciada de otras funciones profesionales similares, con procedimientos que le son exclusivos. Se hace referencia a sus origenes y se discute un conjunto de definiciones modernas que la interpretan. Ademas, se hace enfasis en los propositos, objetivC>s, competencias y alcances de la Supervison en Orientacion y se incluye una vision co.nceptual. Se finaliza haciendo una comparacion entre la Supervision en Orientacion y otras funciones profesionales similares.
Encuentro Educacional, 2009
Los autores en base a los aportes de los investigadores sicoanalistas en la disciplina de la Psiq... more Los autores en base a los aportes de los investigadores sicoanalistas en la disciplina de la Psiquiatría, hacen uso de la transdiciplinariedad para utilizar Encuentro Educacionaí Voí. 16(2) Mago-Agosto 2009: 242-255 sociales del entorno y en particular en la ubicación del dibujante en el tiem po de su proyecto existencial de vida. Palabras clave: Dibujo proyectivo, emplazamiento, tiempo en el proyecto existencial de vida, motivación inconciente de la conducta.

Omnia, 2011
En virtud que diferentes formas de la tradición etnográfica de investigación cualitativa son util... more En virtud que diferentes formas de la tradición etnográfica de investigación cualitativa son utilizadas con frecuencia en Venezuela, se consideró conveniente realizar una revisión teórica de las características epistemológicas de la etnografía y su respectiva valoración en el contexto educativo. En el artículo, primero se discute una definición de investigación cualitativa y se presenta un cuadro descriptivo de sus diferentes tradiciones. Luego se discurre sobre las teorías relacionadas con la epistemología de la etnografía; precisando sus características, tipos, la valoración de la etnografía en el contexto educativo y las cuatro escuelas del pensamiento etnográfico: a) funcionalista-estructuralista original, hoy conocida como etnografía clásica, b) la nueva etnografía o etnográfica sistemática, c) la etnografía hermenéutica o interpretativa, y d) la etnografía crítica. Palabras clave: Etnografía, valoración de la etnografía en el contexto educativo, escuelas del pensamiento etnográfico.
Papers by George Vera, PhD