Thesis Chapters by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo

Junot Díaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is one of those cases in which critical acclaim... more Junot Díaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is one of those cases in which critical acclaim and commercial success coincide and establish the author and his work as a major literary phenomenon. The main aim of this dissertation is to analyze Díaz's novel as a literary project that proposes, as a new and distinct feature within current literary scenes, a democratizing reading of history that allows a more politically critical assessment of the present. It is my intention to examine the aesthetic and discursive dimensions of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) in order to question degrees of sociopolitical and historical engagement within postmodern literary representations, and question the extent to which the novel's success is due to its clear political overtone or to its mastering of postmodern technicalities and its constant inclusion of references to and from popular culture
Papers by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo
El presente artículo tiene por objeto hacer una lectura parcial de la narrativa de Roberto Bolaño... more El presente artículo tiene por objeto hacer una lectura parcial de la narrativa de Roberto Bolaño y la influencia en su escritura de la literatura norteamericana, en particular la de aquel movimiento contracultural de postguerra conocido como Beat. La estética de la marginalidad y la errancia en autores como William S, Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg o Gary Snyder se reflejan en Bolaño, que reproduce temática, escenarios y personajes perdidos en constante búsqueda a través de la Latinoamérica profunda y en los bajos fondos del mundo en novelas como Los detectives salvajes, Amuleto, Monsieur Pain, Una novelta lumpen, o Estrella distante.

The importance and influence of Ezra Pound in the promotion and publishing of James Joyce's work,... more The importance and influence of Ezra Pound in the promotion and publishing of James Joyce's work, without which one of the greatest pieces of literary work would probably have gone unnoticed, are nowadays unquestionable. But apart from acknowledging Pound's contribution as colleague writer and editor, the main purpose of this essay is to discuss the extent to which Ezra Pound's excisions and modifications of certain passages of James Joyce's Ulysses for its serialized publication in The Little Review, could be considered censorship stricto sensu or just part of Pound's efforts to circumvent suppression and thus help the Irish author publish his work in United States. Based on Ezra Pound's complex figure and his modernist aesthetic project based on the purity of the language, his important contribution as editor, and his patronizing attitude towards Joyce, I will try to draw some conclusions as to whether Pound's expurgations were made according to his own aesthetic conception of what "hygienic literature" must be. For this purpose and as an example I will concentrate mainly on the expurgations and excisions that Pound made in "Calypso", where he deliberately omitted all references to Leopold Bloom's defecations.
Talks by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo
Cuando hablamos de influencias en la literatura de Roberto Bolaño, uno no puede dejar de tener es... more Cuando hablamos de influencias en la literatura de Roberto Bolaño, uno no puede dejar de tener esa sensación de desolación que con frecuencia deja la lectura de su obra. Uno queda abandonado a su suerte, sin saber muy bien qué hacer cuando uno ha ascendido por el desfiladero y se encuentra al borde del precipicio, o a las puertas de un vasto desierto. Sin embargo, y aunque sea difícil a veces descubrir las formas en que aquellas influencias operan, de entre todos los Bolaños posibles, hay un Bolaño que leyó, escribió y vivió como un Beatnik. La estética y la ética del "malditismo" Beat son constantemente referidos, homenajeados o parodiados, al extremo en que Ulises Lima y Arturo Belano, los héroes intratextuales de la narrativa de Bolaño, son una suerte de poetas post Beat a la mexicana
Thesis Chapters by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo
Papers by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo
Talks by Cristian Perez de Guzman Vallejo