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Why do certain complex ideas — e.g., scientific, political or economic theories — spread in society, become a matter of debate, while others do not? How and why does the content of complex ideas change the more they are debated by the... more
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      Cultural HistoryPublic OpinionCulture and CognitionLanguage, Culture and Cognition, Anthropological Linguistics
This essay explores the subject of the aversion of intellectuals to the market economy. It does so by studying a selection of Italian films of the early 1960s whose themes are centered upon the economic boom of those years. The films... more
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      Italian CinemaItalian CinemaIntellectualsIntellectual and cultural history
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of Economic Thought
I argue that since physical objects have cultural significance only when they are invested with some symbolic value, a culturally ambitious literary criticism should have no interest for objects as such. On the contrary, I suggest that... more
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      Literary TheoryThematic Criticism
This paper presents a brief survey of a trend in literary criticism called the "New Economic Criticism." It focuses on studies that explore the Shakespearean age to contrast what the critical literature has to say about the economic... more
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      Literary CriticismEconomics and LiteratureNew Economic CriticismLiterature and Economics
The story of a curious publication case concerning a short Italian essay which went almost unnoticed in Italy and ended up being recognized as a landmark of early-modern monetary theory after being translated in English
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of Economic ThoughtHistory of Economics
This essay examines the contributions of Italian economist Pasquale Jannaccone to the Turin daily newspaper «La Nuova Stampa» during the Italian post-wwii reconstruction. It is argued that the major element of interest in Jannaccone’s... more
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      Economic HistoryJournalismPublic OpinionHistory of Economic Thought
This is a preliminary draft of a paper submitted to a peer-review journal. Please find the abstract in the front page of the paper.
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureEconomics and LiteratureModern Italy
Placido Rizzotto and Peppino Impastato are two Italian mafia victims whose names were long forgotten until their story became the subject of two films both released in 2000—Placido Rizzotto, by Pasquale Scimeca, and One Hundred Steps, by... more
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      Italian CinemaMafia MoviesGangster FilmContemporary Italian Cinema
Contrary to a commonly held view, an analysis of Walter Siti's novel Resistere non serve a niente shows that the way in which the world of finance is outlined in the book does not offer a key to form an informed judgment on present-day... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureContemporary Italian LiteratureEconomics and Literature
In 2011, Edoardo Nesi – a former industrialist in the Prato textile district – won the most prestigious Italian literary prize for his autobiographical novel Storia della mia gente, a book centered on the contrast between Prato's past... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryItalian StudiesIndustrial HistoryItalian Literature
Italiano Il presente saggio passa in rassegna una serie di commedie, drammi e satire composte in Inghilterra nel tardo periodo elisabettiano con lo scopo di mostrare come l’affermazione di temi economici sulle scene dei teatri londinesi... more
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      City comediesElizabethan LiteratureEconomics and LiteratureLiterature and Economics
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      Austrian EconomicsLiteratureItalian LiteratureLibertarianism
Pour les Gaulois et les peuples voisins à la société encore archaïque, il n'y a au fond qu'une nation ennemie, celle de César: un monde foncièrement étranger, hiérarchisé, militarisé. Un empire moderne qui parle une langue morte!... more
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsAsterix
Immigration is perhaps one of the most urgent issues in Europe today. It dominated the Brexit campaign and is expected to have a pivotal role in the French, German, and Hungarian elections of 2017. Physical barriers have been erected, the... more
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      European StudiesIntercultural CommunicationImmigrationEconomic Growth
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      Cultural StudiesItalian StudiesItalian LiteratureItalian Linguistics
The present chapter contains a discussion of the English translation of Bernardo Davanzati’s Lezione delle monete (1588) in the context of the so-called Great Recoinage of 1696. In that year, the poor state of the silver coins in... more
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      Political EconomyTranslation StudiesHistory of Economic ThoughtItalian Studies
This short essay contains a reflection on the rise of populism in Western politics. It shows why the modus operandi of modern democracy is akin to that of science and why populist movements are trying to dissolve the ties between... more
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      Political TheoryHistory of DemocracyPopulismDemocracy
Economic themes have recently become a conspicuous feature of the Italian novel. Many of these works contrast the present economic order with that of a mostly idealized past. This paper contains a close reading of a selection of such... more
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      Contemporary Italian LiteratureEconomics and LiteratureEconomic CrisisLiterature and Economics
This chapter presents an analysis of four contemporary Italian novels that revolve around the theme of the contrast between past and present. The novels in question are: Dove eravate tutti, by Paolo Di Paolo (2011); Storia della mia... more
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      Contemporary Italian LiteratureEconomics and LiteraturePublic IntellectualsLiterary Realism