Bangor University
Music & Media
The critiques literatures on new media and cybercultures, online privacy regulation, and online marketing techniques to explore their effacement of users.
Bringing together a wide range of international contributors, this book outlines the low levels of trust in our institutions globally, theorises trust and the public sphere, explores how trust is built and destroyed across various media... more
Summarises Mann's concept of sousveillance; explains what sousveillance has to do with emergent Web-based participatory media; points to how sousveillance impacts on strategic political communication; and offers some case study details... more
- by Vian Bakir
""Torture, Intelligence and Sousveillance in the War on Terror examines the communication battles of the Bush and Blair political administrations (and those of their successors in the US and UK) over their use of torture, first-hand or... more
Based on research that explores contemporary agenda-building struggles between (a) political administrations attempting to keep secret a torture-intelligence policy, and (b) various discursive modes of resistance operating across the... more
CAGE is an independent advocacy organisation working to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror policies worldwide. The organisation highlights and campaigns against such policies in hope to achieve a world free from oppression... more
This paper explores whether psychographic profiling and targeting married with big data and deployed in digital political campaigns is a form of psychological operations (“psy-ops”). Informed by studies on deception, coercion, and... more
Introducing the Special Theme on Veillance and Transparency: A Critical Examination of Mutual Watching in the Post-Snowden, Big Data Era, this article presents a series of provocations and practices on veillance and transparency in the... more
Organized persuasive communication is essential to the exercise of power at national and global levels. It has been studied extensively by scholars of public relations, promotional culture and propaganda. There exists, however,... more
1.1 The Problem Research from academia, investigative journalism and regulatory and political inquiries finds: Extensive use of deception and emotion in campaigning for the 2016 ‘Brexit’ referendum. Techniques for targeting citizens with... more
The online advertising and marketing literature concerned with ethics largely focuses on the privacy implications of commercial practices of online persuasion and data mining, exploring regulatory and self regulatory policies. New media... more