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Responding to Discrimination Archive Trip report for SSLH
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      Labour Party (UK)Immigration
Article published in the Western Mail 09/10/15 as part of Welsh History Month Abstract: When asked to name a notable Welsh politician who has had significant impact beyond Wales, most will turn to the two great orators, David Lloyd... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryLabour Party (UK)Political Science
Labour (dis)united. Disputed legitimacies within the British labour movement Britain From the late 1950s, mass immigration had a major impact on British, predominantly urban, society. This caused problems for the Labour Party. Whilst... more
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      Labour Party (UK)ImmigrationRace relationsHistory of the British Labour Party
Delivered 22 July 2016 at the NAASWCH Conference (Harvard University) Between 1964 and 1979, every Labour Home Secretary either sat for a Welsh Seat, or was Welsh by birth. Several more Welsh MPs also served in junior capacities at the... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryContemporary HistoryPolitics
Executive summary • Migrant integration policies have been pursued in diverse ways, as examples from the UK and the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949 clearly show. • When using the notion of integration in public debates,... more
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• Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain •... more
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      British HistoryBritish PoliticsPolitical HistoryElections
Until recently, British university history departments have rarely made use of assessed recorded video presentations. Inspired by the increased popularity of Online Educational Resources (OERs), it moves away from traditional essays,... more
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      HistoryEmployabilityDigital LiteracyAudio Visual
While national energy infrastructure projects possess significant reach and scale in supply terms, they are focused on a smaller number of power generation sites and have a significant impact on those specific localities. Britain's post... more
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    • Political Science
This article disseminates the initial findings of a project examining political change and party politics in postwar Liverpool. Based on a scoping study funded by a HSLC Research Grant, it explores the exceptionalism of the postwar... more
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      Economic HistoryPolitical ScienceLiberalismPolitics
An appeal for the intelligent engagement of Christians in the political realm following the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 American presidential elections. "When the righteous increase [in influence and authority], the people rejoice,... more
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      ChristianityReligion and PoliticsChristian Philosophy
Examining the role of the America's Frontline Doctors ( one year on from the press conference in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington which got over 20 million views within a short time of being posted and was... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceChristian ReconstructionReconstructionism
A blog article on the experience of censorship in the wake of being found a 'Risk to Public Health'.
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    • Censorship
'Discuss the relationship between Wittgenstein's rejection of the anti-metaphysical stance of logical positivism and his account of religious language in his later philosophy.' Wittgenstein stands amongst those rare 20 th century... more
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None of the ferocity of the attack, on the 'Sound of Freedom' film by the mainstream media and entertainment publications has let up. In this article, we examine in more details the ideological reasons behind the extreme reaction to this... more
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I read an article this week which really got my attention. It was describing the "confession" of Patrick Brown, an academic who is a Co-Director of Breakthrough Institute Climate and Energy which is an institute of a world-famous... more
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