Papers by Elshad Gurbanov

Бюллетень науки и практики, Jan 15, 2021
Absheron National Park was established based on Absheron State Nature Lowland in 783 hectares of ... more Absheron National Park was established based on Absheron State Nature Lowland in 783 hectares of the territory of Khazar district of Baku city by the decree of the president of the country on February 08, 2005; the main purpose is to provide the protection of environment, efficient use, protection of endangered rare plant species, the development of ecotourism, organization of the tourism and recreation zones and environmental enlightenment. For this purpose, the geobotanical research of the psammophyte-desert vegetation formed in the ecosystem (biogeocenosis) of Absheron National Park which located in the part of Suiti cape and Shahdili of the Caspian Sea in Absheron peninsular were executed by the method of "route" on May-June of 2018-2019 and the following were identified. As it can be seen from "The classification of the vegetation of Northern and southern Caspian coast" made up by us for the first time, 2 formation classes, 4 formation groups and 7 associations have been determined in the psammophyte-desert vegetation that formed in the territory of Absheron National Park. Аннотация. Апшеронский национальный парк создан на базе Апшеронского государственного природного заповедника на 783 га территории Хазарского района г. Баку Указом Президента Азербайджанской Республики от 8 февраля 2005 года. Основная цель: обеспечение защиты окружающей среды, эффективное использование, защита редких видов растений, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, развитие экотуризма, организация туристско-рекреационных зон и экологическое просвещение. С этой целью в мае-июне 2018-2019 гг. были проведены геоботанические исследования псаммофитно-пустынной растительности, сформировавшейся в экосистеме (биогеоценозе) Апшеронского национального парка на мысе Суити и Шахдили методом «маршрутов». Как видно из составленной нами впервые классификации растительности северного и южного побережья Каспия, в псаммофитно-пустынной растительности, сформировавшейся в 2015 г., выделено 2 класса формаций, 4 группы формаций и 7 ассоциаций на территории Апшеронского национального парка.
Journal of life sciences and biomedicine, 2021
The article gives data on the geobotanical investigation of summer pastures in the Kalbajar and L... more The article gives data on the geobotanical investigation of summer pastures in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions of the East Zangazur Economic Region, as well as phytocenological features of subalpine and alpine vegetation based on preoccupation research. In the wake of the research, phytocenological features, the composition of species, structure, productivity and pasture capacity of alpine and subalpine vegetation of the region were determined. Scientific and practical recommendations were given for the effective utilization of the summer pastures of the liberated from occupation Kalbajar and Lachin districts of the Eastern Zangazur economic region and their improvement.

Journal of Food Science and Engineering, Sep 28, 2017
Juniper is one of the most useful multipurpose plants worldwide. Containing a large number of ess... more Juniper is one of the most useful multipurpose plants worldwide. Containing a large number of essential oil, extracts from its leaves and berries (the blue-black seed cones) have been used as traditional medicine against urinary infections, dermatitis or as a diuretic. Juniperus polycarpos K. Koch is an important element of the rare pistachio-juniper thin forests [1, 2]. Habitat fragmentation and low regeneration are the main reasons of conservation Juniperus populations in this region. In order to prevent a decline in its area, mostly caused by problems in natural regeneration, the present study was carried out to analyze of Juniperus polycarpos individuals in Turianchai preserve. The bio-morphological analysis and age stages description is very consequential in order to protect this main member of dry arid forests of Azerbaijan.
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, Aug 15, 2006
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2006
... The members of Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, families can be given for this category. Am... more ... The members of Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, families can be given for this category. Among these, species belong to Iris, species belong to Allium, species belong to Gagea and 4 species belong to Muscari genus. These ...
Journal of life sciences and biomedicine, 2021
Journal of Ecology of Health & Environment (Online), 2019
Journal of Ecology of Health & Environment (Online), May 1, 2016
Biosystems Diversity, Jul 2, 2009
Phytoecological indicators of polluted soils of Amirov Oil-and-Gas Production Department (Garadag... more Phytoecological indicators of polluted soils of Amirov Oil-and-Gas Production Department (Garadag district, Baku) were studied. Phytocenological and biomorphological analysis of flora was done with the aim of further biological rehabilitation of Absheron peninsula. Oil products (black oil, boring waters, etc.) pollution turns the plant cover into a dead mass. Decontamination of soil and rehabilitation of microbial community improve the soil's fertility. Wild and cultured plant indicators may be used in biopurification of the soils polluted with oil products. Sowing of the fodder crops followed by the technical remediation forms the clean areas of higher productivity.
Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta, 2016
Аннотация. В ходе исследования были изучены фитоценозы, образуемые в кустарниковой растительности... more Аннотация. В ходе исследования были изучены фитоценозы, образуемые в кустарниковой растительности нагорно-ксерофитного и горно-степного пояса видами семейства бобовые, в особенности видами, относящимися к роду астрагал. Во многих фитоценозах, образуемых видами, относящимися к этому роду, впервые нами были указаны ассоциации и формации. Было выявлено, что отсутствие охраны эндемичных и занесенных в Красную книгу видов астрагала, а также нерациональное использование указанных фитоценозов способствовало деградации почвенно-растительного покрова и ускорению опустынивания в биоценозе исследуемых регионов.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 24, 2018
Məqalədə 2017-ci il ərzində Kür-Araz ovalığının Mil düzünün cənub hissəsinin səhra və çala-çəmən ... more Məqalədə 2017-ci il ərzində Kür-Araz ovalığının Mil düzünün cənub hissəsinin səhra və çala-çəmən bitkiliyinin geobotaniki tədqiqinin nəticələri verilmişdir. Səhra və çala-çəmən bitkiliyinin 2 tipi, 2 formasiyası və 6 assosiasiyası qeydə alınmışdır. Heyvandarlığın, o cümlədən maldarlığın inkişafı üçün kəndətrafı örüşlərin rasional istifadəsi və yaxşılaşdırılmasının mühüm əhəmiyyəti vardır ki, bununla əlaqədar olaraq geobotaniki tədqiqatların nəticələrindən istifadə məqsədəyönlüdür. Tədqiqat obyektlərindən biri Mil düzünün Sabirabad rayonunun Qasımbəyli kəndinin kəndətrafı örüçlərinin əraziləri olmuşdur. Tədqiqatlar nəticəsində 2 əsas bitki formasiyası aşkar edilmiş və onların məhsuldarlığı təyin edilmişdir. Bir sıra kəndətrafı örüşlərin ərazilərində şoranlaşmış torpaqlara və qeyri-bərabər relyefə malik olmaları səbəbindən bu örüşlərin rasional istifadəsi və yaxşılaşdırılması üçün onların əsaslı və səthi yaxşılaşdırması üzrə tədbirlərin aparılması məqsədəuyğundur.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 28, 2019

Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IX
GRANDMA is a worldwide collaboration with the primary scientific goal of studying gravitational-w... more GRANDMA is a worldwide collaboration with the primary scientific goal of studying gravitational-wave sources, discovering their electromagnetic counterparts and characterizing their emission. GRANDMA involves astronomers, astrophysicists, gravitational-wave physicists, and theorists. GRANDMA is now a truly global network of telescopes, with (so far) 30 telescopes in both hemispheres. It incorporates a citizen science programme (Kilonova-Catcher) which constitutes an opportunity to spread the interest in time-domain astronomy. The telescope network is an heterogeneous set of already-existing observing facilities that operate coordinated as a single observatory. Within the network there are wide-field imagers that can observe large areas of the sky to search for optical counterparts, narrow-field instruments that do targeted searches within a predefined list of host-galaxy candidates, and larger telescopes that are devoted to characterization and follow-up of the identified counterparts. Here we present an overview of GRANDMA after the third observing run of the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational-wave observatories in 2019 − 2020 and its ongoing preparation for the forthcoming fourth observational campaign (O4). Additionally, we review the potential of GRANDMA for the discovery and follow-up of other types of astronomical transients.

2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Pulsed Power (PPC), 2017
This article to development of high-frequency electric technologies (micro and nanosecond) for cl... more This article to development of high-frequency electric technologies (micro and nanosecond) for cleaning and disinfection of drinking and waste water from bacteriological pollutants is devoted. Complex explorations of high-speed processes in water medium, optimal electrical parameters of energy source and impact modes (crown and spark discharges) on investigated objects are considered. Empirical formulas for determination of the main discharge characteristics (average breakdown time, emitted energy) and parameters of water gap, at which an effective work regime of high voltage equipment is reached, are given. The possible mechanisms of water breakdown and high speed processes, volt-second diagrams are presented. It is shown, that on spark regime in water medium and positive polarity of potential electrode is achieving the maximum inactivation level of bacteriological cells (1010). It was found, that combination of micro and nanosecond effects on water medium may lead to formation of ...

Глава II. Литературный обзор…………………………… 22 2.1. История ботанических исследований Атропатены… 22 ... more Глава II. Литературный обзор…………………………… 22 2.1. История ботанических исследований Атропатены… 22 2.2. К истории изучения ксерофитной растительности Атропатены………………………..………….……… 27 2.3. О происхождение флоры и растительности Атропатены…………………………………………… 29 Глава III. Анализ флоры Атропатенской провинции…. .. 34 Глава IV. Растительность Атропатенской провинции….. 51 4.1. Пустынная и полупустынная растительность………. 56 4.2. Лесная растительность……………………………….. 66 4.3. Степная растительность…………………………….. 111 4.4. Фриганоидная растительность……………………… 125 4.5. Луговая растительность…………………………….. 144 4.6. Водно-болотная растительность …………………….159 4.7. Скально-осыпная растительность………………….. 163 4.8. Псевдомакки как новый тип растительности Атропатены………………………………………….. 169 Глава V. Охрана генофонда растительных ресурсов Атропатены…………………………………….. 177 Глава VI. Народнохозяйственное значение растительного покрова Атропатены…………………………… 185 Мероприятия по рациональному использованию…….. 192 Список литературы………………………………………. 193

Acta Botanica Caucasica
The advancement of the vegetation cover of various regions can be considered as the most signific... more The advancement of the vegetation cover of various regions can be considered as the most significant issue of commercial consequence. Plants that are less demanding on fertile soil, relevant for prevention of soil erosion, better purify the atmosphere and enrich it with oxygen have always been in the focus of researchers. From this point of view, the article is dedicated to the description of the perspective use of introduced species of coniferous plants in the greening and beautification of Absheron peninsula. The presented article is committed to the objective assessment of decorativeness coefficient of some coniferous plants introduced to the Absheron Peninsula. It is known that the formula calculation is very important for the comparative study of the decorative properties of different species coniferous plants used in landscaping since ancient times. For this purpose, the adapted form of the method proposed by Babich was developed and the decorative properties of a number of conifers were calculated.
The article deals with the phytotsenologic features of the vegetative cover, the polluted soils o... more The article deals with the phytotsenologic features of the vegetative cover, the polluted soils of the given territory of lowland. As the result of the research 4 types of vegetation (deserted, semidesertic, chalno-mead- ow and water-marsh) are revealed for the first time. They are united in 5 classes of formation, 11 groups of forma- tion and 11 associations. The basic associations of specific structure, ecological groups, and structure of communities are presented, and also vital forms or a biomorph, abun- dance, each type circle and phenological phases of plants of investigated object for the purpose of biological reculti- vation are defined.

Bulletin of Science and Practice, 2020
In article the results of analysis conducted on bioecological features of Salsola species which a... more In article the results of analysis conducted on bioecological features of Salsola species which are distributed in desert phytocoenosis of Mil plain of Kur-Aras lowland were given. Materials for research were plant herbaria which collected from researched area, as well as herbarium funds of Baku State University and Institute of Botany Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Morphological study of the flower parts of Salsola species was conducted with Carl Zeiss Stereo Discovery V4 stereomicroscope. It was determined that in researched area 10 species (Salsola australis R. Br., S. tragus L., S. paulsenii Litv., S. soda L., S. nitraria Pall., S. incanescens C. A. Mey., S. dendroides Pall., S. ericoides Bieb., S. nodulosa (Moq.) Iljin, S. foliosa (L.) Schrad.) of Salsola genus are distributed. Their morphology, ecology, systematical position, as well as economic significance were analyzed. It was also found that an anthropogenic impact in this area leads to desertification of landsca...

Bulletin of Science and Practice, 2021
Absheron National Park was established based on Absheron State Nature Lowland in 783 hectares of ... more Absheron National Park was established based on Absheron State Nature Lowland in 783 hectares of the territory of Khazar district of Baku city by the decree of the president of the country on February 08, 2005; the main purpose is to provide the protection of environment, efficient use, protection of endangered rare plant species, the development of ecotourism, organization of the tourism and recreation zones and environmental enlightenment. For this purpose, the geobotanical research of the psammophyte-desert vegetation formed in the ecosystem (biogeocenosis) of Absheron National Park which located in the part of Suiti cape and Shahdili of the Caspian Sea in Absheron peninsular were executed by the method of “route” on May-June of 2018–2019 and the following were identified. As it can be seen from “The classification of the vegetation of Northern and southern Caspian coast” made up by us for the first time, 2 formation classes, 4 formation groups and 7 associations have been determ...
Aparılan tədqiqat işiндя Lənkəranın dağlıq hissəsində (Lerik rayonu ərazisində) rast gəlinən bitk... more Aparılan tədqiqat işiндя Lənkəranın dağlıq hissəsində (Lerik rayonu ərazisində) rast gəlinən bitkiliyin ekoloji-fitosenoloji göstəriciləri арашдырылмыш, müəyyən edilmişdir ki, ərazidə əsasən dağ-çəmən və dağ-bozqır bitkilikləri və onların əmələ gətirdikləri 6 formasiya daha geniş яразидя yayılıb. Нятиъядя Lerik rayonunun dağ ekosistemindən səmərəli istifadənin yolları müzakirə olunmuşdur.
Papers by Elshad Gurbanov