Thesis Chapters by Md. Abdur Rashid

The presence of social stratification in every society is an open secret. It has multidimensional... more The presence of social stratification in every society is an open secret. It has multidimensional effects on people’s food habit, life style, expectation, and education etc. The purpose of this study is to find out a relationship between social stratification in Bangladesh and its impact on students’ academic performance in English at the secondary level education. In doing so, an empirical study has been conducted. Data were collected from secondary level students and English teachers through a questionnaire. The analysis of the data of this study seeks to show that students’ academic performance in English correlates with their social status, economic condition, family background and area of residence, etc. As such varied performance of different groups of students is related to social stratification; hence finding any single solution to this deeply rooted issue is virtually impossible. However, to reduce the gaps among different groups of students with some recommendations from experienced English teachers have been suggested in this dissertation.
Papers by Md. Abdur Rashid
Using Poetry as Literary Text in the Language Classroom: A Language - based Approach to the Poem, ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’
Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014

University of Science and Technology Annual, 2021
Several critics recognize Toni Morrison's concerns about African-American women's class struggle ... more Several critics recognize Toni Morrison's concerns about African-American women's class struggle and their possible emancipation in her writings. Following their observations, this study examines Morrison's novel, Love (2003) in light of Marxist feminist theory to apprehend the position of women and their struggle in male-dominated African-American society. Marxist feminism suggests a radical reformation of current patriarchal-capitalist society in which women's domestic labor remains unacknowledged. In Love, Morrison draws a parallel between Marx's concept of class struggle and women's struggle which alienates her female characters from the outcome of their labor, from themselves and other human beings, and leads them to revolt against the patriarch or bourgeoisie represented by one of the central characters, Bill Cosey, who eventually gets murdered by his cook indicating a successful proletariat revolution. This study pinpoints Morrison's prescription for women's psychological emancipation, if not a physical one. The study also observes that Morrison not only endorses Engels' theoretical stance of economic independence to emancipate women from patriarchy and capitalism, but her project encompasses much more than just that, which is corroborated by a Marxist feminist interpretation of Love.

Quality education is considered as the prime focus of each of the higher educational institution ... more Quality education is considered as the prime focus of each of the higher educational institution engaged in training and development of students as human resources. Towards this journey, the well trained and developed graduates represent as power and the faculty members who mentor them act as the amplifier of this power. Here, the role of faculties is very significant because their active, sincere and excellent performance can bring positive and qualitative change in the academia. This results in groomed leadership of graduates in the national development endeavors. But such dream can never be cherished unless the respective faculty members perform with their utmost capacities, commitment and contribution. To ensure due diligence of the faculty members, the practice of their performance evaluation is prioritized in the educational institutions. From this perspective the current study is a motivational attempt to identify the influencing factors of faculty evaluation which have positive impact on the quality education of the higher educational institutions in Bangladesh through a structured questionnaire based on primary survey during the month of November 10, 2017 to December 09, 2017. The findings of the current study indicates a good number of factors including humanistic quality and morality of the faculty members, well behaved, close and sincere relationship between faculty members and students, on time class attendance and course syllabus coverage, practically enriched teaching and learning, etc., enable effective grooming of the students and thus ensure quality education of the respective higher educational institutions in Bangladesh.
Myths and legends have always been used in framing artistic structure of literary works. In this ... more Myths and legends have always been used in framing artistic structure of literary works. In this connection, Alfred Lord Tennyson's two mythical poems-" Ulyssesˮ and " The Lotos-Eatersˮ present two contradictory states of human nature. In " Ulyssesˮ the hero represents the mood of restlessness and action; on the other hand in " The Lotos-Eatersˮ the same hero along with his sailors are tired in life and willing to enjoy rest forgetting the weariness of past life. This paper is an attempt to explore 'action' and 'inaction' in the two pair poems-Ulysses and The Lotos-Eaters respectively. Further the paper focuses on the original myth of Ulysses and Tennyson's own treatment with the same to express the dissimilar concepts of human life for modern readers.
Various studies in the field of parental influence on children's educational success have confirm... more Various studies in the field of parental influence on children's educational success have confirmed that the parental, familial and surrounding environment of a learner affects his overall educational success. In this connection, this study intends to look into whether there is any corresponding relation between the level of parental education and their children's academic performance in second language. To achieve such objective, data have been collected from secondary level students who belong to various family backgrounds. The data analysis finds that parental education has a positive contribution to their children's second language performance. On the contrary, parents' lower education level has a negative impact on their children's second language performance.

Students’ verbal participation in class is of paramount importance for fruitful learning. It also... more Students’ verbal participation in class is of paramount importance for fruitful learning. It also helps students to achieve interpersonal skills. But, students tend to remain reticent in classes across the world. The reasons for this problem has long been studied from cognitive, affective and socio-cultural perspectives. But learners are not merely biological entities with only cognitive and psychological attributes. They also belong to society and their learning behavior is influenced by socio-economic factors too. The reticent behavior of learners are similarly influenced by the Socio-Economic Status (SES) of the learners and their parents. This study aims to investigate whether the tertiary level students’ reticent behavior is influenced by parents’ socio-economic factors as well as by the cognitive and affective factors. This study follows the mixed approach to research. Surveys were conducted among students and interviews were conducted among teachers of the English Department of a university to investigate the real reasons for the students’ reticent behavior in language classes. The findings reveal the fact that the students’ reticent behavior is mostly due to their anxiety created by financial stress. It was also investigated to see if there is any link between parents’ educational qualification and students’ overall academic achievement. A positive correlation was found between these two variables. It was found that parents’ higher academic qualifications have a positive impact on their children’s success in the English language. Though this study investigates the reticent behavior, its recommendations can be applied to find out the reasons for students’ under-achievement in any subject. It can also be applied to know whether difference in parents’ financial capability affects their children’s academic success.

Ted Hughes, inarguably one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, occupies an unparalleled po... more Ted Hughes, inarguably one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, occupies an unparalleled position in contemporary English poetry chiefly because of his poetics of animal imagery that has so far been approached from different perspectives. This paper focuses on Hughes’s representative poems and puts forth the theory that his arts poetica actually develops from two simultaneous feelings, firstly his conviction in pristine animal energy, and secondly, his disillusionment about the humanization of man through the suppression of his primeval energy. These diametrical feelings make Hughes speak in favour of the suppressed elements of the psyche which alone promise resilience in the face of uncaring reality. Hughes thinks the civilizing ideologies actually result in the subversion of the primal imperviousness of the alter ego which is spontaneously manifested in non-human beings. A corollary of this paper is that Hughes’s signature poems encompassing ‘The Hawk in the Rain’, ‘The Jaguar’, ‘Hawk Roosting’, ‘Pike’, ‘Snowdrop, ‘Second Glance at a Jaguar’ etc. and the Crow Poems make more sense when studied with reference to human alter ego represented through the poet’s conscious delineation of non-human instincts. Keywords: Ted Hughes, animal imagery, primal instincts, alter ego

Teaching is mainly an outcome of a teacher’s perception. Whatever teachers do in their classrooms... more Teaching is mainly an outcome of a teacher’s perception. Whatever teachers do in their classrooms is an outcome of their educational beliefs, whether they are aware of their teaching philosophy or not. Teacher’s belief about how better a foreign language can be learned plays a significant role in deciding how they will conduct their classes. English teachers have their beliefs and perceptions about various classroom activities and accordingly they execute these beliefs and knowledge in their classroom practices. But, does it always happen? Very often it is found that their classroom practices bear the poorest samples of their beliefs. This case study investigates a university teacher’s beliefs about classroom interaction and her real classroom practices. A questionnaire will be used to elicit the teacher’s belief about interaction. Observation of her classes in the light of interactive activities will be done. An attempt will be made to see if there is any mismatch between belief and practice. Does belief change over time through training? Is there anything that resists change?
Drafts by Md. Abdur Rashid

The paper focuses the sociocultural impact on learning of English as a foreign language (EFL) in ... more The paper focuses the sociocultural impact on learning of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Bangladeshi context. The aim of the study is to inves gate whether this impact exists in primary level educa on in the country. The data were collected from six schools in Chi agong district through classroom observa on and a structured ques onnaire, and analyzed following mixed-method approach. The par cipants for the survey were 120 students randomly selected from Government primary schools located both in rural and urban areas. The findings reveal that the sociocultural contexts have a significant influence on English language learning, though learners follow the same curriculum, text materials, and almost the same medium of instruc on. The significance of the study lies in iden fying sociocultural barriers to the teaching and learning of English, which may be useful for the policymakers and EFL stakeholders-students, parents, and teachers.
Thesis Chapters by Md. Abdur Rashid
Papers by Md. Abdur Rashid
Drafts by Md. Abdur Rashid