Background: Millions of children are still dying as a result of the preventable diarrheal disease... more Background: Millions of children are still dying as a result of the preventable diarrheal disease than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Objective: To determine the prevalence of diarrheal disease and associated factors among under 5 children in Enemay rural district, East Gojjam zone. Methods: Community based cross sectional study was conducted on a sample size of 634.A multistage sampling technique in which seven from 34 kebeles were selected by simple random sampling and then proportional samples were drawn through systematic random sampling technique using the list of households who have children under five. The dependent variable was measured interms of the occurrence of loose/watery diarrhea for at least three times per day in the last two weeks before the survey. Data was collected through pretested structured questionnaire, and observation cheek list. It was collected by trained data collectors with the support of trained supervisors.
Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts ... more Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Understanding geographic variation in malaria patterns and their environmental determinants can support targeting of malaria control and development of elimination strategies. We used multiple sources of remotely-sensed environmental data to analyze the in uences of environmental risk factors on malaria cases caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in two geographic settings in Ethiopia. We found considerable spatial variation in malaria proportion and the distribution of malaria hot spots. Spectral indices were related to land cover greenness (NDVI) and moisture (NDWI) showed an association between malaria and dry landscapes. Climatic factors, including precipitation and land surface temperature, had positive associations with malaria occurrence. Settlement structure also played an important role, with opposing relationships between settlement density and malaria for the two study areas. Variables related to land surface water, such as irrigated agriculture, wetlands, seasonally ooded waterbodies and height above nearest drainage did not in uence malaria proportion. We found different relationships between malaria and environmental conditions in two geographically distinctive areas. These results emphasize that studies of malaria-environmental relationships and predictive models of malaria occurence should be context speci c to account for such differences.
Background: The accessibility of antiretroviral treatment changed the lives of persons living wit... more Background: The accessibility of antiretroviral treatment changed the lives of persons living with HIV from hopelessness to hopefulness. Thus, many of them decided to have children. In Ethiopia, where there is high prevalence of HIV, level of fertility desire among persons living with HIV could have significant part in safe motherhood and child health. The aim of this study was to assess the level of fertility desire and identify factors associated with it among clients on highly active antiretroviral treatment at Finoteselam Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional study design supplemented by in-depth interview was conducted on 422 clients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment from July 1 to August 12, 2013. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were entered in to EPi Info version 3.5.1 and exported to SPSS software version 16 for further analysis. Descriptive and summary statistics were computed. Proportions were calculated to estimate fertility desire level. Binary logistic regression model was fitted to identify factors associated with fertility desire. Results: A total of 422 clients were included in the study of which 217 (51.4 %) were males. The median age was 33 (IQR = 12) years. A total of 141(33.4 %) of clients had desire for having children. Male clients desire children than their female counterparts [AOR = 3.19, 95 % CI: (1.56, 6.51)]. Clients who had no child had more desire for having children than those who had three or more children [AOR = 6.78, 95 % CI: (2.38, 19.27)] and those who had ≤2 years duration on ART had more desire than those with >2 years duration on ART [AOR = 3.64, 95 % CI: (1.74, 7.64)]. Clients who had discussion with ART service provider about sexuality, Fertility desire and family planning had more child desire [AOR = 3.12, 95 % CI: (1.54, 6.32)]. Conclusions: One third of clients have desire to have a child/children in the future. Male clients and clients who have less than or equal to 2 years ART follow up, with no child and having discussion with ART service provider were associated with increased fertility desire. Guidelines formulated and counseling protocols developed shall consider this desire to achieve their reproductive goals in the healthiest and safest possible manner.
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods. Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three methods for early detection of the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington methods....
HIV testing as an intervention for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV and associat... more HIV testing as an intervention for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV and associated factors among pregnant women attending at Public Health Facilities in Assosa town, Northwest Ethiopia
Introduction: Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases and an important pu... more Introduction: Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases and an important public health problem in many developing countries including Ethiopia. The study was aimed at assessing prevalence of schistosomiasis and associated factors among students attending at elementary schools in Amibera District, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross sectional school based study was carried out on sample of 840 students. First, all elementary schools around Amibera District were grouped in to strata based on their distance from the irrigation site as "Near" or "Far". Then two schools were selected by simple random sampling method from each stratum. Finally, proportional allocation of the sample size was done according to the number of students in each stratum. From each grade level students were selected by simple random sampling techniques. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio demographic characteristics, water contact habit and toilet utilization. Stool and urine examination were done to determine prevalence. The analysis was carried out using SPSS version 16.0. Result and Conclusions: The overall prevalence of schistosomiasis in this study was 8.2%; among this Schisosoma haematobium was 7.4% and Schisosoma mansoni was 0.8%. Education level (pvalue = 0.047, OR = 1.834), swimming habit (pvalue = 0.0001, OR = 4.979) and source of water for domestic consumption (p-value = 0.0001, OR = 0.334) had shown significant association with the occurrence of S. haematobium infection. Conclusion and recommendations: The prevalence of schistosomiasis was not what to be neglected. It was significantly associated with educational level, swimming habit of children and source of water for domestic consumption. Therefore, provision of safe water supply and health education at school level was recommended.
Background Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in ... more Background Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Understanding geographic variation in malaria patterns and their environmental determinants can support targeting of malaria control and development of elimination strategies. Methods We used remotely sensed environmental data to analyze the influences of environmental risk factors on malaria cases caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax from 2014 to 2017 in two geographic settings in Ethiopia. Geospatial datasets were derived from multiple sources and characterized climate, vegetation, land use, topography, and surface water. All data were summarized annually at the sub-district (kebele) level for each of the two study areas. We analyzed the associations between environmental data and malaria cases with Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models. Results We found considerable spatial variation in malaria occurrence. Spectral indices related to land cover ...
Additional file 2. Variations of event detection algorithms tested. The file contains two tables ... more Additional file 2. Variations of event detection algorithms tested. The file contains two tables for Plasmodium falciparum and mixed species of all the different parameter combinations tested. The first sheet is for the random, weekly statistical, and CDC EARS methods, the second sheet for the Farrington algorithms, and the third sheet for a description of the fields.
Additional file 2: Supplemental maps of the study areas showing high-resolution land cover and te... more Additional file 2: Supplemental maps of the study areas showing high-resolution land cover and terrain.
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods. Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three methods for early detection of the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington methods....
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods.Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three early detection methods to detect the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington algori...
Background: Millions of children are still dying as a result of the preventable diarrheal disease... more Background: Millions of children are still dying as a result of the preventable diarrheal disease than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Objective: To determine the prevalence of diarrheal disease and associated factors among under 5 children in Enemay rural district, East Gojjam zone. Methods: Community based cross sectional study was conducted on a sample size of 634.A multistage sampling technique in which seven from 34 kebeles were selected by simple random sampling and then proportional samples were drawn through systematic random sampling technique using the list of households who have children under five. The dependent variable was measured interms of the occurrence of loose/watery diarrhea for at least three times per day in the last two weeks before the survey. Data was collected through pretested structured questionnaire, and observation cheek list. It was collected by trained data collectors with the support of trained supervisors.
Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts ... more Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Understanding geographic variation in malaria patterns and their environmental determinants can support targeting of malaria control and development of elimination strategies. We used multiple sources of remotely-sensed environmental data to analyze the in uences of environmental risk factors on malaria cases caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in two geographic settings in Ethiopia. We found considerable spatial variation in malaria proportion and the distribution of malaria hot spots. Spectral indices were related to land cover greenness (NDVI) and moisture (NDWI) showed an association between malaria and dry landscapes. Climatic factors, including precipitation and land surface temperature, had positive associations with malaria occurrence. Settlement structure also played an important role, with opposing relationships between settlement density and malaria for the two study areas. Variables related to land surface water, such as irrigated agriculture, wetlands, seasonally ooded waterbodies and height above nearest drainage did not in uence malaria proportion. We found different relationships between malaria and environmental conditions in two geographically distinctive areas. These results emphasize that studies of malaria-environmental relationships and predictive models of malaria occurence should be context speci c to account for such differences.
Background: The accessibility of antiretroviral treatment changed the lives of persons living wit... more Background: The accessibility of antiretroviral treatment changed the lives of persons living with HIV from hopelessness to hopefulness. Thus, many of them decided to have children. In Ethiopia, where there is high prevalence of HIV, level of fertility desire among persons living with HIV could have significant part in safe motherhood and child health. The aim of this study was to assess the level of fertility desire and identify factors associated with it among clients on highly active antiretroviral treatment at Finoteselam Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods: A cross-sectional study design supplemented by in-depth interview was conducted on 422 clients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment from July 1 to August 12, 2013. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data were entered in to EPi Info version 3.5.1 and exported to SPSS software version 16 for further analysis. Descriptive and summary statistics were computed. Proportions were calculated to estimate fertility desire level. Binary logistic regression model was fitted to identify factors associated with fertility desire. Results: A total of 422 clients were included in the study of which 217 (51.4 %) were males. The median age was 33 (IQR = 12) years. A total of 141(33.4 %) of clients had desire for having children. Male clients desire children than their female counterparts [AOR = 3.19, 95 % CI: (1.56, 6.51)]. Clients who had no child had more desire for having children than those who had three or more children [AOR = 6.78, 95 % CI: (2.38, 19.27)] and those who had ≤2 years duration on ART had more desire than those with >2 years duration on ART [AOR = 3.64, 95 % CI: (1.74, 7.64)]. Clients who had discussion with ART service provider about sexuality, Fertility desire and family planning had more child desire [AOR = 3.12, 95 % CI: (1.54, 6.32)]. Conclusions: One third of clients have desire to have a child/children in the future. Male clients and clients who have less than or equal to 2 years ART follow up, with no child and having discussion with ART service provider were associated with increased fertility desire. Guidelines formulated and counseling protocols developed shall consider this desire to achieve their reproductive goals in the healthiest and safest possible manner.
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods. Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three methods for early detection of the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington methods....
HIV testing as an intervention for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV and associat... more HIV testing as an intervention for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV and associated factors among pregnant women attending at Public Health Facilities in Assosa town, Northwest Ethiopia
Introduction: Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases and an important pu... more Introduction: Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic diseases and an important public health problem in many developing countries including Ethiopia. The study was aimed at assessing prevalence of schistosomiasis and associated factors among students attending at elementary schools in Amibera District, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross sectional school based study was carried out on sample of 840 students. First, all elementary schools around Amibera District were grouped in to strata based on their distance from the irrigation site as "Near" or "Far". Then two schools were selected by simple random sampling method from each stratum. Finally, proportional allocation of the sample size was done according to the number of students in each stratum. From each grade level students were selected by simple random sampling techniques. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio demographic characteristics, water contact habit and toilet utilization. Stool and urine examination were done to determine prevalence. The analysis was carried out using SPSS version 16.0. Result and Conclusions: The overall prevalence of schistosomiasis in this study was 8.2%; among this Schisosoma haematobium was 7.4% and Schisosoma mansoni was 0.8%. Education level (pvalue = 0.047, OR = 1.834), swimming habit (pvalue = 0.0001, OR = 4.979) and source of water for domestic consumption (p-value = 0.0001, OR = 0.334) had shown significant association with the occurrence of S. haematobium infection. Conclusion and recommendations: The prevalence of schistosomiasis was not what to be neglected. It was significantly associated with educational level, swimming habit of children and source of water for domestic consumption. Therefore, provision of safe water supply and health education at school level was recommended.
Background Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in ... more Background Despite global intervention efforts, malaria remains a major public health concern in many parts of the world. Understanding geographic variation in malaria patterns and their environmental determinants can support targeting of malaria control and development of elimination strategies. Methods We used remotely sensed environmental data to analyze the influences of environmental risk factors on malaria cases caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax from 2014 to 2017 in two geographic settings in Ethiopia. Geospatial datasets were derived from multiple sources and characterized climate, vegetation, land use, topography, and surface water. All data were summarized annually at the sub-district (kebele) level for each of the two study areas. We analyzed the associations between environmental data and malaria cases with Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models. Results We found considerable spatial variation in malaria occurrence. Spectral indices related to land cover ...
Additional file 2. Variations of event detection algorithms tested. The file contains two tables ... more Additional file 2. Variations of event detection algorithms tested. The file contains two tables for Plasmodium falciparum and mixed species of all the different parameter combinations tested. The first sheet is for the random, weekly statistical, and CDC EARS methods, the second sheet for the Farrington algorithms, and the third sheet for a description of the fields.
Additional file 2: Supplemental maps of the study areas showing high-resolution land cover and te... more Additional file 2: Supplemental maps of the study areas showing high-resolution land cover and terrain.
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods. Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three methods for early detection of the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington methods....
Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remain... more Background Despite remarkable progress in the reduction of malaria incidence, this disease remains a public health threat to a significant portion of the world’s population. Surveillance, combined with early detection algorithms, can be an effective intervention strategy to inform timely public health responses to potential outbreaks. Our main objective was to compare the potential for detecting malaria outbreaks by selected event detection methods.Methods We used historical surveillance data with weekly counts of confirmed Plasmodium falciparum (including mixed) cases from the Amhara region of Ethiopia, where there was a resurgence of malaria in 2019 following several years of declining cases. We evaluated three early detection methods to detect the 2019 malaria events: 1) the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) Early Aberration Reporting System (EARS), 2) methods based on weekly statistical thresholds, including the WHO and Cullen methods, and 3) the Farrington algori...
Papers by Worku Awoke