Papers by Dawit A Getahun

Pre-service teachers' conceptions of effective and ineffective instruction stand to inform th... more Pre-service teachers' conceptions of effective and ineffective instruction stand to inform their personal views of what constitutes effective and ineffective instruction, yet few qualitative studies have examined both conceptions of effective and ineffective instruction. The purpose of this study was to determine whether pre-service teachers described what happens in university courses primarily in terms of teacher characteristics, teaching practices, or instructional context. There were two research questions guiding the study. First, how are the dimensions of effective and ineffective instruction alike and different? Second, how do results correspond to similar qualitative studies? Nine distinct themes were inductively derived through open coding of 34 pre-service teachers' essays: (a) motivation, (b) student autonomy, (c) meaningful learning, (d) comfortable learning environment, (e) classroom management, (f) student-teacher relationship, (g) teacher's personal charac...

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2021
There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated hi... more There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated higher education regimes on knowledge construction. However, not much is known about how academics outside the Global North make decisions about how and where to publish. Through a comparative case study, this article sets out to explore how academics in Ethiopia and Oman engage in writing for publication. Taking an academic literacies lens, the analysis reveals that their decisions were shaped by institutional values at the local level, as well as global hierarchies around knowledge construction. However, issues around identity, languages and disciplinary cultures also influenced how academics chose to position themselves in relation to local and international journals. The findings point to the need for new partnerships between journals in the Global North and South to prevent ‘publication drain’, and for universities to explore ways to address inequalities perpetuated through journal ra...

This study was a needs assessment study for developing MED curricula in Educational Sciences (tea... more This study was a needs assessment study for developing MED curricula in Educational Sciences (teaching of mathematics and science subjects). It was aimed at understanding the current status of science and mathematics teaching particularly in Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia so as to identify the existing gaps in the preparation of primary school science and mathematics teachers and teacher educators for Colleges of Teacher Education (CTE). The study was qualitative in its design. A total of 37 participants (10 deans and vice-deans, 10 department heads, 6 teacher educators, 2 experts, 2 policy makers, 7 previous graduates) were purposely selected from five CTEs, two universities and from the Science and Mathematics Subjects Improvement Center at the Ministry of Education (MoE). Data were collected using semi-structured interview and focus group discussion. Furthermore, secondary data sources such as the National Learning Assessment results (MoE, 2000–2016), Education Sector Developmen...

The purpose of this study was to examine first year students’ mathematics anxiety, enjoyment of m... more The purpose of this study was to examine first year students’ mathematics anxiety, enjoyment of mathematics, value of mathematics, self-efficacy beliefs and prior performance as predictors of performance on a first year university mathematics course (Applied mathematics I). Data were collected from 225 first year undergraduate students at Bahir Dar University at the beginning and at the end of the course. A rating scale measuring anxiety (11 items), enjoyment of mathematics (14 items), value of mathematics (14 items), mathematics problem solving self-efficacy (9 items) and mathematics tasks self-efficacy (9 items) was used to collect data. The items were adapted from the literature. The participants’ prior performance was assessed by preparing a test from contents of high school mathematics and their performance on the Applied Mathematics course was measured by preparing a test consisting of representative items from the chapters of the course. One-sample t-tests and multiple regres...

Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2021
The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of teachers' engagement in action... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of teachers' engagement in action research and identify their challenges and opportunities to undertake such projects in primary schools of Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia. The study was conducted as part of a collaborative action research project that aimed at improving practice. For this purpose, a mixed-methods research approach was employed. Data were collected from 251 primary school teachers and six educational experts of the city administration through questionnaire and focus group discussion respectively. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that teachers' engagement in action research in the primary schools of the city was low. It was also engulfed by many challenges. However, some opportunities which reinforce the practice were identified. Based on the findings, areas of intervention that could help to increase teachers' engagement in action research in the primary schools of the city were suggested.
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 2021

Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 2018
Recent findings show teenagers use social media increasingly in their daily life. There is also a... more Recent findings show teenagers use social media increasingly in their daily life. There is also a consensus that social media have both pros and perils on students' academic affairs. The objective of this study is to assess how Ethiopian secondary school students perceive the benefits and risks associated with social media use. Data were collected from 353 secondary schools students through self-reported questionnaire. The findings reveal that the leading perceived benefits of social media are recreational and relational purposes. The role social media play in students' academic activities is likely less considered. As a pilot study in a developing country, this study may raise awareness of schools, teachers, and parents about the benefits and risks of using social media for teenager students. Thereby, there will be future researches that enable them to effectively monitor their students to use social media primarily for academic purposes.

Design and Technology Education an International Journal, Feb 20, 2012
Good university teaching is considered to be a major requisite for student learning. However, its... more Good university teaching is considered to be a major requisite for student learning. However, its representation in the literature is often related to presage factors such as personal skills and subject matter knowledge of professors rather than to activities and processes related to student learning. It is also studied only from faculty and student perspectives not from academic leaders such as department chairs. This study examines good teaching as it relates to activities and outcomes of student learning and captures the perspectives of faculty and department chairs. We obtained interview data from 42 faculty members and nine department chairs from six universities in Pakistan. Results show that faculty characterized good teaching in relation to processes and outcomes of student learning. Department chairs’ description focused on general concern for students. An integrated framework that is related to student learning and that represents both faculty and chairs’ perspectives is suggested.

Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2016
The purpose of the study was to examine undergraduate students’ conceptions of inquiry and the re... more The purpose of the study was to examine undergraduate students’ conceptions of inquiry and the relationship of inquiry conceptions to epistemic beliefs. Data were obtained from 107 university students (80 female, 27 male) using an open-ended questionnaire to examine their conceptions of inquiry and Schommer’s Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire to group participants as naïve or sophisticated in their epistemic beliefs. Data analyses revealed that participants with sophisticated epistemic beliefs had multidimensional conceptions of inquiry and provided conceptually rich definitions. Students with naïve beliefs, on the other hand, revealed more simplistic and indistinct conceptions of inquiry and either described it with few details or stated that they did not know about it. The study in general indicated the presence of a relationship between epistemic beliefs and inquiry conceptions, implying that any practical effort to change the way students conceptualize a phenomenon in genera...

Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 2018
Recent findings show teenagers use social media increasingly in their daily life. There is also a... more Recent findings show teenagers use social media increasingly in their daily life. There is also a consensus that social media have both pros and perils on students' academic affairs. The objective of this study is to assess how Ethiopian secondary school students perceive the benefits and risks associated with social media use. Data were collected from 353 secondary schools students through self-reported questionnaire. The findings reveal that the leading perceived benefits of social media are recreational and relational purposes. The role social media play in students' academic activities is likely less considered. As a pilot study in a developing country, this study may raise awareness of schools, teachers, and parents about the benefits and risks of using social media for teenager students. Thereby, there will be future researches that enable them to effectively monitor their students to use social media primarily for academic purposes.

The Electronic Journal of Science Education, 2014
The purpose of this study was to investigate undergraduate students’ conceptions of inquiry. Data... more The purpose of this study was to investigate undergraduate students’ conceptions of inquiry. Data were obtained from 212 undergraduates using an open ended questionnaire which required them to define inquiry and explain its importance. Analysis of the participants’ definitions using open coding and constant comparison yielded 13 categories of inquiry conceptions. Closer examination of the derived categories indicated that they could be grouped into three superordinate categories of inquiry as: a learning process, an instructional process, and a research/scientific process. Observation of the prevalence of categories revealed inquiry as a learning process as the most prevalent and inquiry as a research/scientific process as the least prevalent superordinate categories. Particularly, the presence of inquiry as a means of gaining information/knowledge as the most prevalent conception implies that more work is needed to help students develop conceptions that can stimulate productive eng...
British Journal of Special Education, 2021

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2021
There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated hi... more There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated higher education regimes on knowledge construction. However, not much is known about how academics outside the Global North make decisions about how and where to publish. Through a comparative case study, this article sets out to explore how academics in Ethiopia and Oman engage in writing for publication. Taking an academic literacies lens, the analysis reveals that their decisions were shaped by institutional values at the local level, as well as global hierarchies around knowledge construction. However, issues around identity, languages and disciplinary cultures also influenced how academics chose to position themselves in relation to local and international journals. The findings point to the need for new partnerships between journals in the Global North and South to prevent ‘publication drain’, and for universities to explore ways to address inequalities perpetuated through journal ra...

The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of teachers' engagement in action researc... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of teachers' engagement in action research and identify their challenges and opportunities to undertake such projects in primary schools of Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia. The study was conducted as part of a collaborative action research project that aimed at improving practice. For this purpose, a mixed-methods research approach was employed. Data were collected from 251 primary school teachers and six educational experts of the city administration through questionnaire and focus group discussion respectively. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that teachers' engagement in action research in the primary schools of the city was low. It was also engulfed by many challenges. However, some opportunities which reinforce the practice were identified. Based on the findings, areas of intervention that could help to increase teachers' engagement in action research in the primary schools of the city were suggested.

International Journal of Special Education (IJSE)
The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of parents’ involvement in the education of c... more The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of parents’ involvement in the education of children with disabilities and the role of parent’s socio-economic factors in their involvement in primary schools of Bahir Dar city. Qualitative research was carried out in the present study using the descriptive survey design to answer the research question. Data were collected using a questionnaire designed to measure six dimensions of parents’ involvement in education (parenting, communicating, learning at home, volunteering, decision making, and collaborating with the community) from 143 parents selected by means of a simple random sampling technique. Five primary schools were sampled for the present study. The data obtained were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as one–way MANOVA. The results indicated that involvement in ‘parenting’ is more prevalent than among dimensions of parental involvement in education. Parents revealed a below-expected level of ...

Research in Comparative and International Education, 2021
There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated hi... more There is a growing body of research on the impact of English-medium publication and associated higher education regimes on knowledge construction. However, not much is known about how academics outside the Global North make decisions about how and where to publish. Through a comparative case study, this article sets out to explore how academics in Ethiopia and Oman engage in writing for publication. Taking an academic literacies lens, the analysis reveals that their decisions were shaped by institutional values at the local level, as well as global hierarchies around knowledge construction. However, issues around identity, languages and disciplinary cultures also influenced how academics chose to position themselves in relation to local and international journals. The findings point to the need for new partnerships between journals in the Global North and South to prevent ‘publication drain’, and for universities to explore ways to address inequalities perpetuated through journal ranking and language hierarchies.

. The purpose of this study was to determine whether pre-service teachers described what happens ... more . The purpose of this study was to determine whether pre-service teachers described what happens in university courses primarily in terms of teacher characteristics, teaching practices, or instructional context. There were two research questions guiding the study. First, how are the dimensions of effective and ineffective instruction alike and different? Second, how do results correspond to similar qualitative studies? Nine distinct themes were inductively derived through open coding of 34 preservice teachers' essays: (a) motivation, (b) student autonomy, (c) meaningful learning, (d) comfortable learning environment, (e) classroom management, (f) student-teacher relationship, (g) teacher's personal characteristics and manner, (h) lesson organization, and (i) teacher impact/student development. The results of this study support previous findings and add to the small number of studies that have examined pre-service teachers' descriptions of effective and ineffective instruction. Findings have also contributed a new category that has not appeared in previous literature: teacher impact/student development. Pre-service teachers' descriptions in this study confirm that the theoretical conception of what happens in classrooms must include the teacher's characteristics, teaching, and the context of instruction. Les conceptions qu'ont les enseignants en formation de l'enseignement efficace et inefficace informent naturellement leurs points de vue personnels de ce qui constitue l'enseignement efficace et inefficace; pourtant, peu d'études qualitatives se sont penchées sur les conceptions de l'enseignement efficace ainsi que sur celles de l'enseignement inefficace. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer dans quelle mesure les enseignants en formation décrivent ce qui se passe dans les cours à l'université, notamment en fonction des caractéristiques des enseignants, des pratiques d'enseignement ou du contexte pédagogique. Deux questions ont guidé la recherche. D'abord, qu'est-ce que l'enseignement efficace et l'enseignement inefficace ont en commun et qu'est-ce qui les distingue? Deuxièmement, comment les résultats correspondent-ils à ceux d'études qualitatives similaires? Un codage ouvert de 34 dissertations écrites par des enseignants en formation a permis de recueillir, par induction, neuf thèmes distincts: (a) motivation, (b) autonomie des étudiants, (c) apprentissage significatif, (d) milieu d'apprentissage confortable, (e) gestion de la classe, (f) rapport étudiant-enseignant, (g) caractéristiques et manières
Papers by Dawit A Getahun