Conference Presentations by Melahat Kucukarslan Emiroglu
the Criterion: An International Journal in English, 2020
the Criterion: An International Journal in English, 2019, 2019

This study questions the legibility of intended meanings in the design of contempor trends of tou... more This study questions the legibility of intended meanings in the design of contempor trends of touristic spaces by their receiver; the tourist. The subject of the study a ed as 'themed resort hotels' and presupposed as a 'precoded system'. This system expre ses two distinctive parts: the 'encoder' as designer and the 'decoder' as the tourist. An in eractive analysis of a case, the 'Topkap1 Resort Hotel', by conduct interviews with enco ers and informal interviews with decoders is to identify the intentions of the designer and eaning of the designed space -the image-for the tourists. Consequently, the study by the h p of the cognitive maps drawn by the tourists make possible to exhibit th e summ of the communication between the space and its user. The concentration on the anJlysis of 'decoder' displays the intercultural differences and common sense. of receiving visl l a1 signs as a precoded system.

This study deals with participatory design, its implementations in practice -mostly in urban cont... more This study deals with participatory design, its implementations in practice -mostly in urban context- and its influences on design education to understand the current situation of co-designing in Turkey. Participatory design for -architectural space- is not a very recent term in means of its connotative meanings, but in practice still not a well-known phenomenon in Turkey. It is often in some cases that the challenges by citizens or occupants of urban space or residential areas make impacts on emergency of merging roles in dialogue between players in design process and some educational initiatives to bring close together users, professionals, locals, and other stakeholders to collaborate within co-designing activities. In the content of a graduate course titled as User Participation: Customization of Spaces, Interior Design graduated students raised important questions. This paper tries to enlighten highlighted questions of students dealing specifically on the place of participatory design in design education in Turkey, and practices and realized implementations of participatory design as a manifestation of the current spectrum of Turkey.
Keywords: participatory design, design education, implementations, Turkey

This study taking its roots from Umberto Eco’s usual communication model
(1984) and studies of Pr... more This study taking its roots from Umberto Eco’s usual communication model
(1984) and studies of Preziosi on formulating categorisation of signifiers and
signifieds of architectural space (1979), aims to introduce a model of analysis for
the dialogues with(in) space(s); which has been also integrated in the context of the
departmental elective course ‘INT4921 Design Semiotics’, being given in Bahçeşehir
University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, since 2012. This model, by situating
designed space as interface between designer and beneficiary (the user or the one
who experiences the space) comprises the configuration of components/parties
of the state of this interface as being a communication medium. Consequently,
the information of semiotics used -as an instrument inherently during designing
process-, which is latent in works of architectural design, endeavoured to be manifested.

New Semiotics Between Tradition and Innovation
The association of design semiotics and post-structuralism proposes not seeing the design as a cl... more The association of design semiotics and post-structuralism proposes not seeing the design as a closed entity, installed with certain meanings, rather seeing design as irreducibly multiple, plural configurations of signifiers which can never be finally fixed to a single meaning; indestructible system of relationships. Design calls into being as a medium of communication configured by design elements that are channelizing signifiers towards the rest of the world; therefore almost any kind of the product of design becomes as reality through which the addressee and designer communicate; referred as an ‘interface’. Furthermore, each interpretation of a design is a new configuration of signified(s) articulated by a new system of relations arising from diversities of human beings, and consequently, meaning liberates via articulation. A poststructuralist look argues that to understand an object it is necessary to study both the object itself and the systems of knowledge that produce the object. This point of view does not propose to focus on understanding how concepts were understood by the designer at the time, rather it seeks to comprehend how those same concepts are understood by addressee of the design in the present, opting in studying how cultural concepts have changed over time. This manifests a mediating language
to describe reality and its expressions from a diachronic point of view to understand the reality which design mediates for an ever-changing dialogue.
Papers by Melahat Kucukarslan Emiroglu
Conference Presentations by Melahat Kucukarslan Emiroglu
Keywords: participatory design, design education, implementations, Turkey
(1984) and studies of Preziosi on formulating categorisation of signifiers and
signifieds of architectural space (1979), aims to introduce a model of analysis for
the dialogues with(in) space(s); which has been also integrated in the context of the
departmental elective course ‘INT4921 Design Semiotics’, being given in Bahçeşehir
University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, since 2012. This model, by situating
designed space as interface between designer and beneficiary (the user or the one
who experiences the space) comprises the configuration of components/parties
of the state of this interface as being a communication medium. Consequently,
the information of semiotics used -as an instrument inherently during designing
process-, which is latent in works of architectural design, endeavoured to be manifested.
to describe reality and its expressions from a diachronic point of view to understand the reality which design mediates for an ever-changing dialogue.
Papers by Melahat Kucukarslan Emiroglu
Keywords: participatory design, design education, implementations, Turkey
(1984) and studies of Preziosi on formulating categorisation of signifiers and
signifieds of architectural space (1979), aims to introduce a model of analysis for
the dialogues with(in) space(s); which has been also integrated in the context of the
departmental elective course ‘INT4921 Design Semiotics’, being given in Bahçeşehir
University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, since 2012. This model, by situating
designed space as interface between designer and beneficiary (the user or the one
who experiences the space) comprises the configuration of components/parties
of the state of this interface as being a communication medium. Consequently,
the information of semiotics used -as an instrument inherently during designing
process-, which is latent in works of architectural design, endeavoured to be manifested.
to describe reality and its expressions from a diachronic point of view to understand the reality which design mediates for an ever-changing dialogue.