m.sumathy Mohan
Dr.M.SUMATHY, M.Com., M.B.A., (M) M.B.A., (F)., PGDCA., M.A(WS)., M.Phil., Ph.D, D.Litt., Native of Karur District Completed her Schooling in St.Theresa,s Girls Higher Secondary School, Karur, Graduated and Post Graduated in Seethalakshmi Ramasamy College, Tiruchirapalli and did her M.Phil in H.H.The Raja’s College, Pudukkottai , She pursued her Doctoral Degree from Jamal Mohamed College and degree had been awarded by Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli .Currently she is pursuing D.Litt. from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai on the Topic “e-governance Practices in Tamilnadu “ She Served as Dean, School of Commerce, Professor, Assosicate Professor, Reader in Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Currently working as Professor
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Papers by m.sumathy Mohan
Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account. The study was carried out for the period of three years (2014-16) to analyze the financial performance of the
company and the 5 companies are Lakshmi Mills, Bannari Amman Spinning Mill, Sri Ramakrishna Spinning Mill, Kpr Spinning Mill and Super Spinning Mill are taken
for study. The research design of the study is descriptive research design and secondary data was collected from the published websites of organization for the
research. The tools used for analysis is comparative ratio analysis of the balance sheet. Suitable ratios were framed and calculated to know the financial performance
of the company. The findings from the analysis were discussed in detail and suggestions for corrective actions like maintain good solvency in order to meet
short term and long term obligations were given wherever applicable.
down level influences the profitability. The study ensures that the draw down level should be taken care of while changing the other variables. This is because increasing the draw down value would create high loss while trading. The study ensures that the draw down level should be taken care of while changing the other variables. This is because increasing the draw down value would create high loss while trading. The important finding is that the time frame of trading does not
influence the account balance.
number of online users, advertisers are interested to explore and exploit the social media as a new platform for advertisement delivery. There are number of social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. Facebook is popular among the social media. The current study is focused on Consumer’s attitude towards
advertisements through social media with special reference to Facebook. For the purpose of study, a convenient sampling survey was conducted among 100 respondents
in Malappuram District with the help of interview schedule. The tools used for this study are Percentage analysis; one way Anova etc. Study reveals that
consumers have positive attitude towards advertisements through Facebook
scale primarily used in questionnaires to obtain participant‟s preferences or degree of
agreement with a statement or set of statements. Likert scales are a non‐comparative scaling
technique and are unidimensional (only measure a single trait) in nature. Respondents are
asked to indicate their level of agreement with a given statement by way of an ordinal scale. The influence of personal characteristics and buyer‟s preference factors on the behaviour as well as the relationship between buyer and purchasing behaviour of gingelly oil are examined. This study shows that, overall, the consumers have positive attitude towards using of gingelly oil on their daily food.
organic foods need to be ground-breaking and dynamic in order to complete with the changing purchase
behaviour in the Organic food products market among rural and urban residents. The importance of organic
food products was ignored for quite a long period. As results of environmental sustainability and its importance
is shifted towards Organic food products rather than conventional farming. Today, many societies have assumed
their duty to protect our surroundings. Thus, products and production process become cleaner. More companies
introduce green products and it helps to change the polluted world. “Go green”, because they realize that they
can cut pollution and increase profits at the same time. Green marketing is a creative opportunity to innovate in
ways that induce a difference and at the same time achieve business success. This paper investigates consumer
perception towards eco-friendly merchandise. Environmental related perception factors. Producers marketing
related perception factors and Personality related perception factors are the major contributors to the
formulation of perception towards Eco friendly products.
Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account. The study was carried out for the period of three years (2014-16) to analyze the financial performance of the
company and the 5 companies are Lakshmi Mills, Bannari Amman Spinning Mill, Sri Ramakrishna Spinning Mill, Kpr Spinning Mill and Super Spinning Mill are taken
for study. The research design of the study is descriptive research design and secondary data was collected from the published websites of organization for the
research. The tools used for analysis is comparative ratio analysis of the balance sheet. Suitable ratios were framed and calculated to know the financial performance
of the company. The findings from the analysis were discussed in detail and suggestions for corrective actions like maintain good solvency in order to meet
short term and long term obligations were given wherever applicable.
down level influences the profitability. The study ensures that the draw down level should be taken care of while changing the other variables. This is because increasing the draw down value would create high loss while trading. The study ensures that the draw down level should be taken care of while changing the other variables. This is because increasing the draw down value would create high loss while trading. The important finding is that the time frame of trading does not
influence the account balance.
number of online users, advertisers are interested to explore and exploit the social media as a new platform for advertisement delivery. There are number of social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. Facebook is popular among the social media. The current study is focused on Consumer’s attitude towards
advertisements through social media with special reference to Facebook. For the purpose of study, a convenient sampling survey was conducted among 100 respondents
in Malappuram District with the help of interview schedule. The tools used for this study are Percentage analysis; one way Anova etc. Study reveals that
consumers have positive attitude towards advertisements through Facebook
scale primarily used in questionnaires to obtain participant‟s preferences or degree of
agreement with a statement or set of statements. Likert scales are a non‐comparative scaling
technique and are unidimensional (only measure a single trait) in nature. Respondents are
asked to indicate their level of agreement with a given statement by way of an ordinal scale. The influence of personal characteristics and buyer‟s preference factors on the behaviour as well as the relationship between buyer and purchasing behaviour of gingelly oil are examined. This study shows that, overall, the consumers have positive attitude towards using of gingelly oil on their daily food.
organic foods need to be ground-breaking and dynamic in order to complete with the changing purchase
behaviour in the Organic food products market among rural and urban residents. The importance of organic
food products was ignored for quite a long period. As results of environmental sustainability and its importance
is shifted towards Organic food products rather than conventional farming. Today, many societies have assumed
their duty to protect our surroundings. Thus, products and production process become cleaner. More companies
introduce green products and it helps to change the polluted world. “Go green”, because they realize that they
can cut pollution and increase profits at the same time. Green marketing is a creative opportunity to innovate in
ways that induce a difference and at the same time achieve business success. This paper investigates consumer
perception towards eco-friendly merchandise. Environmental related perception factors. Producers marketing
related perception factors and Personality related perception factors are the major contributors to the
formulation of perception towards Eco friendly products.