? ?
Journal created:
on 24 July 2004 (#3936792)
on 20 November 2010
Barkada Dysfunctional
Manila, Philippines
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Barkada Dysfunctional
we're [reaaaalllyy] far from perfect, but we get along pretty well.
adj 1: impaired in function; especially of a bodily system or organ
2: (of a trait or condition) failing to serve an adjustive purpose; "dysfunctional behavior"
[syn: nonadaptive]
what to find & post
Greetings for Birthdays, Holidays, Congratulations, etc.
Plans for gimmicks, sleepovers, etc.
Kwento, Memories, Moments with connections to the barkada
Surveys with connections to the barkada
Problems with connections to the barkada
Pictures with connections to the barkada
Lyrics with connections to the barkada
Plugs for sites, songs, artists, other LJ users, etc.
n a m e : Ana Margarita Genson Enriquez
a l i a s e s : St. Scho, "Inosente"
d . o . b . : May 1, 1988
g e n d e r : Female

02__Don dnmn
n a m e : Don Henry De Ere Abe
a l i a s e s : Donnyman, Abe [ / ey - b / ]
d . o . b . : July 12, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

03__Eira klu_weh
n a m e : Eira Claudine Cawad Hilario
a l i a s e s : Ate Eira, Chloe, A Ninja-In-Training, Marvin
d . o . b . : April 15, 1989
g e n d e r : Female

n a m e : Fiona Lauren Aquino Molina
a l i a s e s : Fio, Mommy / [Big] Momma Fio
d . o . b . :
g e n d e r : Female

05__Gab crooked_edge22
n a m e : Maria Gabrielle Christina Lichauco Magno
a l i a s e s : The Moral Support
d . o . b . : December 24, 1988
g e n d e r : Female

06__Gelo gelo_3p
n a m e : Angelo Tolentino Vitanzos
a l i a s e s : Gelo
d . o . b . : December 9, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

07__Gio cut_fast
n a m e : Juan Gabriel Kato Tamula
a l i a s e s : Gio, Santapujibuger, Puting Bangus, Milkfish, Snowman
d . o . b . : January 17, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

n a m e : Inigo Lim Cruz
a l i a s e s : Inggo, Lance Bass
d . o . b . :
g e n d e r : Male

09__Joey unit_3021
n a m e :
a l i a s e s : A Real Ninja, Robo boy
d . o . b . :
g e n d e r : Male

10__Jorel torn89
n a m e :
a l i a s e s : Mushroom, Macho Man, China Boy
d . o . b . : October 21, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

n a m e : Kirk Matthew Biglete Amante
a l i a s e s : Keerk
d . o . b . : July 1988
g e n d e r : Male

n a m e :
a l i a s e s : Chocomaro, Marv, Eira
d . o . b . : September 8, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

13__Nav outputoriented
n a m e : Miguel Gimenez Navarrete
a l i a s e s : Nav, Navski, Navitsky, Navskibeast
d . o . b . : March 14, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

14__Nica spellbound27
n a m e : Andrei Nicole Haber Carlos
a l i a s e s : Nica, Nic, A Ninja, Craig, Johnny Depp
d . o . b . : October 27, 1988
g e n d e r : Female

n a m e : Nicholas Eduardo Tan Elegado
a l i a s e s : Nick, Mr. Best Legs
d . o . b . : December 5, 1988
g e n d e r : Male

16__Pam x_pam_x
n a m e : Pamela Paloma Miren Buenaventura Guevara
a l i a s e s : Pam, Atutututu
d . o . b . : May 26, 1989
g e n d e r : Female

17__Rich celebmir / hay_buhay
n a m e : Richele Marie Delgado Tuason
a l i a s e s : Rich, The Walrus, God, A Ninja, Jason Isaacs
d . o . b . : February 5, 1988
g e n d e r : Female
001 Owh! + twisting hand movement
002 Ahy!
003 Pam Delight
004 Eskimo kisses
005 Happy wafers
006 Ballpen body art
007 Shampoo Commercial-worthy hair
008 "Pam's house"
009 The Adventures of Donnyman
010 Vows
011 *Tgshk*
012 *Dgshk*
013 Pfsh
014 Pft
015 Chocomaro + Mashimaro
016 "Wind-swept" + gel hair
017 Badshit
018 "Buy me..."
001 Misspelling
002 Wrong grammar
003 Trendsetting
004 Vibes
005 Word morphing
006 Profanity
007 Lasallian-ness
008 LJ-whoring / pimping / raping
009 Mannerisms--or lack of them, rather--especially in cinemas
010 Drama
011 Comedy
012 Demanding-ness
013 Procastinating
014 Nick's jokes
by rich[ele] aka hay_buhay
no, she will not take requests;
no, this was a fairly easy layout to put together;
no, she did not rip it off some other dude;
yes, duh, she's part of this barkada.
