Papers by Ibon Galparsoro
Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, May 23, 2017
226661 Project acronym: MESMA Project title: Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas... more 226661 Project acronym: MESMA Project title: Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas Funding Scheme: Collaborative project Project coordination: IMARES, IJmuiden, the Netherlands Project website: Deliverable 3.6 Zoning plan of case studies: Evaluation of spatial management options for the case studies Annex 9 Second Framework Run The Strait of Sicily Due date of deliverable D3.6: month 35 Actual submission date: month 35

Geotemas ( Madrid ), 2017
El periodo Cuaternario se caracteriza por integrar numerosas oscilaciones climaticas con fases gl... more El periodo Cuaternario se caracteriza por integrar numerosas oscilaciones climaticas con fases glaciares e interglaciares que provocaron importantes variaciones del nivel del mar y de la dinamica costera. En periodos en los que el nivel del mar se mantuvo estable se generaron superficies de erosion/abrasion marina denominadas rasas. El objetivo de esta comunicacion es la identificacion de las paleo-rasas situadas entre 0 m y -116 m respecto al nivel medio del mar actual. Los datos batimetricos utilizados fueron obtenidos entre 2005 y 2009 mediante una ecosonda multihaz de alta resolucion. La identificacion de las rasas potenciales se ha basado en el modelo digital de elevaciones (DEM) obtenido a partir de los datos batimetricos, y su tratamiento en un Sistema de Informacion Geografica (SIG). Entre otros, se calculo el mapa de curvatura, el mapa de pendientes, y se realizaron diversos perfiles. Los resultados muestran una plataforma continental de morfologia escalonada, combinandose escalones de gran magnitud (de 10 m o mas en algunos casos) con otros de menor tamano (alguno de menos de 2 m), que han permitido identificar al menos 4 rasas potenciales en fondos principalmente rocosos.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Frontiers in Earth Science, 2020
Submerged sequences of marine terraces potentially provide crucial information of past sea-level ... more Submerged sequences of marine terraces potentially provide crucial information of past sea-level positions. However, the distribution and characteristics of drowned marine terrace sequences are poorly known at a global scale. Using bathymetric data and novel mapping and modeling techniques, we studied a submerged sequence of marine terraces in the Bay of Biscay with the objective to identify the distribution and morphologies of submerged marine terraces and the timing and conditions that allowed their formation and preservation. To accomplish the objectives a highresolution bathymetry (5 m) was analyzed using Geographic Information Systems and TerraceM R. The successive submerged terraces were identified using a Surface Classification Model, which linearly combines the slope and the roughness of the surface to extract fossil sea-cliffs and fossil rocky shore platforms. For that purpose, contour and hillshaded maps were also analyzed. Then, shoreline angles, a geomorphic marker located at the intersection between the fossil sea-cliff and platform, were mapped analyzing swath profiles perpendicular to the isobaths. Most of the submerged strandlines are irregularly preserved throughout the continental shelf. In summary, 12 submerged terraces with their shoreline angles between approximately: −13 m (T1), −30 and −32 m (T2), −34 and 41 m (T3), −44 and −47 m (T4), −49 and 53 m (T5), −55 and 58 m (T6), −59 and 62 m (T7), −65 and 67 m (T8), −68 and 70 m (T9), −74 and −77 m (T10), −83 and −86 m (T11) and −89 and 92 m (T12). Nevertheless, the ones showing the best lateral continuity and preservation in the central part of the shelf are T3, T4, T5, T7, T8, and T10. The age of the terraces has been estimated using a landscape evolution model. To simulate the formation and preservation of submerged terraces three different scenarios: (i) 20-0 ka; (ii) 128-0 ka; and (iii) 128-20 ka, were compared. The best scenario for terrace generation was between 128 and 20 Ka, where T3, T5, and T7 could have been formed.
Nature-based solutions, Aug 1, 2023
Frontiers in Marine Science, Jul 7, 2021

Marine Policy, Aug 1, 2018
The competition for marine space is a recognized challenge, and the implementation of new activit... more The competition for marine space is a recognized challenge, and the implementation of new activities, such as those emerging from Blue Growth initiatives, may amplify this competition. The marine spatial planning (MSP) framework requires decision makers to analyse spatially explicit environmental and socioeconomic data to determine where user conflicts are or might emerge and consider several potential management scenarios. In the present research, a spatially explicit Bayesian belief network (BBN) was applied for this purpose. The BBN was developed to analyse the potential reallocation of artisanal fishing effort to alternative sites due to the introduction of a new, non-take area: an offshore aquaculture site along the Basque continental shelf. The constructed model combined discrete, operational fisheries data, continuous environmental data, and expert judgment to produce fishing activity suitability maps for three different métiers (longlines, nets and traps). The BBN was run with various effort reallocation scenarios for each metier, and the best alternative fishing locations were identified based on environmental suitability, past revenue, and past fishing presence. The closure had a lesser effect on net and longline activity, displacing 10% and 7% of local fishing effort respectively. Comparatively, 50% of all local effort by traps took place within the closed grounds, and few alternative sites were identified. Nets were found to have the greatest number of alternative fishing grounds surrounding the aquaculture site. The present research demonstrates how BBNs can support spatially explicit scenario building and user-user conflict analysis for sustainable and successful ecosystem-based marine spatial planning.
Trabajo presentado en el XII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay,celebra... more Trabajo presentado en el XII International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay,celebrado en Brest, Francia, del 3 al 6 de mayo de 2010
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
npj Ocean Sustainability
Offshore wind energy is widely regarded as one of the most credible sources for increasing renewa... more Offshore wind energy is widely regarded as one of the most credible sources for increasing renewable energy production towards a resilient and decarbonised energy supply. However, current expectations for the expansion of energy production from offshore wind may lead to significant environmental impacts. Assessing ecological risks to marine ecosystems from electricity production from wind is both timely and vital. It will support the adoption of management measures that minimize impacts and the environmental sustainability of the offshore wind energy sector.
CM Documents - ICES, Sep 24, 2013
MESMA Final Event, Oct 10, 2013

Marine Policy, 2021
Marine or maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activi... more Marine or maritime spatial planning (MSP) works across borders and sectors to ensure human activities at sea take place in an efficient and sustainable way. The ecosystem service (ES) concept links ecosystem functioning to human wellbeing and has emerged as a potential framework supporting MSP, as it can be used to link different sectorial and environmental policies. However, due to the complexity of the marine realm, mapping and assessment of ES is still in its infancy and there remains a need to develop and agree upon the appropriate progress in ES development to support MSP. This contribution highlights research needs and recommendations to advance the operationalization of the ES concept into MSP. We apply a mixed method approach combining literature research and expert knowledge derived from 14 case studies, to address current status and prospects of ES application in MSP. We present nine main needs dealing with (i) improvement and adaptation of existing ES frameworks and classifications to the marine realm and (ii) definition of an indicator pool; (iii) methodological and technical developments to support data availability and accessibility; (iv) advances in mapping and modelling methods; (v) improvements in assessment and valuation approaches; (vi) further use of scenario and trade-off analysis; (vii) taking advantage of supporting Information Technologies (IT); (viii) improvements in communication and engagement with stakeholders; and (ix) further work for the integration of ES knowledge into policies and for supporting management and MSP. The manuscript concludes with a set of recommendations to foster the operationalization of the ES concept into MSP.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021
Abstract Marine renewable energy has considerable potential for enhancing the diversity of renewa... more Abstract Marine renewable energy has considerable potential for enhancing the diversity of renewable sources, to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. While the technological development of wave energy converters is progressing rapidly, their environmental impacts are still largely unknown, which is a barrier that could hinder their deployment. This research contributes to the state-of-the-art by introducing a framework for quantifying and analysing the ecological risks of three technologies (oscillating water columns, oscillating wave surge converters, and wave turbines). Based on a literature review, expert consultation process, and the development of a web tool, the potential pressures and the ecosystem elements that might be affected during the life cycle of a generic wave farm (an array of wave energy converters) are investigated. The main pressures are found to be physical disturbance, physical loss, hydrological change, and noise. The ecosystem elements sustaining the largest number of pressures and, therefore, at higher ecological risk are fish and cephalopods species, and benthic and pelagic habitats. The ecological risk assessment framework is operationalized into a free-access web tool ( ) for the interactive assessment and visualisation of the pressures and ecological risks. The tool is intended to be used by managers, decision makers, scientists or promoters during the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment of wave energy projects. The novel approach presented in this work is more sophisticated than previous risk assessment matrices, enabling to better capture the complexity of the interactions between a wave farm and the environment.
Science of The Total Environment, 2019
The feasibility levels were obtained by the integration of the most relevant factors. • Moderate ... more The feasibility levels were obtained by the integration of the most relevant factors. • Moderate and low feasibility areas were found in local scale analysis. • Scenarios for future activities decreased the feasible areas for offshore windfarms. • Very high and high feasibility areas were found in regional scale analysis.
Papers by Ibon Galparsoro