Papers by Fabricio Vanden Broeck

Considering abstractly and interpreting the essence of ideas and communicating them through visua... more Considering abstractly and interpreting the essence of ideas and communicating them through visual language is the origin and objective of illustration, an activity that is becoming more and more important in the world of publishing and anywhere that images speak for themselves. But it has not always been that way: at the beginnings of modern illustration in Mexico at the end of the nineteenth century, this activity was a craft carried out by painters and engravers as something that complemented their art, with a few exceptions like José Guadalupe Posada. Illustrations were only conceived of as an adornment for whatever was said with words, as though the only discourse capable of communicating was the written word. Even today there are those who see illustrations as a series of lines and forms that enliven the text. Fortunately, however, fewer and fewer voices defend the hegemony of one discourse over the other. Actually, the two ways of transmitting ideas, sensations, and emotions ...
Métodos e Processos em Biônica e Biomimética: a Revolução Tecnológica pela Natureza
É possível perceber como algumas coisas na natureza, apesar do aspecto orgânico, parecem precis... more É possível perceber como algumas coisas na natureza, apesar do aspecto orgânico, parecem precisamente e milimetricamente calculado sobre um padrão matemático. Em muitos desses padrões estão escondidas algumas sequências matemáticas das mais importantes. Uma delas e mais exploradas é a sequencia de fibonacci que converge para a proporção áurea (1,618033…). Outras que demonstraremos no texto, são os fractais, os fluxos, as ramificações dentre outras. Procuraremos demonstrar que mesmo por traz deste sistema caótico e de ordem ao mesmo tempo, seus princípios e construções possuem uma base comum.
Papers by Fabricio Vanden Broeck