Plugin Tag: shortcode
BuddyHolis ListSearch
(1 total ratings)This plugins creates a searchbox via shortcode to filter a list with an specific ID.
Show Affiliate Disclosure
(0 total ratings)A customizable plugin to add affiliate disclosure text to your posts and pages, with multiple types and positions.
Shortcode Options
(0 total ratings)The Shortcode Options plugin is a simple way to display WordPress Options using a shortcode.
Secure Link for Nginx
(0 total ratings)Secure Link for Nginx is a shortcode plugin for Wordpress to embed hash code for links/files that want to be protected
Projects showroom
(0 total ratings)The "projects-showroom" Plugin is a very easy way to show your projects in a showwroom. You create a shortcode and copy-paste the shortcode …
Show Posts list – Easy designs, filters and more
(1 total ratings)Easily show a list of posts and custom types of posts on your website using shortcode.
Global Phone Shortcode
(0 total ratings)Este plugin permite que você adicione um link direto para o WhatsApp em seu site WordPress usando shortcodes!
UT WordPress Shortcodes
(0 total ratings)Plugin to create useful shortcodes for easy site management.
Repo Showcase
(2 total ratings)Display GitHub repositories on Website using Repo Showcase's shortcodes.
Social Embed Photo WP
(0 total ratings)With this Wordpress plugin you can use a shortcode to display an embed box with your last Instagram photo.