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Arizona Anime Fans
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded in Arizona Anime Fans' LiveJournal:

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Saturday, August 7th, 2010
10:36 pm
Buy Kamen's stuff
I am selling a ton of really awesome goods over here, some of which are of interest to this community. Please take a look. Thanks.
Tuesday, June 1st, 2010
12:49 pm
TOKYOPOP Tour: America's Greatest Otaku!
Hey everyone, this summer, TOKYOPOP is embarking on a nationwide bus tour to find America’s Greatest Otaku! The winner gets a FREE TRIP to Tokyo, and it’s also being made into an internet reality show/documentary. If you think you have what it takes, you can find out more by clicking here!

We’ll be stopping by the following cities/cons:

Jul 03 - Los Angeles, California | Anime Expo
Jul 05 - San Francisco, California
Jul 08 - Salt Lake City, Utah
Jul 11 - Denver, Colorado
Jul 13 - Kansas City, Missouri
Jul 15 - Dallas, Texas
Jul 18 - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jul 20 - Phoenix, Arizona Jul 23 - San Diego, California | Comicon
Jul 27 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Jul 28 - Nashville, Tennessee
Jul 30 - Washington, DC
Jul 31 - Baltimore, Maryland | Otakon
Aug 03 - New York City, New York
Aug 04 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Aug 07 - Indianapolis, Indiana | GenCon
Aug 09 - Louisville, Kentucky
Aug 11 - Atlanta, Georgia
Aug 14 - New Orleans, Louisiana
Aug 21 - Chicago, Illinois | Wizard World

We'll also be stopping by other cities to do events at certain bookstores. Stay tuned for more details!

For more information and fun stuff, feel free to check out our Facebook page, twitter, and tumblr. Hope to see some of you out there this summer!
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010
3:58 pm
Anime Fest at Bookman's
On Saturday, May 22, AcrossPlus will be having an Anime Fest at the Phoenix Bookman's at 19th ave and Northern.

The schedule is as follows:

Anime Screening - D.N. Angel

Anime/Video Game Debate - Audience participation, subject pending.
No prizes

Anime Trivia - Questionnaire Game Panel! See if you know your Anime as much as you think you do!
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, consolation

Iron Cosplay - Themed costume creation out of random materials.
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, consolation
Special Guest: Cosplay Zone

Anime Murder Mystery - A "who dun it" murder mystery, Anime Style.
No prizes

Costume Contest - The judges of three decide who is the best dressed!
Prizes: 1st, 2nd, consolation
Special Guest Judges: Cosplay Zone
Saturday, August 8th, 2009
3:27 pm
Commissions by HyruleMaster
Hey, guys!  I specialize in drawing anime art and am doing commissions right now.  I thought some of you guys here might be interested. =)  Just click on the link below to view for details on commission types, prices, and etc.

Thank you! =)

Saturday, May 30th, 2009
4:07 am
Hello, just moved to Chandler
Hi everyone, that is if anyone still reads anything here, I just moved from Tucson about a week ago and now I am trying to find people to hang out with and share interests with. I am an illustrator and you can see my work here: and my new(soon to be added) work at

I'm looking forward to meeting people who like anime, Japanese culture and just stuff in general since I love to make friends who I can discuss random topics with (from Gundam 00 to politics and world news).

Thank your for your time and have a good day!

-Adriana M.

Current Mood: hopeful
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009
1:05 pm
Win a pair of tickets to "L : Change the World"

Win a pair of tickets to "L : Change the World"

L Topper

Enter to win a pair of tickets to see "L: Change the World" @ Mesa Grande 24 on April 29th.

Click on the image above to be taken to our contest page.

One entry per person, contest winner will be chosen and contacted on April 27th.


Didn't win and still want to see the film? Check Fathom Events for times and theaters showing "L: Change the world"!

Current Mood: accomplished
Thursday, March 12th, 2009
10:20 pm
Original ADV Sailor Moon seasons 1&2 box sets
I have seasons 1 and 2 of Sailor Moon that I'm looking to sell. I would prefer to sell to someone locally so I don't have to worry about shipping. They are the ADV releases, uncut and subtitled. These are NOT bootlegs. If anyone's interested, I would be more than happy to provide pictures. I also have the 6 sided .hack//SIGN box set (the long one that came with the tiny grunty plush) that I'm considering selling, if anyone's interested in that, and the majority of the soundtracks. I think I'm missing the box for the first one, but I'm pretty sure I know where the CD is.

The only stipulation is you have to be willing to meet in a public place in Tempe.
Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
1:24 pm
4.11.09 Atomic Comics AZHP video game tournament

Who: Atomic Comics/AZHP

What:Video Game Tournament

When: Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Where:Atomic Comics Mesa

Show of your skills and earn some prizes

$5 entry fee per tournament

The prize amount will be determined at the event based on the number of participants.

Personal controllers and arcade sticks are welcome.
(PS2/PS3/Game Cube)

The schedule of events
1PM - Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

3PM - Super Smash Brothers Brawl

5PM - Street Fighter IV

7PM - Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

note: Tournament Finals will be video taped and posted online for bragging rights

I would like to thank Frank and everyone at AZHP for putting together this awesome event

and in case you haven't figured it out yet this is a video game and anime MEGA fest!

1:04 pm
04-11-09 Anime Fest - Atomic Comics Mesa

Who: Atomic Comics/AZHP/Cosplay Zone/Sunacosu/ASU West Otaku Club/Maja/AZBJD/Panda Cubed

What:Anime Fest Super-MEGA Event

When: Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Where:Atomic Comics Mesa

Edit: 3/18/09  We have more events to add!

Dragonlez will be here

along with

There was a time when someone might say that in order to get all these people together you need a con to do it at. Well we are all here to prove you wrong. We have all come together to give Phoenix anime fans a fun, FREE event to go too. Oh in case you didn't see the bold this is a FREE event!

Join us as local anime groups with in the community gather to provide you a free and fun event. At a time when the economy can be tough on most, we see the importance of providing a FREE event that promotes our community and all it has to offer!

Cosplay Zone will host the cosplay contest. I'm working on the prizes now so when I hear what they are I will pass that on.

Sunacosu is hosting Iron Cosplay and Anime Pictionary

ASU West Otaku Club is hosting the anime murder mystery game

Maja will be performing live!

AZBJD - there will be a ball joint doll and Lolita tea party

Panda Cubed will be telling you all why you're anime sucks

The event will start at 10am, there will be a full schedule posted online at Atomic's website later. We are still ironing out the times.

Again this is a FREE event to attend.

I would like to thank Frank and everyone who is involved for putting this together late in the month. I believe with all of us working together this is going to be the ONLY Anime - MEGA Event to go to! and it's FREE

Monday, March 2nd, 2009
8:15 pm
Hi everybody!
 I'm new here! 
I go by Sakura. I'm at the tender age of 16. Still a youngin ^.^
Anywho I just wanted to introduce myself and ask a few questions.

First question

Does anybody have any Lolita dress patterns?!
I desperate. Prom's comin up and I wanna look my best.

Also I was wondering if any of you lovely people hail from Tempe or close to?
If so leave a comment and we can talk. None of my friends even know what cosplay is and it's torture. 

Current Mood: anxious
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009
8:13 pm

Saturday, October 25th, 2008
11:07 am
Date: Nov 1st, 2008
Time: 1PM to 9PM (thereabouts)
Location: University of Arizona Main Campus, Harvill Building Auditorium, Room 150
Who: Everyone in Tucson, and those that want to have fun

Tucson Anime Screening Society (TASS), Video Gamers Extreme (VGX), Arizona Hobbyists Paradise (AZHP), and others will be holding an event at the University of Arizona (UofA) at Harvill Building auditorium, Room 150 at the University of Arizona. The event's time starts at 1PM and will last until roughly 9PM on Saturday, Nov 1st, 2008.

Games and entertainment provided from AZHP will consist of:
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Rockband
- Mario Kart
- Tekken
- Guitar Hero
- Others upon request

There will also be raffles, anime screenings, cosplay contest, food donation bin for a charitable cause, and more!

If you live in Tucson, you won't want to miss this mega event!
Thursday, June 12th, 2008
8:41 am
June 28th Anime Fest Atomic Comics Mesa

Starts at 11am ends around 11pm

we have lots planed, there will be anime and Jdrama's on the tv

here is a schedule of events

Noon - Ramen Warrior
1pm - Iron Manga
2pm - anime game show
3pm Let's make a deal - Must be in costume to play
4pm Pictionary
5pm Gong Show
7pm cosplay sign up
cosplay will start around 8pm

Gong Show rules 

1)    Sign ups will begin at the beginning of the Anime Fest.  There is a limited amount of participants so sign up early.

2)   Skits will be limited to 1 (one) minute long.  If a skit goes over 1 (one) minute the contestant will end the skit where it is.

3)   Talent skits can be anything as long as it’s related to anime or jpop/jrock.  All talent skits MUST be G to PG-13.  No language or adult material permitted.

4)   All Talent skits must be screened by staff for approval.  Atomic Comics staff has the right to turn down any skit for any reason.

5)   Contestants will have their talent scored by three judges.  Points will be awarded from 1 to 10.  The highest combined score will win.

6)   The judges, at any time during the skit has the right to “gong” the contestant for having a skit so bad it needs to end now rather then wait the full minute.

7)   Please remember it’s all about having a good time.  Being Gonged is all about having fun and you should be treated as a badge of honor. Cheesy

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
11:24 pm
fail troll is fail
Due to some Arizona LJ Comm perusing dude's DRAMALULZ, this community's membership is now moderated until the spamming of Arizona-related communities stop, assuming they ever do.

I will keep a watch out on the other comm's (or someone can notify me when the guy finally gets IP banned or sued-for-libel or whatever the hell is going on).

Edit: I have filed a Report Abuse thing, in case anyone asks.

Current Mood: amused
Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
5:01 pm
Shoujo Ai Showdown [Guild] @GarmRo

Do you love Shoujo Ai? Do you enjoy online games for free? Then this is for you!

Shoujo Ai Showdown on GarmROCollapse )

Xposted to a number of shoujo ai communities.
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008
3:33 pm
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008
2:34 am
SunaCosu Cosplay Club TeamSpeak Q&A!
Here I am again announcing another SunaCosu event! For anyone interested in this budding cosplay club, keep reading...

Tonight at 8:00 PM is our TeamSpeak Q&A. This is a voice chat interview with myself, NyuNyu (Admin), and Itachi (Moderator). We'll talk about our plans, answer questions, and make a special announcement! This is your chance to get an idea of what we're all about and ask any questions you might have.

Please check out the SunaCosu website and forum for more information or help with the TeamSpeak program!
Friday, April 18th, 2008
5:18 pm
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008
9:19 pm
UPDATE: Here's a link to a list at my own LJ: Buy stuff!

Thanks everyone for your interest!

Would anyone here be interested in shitajiki (pencil boards), artbooks, wall scrolls, comics, collector's cards, and even DVDs, etc from the mid-late 90's/early 2000 anime shows? I have a ton of stuff just sitting around gathering dust and need some extra money, so I thought it'd be worth a shot to ask. If you are looking for anything in particular, maybe drop me a line at themakai at hotmail dot com and let me know what series you'd be interested in, and I can let you know what/if I have anything. I promise the prices will be very reasonable.

Some series' that come to mind that I have products of include (mostly girly types):

CLAMP series' (Rayearth, X/1999, CardCaptor Sakura)
Minkeo Ohkami comics
Fushigi Yuugi

Yes, I know, I'm not keeping with the times :( Probably nothing people want anymore. But if you or anyone you know might be interested, please let me know! I'd appreciate it!

Thanks :)

Some photos here: (guest password: anime).

I didn't haul everything out, just did a quick snapshot of the tops of trunks and some card collections. >>; I have shitajiki elsewhere and the DVDs of course, and some cells (CLAMP School Detectives and Eagle from Rayearth come to mind). If there's some interest I'll sit down and sort through things more thoroughly.
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