WordPress Portfolio Responsive Gallery

WordPress Portfolio Responsive Gallery

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Feature iconSupport for 12 months

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Feature iconResponsive design

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Feature iconSupport for lifetime

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Feature iconResponsive design

Feature iconProject attributes

Feature iconAnimation effect

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Feature iconProject sound

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We're sure that you'll love our WordPress Portfolio Responsive Gallery, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

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WordPress Portfolio plugin

With the help of Portfolio Responsive Gallery,present your work attractively and engage your website visitors. The plugin enables you to store an unlimited number of projects in a portfolio.

We offer an extremely user-friendly portfolio plugin for everyone. Maybe you are a web designer, a photographer, or an artist? Or your company needs to put lots of projects together? If so, build game-changing portfolios, galleries, and lightboxes with our portfolio plugin. Make the experience enjoyable both for you and for your site visitors.


There’s no need to be a tech person to use our portfolio plugin. Go straight into your work without necessarily getting acquainted with the plugin first. The options are grouped in separate tabs, and tooltips are at hand for each option.
Improve your website’s rankings by building mobile-friendly portfolios with our WordPress portfolio plugin. You may think about how these two things are connected? Well, whenever the search is carried out from a mobile device, search engines rank mobile-optimized sites higher. Also, you can see portfolio animations run smoothly on mobile devices and tablets.

After setting your portfolio up, you need to save the changes, copy the shortcode ([portfolio_responsive_gallery id=”your id”]), and place it in a post or page.


Our creators developed the plugin in a way that meets the users’ needs and preferences.

Our WordPress portfolio plugin presents:

  • Attributes: Present extra information about your project. That is to say, state who is the author, when and where the project was launched. You can provide the phone number and the email address of the author. Besides, you can insert a link to your website, and the See more button will appear in the project. It will direct your website visitors to your domain as soon as they click on the button.

  • Responsive grid view: Have your folders displayed in a neat grid layout. You can specify the count of columns in your portfolio as well.

  • Main image size customization: You are free to choose the main image size from a variety of options. For optimized page speed, choose Medium or Medium_large.
    Thumbnail size allows you to view your images far smaller than their real sizes.

  • Lazy loading: Lazy loading reduces the page load time and thus is effective for your SEO ranking. In fact, search engines penalize slow loading sites, and users do the same. They stop visiting those websites, and the engagement drastically reduces.
    For this reason, we made sure you won’t face such kind of issues. Take notice of this option while creating your portfolios with our plugin.

  • Project title and hover effect: Contribute to a more beautiful design. Let the project titles appear while hovering over the main images of your projects.

  • Lightbox image fit: With the help of this option, resize the image to fit the container. Decide between the Contain and Cover properties. The Contain property preserves the aspect ratio. The Cover property stretches the image to take up the whole container if needed.


Our team constantly updates the plugin to let you have a pleasant experience. Your satisfaction and concerns with the plugin are especially important for us.

Have you still got pre-sale questions? Please feel free to contact us via the following e-mail address: [email protected] and our Customer Care specialists will always be happy to help you.

We're sure that you'll love our WordPress Portfolio plugin, but, if for some reason, you’re not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money-back guarantee and we'll issue a refund.

Business version: 7.1.4

Developer version: 7.1.4

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