Papers by Muge Hasbay Oztunc

Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi
In contemporary policy documents and academic literature, the significance of institutional actor... more In contemporary policy documents and academic literature, the significance of institutional actors, particularly universities, in the communication and interaction processes between science and society is increasingly emphasized. This study aims to explore the science communication activities carried out by central communication units of universities in Türkiye, the distribution of these activities among sub-units within universities, the priorities and motivations for such activities, and the problems encountered in the institutionalization of science communication. Using a qualitative research method, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with senior officials from 20 public and foundation universities in Türkiye, and a thematic analysis approach was utilized to analyze the coded data. The results indicate that while there are noteworthy differences between public and foundation universities, central communication units prioritize routine and one-way science communica...

Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 2020
Lifestyle segmentation has been prominently used in marketing and communication to define consump... more Lifestyle segmentation has been prominently used in marketing and communication to define consumption patterns and marketing communication processes. This article underlines the significance of a multidimensional approach to lifestyle analysis. Bourdieu’s statistical technique of ‘multiple correspondence analysis’ permits to find unexpected dimensions and offer visual representation of the relationships between categories. This technique has been used to re-analyse Konda’s 2008 Lifestyle Research data, which was one of the most influential and widely circulated lifestyle segmentation research papers of its time, that introduced the categories of ‘anxious-moderns’ and ‘conservative-moderns’. The patterns identified through multidimensional analysis have been used in discourse analysis that permit to interpret the complex and heterogeneous nature of social dynamics.

Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi
As a result of women’s struggles over the years, more women than ever are entering the labor forc... more As a result of women’s struggles over the years, more women than ever are entering the labor force and taking senior management positions but the representation of women in managerial processes is still limited in almost all countries. Gender stereotypes or the problems that may arise in gender communication can be defined as one of the obstacles in women’s career process. In this context, the aim of this study was to discover the communication competencies and barriers among senior managers based on gender communication language, behavioral patterns, and perceptions of male and female leaders toward each other. The study employed qualitative analysis based on semi-structured questions to interpret how female and male executives evaluate each other. Instead of coding only important concepts, a grounded coding process that involved full interviews was permitted to acquire a deeper understanding was applied. After finalizing the coding process, cluster analysis that explores the simil...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022

CTC 2021 PROCEEDINGS BOOK, Apr 12, 2021
National symbols, traditions, and rituals emerge as the most influential signifiers of national i... more National symbols, traditions, and rituals emerge as the most influential signifiers of national identity and nationalism. These symbols and images that embody the basic concepts of nationalism, make them visible to the members of society, help to make abstract ideologies more socially concrete, strengthen the sense of national loyalty and strengthen the awareness of the community members that belong to the same nation. On the other hand, Atatürk appears as a symbol of both Turkey's modernization process and Turkish unity and solidarity. Focusing on the representations of Atatürk as one of the national symbols on the internet and social media, this research examines the symbolic construction of the national identity of NGOs that represent different social groups in Turkey through the "November 10 th , Atatürk Commemoration Day". In this context, the November 10, 2019, posts of 38 Non-Governmental Organizations, which operate in different fields, are the most followed and have social, cultural, and economic activity on the society, were analyzed on Instagram. Shared visuals were used to categorize with the help of various codes assigned to them. The thematization method was used to characterize the types of photos posted on Instagram with embedded coding. Then, by combining very close codes, they were also subjected to clustering analysis to see which symbols are frequently used together and which meaning patterns they form. The findings of the study show that social media, which is often depicted as the space of global identities and flows, is a space where national identities are eclectically reconstructed by subjects and social groups that make up the nation and circulated through symbols.

Turkish online journal of design, art and communication, Apr 1, 2023
Digital platforms that allow individuals to interact and offer a public space where people can sh... more Digital platforms that allow individuals to interact and offer a public space where people can share the content they produce and seek their rights play a crucial role in organizing activist protests, promoting new representations, and presenting adversary political voices. New activism, called 'digital activism,' is the activities by individuals or organizations in the digital environment to create the social change they desire. Social movements that started on these platforms with the claim of a better world while expressing social discomforts that are unsuitable for the flow of life may also offer new solutions. This study reveals the social and political dimensions of how digital activism is shaped in Turkey through the Istanbul Convention, which appears to be the symbol where women, and non-governmental organizations, have struggled for years. The social struggle for both the existence and the implementation of the protection mechanisms of the Istanbul convention, was terminated by the Presidential decree, was analyzed with the content analysis method. Twitter posts under the hashtags "#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır,"(IstanbulConventionGivesLife),"#İstanbulSözleşmesindenVazgeçmiyor uz," (WeWon'tAbandonTheIstanbulConvention), "#İstanbulSözleşmesi" (IstanbulConvention) and explored categories related to the reflections of digital activism in Turkey was interpreted. According to the results, while the categories such as informing the public, not yielding, acting together for the benefit of society, and not giving up in the online struggle come to the fore, it is seen that digital is actively used in transferring activism offline. Another important finding of the research is that the main opposition party, individual activists, bar associations, and lawyers, especially women's non-governmental organizations, come to the fore as the most active groups and play an active role outside of digital platforms by directing the society.

Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, Apr 1, 2020
Lifestyle segmentation has been prominently used in marketing and communication to define consump... more Lifestyle segmentation has been prominently used in marketing and communication to define consumption patterns and marketing communication processes. This article underlines the significance of a multidimensional approach to lifestyle analysis. Bourdieu’s statistical technique of ‘multiple correspondence analysis’ permits to find unexpected dimensions and offer visual representation of the relationships between categories. This technique has been used to re-analyse Konda’s 2008 Lifestyle Research data, which was one of the most influential and widely circulated lifestyle segmentation research papers of its time, that introduced the categories of ‘anxious-moderns’ and ‘conservative-moderns’. The patterns identified through multidimensional analysis have been used in discourse analysis that permit to interpret the complex and heterogeneous nature of social dynamics.
CTC 2021 PROCEEDINGS BOOK, Apr 12, 2021

Erciyes üniversitesi iletişim fakültesi akademik dergisi, Jul 30, 2023
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini, bun... more Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini, bunların sıklığını ve hedef kitlelerini inceleyerek, bu faaliyetlerin bilim insanlarının motivasyonları ve toplum algıları ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, akademisyenlerin içsel ve dışsal motivasyonlarının (roller ve ödüller) ve toplum algılarının kamusal iletişim faaliyetleriyle nasıl ilişkili olduğunu anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Akademik unvan, üniversite türü, cinsiyet ve akademik alan gibi kriterleri göz önünde bulunduran kota örneklemesi kullanılarak 391 akademisyen bilim insanından veri toplanmıştır. Çalışma, akademisyenleri kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerine katılmaya motive eden temel faktörlerin içsel olduğunu ve dışsal motivasyon/ödül ile kamusal iletişime katılım arasında negatif bir korelasyon olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Akademisyenlerin kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerinde yer almak için içsel motivasyonlarının önemini gösteren bu araştırma, akademisyenlerin halkın bilimle ilgilenmesine yardımcı olma rolünü genişletmek için bir yön sunmaktadır. Gelecekteki çalışmalar, akademisyenlerin kamu iletişiminde cinsiyete dayalı farklılıkların nedenlerini inceleyebilir.

Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları, 2023
In contemporary policy documents and academic literature, the significance of institutional actor... more In contemporary policy documents and academic literature, the significance of institutional actors, particularly universities, in the communication and interaction processes between science and society is increasingly emphasized. This study aims to explore the science communication activities carried out by central communication units of universities in Türkiye, the distribution of these activities among sub-units within universities, the priorities and motivations for such activities, and the problems encountered in the institutionalization of science communication. Using a qualitative research method, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with senior officials from 20 public and foundation universities in Türkiye, and a thematic analysis approach was utilized to analyze the coded data. The results indicate that while there are noteworthy differences between public and foundation universities, central communication units prioritize routine and one-way science communication activities categorized as PR and Marketing, while Public Engagement and Public Affairs activities involving dialogue are carried out to a more limited extent. The primary motivation behind universities’ science communication is meeting specific institutional strategic goals rather than creating public benefit. Furthermore, institutionalizing science communication in universities has been hindered by personnel and budget constraints in communication offices, the lack of institutional autonomy, and undefined duties and authorities of these units under the legal regulations of the higher education system.

Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 2023
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini,... more Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini, bunların sıklığını ve hedef kitlelerini inceleyerek, bu faaliyetlerin bilim insanlarının motivasyonları ve toplum algıları ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, akademisyenlerin içsel ve dışsal motivasyonlarının (roller ve ödüller) ve toplum algılarının kamusal iletişim faaliyetleriyle nasıl ilişkili olduğunu anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Akademik unvan, üniversite türü, cinsiyet ve akademik alan gibi kriterleri göz önünde bulunduran kota örneklemesi kullanılarak 391 akademisyen bilim insanından veri toplanmıştır. Çalışma, akademisyenleri kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerine katılmaya motive eden temel faktörlerin içsel olduğunu ve dışsal motivasyon/ödül ile kamusal iletişime katılım arasında negatif bir korelasyon olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Akademisyenlerin kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerinde yer almak için içsel motivasyonlarının önemini gösteren bu araştırma, aka...

Journal of Erciyes Communication, 2023
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini, bun... more Bu çalışma, Türkiye'deki bilim insanlarının gerçekleştirdiği kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerini, bunların sıklığını ve hedef kitlelerini inceleyerek, bu faaliyetlerin bilim insanlarının motivasyonları ve toplum algıları ile nasıl ilişkili olduğunu tespit etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu araştırma, akademisyenlerin içsel ve dışsal motivasyonlarının (roller ve ödüller) ve toplum algılarının kamusal iletişim faaliyetleriyle nasıl ilişkili olduğunu anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Akademik unvan, üniversite türü, cinsiyet ve akademik alan gibi kriterleri göz önünde bulunduran kota örneklemesi kullanılarak 391 akademisyen bilim insanından veri toplanmıştır. Çalışma, akademisyenleri kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerine katılmaya motive eden temel faktörlerin içsel olduğunu ve dışsal motivasyon/ödül ile kamusal iletişime katılım arasında negatif bir korelasyon olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Akademisyenlerin kamusal iletişim faaliyetlerinde yer almak için içsel motivasyonlarının önemini gösteren bu araştırma, akademisyenlerin halkın bilimle ilgilenmesine yardımcı olma rolünü genişletmek için bir yön sunmaktadır. Gelecekteki çalışmalar, akademisyenlerin kamu iletişiminde cinsiyete dayalı farklılıkların nedenlerini inceleyebilir.

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Üniversiteler bir yandan öğrenci çekmek ve kurumsal itibarlarını güçlendirmek gibi stratejik amaç... more Üniversiteler bir yandan öğrenci çekmek ve kurumsal itibarlarını güçlendirmek gibi stratejik amaçlar, diğer taraftan toplumu bilimsel süreçlere dahil etmek ve siyasal karar alma süreçlerine bilimsel temelli katkı sunmak gibi kamusal faydayı önceleyen hedefler çerçevesinde bilim iletişimi etkinliklerinde bulunmaktadırlar. Bu araştırma bilim iletişiminin en önemli kurumsal aktörlerinden biri olan üniversitelerin bünyelerindeki merkezi iletişim birimlerinin bu kapsamdaki rolünü ve gerçekleştirdikleri etkinlikleri konu almaktadır. Araştırmanın temel amacı ise bilim iletişimi etkinliklerinin üniversitelerde kurumsal olarak nasıl şekillendiğini analiz etmeye dönük bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu kapsamda ölçekte yer alacak bilim iletişimi etkinlikleri literatür taraması, keşfedici mülakatlar ve kart sıralama tekniği gibi tümdengelimsel ve tümevarımsal yöntemler kullanılarak belirlenmiş, pazarlama, halkla ilişkiler, kamusal katılım ve kamu işleri olmak üzere 4 alt-faktör çerçevesinde değerlen...

Üniversiteler bir yandan öğrenci çekmek ve kurumsal itibarlarını güçlendirmek gibi stratejik amaç... more Üniversiteler bir yandan öğrenci çekmek ve kurumsal itibarlarını güçlendirmek gibi stratejik amaçlar, diğer taraftan toplumu bilimsel süreçlere dahil etmek ve siyasal karar alma süreçlerine bilimsel temelli katkı sunmak gibi kamusal faydayı önceleyen hedefler çerçevesinde bilim iletişimi etkinliklerinde bulunmaktadırlar. Bu araştırma, bilim iletişiminin en önemli kurumsal aktörlerinden biri olan üniversitelerin bünyelerindeki merkezi iletişim birimlerinin bu kapsamdaki rolünü ve gerçekleştirdikleri etkinlikleri konu almaktadır. Araştırmanın temel amacı ise bilim iletişimi etkinliklerinin üniversitelerde kurumsal olarak nasıl şekillendiğini analiz etmeye dönük bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bu kapsamda ölçekte yer alacak bilim iletişimi etkinlikleri literatür taraması, keşfedici mülakatlar ve kart sıralama tekniği gibi tümdengelimsel ve tümevarımsal yöntemler kullanılarak belirlenmiş, pazarlama, halkla ilişkiler, kamusal katılım ve kamu işleri olmak üzere 4 alt-faktör çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Ölçek, istatistiksel olarak sınanmak amacıyla Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren devlet, vakıf ve araştırma üniversitelerinin %48'ini temsilen 92 üniversitenin merkezi iletişim birimleri yetkilileri üzerinde uygulanmıştır. Ölçek bu yönüyle, gelecekte üniversitelerin bilim iletişimi etkinliklerini inceleyen, farklı türdeki veya farklı ülkelerdeki üniversiteleri karşılaştıran araştırmalarda kullanılabilir. Öte yandan bu ölçeğin alandaki uygulayıcılara da hem yönetimsel hem de gerçekleştirdikleri etkinlikler anlamında güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini görebilmeleri ve bilim iletişimi çalışmalarını geliştirebilmeleri açısından yol gösterici olabileceği düşünülmektedir.

Digital platforms that allow individuals to interact and offer a public space where people can sh... more Digital platforms that allow individuals to interact and offer a public space where people can share the content they produce and seek their rights play a crucial role in organizing activist protests, promoting new representations, and presenting adversary political voices. New activism, called 'digital activism,' is the activities by individuals or organizations in the digital environment to create the social change they desire. Social movements that started on these platforms with the claim of a better world while expressing social discomforts that are unsuitable for the flow of life may also offer new solutions. This study reveals the social and political dimensions of how digital activism is shaped in Turkey through the Istanbul Convention, which appears to be the symbol where women, and non-governmental organizations, have struggled for years. The social struggle for both the existence and the implementation of the protection mechanisms of the Istanbul convention, was terminated by the Presidential decree, was analyzed with the content analysis method. Twitter posts under the hashtags "#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır,"(IstanbulConventionGivesLife),"#İstanbulSözleşmesindenVazgeçmiyor uz," (WeWon'tAbandonTheIstanbulConvention), "#İstanbulSözleşmesi" (IstanbulConvention) and explored categories related to the reflections of digital activism in Turkey was interpreted. According to the results, while the categories such as informing the public, not yielding, acting together for the benefit of society, and not giving up in the online struggle come to the fore, it is seen that digital is actively used in transferring activism offline. Another important finding of the research is that the main opposition party, individual activists, bar associations, and lawyers, especially women's non-governmental organizations, come to the fore as the most active groups and play an active role outside of digital platforms by directing the society.
Türkiye İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi/26306220, 2021

The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication
This article examines how NGOs representing social groups in Turkey symbolically construct nation... more This article examines how NGOs representing social groups in Turkey symbolically construct national identity by describing national days on Instagram. National signs and symbols function to communicate national identity to its members and create a sense of belonging. Visual images also appear as traces of social, economic, and political processes in which identities are shaped. Therefore, this paper argues that analyzing Instagram posts by NGOs can provide insight into how national identity is constructed through national days. NGOs' organization fields are chosen considering the 2018 report of 'NGOs in the Development Process' by the Turkish Ministry of Development, and the 'maximum diversity sampling' method was used for analysis. A grounded coding process supported a thematic analysis approach was used to explore how NGOs portray national days. For this qualitative thematic analysis, a coding frame was used to conduct cluster analyses of the symbols using QDA Miner software to understand how they relate. The findings indicate that the celebration messages are mostly visualized through certain national symbols in social media. These differ in three main national identity discourses (Kemalist Nationalism, Right-Conservatism, Liberal-Kemalism and small segment of Islamist discourse and Turkism discourse shaped around nationalism, militarism and partly Islamism) parallel to NGO's political and ideological positions or social groups and values they represent.

National symbols, traditions, and rituals emerge as the most influential signifiers of national i... more National symbols, traditions, and rituals emerge as the most influential signifiers of national identity and nationalism. These symbols and images that embody the basic concepts of nationalism, make them visible to the members of society, help to make abstract ideologies more socially concrete, strengthen the sense of national loyalty and strengthen the awareness of the community members that belong to the same nation. On the other hand, Atatürk appears as a symbol of both Turkey's modernization process and Turkish unity and solidarity. Focusing on the representations of Atatürk as one of the national symbols on the internet and social media, this research examines the symbolic construction of the national identity of NGOs that represent different social groups in Turkey through the "November 10th, Atatürk Commemoration Day”. In this context, the November 10, 2019, posts of 38 Non-Governmental Organizations, which operate in different fields, are the most followed and have ...
Her hakkı saklıdır. Yazarından ve yayınevinden yazılı izin alınmaksızın bu kitabın fotokopi veya ... more Her hakkı saklıdır. Yazarından ve yayınevinden yazılı izin alınmaksızın bu kitabın fotokopi veya diğer yollarla kısmen veya tamamen çoğaltılması, basılması ve yayınlanması yasaktır. Aksine davranış, 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu gereğince, 5 yıla kadar hapis ve adli para cezaları ile fotokopi ve basım aletlerine el konulmasını gerektirir.
Papers by Muge Hasbay Oztunc
This chapter focuses how women can interact with 3D printing technology, which has started to be used in homes and is accepted as one of the most important technologies of the third industrial revolution. Women using 3D printers interact through initiatives and social networks that provide training and incentives, and with the help of other women working in this field, they carry out original studies and start commercial initiatives based on existing social platforms. It reviews how 3D printer technology has repositioned the lives of women as prosumers, entrepreneurs, and creative producers.
The women acting collectively and creatively for the benefit of society and discovering new ways of thinking are examined through women’s initiatives in this sector and people who use this technology. The potential of 3D printing technology to motivate women to become entrepreneurs and benefit society is evaluated through the ‘maker movements’ that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. On this subject, new projects, new models, and new legal, social, and economic regulations are needed in Turkey and developing countries for women empowerment.
Keywords: 3D printing, Maker Movement, Prosumption, Social Networking, Women Empowerment