Zeynep Tek
Ankara University, Turkish Language and Literature and Arabic Language and Literature
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Papers by Zeynep Tek
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Esenboğa Kampüsü, 18 Aralık 2024
Arka kapak yazısı:
Son dönem Osmanlı ve erken Cumhuriyet devri edebiyatçılarından biri olan Güzide Osman, feminist aktiviteleri ve edebi üretimi dolayısıyla anti-feminist literatürün hedef aldığı isimlerin arasında olmuştur. Zeynep Tek’in “Güzide Hanım”ın kim olduğu sorusunun peşinden giderken Harvard Üniversitesi’nin kütüphanesinde Nezihe Muhittin’in “Güzide Osman Hanımefendiye” imzaladığı kitaba tesadüfen dokunuşu, bu kitabı ören ilk ilmiktir. 1924’te Nezihe Muhittin’in temelini attığı Kadın Birliği’nin kurucularından olan Güzide Osman (1902-1974) sehven Güzide Sabri’nin (1883-1945) müstear adı olarak geçer. Feminist Mercekten Güzide Bir Arayış iki Güzide’nin tarihinin nasıl birleştiğini ve ayrılacağını anlamaya çalışıyor. Bir yandan feminist biyografi ekseninde Güzide Osman’ın izlerini kaynaklarda sürerken Güzide Sabri’nin mükerrer hatalarla yazılan biyografisini tashih ediyor, diğer yandan metinlerini temel alarak Güzide Osman’ın şair, hikâye yazarı ve tiyatro eleştirmeni kimliklerini toplumsal cinsiyet, hastalık, milliyetçilik ve mizah ekseninde anlamlandırıyor. Özellikle romantik şiir ve mensurelerde, divan şiirinde olduğu gibi, toplumsal cinsiyet kimlikleri arasında “salıncak” kuran ne eril ne dişil (hem eril hem dişil) söyleme özel bir önem atfediyor. Feminist bir biyografi ortaya koymanın ötesinde, tarihin unuttuğu ve unutturduğu bir kadın yazar ve şaire iadei itibar, hatta iadei şahsiyet ediyor.
Abstract: The historical importance of Güzide Sabri’s humorous story “Tevfik Efendi,” published in Aydede in 1922, is three-fold. First, it is a rare instance of feminist humor produced by women in the late Ottoman satirical press, characterized as it was by anti-feminist discourse. Second, it is a relatively unknown but accomplished humorous example of Güzide Sabri’s work, better known for commercial novels featuring lovesick characters. Third, it was retold and elaborated in her novel Neclâ, published in 1941. The present study, intended as a discussion of these three points, begins by focusing on the anti-feminist publications of the Turkish humor press printed in Arabic script during the first half of the 1920s, then turns to the limited opportunities for women’s self-expression as exemplified by the magazine Aydede, and finally reviews Güzide Sabri’s humorous writings. The main part of the study is devoted to a discussion, along the axes of gender and feminist humor, of the story of a certain Tevfik Efendi who satirized women’s quest for emancipation during the early twentieth century, as well as of the transformation of the story into and through a novel. Based on the divulgence of Tevfik Efendi’s unethical attitude in the story and the novel, within a context framed by the triad coffeehouse-woman-misogyny, as well as women’s entrepreneurship/employment as an example of gender solidarity in the novel, the conclusion is devoted to a discussion of whether or not it is possible to consider Güzide Sabri a feminist writer.
Abstract: White Russian is an expression which takes its name from the White Army that fought against the Red Army in the civil war following the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and refers to those who supported the tsarist regime and other opponents of the Bolsheviks. Turkey was a leading destination for White Russians suffered a great defeat against the Bolsheviks. The White Russians who settled in the refugee camps in İstanbul under difficult living conditions during the Armistice period had trouble finding jobs and housing. White Russian women who had to earn a living worked in various sectors, mainly entertainment and hawking. In İstanbul, White Russian women were known as Haraşo (Khorosho, Хорошо́), which means good, welll in Russian, and stood out among the city people by their appearance (their beauty, clothes, and free lifestyle). They were also regarded as dangerous since they were believed to incite the men of Istanbul to act against cultural norms. For this reason, they frequently became the subject of humorous newspapers and magazines of the period, along with the public spaces (streets, restaurants, pubs, hotels, beachs, etc.) where they were most visible. In this study, the relationship networks between White Russian women and the men of Istanbul are examined through the representation types in literary texts published in the humorous press during the Armistice period. Caricatures in the press, memoires of witnesses to the period, and historical studies are used in the analysis of the perception of the Haraşo in the literary field. In perceiving these literary texts which are generally written by the men as comical, masculinity experiences and the such questions as who laughed at what and why are taken into account. Although the Haraşo was positioned as an object of desire, it is shown that male sexual desires and humorous approach played a role in her not being represented as a femme fatale with all its evil aspects.
/ Kıskanmak, serialized in the Tan newspaper in 1937 and published in a book form in 1946 by Nahid Sırrı Örik, is a novel addressing the revenge of a sister, a spinster, from her brother. The novel, which turns malicious emotions into a central theme, is inspired by Honoré de Balzac’s work entitled Bette Abla (La Cousine Bette). However, unlike the novel of Balzac, it fictionalizes the envy and revenge within the family, between not two female cousins but a brother and a sister. The novel, with its span in late Ottoman and early Republican society, reproduces traditional gender roles in the representation of a spinster. Thus, it tells a story in which such institutions as family, education and marriage are constructed for and according to the male and the phenomena of beauty and honor are attributed to the female. This study examines the patriarchal system which led the daughter of a pasha experience life as a spinster based on this novel. It is argued that the novel presents the typology of a spinster in a multidimensional way with its content and techniques of fiction focusing on the wide range of privileges of masculinity. Therefore, the role of male child / male-centered practices of a patriarchal family / society in the ‘malignancy’ and ‘misfortune’ of an ‘ugly girl’ is revealed through fiction.
(1859-1941) Gülme (1900) adlı eserinde komiğin oluşmasında etkili unsurlar olarak belirtilen hususlar üzerinde durulacaktır. Bu niteliklerin hikâyede tanımlanması ise mizahın eserde oluşumunu ortaya koymada, hicvin sınırlarını belirlemede ve hikâyenin derin anlam katmanlarına ulaşmada önemlidir. Ayrıca Bergson’un gülme kuramının edebî bir eserde nasıl uygulanabileceğine dair bir çerçevenin geliştirildiği çalışmada, bu kuramın Bergson felsefesiyle ilişkisine ve diğer gülme kuramlarıyla da münasebetine yer verilecektir.
Haldun Taner (1916-1986), frequently featured comic types and techniques in his fictional texts. By this means on this, he had the opportunity to express the criticism of the age and recent history through humor. One of his literary works in this respect is story named “Sancho’nun Sabah Yürüyüşü” (1964). In the narrative, the situations and events that have developed when Sancho walking with his owner in the morning came across people and dogs that he knew were analyzed and described by using Sancho’s point of view. In this study, the elements that lead to smile will be analyzed in the story where the human characteristics such as thinking, speaking, questioning and teasing
are used for an animal. For this purpose in this study, in his book called
Laughter (1900), Henri Bergson (1859-1941) who associates laughter with the theory of unconformity, will be focused on the issues that are mentioned as effective elements in the formation of the comic. The definition of these qualities in the story is important in revealing the formation of humor in the work, in determining the boundaries of the satyr and in reaching deep layers of meaning of the story. In addition, a study of how Bergson’s theory of laughter can be applied in a literary work will be presented in relation to Bergson’s philosophy and other theories of laughter.
Ziya Paşa (1829-1880) was one of the most famous poets, writers, translators, historians of literature, journalists and, also bureaucrats in nineteenth century. His work, Rüyâ, was published in Hürriyet on October 11th, 1869 and October 18th, 1869 with the name of “Sultan Abdülaziz Han, Ziya Bey, Âli Paşa". The aim of the current study was to examine Rüyâ by psychoanalytic literary criticism. In accordance with this purpose, psychology of the author was investigated in light of psychoanalytic approach (especially, in line with Sigmund Freud’s, Carl Gustav Jung’s and Neo-Freudians’s ideas), important historical facts and political events of those years. Rüyâ fictionalises a dream of Ziya Paşa and says a lot of things about the thinking processes of the author. The author has used fantasy which is one of the ego defense mechanisms in his narration. This part of the work allows us to examine the author’s ego. In addition, the theme of grudge was necessarily addressed in this article because the Rüyâ depends on looking for revenge. So, the defense mechanisms of the author and their conscious and unconscious sources were tried to be understood. The analyses revealed that the fantasies in the Rüyâ were related to the past political experiences of the author and his desire for revenge.
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Esenboğa Kampüsü, 18 Aralık 2024
Arka kapak yazısı:
Son dönem Osmanlı ve erken Cumhuriyet devri edebiyatçılarından biri olan Güzide Osman, feminist aktiviteleri ve edebi üretimi dolayısıyla anti-feminist literatürün hedef aldığı isimlerin arasında olmuştur. Zeynep Tek’in “Güzide Hanım”ın kim olduğu sorusunun peşinden giderken Harvard Üniversitesi’nin kütüphanesinde Nezihe Muhittin’in “Güzide Osman Hanımefendiye” imzaladığı kitaba tesadüfen dokunuşu, bu kitabı ören ilk ilmiktir. 1924’te Nezihe Muhittin’in temelini attığı Kadın Birliği’nin kurucularından olan Güzide Osman (1902-1974) sehven Güzide Sabri’nin (1883-1945) müstear adı olarak geçer. Feminist Mercekten Güzide Bir Arayış iki Güzide’nin tarihinin nasıl birleştiğini ve ayrılacağını anlamaya çalışıyor. Bir yandan feminist biyografi ekseninde Güzide Osman’ın izlerini kaynaklarda sürerken Güzide Sabri’nin mükerrer hatalarla yazılan biyografisini tashih ediyor, diğer yandan metinlerini temel alarak Güzide Osman’ın şair, hikâye yazarı ve tiyatro eleştirmeni kimliklerini toplumsal cinsiyet, hastalık, milliyetçilik ve mizah ekseninde anlamlandırıyor. Özellikle romantik şiir ve mensurelerde, divan şiirinde olduğu gibi, toplumsal cinsiyet kimlikleri arasında “salıncak” kuran ne eril ne dişil (hem eril hem dişil) söyleme özel bir önem atfediyor. Feminist bir biyografi ortaya koymanın ötesinde, tarihin unuttuğu ve unutturduğu bir kadın yazar ve şaire iadei itibar, hatta iadei şahsiyet ediyor.
Abstract: The historical importance of Güzide Sabri’s humorous story “Tevfik Efendi,” published in Aydede in 1922, is three-fold. First, it is a rare instance of feminist humor produced by women in the late Ottoman satirical press, characterized as it was by anti-feminist discourse. Second, it is a relatively unknown but accomplished humorous example of Güzide Sabri’s work, better known for commercial novels featuring lovesick characters. Third, it was retold and elaborated in her novel Neclâ, published in 1941. The present study, intended as a discussion of these three points, begins by focusing on the anti-feminist publications of the Turkish humor press printed in Arabic script during the first half of the 1920s, then turns to the limited opportunities for women’s self-expression as exemplified by the magazine Aydede, and finally reviews Güzide Sabri’s humorous writings. The main part of the study is devoted to a discussion, along the axes of gender and feminist humor, of the story of a certain Tevfik Efendi who satirized women’s quest for emancipation during the early twentieth century, as well as of the transformation of the story into and through a novel. Based on the divulgence of Tevfik Efendi’s unethical attitude in the story and the novel, within a context framed by the triad coffeehouse-woman-misogyny, as well as women’s entrepreneurship/employment as an example of gender solidarity in the novel, the conclusion is devoted to a discussion of whether or not it is possible to consider Güzide Sabri a feminist writer.
Abstract: White Russian is an expression which takes its name from the White Army that fought against the Red Army in the civil war following the Bolshevik Revolution (1917) and refers to those who supported the tsarist regime and other opponents of the Bolsheviks. Turkey was a leading destination for White Russians suffered a great defeat against the Bolsheviks. The White Russians who settled in the refugee camps in İstanbul under difficult living conditions during the Armistice period had trouble finding jobs and housing. White Russian women who had to earn a living worked in various sectors, mainly entertainment and hawking. In İstanbul, White Russian women were known as Haraşo (Khorosho, Хорошо́), which means good, welll in Russian, and stood out among the city people by their appearance (their beauty, clothes, and free lifestyle). They were also regarded as dangerous since they were believed to incite the men of Istanbul to act against cultural norms. For this reason, they frequently became the subject of humorous newspapers and magazines of the period, along with the public spaces (streets, restaurants, pubs, hotels, beachs, etc.) where they were most visible. In this study, the relationship networks between White Russian women and the men of Istanbul are examined through the representation types in literary texts published in the humorous press during the Armistice period. Caricatures in the press, memoires of witnesses to the period, and historical studies are used in the analysis of the perception of the Haraşo in the literary field. In perceiving these literary texts which are generally written by the men as comical, masculinity experiences and the such questions as who laughed at what and why are taken into account. Although the Haraşo was positioned as an object of desire, it is shown that male sexual desires and humorous approach played a role in her not being represented as a femme fatale with all its evil aspects.
/ Kıskanmak, serialized in the Tan newspaper in 1937 and published in a book form in 1946 by Nahid Sırrı Örik, is a novel addressing the revenge of a sister, a spinster, from her brother. The novel, which turns malicious emotions into a central theme, is inspired by Honoré de Balzac’s work entitled Bette Abla (La Cousine Bette). However, unlike the novel of Balzac, it fictionalizes the envy and revenge within the family, between not two female cousins but a brother and a sister. The novel, with its span in late Ottoman and early Republican society, reproduces traditional gender roles in the representation of a spinster. Thus, it tells a story in which such institutions as family, education and marriage are constructed for and according to the male and the phenomena of beauty and honor are attributed to the female. This study examines the patriarchal system which led the daughter of a pasha experience life as a spinster based on this novel. It is argued that the novel presents the typology of a spinster in a multidimensional way with its content and techniques of fiction focusing on the wide range of privileges of masculinity. Therefore, the role of male child / male-centered practices of a patriarchal family / society in the ‘malignancy’ and ‘misfortune’ of an ‘ugly girl’ is revealed through fiction.
(1859-1941) Gülme (1900) adlı eserinde komiğin oluşmasında etkili unsurlar olarak belirtilen hususlar üzerinde durulacaktır. Bu niteliklerin hikâyede tanımlanması ise mizahın eserde oluşumunu ortaya koymada, hicvin sınırlarını belirlemede ve hikâyenin derin anlam katmanlarına ulaşmada önemlidir. Ayrıca Bergson’un gülme kuramının edebî bir eserde nasıl uygulanabileceğine dair bir çerçevenin geliştirildiği çalışmada, bu kuramın Bergson felsefesiyle ilişkisine ve diğer gülme kuramlarıyla da münasebetine yer verilecektir.
Haldun Taner (1916-1986), frequently featured comic types and techniques in his fictional texts. By this means on this, he had the opportunity to express the criticism of the age and recent history through humor. One of his literary works in this respect is story named “Sancho’nun Sabah Yürüyüşü” (1964). In the narrative, the situations and events that have developed when Sancho walking with his owner in the morning came across people and dogs that he knew were analyzed and described by using Sancho’s point of view. In this study, the elements that lead to smile will be analyzed in the story where the human characteristics such as thinking, speaking, questioning and teasing
are used for an animal. For this purpose in this study, in his book called
Laughter (1900), Henri Bergson (1859-1941) who associates laughter with the theory of unconformity, will be focused on the issues that are mentioned as effective elements in the formation of the comic. The definition of these qualities in the story is important in revealing the formation of humor in the work, in determining the boundaries of the satyr and in reaching deep layers of meaning of the story. In addition, a study of how Bergson’s theory of laughter can be applied in a literary work will be presented in relation to Bergson’s philosophy and other theories of laughter.
Ziya Paşa (1829-1880) was one of the most famous poets, writers, translators, historians of literature, journalists and, also bureaucrats in nineteenth century. His work, Rüyâ, was published in Hürriyet on October 11th, 1869 and October 18th, 1869 with the name of “Sultan Abdülaziz Han, Ziya Bey, Âli Paşa". The aim of the current study was to examine Rüyâ by psychoanalytic literary criticism. In accordance with this purpose, psychology of the author was investigated in light of psychoanalytic approach (especially, in line with Sigmund Freud’s, Carl Gustav Jung’s and Neo-Freudians’s ideas), important historical facts and political events of those years. Rüyâ fictionalises a dream of Ziya Paşa and says a lot of things about the thinking processes of the author. The author has used fantasy which is one of the ego defense mechanisms in his narration. This part of the work allows us to examine the author’s ego. In addition, the theme of grudge was necessarily addressed in this article because the Rüyâ depends on looking for revenge. So, the defense mechanisms of the author and their conscious and unconscious sources were tried to be understood. The analyses revealed that the fantasies in the Rüyâ were related to the past political experiences of the author and his desire for revenge.
Filozof ve ruhiyatçılar arasında gülme vadisinde bilhassa komik şeylerden gelen gülme meselesini aydınlatmak alanında Bergson'un aldığı vaziyet, onun orijinal olan dünya görüşünden bir parça, bu görüşle hemahenk olan bir nazariyedir.
Mustafa Şekip Tunç
Hande ve komikliğin bu güzel izah ve tefsiri, doğrudan doğruya mihanikiyette, cümle-i hayatiyenin, hayatın ve zekânın tersini ve aksini gören Bergson felsefesinin tatbikatından neşet ediyor ve bu nazariyenin psikolojik ve edebî neticelerinin harikulade müsmir olduğunda şüphe yoktur.
Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar
Böyle kıymetli bir esere elbette muhtaç idik. Şekip Beyefendi'nin meşkûr mesaisi bu ihtiyacımızı tatmin ediyor. Muharrir,Bergson'un eserini sadece telhis etmekle iktifa eylemiyor; “gülme” hakkında muhtelif fikirleri de nakletmek suretiyle bir “medhal” vücuda getiriyor. Eser, kim güler, kim gülünç olur, ne şartlarla gülebiliyoruz bu cihetleri tetkik eyliyor. Bu bahislerde yalnız gülmenin değil, umumiyetle ihtisaslarımızın mühim kanunlarına da temas ediyor. En nihayet Bergson'un sanat hakkındaki nazariyesine muttali oluyoruz.
Mehmet Emin Erişirgil
Bergson zamanının bilimsel düşüncelerini iyi takip ettiği halde bunlardan kendisine asli bir kanaat edinememiştir. İnsanın varoluşu ve iradesi hakkındaki tasavvurları bilimin esaslarından pek uzaktadır. Ortaya koyduğu felsefi değerlendirmeler pek münferit ve pek çıplaktır. Hepsi bir araya toplansa arada derin bir çelişki göze çarpar. İncelemesi pek geniş ve etraflı olduğu halde, bunlar arasında bulduğu irtibatlar pek sönük ve pek zayıftır. Sonuçta oluşturduğu meslek de pek mütereddittir.”
Subhi Edhem