Umm... Yeah. No Avatar. I haven't really been inspired to do that much Avatar stuff recently. I know this is aws_icons, but perhaps a break from Avatar is what I need. (I don't particularly like my Gargoyle icons for this batch, but I figured I'd just put them up anyway.)
Muppet Family Christmas - 1 Random Catholic Priest on the Beach - 1 Anastasia - 1 Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland - 7 Pocco Rosso - 1 Whose Line is it Anyway? - 1 Hunchback of Notre Dame - 7 Avatar: the Last Airbender - 13 Prince of Egypt - 2 Yugioh - 1 The Great Mouse Detective - 16 Mulan - 1 TOTAL: 52
Screencaps courtesy of and and other places I've forgotten and my own self screencapping off youtube.
Welcome to AWS Icons! Only two rules to be found here.
1. No stealing. I'd prefer you to credit, just in case someone wants to find their way back here. However, as long as you don't try to say that my icons are your own, I'm fine with it.
2. No hotlinking. Should be a given, but I'm listing it here for sake of clarity. Bandwidth and hosting sites are rather temperamental on their own, don't need to complicate things further.