? ?
Avatar:tLA - To Isengard!
Just incase anyone is still actively watching this community and/or has it on their friends list, I am back up and have officially moved to dreamwidth.

follow me there @

Stargate Goauld + Adria (26 icons and picspam)
SG1 - Ba'al Hmmm
Sorry for the deadness. This past school year was rough. I will be making icons of the new Legend of Korra episodes soon. For now, here's 26 icons and picspam made for a mini-bang for stargateland


cut for diabolical scum and villainyCollapse )

20in20 Game of Thrones
The Avengers - Default, AA
Made for throneland.


icons below the cutCollapse )

New Land Comm Pimpage
The Avengers - Default, AA
So part of the reason I've been busy has been school. The other more minor reason has been my introduction to land comms. What's a land comm?

It's a kind of themed community where users sign up and get sorted into teams and then compete in those teams doing challenges every week that include a combination of writing, graphics, puzzles, you name it! It's really fun, you meet a lot of new LJ members, and the competition always keeps things interesting.

Since the demise of the old Doctor Who land comm, a new one has risen out of the ashes regenerated, parallelearth.

There are three teams: the Agents, the Adventurers, and the Defenders. As I'm the mod for the Defenders, obviously that is the best team and - if you're interested in joining - that's the team you should ask to be a part of. Because it's the best. [/completely non-biased opinion]

But seriously, the more people the more fun and if you like Doctor Who, we'd love for you to take part!

(You may now resume normal f-list activities.)

37 icons from Doctor Who; 9 from Game of Thrones
The Avengers - Default, AA
Well August and September went by in a flash. I'll get back to posting usually funny/gif icons eventually; school's been kicking my butt for now.

In the meantime, I did a 20in20 and who_rumble again as well as some stuff for throneland awhile back, so figured I'd post the stuff from that. A bit different from my normal fare, but I like them.


46 icons below the cutCollapse )

390+ Screencaps (1272x720) from the Legend of Korra Trailer
The Avengers - Default, AA
More GIFs and icons to come some time tomorrow since I found a high quality trailer, but for now I'm sharing 254 screencaps from the Legend of Korra trailer for my fellow icon/graphic makers. Sorry for the non-ATLA fans who watch this journal, but it is called AWS icons for a reason. It's been three years, but my Avatar Withdrawal Syndrome is coming back.

All screencaps are 1272x720. There are three separate download links due to size. (I need to find out how to batch convert png to high quality jpg...)

samples and download links below cutCollapse )

25 icons and 6 GIFs from Legend of Korra Trailer
The Avengers - Default, AA
So the new Legend of Korra trailer came out. Icons and GIFs, of course, were inevitable.


let's get this party startedCollapse )

27 icons of Diana Rigg
The Avengers - Default, AA
Today's entry is very near and dear to my heart. Diana Rigg who played Mrs. Emma Peel on the 1960's British show, the Avengers, turned 73 yesterday. In honor of that (plus the fact that I've been meaning to make some icons of her and the Avengers for awhile), I bring 27 icons of the fabulous lady herself.


mrs peel, you're neededCollapse )

54 Animated Icons from Day of the Moon
The Avengers - Default, AA
So I told myself I'd totally do a lot less than last time and I end up doing 54. Go me. Have a bit of free time now, so I'll be working on the next episode finally as soon as possible.


warning for my usual swear words and BRIGHT FLASHING ACTION SEQUENCESCollapse )

Who Rumble (Round 3) - 15 icons
Doctor Who - Amy Smug Picnic
So, fell a bit behind but next batch of DW Season 6 icons should be up tomorrow. In the meantime, something I've been meaning to post, my entries for the last Who Rumble.

There's another Who Rumble just starting and sign ups are closed, but votes are always appreciated and it's fun to see all the different entires. So check it out.


and i forgot the cut... (sorry f-lists)Collapse )