Awesomely Anime
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Awesomely Anime

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[21 Apr 2006|09:51pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]


It's like a Naruto Icon American Idol thingy except without Simon where I and other mods (hopefully if I get a few more) will judge the icons and eliminate a few and if they want they will be critiqued. Then after we have eliminated that few, depending on how many icons we get, the members will vote on which they think is best. And the rest from there, except instead of first place it will be Naruto Icon Idol! Yea, it's corny but I like it. (^_^;) Just thought I'd tell you about it so you know what you are affiliating with. xD If you choose too...that is. The eliminated get a consalation prize of a graphic of their choosing. Non-members get to vote too. Hoorah for them. (^^)

naruto_rewards naruto_rewards naruto_rewards naruto_rewards naruto_rewards

I hope this is okay.


RECRUTING STAFF!!!! [08 Jan 2006|06:42pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

I have just created a website on, it is SO much better than tripod!!! XD It took me awhile to get used to but I got the hang of it. Go take a look!!!
I need staff members for my site to get anime reveiws and such of different various anime. I also need people to help me with graphics for contests I would like to hold. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I will love you forever. Also, if you are interested, please give me a sample of your work, wether it be a small summary of an anime show or graphics or both. Thank Q!!
And if you have a website link me and I'll link you back!

Image hosted by

*edit* Incase anyone is interested I made a Chii from Chobits layout, take a look:


Give the Gift of Big O! [01 Dec 2005|08:55pm]

(cross-posted to several other communities)

Hello everyone!

For Heaven's Day, is having a "Give the Gift of Big O" contest! Here's the basic gist of things:

In conjunction with Steele Comics, this year for Heaven's Day, we're giving the gift of Big O!

This contest is funded by fans, for fans. Head over to Steele Comics and donate with the special link. You can donate as much or as little as you like, from a dollar on up. These donation will purchase, at wholesale prices, the Big O DVD box sets and Manga series for at least one lucky contestant.

If you want to win the Big O for yourself, read the following:

-Send us mail to the following address: [email protected] telling us why you should be the one we give it to! Have you been longing to own the DVD's but were too broke? Couldn't find the manga? Do you want to donate it to your local hospital or library or your poor, Big-O deprived best buddy? Tell us why you deserve to win in your mail! Your donations will determine how cool the prizes will be, see below:

-The minimum prize awarded will be the Season One and Two Box Sets and the full Manga series (Six Issues). If our visitors are generous enough to donate more, we will structure the prizes as follows:

* Grand Prize: Season One and Two Box Sets, Full Manga series (Six issues)
* First Prize: Season One and Two Box Set (We'd just love to give out two or three of these!)
* Second Prize: Box set of Season One OR Box set of Season Two OR the entire Manga series (Six issues) (Again, we would love to give out more than one!)
* Third Prize: Winner's choice of Individual DVD's OR any two Manga (subject to availability).

Head over to for more details on the front news page!


Big O! Action! [22 Oct 2005|10:56am]

(posted in several Big O communities)

Sign the petition to Save Big O! (that is, if you haven't already) Just need to get as many signatures as possible!!!!

Head over to to find out more stuff!

Also, am I the only one who just found out about Adult Swim bringing Big O back starting Novemeber 1? It's at 5AM EST, unfortunately... but I'm still going to to my best to watch it! It's in the Adult Swim lineup here.

(2 spoke | Speak)

Colorbar [02 Oct 2005|07:09pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

I don't know if anyone is interested in Fruits Basket but I just made a new color bar for it. If you interest you may take it please give me the credit. ^_^

Image hosted by

(7 spoke | Speak)

<3 Anime [30 Sep 2005|02:34pm]

[ mood | hyper ]

Hello! I was looking for anime fans out in LJ world and came across this little site. I like the Chii background! ^_^ Chobits is one of my favorites though right now I'm obsessed with Big O. Anyone else a Big O fan?

(5 spoke | Speak)

Cool Beans!! [27 Sep 2005|09:27am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Ok everyone, lets give it up for duo_maxwell97 for creating our awsome new lay out !!!


[12 Sep 2005|12:31pm]

Ya thats cool michelle and shannon did a great job dising this commuity.Sorry that i didnt post sonner. Peace out

(1 spoke | Speak)

yeppers [12 Aug 2005|12:41pm]

Ya! So I joined let's get more peepps in here!

(7 spoke | Speak)

Here we go. [11 Aug 2005|07:04am]

[ mood | giddy ]

I decided to make this community with some people saying they would join if I made one. So in return, I hope many many people join and this will be the best LJ community EVAHHHH^_^

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