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July 5th, 2005

02:35 am - Crap!
Boss, you suck. You suck arse. I hate you. -sticks out tounge-

***This has been a random rambling from your mod. Who am I talking to? There's no one here! I'm going crazy . . .***
Current Mood: annoyedannoyed

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December 24th, 2004

12:00 pm
I cannot believe you didn't say "The Used" on you interests. Ya freak.

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December 15th, 2004

08:41 pm - Welcome!
Hello, all you out there in Live Journal Land. Hope you are well.

I started this community out with as many cool bands as I can think of, but of course, I have forgotten some. Uh, read the rules and post some favorite bands/artists, albums, songs, lyrics, and links. I'd love to see them on here, although only the musicians will make it to the interests because we will run out of room on it soon enough anyway (and yes, that can happen). The colors and themes of the community are likely to change several times over the course of the next week or so until I find something I really like, but the icon probably won't, just so y'know.

Let's recruit some members and have fun with it, dudes. Peace!
Current Mood: bouncybouncy
Current Music: Gravity - A Perfect Circle

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