Thank you for the nice comments on my last post so much <3 ! I'll reply soon , I'm just so busy with finals , tests and school as a whole . I did have some time two or three weeks ago and I went to check out the long-eared owls aaaand they're back ^^ .
Too bad my batteries died just a minute or so after I saw them , but I did manage to take a photo or two .
Since two photos would be too less for a post , I added a few from our trip to Chiflik in the beginning of September . Aaand on to the photos :

On the way to Chiflik ; day 1 : it started to rain

Day 2 : it rained

I'm skipping day 3 , since it didn't rain and I'll make a separate post about that day , so this is day 4 when guess what , it rained .

Same deal on day 5

Marsh tit

Getting closer

I went to my grandma's to look for my battery charger , it wasn't there , but there were some nice light and flowers :) .

Autumn's sooo pretty !

And so are the owls . I'm really looking forward to taking more photos of them !

I also saw a Lesser spotted woodpecker and it was sooo close , like a meter and a half away , but my batteries were already dead , so I took them out , rubbed them in my jacket for a while and managed to take this shot . I got tired of editting , so just imagine that the bird isn't in the center of the photo xD .
Seriously , one day I'll make a "How to recognise birds just by looking at their butts" guide . Got a feeling it's gonna sell good lol . At least I have the photo material !

It was my last chance to take photos of owls with some foliage around them , since by now there are no leaves left :) .

And a great tit .
Have a great week !
Edit : Lol , I just read my post , apparently "or" is the new "and" for me xD .
Current Mood:

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