? ?
15 September 2009 @ 07:17 am
Something's seriously wrong with this world...  
I have to go to school *mad face on* . And when I woke up today the sun wasn't even up yet ! And youtube is running some stupid site maintance and I can't access my favourites . How am I supposed to remmember what songs I liked listening to in the morning . And I just googled "remmember" to seewith how many "m"s it's spelled . Thus proving my point ;p .
And everyone is like "one day you'll miss that day" . Yeah , right . The only way I'm seeing that happen is when I'm 70 and if I hade that weird brain thing that's making old people get up at 4 and watch soap operas repeats .
Hopefully there're will be a cure by then .
Current Mood: crankycranky
crazy_pianist: ONE xDDcrazy_pianist on September 15th, 2009 01:14 pm (UTC)
yes! th 154th of september has never been so lazy for me! What grade are you going to be?? 12th, may i guess?
I am 11th! the second to last! T^T
I don't even think like a 11th grader! @___@

anyways, the new start is always lazy XDD
i am talking stupid ;/ sorry
iblog93avocett on September 15th, 2009 03:15 pm (UTC)
12th ? I wish ! I'm only 10th grade ...
You're close to the finish line , just two years !
And hahah , being lazy is totally normal !
crazy_pianist: C.C pizza ; cgcrazy_pianist on September 16th, 2009 05:17 pm (UTC)
10th? sorry~~ :P
but you know,,, 11 and 12th grade are totally for iniversity! :////
10th grade is cool! :)
"use it well" - HP3